The King Of School chapter 15

Hello views this is the last chapter of the first volume, go to my account to find the next volume The King Is Still Standing! It will pick up at Sunflower Coloured Summer Break but since my character wouldn't need the extra lessons he is instead going to study with moka and discuss what happen between kurumu, maybe yukari will help Shiva's love adventure, just read the chapter and enjoy.

Time has flown since my new experience with kurumu and now I can't get her off my mind, her kind words to her sweet smile those curvy looks to the tender lips, my minds lost. "if we take A, B, C from the vector triple project and simplify it to it's lowest form we can shift the other equation into our new one giving us a new equation forty-five is over nine equals thirty-six is over four" I was in maths class reviewing it's formulas, after my missed days nothing changed, I still understood everything "now can I get someone to solve this, Henry?"

"Y-yes!" the fool was called out and response nervously "can you solve this last bit?" the teacher questioned "n-no~ I don't know the answer" people giggled at his misfortune "my, my if you don't pay attention in class you are sure to fail" she looked displeased with him "remember the semester test is coming up soon and that means you must study hard" I completely forgot the exam, don't want to repeat a year. "good afternoon shiva!~" kurumu was extra touchy with me "Hey! let go of him~!" yukari came to yank her off but wasn't succeeding so well "why~ we are practically lovers! Right shiva?"

"I pled the fifth in this argument" I was only response "I didn't hear a no~" kurumu latched on tighter "stop squeezing him you useless melon chest!"

"hey my chest is prized for being huge and not only that but soft as well" kurumu seemed offended when it comes to her chest "it's better then what you have plant walk"

"hey men love my chest for being youthful and supple smallness!" yukari was heating up "paedophiles don't count" ouch didn't think kurumu would go there. "hey shiva?" I was taken out from the fight to see moka's face "hello moka did you want a word?"

"yeah don't you think kurumu is being extra 'touchy' with you?" memories began flooding has to why but I don't think it's appropriate to say "yeah I know what you mean"

"care to explain?" I looked away embarrassed "not really~ I'm still contemplating it"

"oh? okay~" she wiggled a bit back "mind if I ask you for word this time?" she shook her head "okay, how do you know you love someone?" she jumped a bit "oh well that's simple!~ when around someone who you 'love' your body starts acting up, dampening your control over movement like speech or sometimes you are sporadic doing things out of instincts like protecting them from something" her explanation made things easier a guess "what if I have it for two people? What happens then?" she became more stern serious "well you're just going to have to choose, unless your into polygamy" fancy name for harem, kind of on the fence with it, "you see love is a difficult game where you know how to play but seem lost every step of the way" she is very smart I keep forgetting that "thank you moka, I feel like there's less stress on my shoulders"

"does that mean you'll tell me what's on your mind?" moka became cheeky demanding things now "mmm~ how about we study together and I'll tell you what you want to know, deal?"

"I'm happy with that" she graced me with a smile setting me at ease.

"sitting in my tree without a care for thee, which is a test that will determined my life at the academy" I sang my tune bopping my head "going to fall out the tree and bop your head causing you to fail" someone ruined my melody singing nasty words "well, well if it isn't little spider ruining more of my fun"

"I told you my name is Keito"

"yeah but I don't think you've deserved to be called by your name" I responded in harsh tone "ouch, why such a sharp tongue~" she crawled down to me "hey you better not be trying anything funny?" I inched up away from her "why not~? I plan on conceiving a child with you so I've got to come closer~" she had me hesitating has she looked ready to pounce "y-yeah! I'm not having a child with someone when I haven't even had my first kiss~" lies just left my mouth on old habits "your lies fall on deaf ears shiva" fuck "I've been watching you ever since you threw me out of my spot~" she crawled her way forward step by step "and I'm okay with being in a polygamy, so long has I get my children"

"wait multiple?!" she was now on top of me again "oh yes!~ we'll have children till your all dried out!" oh fuck she's thirsty "now why not start where we left off~" I guess we'll have a repeat "enough!" similar style I was again on top of her "ohh~ do we like being on top? I can get behind that" she wore a really erotic face "no! this isn't going to happen today or tomorrow or ever, I'm not going to sit by and let someone use me for their pleasure"

"I'll gladly let you use me anyway you like~" she is definitely too confident for her own good "just get off my tree" I pushed her aside again but a twist happen, she used her thread to fling her self back up here "your going to have to try harder to get rid of me this time~" we were standing facing each other "I guess your right" I gave in spiking her curiosity "or I can give you this win, take the tree I'm not has determined has you" I waved her down preparing to drop out the tree "wait you can't give up?! That wasn't supposed to happen!?"

"what are you complaining about? You get the tree you should celebrate" she just got more angry with that "no, no No! you we're supposed to of beat me out the tree of let me mate with you, you can't chicken out!?"

"well get used to it, I'm not ready to be a farther and I couldn't care about defending a tree for my entire school life" I jumped out the tree and started to walk off "it doesn't after to be your entire school life!? Shiva! get back here! And give me my children!" man she's embarrassing.

"let's see, 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 Ah! Here it is, 4-6 moka Akashiya room" to be honest I feel really embarrasses to be here, however she does deserve to know the things she wants. "okay, let's dooo this~" I hyped myself up to press the doorbell "just a little press~" I itched my finger forward getting more nervous "come on, why is this so difficult!" I was frustrated with myself over a simple task "beep boop~ come oN!" my body was vibrating on high frequencies "soooo clooossseee~"

"oh hi shiva!"

"AHhhh!" I got startled by a soft voice approaching me and I scared them as well "sorry I didn't mean to scare you"

"no, no it's okay moka I was just psyching myself up, but why are you out here?" I cooled down then questioned her "oh that's because I had time to go get snacks for our study session, I'm glad the head chairman opened that convenience mall" oh she went there~ do you think? "oh hey, you wouldn't have happened to know anything about the near crater size hole in one of the districts" yep, she knows "umm~ no I couldn't recall" good job liar "well shall I open the door so we can begin the study session?"

"with pleasure" she gave me a smile then handed me the bags to unlock the door, "you can just put the bags right at the table, we can just take them out when we feel like it" after I followed her instructions I got a good look of her room, somehow impressed? There were painted walls to her choosing, like mine she also had decorations put up the obvious one is a fairly large painting of a sunset beach, there was also some furnishing a couch, coffee table and a well organised study desk. "well when ever your ready, just set your stuff on the coffee desk then we can start" simple instructions she sat on one side me the other, this will be relaxing. "hey moka for the mathematics what did you get for question 3.4?"

"I got the square root of 64 totally 8 and slid it into the beginning formula"

"giving a 1/3 right?"

"yeah, but you make it a decimal and that's your answer"

"that's what I forgot, thanks" we decided on revising homework given then practice our English writing, "hey may I ask before I forget" moka spoke up getting my attention "you wanted to explain why kurumu was extra clingy today during study session, want to tell now?" I became dreadful dropping the pencil and pinched my nose bridge "we're friends right?" I asked in grief "yeah?"

"would you hate me over some silly rivalry?"

"where's this going shiva?" she asked confused "j-just answer please, I'm constantly arguing with myself because of what I agreed to, so can you answer it please" moka wasn't dense she can see the pain I'm in, giving her, her answer "no nothing will make me hate you, even if you became irrationally angry I know that isn't your doing" she cupped my hand with her tender softness "please don't ever think that my love for you will change" her confession was so sweat, it pains me to think it was for me. "moka why do you love me?" she was caught off guard, "why can you so gradually accept my existence and take it further has to wanting to benefit from it? You have me confused" my tone dropped into sadness, just angry that I can get received something besides hatred. "shiva~ one doesn't need to know why they love someone, just the necessity to continue loving that person" she gripped my hand, just paining me to see someone care about me so much, "okay, let me tell you the story before you take back your word"

"nothing is going to make me take back my words"

"not even if I said I took kurumu on a date?" I challenged her determination which got her to slip up "y-your joking~ right?" I let go of her hand "no, I wish I was sometimes but I'm telling the truth, kurumu and I went on a date at that new shopping district that opened up" she didn't look any more sad then I was, just worrying me ever look she gave me "does that mean you love kurumu?"

"No! b-but yes~… I don't know? I've been fighting with myself over it" my crashed my face into the coffee table depressed by all means "shiva? what could you be fighting yourself over choosing kurumu?"

"well choosing you" she became red blood in the face "do you remember the time I had to give my confession speech?" she gave a weak small nod "well during that time I didn't use my heart to express the words like sensei said but I pieced together affection I had for my friends and that is what came out, however" she listened in for my continuum "the moment I opened my eyes and I saw you my chest ached, my movements were damping has if I was melting and my tongue tied like I couldn't speak!" I noticed she dazed off probably remembering the moment "and when lunch came around I was in my private place questioning the emotions I felt for you, not releasing they were more then affection" she became beetroot red again "that's when kurumu asked me on a date, I didn't know what I was getting myself into but same time I did" my tone was less dull this time "but when I went on the date my emotions became for sporadic I ended up falling for her as well, that is why I asked you about the two way relationship" she just realised the connection "so what are you going to do?" she questioned me "I should be asking you that" I responded "why?~"

"well because I told you I like you a lot, but I'm conflicting between you and kurumu so it's up to you to decided if you want to continue loving me back or let kurumu win I suppose" that was my degree I gave up and let moka decide, *chu~* she extended herself across the table kissing me on the check "even though you said it was my choice, I feel like you're the only one who has to decide to love" I was surprised again to see her angelic look "because I don't go back on my word, I will always love you so I just need you to choose or maybe you won't that's your fate now" she went back to sitting on the other side, leaving me confused "whaaaattt~?" like a broken jukebox, just stuck on repeat "hehe~ you know that was my first kiss with someone, I'm glad it's with you~" after pending I snapped back "really? I'm happy for you but~" she was intrigued "kurumu stole mine~" she burst in colour "on the lips~" she became brighter "Waahhhh~ really!?" I nodded in agreement "mmm~ kurumu is so mean~ stealing first date and first kiss, I hate her~" her pouting behaviour is so adorable "hey if you want?~ you can give me a kiss on the lips this time?" i think what I told her made her reach new colours "That's! SO Lewd! Of you!"

"Gyak!" she threw her book making me collapse "OH! sorry shiva I didn't mean to!?" I already know this will be chaotic.