Years ago
"I can't take it anymore." A 42 year-old woman said quietly over the phone. She was slender build with a mature body, had straight shoulder-length white hair with rather long bangs over her face and tired-looking brown-gray eyes with long eyelashes. The woman clenched her fist over the phone in distress, "Every day, the children seem to become more and more like him…" She was boiling water in a teapot, the lid rumbling lightly, but the steam coming out more forceful by the second. "Shoto...That child's left side sometimes looks very unsightly to me...I can't raise him anymore...I feel like I shouldn't…"
"" A small voice said behind her.
The mother gasped and slowly turned around. She looked into his eyes with fear. He really was starting to become like him. Her last-born child was shaping into a…monster. In that moment, the pot started to scream as the water was now at the maximum boiling point. The heat, the pressure was too much. It had to be released now, or it would explode. She hung up her phone before suddenly grabbing the pot, and throwing it at her youngest child. The pot opened up and the water left it, a big splash of it landing on the left side of the child's face.
Without a second wasted, the child screamed in agony as he clutched the left side of his face. The burning sensation was overwhelming. In an act of desperation, he froze his face in an effort to stop the burning.
The mother could only look in absolute horror. What had she done? She just hurt her child, her youngest baby.
"S...Shouto!" The mother cried out before she heard rumbling. The sound of many feet rushing towards the kitchen.
The voice made her freeze in place. The monster, the demon was here. The woman saw a large, clean-cut, muscular man enter the room in a hurry. He had short crimson hair which that was spiked up around his head and sharp turquoise eyes.
"Shouto!" The man yelled out as he looked down towards his crying son. He then examined the area and saw the pot, the spilled water, and his frozen wife. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He roared as his face suddenly flamed up. The woman backed up in sheer fear, but couldn't mutter a word. "BRATS! GET SHOUTO OUT OF HERE AND CALL THE PARAMEDICS!" He ordered as other children came rushing in. They grabbed Shouto and took him from the kitchen as one of them got on a nearby phone and began to call emergency services. The muscular man walked over to the woman and gripped her by the throat before lifting her up. She was struggling for air, but did not move an inch as she was paralyzed in terror. "What did you do him?!" He asked once more.
Tears flowed from her eyes in both shame and despair. Shame for what she did to her son. Despair for what was about to come next.
The surrounding area looked to be a rather small standard room. It had a one twin-sized bed, a coffee table with a chair, a nightstand with a lamp on top of it, a television set, a private restroom, and a large window accompanied by curtains with a beautiful view of the city. Inside the room was the woman and a man in a white lab coat, a psychiatrist.
"And that's all you can remember?" Asked the psychiatrist.
"Yes. That is all I can recall." The woman answered, remembering back to her darkest memory. "I cannot remember anything after that. It all went black, like if I was knocked out. When I awoke, I was here with all my belongings." The woman signed.
"I see." The psychiatrist wrote down what she said in a paper before clicking his pen, "We shall try again in another month. Remember to relax with exercises whenever you are feeling stressed, Mrs. Todo-"
"Rei." Rei respond quickly, not daring to let that man finish his sentence. "Just, Rei."
The psychiatrist looked at her for a moment and nodded, "I understand. I apologize, Ms. Rei."
Rei smiled lightly, "It's okay. You didn't know." The psychiatrist smiled back before leaving through the door, locking it in the process. Rei took a small breath before looking out her window. It wasn't so bad here, after all, she was free from that demon she once called her, 'Husband.'
In Rei's world, people were born with powers called 'Quirks.' They were discovered over two centuries ago when a baby was born emitting a bright light from its body in a hospital in Qing Qing, China. Not too long later, many other reports came from around the world about babies developing 'mutations.' Of course, there was conflict. People feared evolution, and a war broke out over them. The world's governments stepped in and ended the war with a proclamation. People with 'Quirks' were allowed to have special jobs. They would protect the innocent, fight crime wherever and whenever, and be paid for their work. These jobs became known as 'Pro Hero' jobs, and they have the most famous line of work since.
Rei grimaced lightly as she thought back to the word, 'Hero.' "...Hero." She muttered. It was true that her husband, Enji Todoroki AKA Endeavor, was dubbed as a hero by the public. However, she did not agree with them. Not one bit. Enji was not a great person, let alone a good one. The man was disturbed; driven by a single goal that caused him to perform such atrocious actions.
Rei and Enji went to U.A High School together as she was in 'General Education' and he was in the 'Hero Course.' The two never spoke, not even after graduation. Then one day, Enji suddenly shows up at her mother's house. He made his intentions clear that he wanted to see Rei. It came as a surprise to her family, especially Rei. They never spoke, and although she did see him as a ravishing handsome upcoming Pro Hero, why now? Why show up now after all these years? Rei gave it a chance, just to see how things could go. At first, it was going so well. Enji had gotten along with everyone, and Rei found herself falling in love for him, enough love to marry him when he proposed despite her own gut telling her otherwise. Enji won over her family so they were all in for the wedding too as Enji had their blessings. But that was her biggest mistake. After that, Enji changed completely. Enji was no longer the calm, charming, rather somewhat sweet man. He was cold, bitter, and expressed maniacal actions towards Rei.
At first, Rei excused the treatment as she thought the world of being a top ten pro hero was very stressful. He was always putting his life on the line, and came close to meeting Death itself. Soon, she was pregnant with their first child, Toya. Enji held high hopes for Toya even before he was born. Enji was there when Toya was born, but helped very little in the raising process, only showing up whenever his Quirk would spark. They proceeded to have another child, this time, a daughter named Fuyumi, then another son named Natsuo, then finally, Shouto.
In the time when all of the children were being produced, Rei saw the real Enji in that time. Enji did not care for anyone, not even for her. The only reason why they married was because of her Quirk. Rei had an ice quirk called, 'Glacier.' It allowed her to create ice from any cool area, and it did not matter if there was water or not. Glacier also allowed her to change the properties of her quirk. Rei could fire solid ice, frost, or even an ice beam that could freeze anyone in their tracks. Her quirk was impressive, so powerful that she could reach 'absolute zero' at full power. If Enji and her were able to conceive a child together with both Quirks, then he would pass down his ambitions to him. To defeat his rival, the number hero, The Symbol of Peace: All Might.
Once the truth was revealed, Rei tried to get a divorce but failed due to her family standing on Enji's side. Rei was trapped, and the conditions only worsen over the years. Soon, she was being mental abused by Enji for any reason he could come up with, but then came the physical abuse. Whenever Rei would attempt to intervene between her children's harsh training, Rei was either slapped or punched out of the way, and sometimes beaten to the point where she was bruised and bleeding.
After years of abuse, Rei snapped on that infamous night where she poured boiling water on Shouto's face. Rei was moved here, but she did not know how or when either. Like she told the psychiatrist, all went black in a moment.
Rei looked away from the window and at her hands. They were covered in a light blanket of frost. Rei got up and went to her restroom. She turned on the faucet to get rid of the frost with warm water. Rei was capable of such potent ice, but it came at a price. If she overuses her Quirk, she could freeze her hands off.
Once her hands were warm, Rei shut off the faucet and dried her hands. She was feeling hungry, but lunch was not to be served until the next hour.
Rei walked back over to her bed and laid on it. It was nice, but she wasn't happy either. It was dull, boring, and annoying. Everyone treated her like she was crazy, despite passing all of their tests to see where her mental state was. The only good that came from this hospital was the occasional visits from her Fuyumi and Natsuo. Sometimes Rei was allowed to leave the room and wander the hospital to get some fresh air and maybe even take a dip in the pool. But beyond that, this was not a life worth living. Where was her life in fact?
"Everyone has the right to live the way they want, however they want, they have the freedom to choose their own lifestyle. But freedom only lasts as long as a person chooses to do good and not become a threat to those around them." Rei said to herself, "How is this fair to me?" Rei questioned. "I was a good person. I was a respectful woman with no hatred towards others. I didn't choose to be bad, to end up here. I was beaten into this hospital. I suffered every day to a man who did not love the children nor me he has in his care. I should have listened to my conscious. Why would Enji appear in my life so suddenly to ask for me when he had all the time in high school to do so? It was obvious he had other intentions, but I was so caught up in my little girl romantic fantasies to notice." Rei criticized herself before looking towards the wall next to her bed. "I made that error to burn my baby like that, that will always haunt me. But why am I the villain of the story?" Rei clenched her teeth in frustration, "Why doesn't anyone believe me when I say Enji did this to me? That their so-called 'hero' put me through hell at home, beat me and our children daily, and manipulated my family to abandon me." Rei felt tears welling up to her eyes as she tightly closed them, "Why am I the villain?"
Forty-five minutes had passed, and Rei was watching TV on her chair. She wanted to clear her mind of everything, and TV was a good distraction. Rei didn't have a particular show to favor, ironically, she wasn't a TV person. Rei was flipping through channels as she was trying to find a show or movie that caught her interest. Rei stopped when she reached the news station. They were reporting a villain attack was currently happening. "Nothing else is worth watching." Rei told herself as she raised the volume slightly.
"The villain is named, 'Frenzy Plant.' Frenzy Plant is known for his massive tree trunk type Quirk, one eerily similar to that of Pro Hero Kamui Woods and is quickly rising on the police's most wanted list. He is not a typical villain as he prefers to be attacking in the open rather than in the shadows." The female reporter said. The live broadcast showed that the villain was just a simple man ravaging through a city street as his tree trunk like arms were tearing through buildings and many civilians were either escaping or getting injured. Rei watched on and felt sorrow for those involved, but there was nothing she could do. "Hold on! We have word a pro hero is arriving!" The camera's turned to reveal a hero in a tight, navy blue bodysuit with lines of flames streaming across his chest, upper torso, arms and shoulders. Flames covered his face as a makeshift mask, and the tall boots he wears appeared to be made of fire, as only their soles and laces are visible around the flames. He sported white bracers on his lower arms, styled in a cage pattern, and a black belt with a pouch attached on either side. "It's the number two hero Endeavor!"
Rei frowned at the woman's excitement over her bastard of a husband's entry. "Sometimes I wish I could just show everyone what he really is."
Endeavor charged into the scene and blasted Frenzy Plant was a huge wave of fire. Frenzy Plant covered himself with his arms as they were burning quickly. Frenzy grew out a branch from his left arm and extended it towards Endeavor with much force behind it. Endeavor dodged it as it passed him by. He grabbed the branch and let out a powerful flame as the fire burned right through it. The branch fell to the ground dead as Frenzy Plant quickly moved out of the way and charged at Endeavor with both of his arms shaped like massive tree logs. Endeavor did not hesitate to blast the man in the face with as he scorched the villain in his tracks. Frenzy Plant screamed in anguish as he was burning on the ground. Endeavor's flames did not stick to him, but it was clear that Frenzy Plant was severely burned and did not get up, thus declaring Endeavor the clear-cut victor.
"Pitiful." Endeavor simply said on the television. The crowd and chanted his name loudly as the police arrived and apprehended Frenzy Plant, "What a brave performance by Endeavor, the number two pro hero in Japan. This man is clearly an idol to look up to if you are dreaming of becoming a real hero." The reporter stated before Rei shutted off the TV.
"An idol? A real hero?" Rei repeated. "If only they knew the real him. The real man behind that mask. How unworthy he is of that title of his." Rei said with a dark tone, "Everyone needs to know what kind of man he truly is. How he tore apart my family from my parents to my children." Rei had thought of this before, but never acted upon it due to fear. Fear that if she dare leave this hospital, Endeavor would come for her. Rei clenched her teeth in fury.
Oh how she toyed with the idea of revenge, how she dreamt of getting her way against Enji. The satisfaction it would be to take away his fame, his glory, his name. Everything. Rei knows her children hate him just as much as they do, especially Toya, wherever he may be. Toya left so long when Endeavor called him a "waste of time." Toya never came back, and Rei missed her eldest son very much. It wasn't even his fault; his Quirk was special, but he wasn't a fighter. He didn't want to be one. But Endeavor needs his selfish desires to be fulfilled and if that means disregarding his own flesh and blood, so be it. Every second Rei spent thinking about this made her even more mad, even more angry. So angry she did not notice the door opening.
"Mrs. Todoroki?" A new voice called out.
"I told you not to call me that!" Rei shouted before she turned around, and for the first time in ages, used her 'Glacier' quirk against another human. Her ice froze the man in place. Rei looked shocked for a moment as the innocent room service man fell victim to her Quirk. Of course he wasn't dead, but it was illegal. "No no no no no!" Rei said in a panic, "Not now! I don't need this now! I was so close to getting dismissed from here, and now, now I will be stuck here even longer!" Rei had shouted before an idea popped her in head. She could run. She didn't need to stay here. She didn't deserve to rot in a cell that wasn't hers to begin with. If she ran and stayed hidden long enough, maybe, just maybe, she can build up the courage to exact vengeance on Enji.
Rei was then reminded of a quote she once heard on TV, "When everything you love has been stolen from you, sometimes all you have left is revenge."
What did she have left? Everything she did love was elsewhere, and even though Fuyumi and Natsuo come by time to time, the love they shared wasn't the same. She hasn't seen Toya in years, and…her baby must hate her…
"I have freedom at the tip of my fingers. Should I grab it or stay imprisoned in a cell that is not for me?" Rei asked herself. "...I know what I want. And I'll face the consequences of those actions later." Rei knew she had no time to gather her things as she sprinted towards the door while grabbing an important paper that she had left on the counter. "I'm sorry, they'll unfreeze you soon. Please forgive me." Rei said to the frozen man as she ran past him and down the hall.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" A nearby worker yelled out. He grabbed a radio on his waist and opened the coms, "Security breach! One of the patients has gotten loose!" The man ran towards her, but stopped when he noticed the frozen service worker, "And has attacked a worker!"
An alarm was going off as Rei dashed towards a stairwell and began to hastily run downstairs. When she reached the bottom, she saw several workers coming at her, "No! Stay back!" Rei pleaded, but they would not stop. Rei lifted her hands and fired frost from her hands, encasing the security guards in ice. Rei wasted little time before she was on the run again, "I have to find an emergency exit, or maybe an open window!" Rei told herself as she froze another guard that she passed by. Rei frantically looked around before she spotted an emergency exit. "Yes!" Rei cheered and dashed towards it. Before she could reach it; however, she felt the ground suddenly become slippery. Rei lost her balance and crashed into a wall.
"Stop this now! Return to your room!" A security guard yelled out. His quirk made floors slippy it seemed, and Rei noticed that feeling was gone just as fast. Rei did not want to fight. Instead, she reached for the door and tried to turn the handle, but the guard shot out a substance from his hand that hit the handle, making it greasy for Rei. Rei's hand kept slipping off before the guard whipped out a taser, "Ma'am please! I don't want to hurt you! Just stand down!"
Rei looked at him for a moment. It was too late to turn back now. If she were to get caught, she would be stuck here forever. "And I don't either." Rei said before she directed her Quirk towards her feet and put up an ice barrier between herself and the guard. Rei froze the handle off and created ice around her fist before smashing the door open. Rei griminced slightly at the pain in her hand, but continued onward anyways.
Rei was now outside, and the alarm was blaring loudly as the whole building was alert. Rei knew that she had little time left before a pro hero would arrive, and it would be all over. Rei ran towards a gate and froze it completely before kicking it as it shattered to pieces quickly. Rei proceed to run away from the building and past many civilians that looked at her in confusion. Rei quickly turned a corner and ran into an alleyway before hiding behind a trash can. She was catching her breath as she was panting heavily. Rei created a small ice cube and placed it in her mouth to suck on to stay hydrated. Rei was not physically fit at all, and she knew that. It wouldn't be long before someone found her and caught her, so she ignored her body and ran deeper into the alleyway.
Once Rei declared herself far enough, she slowed down to take a breather. Rei could not believe what she just did. Rei…was free. At long last she was free, free from her jail; the one Enji put her in. "Hehehehe…" Rei laughed a little, "It…feels good to be free again." Rei had said to herself before she heard a noise. Rei quickly turned around and saw nothing. Rei looked around and nothing was there. "Must be the wind." Rei said as she walked down the alleyway more. The noise came again. Rei's heart began to pound a little faster in her chest as she walked a little faster. "There can't be a villain here, not now." Rei told herself.
Fate had another idea as Rei felt danger behind her. She jumped to the side as someone run past her. The figure stopped in their tracks and let a laugh, "Well well, missy. Did you take the wrong turn?" The figure said as he looked at Rei with aggressive eyes and a dark smile. "I can lead you out, if you just follow me." The figure said hauntly.
Rei felt a shiver run down her spine as she stared at the man in front of her. He wore a black t-shirt with jeans and running shoes, but his fingers were shaped like knives. This was a real villain, and that frightened her severely. Rei wasn't a fighter like Toya, she was a pacifist…well…'was' being the keyword. Rei never encountered a villain before, let alone by herself. Rei knew she couldn't run or scream for help because her clothes will draw too much attention. Heroes or police will know she escaped her cell and put her back in. She was alone. She had to fight him alone.
"Come here!" The knifeman yelled out as he persuaded her. Rei, in an act of instinct, tried to freeze the man but missed as he dodged the frost that was heading his way. The man then threw a sharp hook as Rei quickly moved, but not cleanly as she felt blades slice her cheek. Rei touched her face and felt blood running down slowly. Good, it wasn't serious. "Oh what's wrong?" The man asked, "I just wanted a hug, that's all. You seem pretty scared." His already maniacal mouth formed into a grin, "Maybe a good rest might calm your nerves." He said as Rei looked at him terror. He wanted to kill her. He proceeded to charge right at her once more.
In slow motion he came closer towards her. Rei was paralyzed in fear. A villain was going to kill her, and she could not stop him. Her body wouldn't allow her and her mind was weak. She was always weak. She was weak for letting Enji wrap her around his finger when they started to date, she was weak when she ignored her gut about him, she was weak when he began to abuse her, weak when he abused their children, and…weak when she poured hot water on Shouto. Weak. That is all she is, and she is going to die weak.
…No. No, she wasn't. She did not suffer all those years to die now. Not when she just got her freedom back. "DIE!" The villain roared.
"NO!" Rei shouted before she unleashed a massive ice attack that left him frozen inside of a large glacier. Rei looked on in amazement at her work. She had forgotten all about her true power, the real damage this Quirk can cause. The reason why Enji chased her down.
"Rng!" The villain grunted as he struggled to get free, "Let me out of this!" He demanded.
Rei walked up to him slowly, "No." Rei then froze his mouth shut, but was careful enough to leave his nose exposed. It will be awhile before he is freed or someone notices, but she had to go once more. Right, as she was about to leave, another voice appeared.
"That was fascinating work, miss." The new voice said. Rei fired an ice beam in the direction of the voice, but a black portal opened up that enveloped the Ice beam whole. The portal closed to show a black and purple mist wearing a very elegant suit with a tie and five metal plates that go from around his collarbone to just below his eyes. "I was actually about to ask that man to join me for an occasion, but I think I'll ask you."
Rei kept a defense stance and did not let her guard down, "An invitation to do what?"
"I will not reveal the exact plan for I do not trust you as I do not know you. But I will say that it has to do with invading a rather highly secured area." The mist spoke.
Rei' eyes did not falter from the mist, but it was clear that she was nervous. "I...I'm not a villain…"
"Really? I assumed by the clothes that you escaped a mental institution. At least 95% of future criminals come from there, as sad as it is. No one really checks the ill properly these days." The mist signed as if he was speaking from some type of experience, "But I will not force you. I have some standards and morals." The mist said as another black portal opened up, but the figure did not enter it, "Though I do have to ask, what will you do?"
Rei looked confused, "About what?"
"About yourself. You can't walk out with that attire; you'll be apprehended if you come across the wrong person. Not only that, but I assume you have little cash on you. You have nowhere to go." The mist spoke.
Rei's guard lowered slightly as she kept her gaze on the mysterious figure, "You're kinda sentimental for a villain."
"Don't confuse my curiosity for tenderness; I could care less about your well-being." The mist plainly and harshly spoke, causing Rei to flinch a bit in the process, "I can tell just by looking at you that you have an ambition. An ambition for retribution." Rei's eyes widen at how she was figured out just by a gaze, "Is it because someone did you wrong, or even deeper than that?"
Rei looked at the ground in silence. Was she seriously considering telling this villain about her problems? About her life's story? No one listened to her pleads, so what difference will he make? Will he even listen to her?
The mist's eyes narrowed slightly, "No one listened to your story or believed you?" The mist asked.
"...Yeah." Rei spoke softly, "No matter how many times I say it, no one believes me. I had my liberties stripped of me because someone used me to pursue their own selfish gains." Rei looked away in rage, "I even gave birth to his children. I do not hate my children. I just wish that I didn't have to share them with him. I was abused mentally, emotionally, and physically from him, including my own children. But no one will believe me because of his status as a hero."
The mist was silent for awhile before he finally spoke, "For what it is, I am sorry that happened to you." Rei looked up at him in shock, "Like I said, I do not care for you, but I am capable of feeling remorse. I may be evil, I am not without compassion either." The figure said, "I understand why you want to exact revenge on him. He misused you, and your own flesh and blood for his own gains. Not to say I haven't deceived people, but the difference between him and I is that I would never do such an act to my own family." The mist walked towards Rei, "Allow me to be the first to believe your story. To believe your pain. To tell you that I can help you." The mist said softly to her.
Rei looked at him in awe. A villain believed her? The kind of people she grew up despising…was the first to believe in her? "...Everyone else was a 'hero', but they never believed in me." Rei completely relaxed, somehow getting comfortable around this figure. "How can you help me?"
Rei swore the mist had a grin under that black and purple smoke, but couldn't see it. "By aiding you in your road to vengeance. Join my group, and we will give you what you desire." The mist offered to Rei.
Rei thought about it. Earlier she said no because she wasn't a villain, and she still didn't want to be, but now she was considering everything. She had no money, no alternate clothes to change into, not even an ID, and…no family to turn to. Rei could go to Fuyumi or Natsuo, but who's to say they wouldn't turn her in? As much she loved them; the trust was not there. Why would there be any trust? They haven't started to see each other again until last summer. She was all alone. "...Maybe I should do this. Maybe I should join this man. I will not kill, and when I am able too, I'll leave them. Hopefully on good terms too." Rei thought to herself before her face grew firm and nodded. "Okay. I'll join your group."
"Excellent. Follow me." The mist said as both walked through the portal.
Rei and the mist figure walked through the portal to enter a bar. It was a clean, yet dull bar. It had wooden floor panels, a bar area with a stools in front of the counter, there were many tables with chairs everyone, two large slow ceiling fans, an old jukebox, and a TV that showed a black screen that said 'Mic on.'
"I've brought a new recruit, sir." The mist spoke towards the TV as he went behind the counter.
"Excellent." The TV spoke, "And who might you be, miss?"
Rei blinked, "You can see me?"
"Yes. There is a hidden camera in the room that allows me to see everything that happens in the bar." The TV calmly spoke. "Now, may you kindly answer the question?"
"At least he's being nice about it." Rei inwardly said, "My name is Rei."
"Rei. No last name?" The TV said.
"I despise the name." Rei answered coldly.
"Hmmm…" The TV then began to laugh quite hauntingly, "I assume you are looking for reprisal against your 'husband?'" The TV asked.
"Yes." Rei said as she pulled out a stool and sat down on it.
As she did so, a cup of water was pushed her way. She looked towards the mist to see that he was cleaning a mug, "You seemed thirsty, despite having an ice Quirk." The mist said.
Rei smiled lightly and drank the water, "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"An ice Quirk?" The TV said with interest, "What is it called?"
"Glacier." Rei answered, "My ice is capable of creating large amounts of ice that can cover an entire street area if I put my best efforts into it. I am also capable manipulating the properties of it as I can fire frost from my hand or even summon an ice beam for a concerted ranged attack." Rei informed them. "Though I must admit, I am not quite skilled with it since I did not want to be a hero growing up." Rei admitted.
"Do not be fret. Everyone chooses who they want to be as we are granted that freedom." The TV said, "You did not want to become a hero, and that is okay because that is what you decided upon. That is just a small portion of the true beauty of freedom."
Rei couldn't agree more with TV. "I am agreeing with a villain? I think I am crazy." Rei thought to herself.
"In any case, I must attend to other duties." The TV said, "Kurogiri, make Rei feel welcomed and give her a room. Also, inform Shigaraki that we received the needed documents for our 'field trip.'" The TV advised.
The mist, now revealed to be Kurogiri, looked towards the TV, "Will do, sir." Kurogiri spoke before the TV suddenly shut itself off. Kurogiri turned his gaze to Rei, "I apologize for not introducing myself properly."
Rei smiled, "It is quite alright. It seems you were a bit busy." Rei before taking another sip of her water, "Do you have any food, if I am not being rude?" Rei asked.
"Will some leftovers suffice?" Kurogiri replied, "We are quite low on food at the moment, and I have yet to buy some." Kurogiri conceded.
"That is okay. I'm not too picky." Rei responded as Kurogiri left to the back. Just in that moment, Rei heard footsteps walking from the stairwell. Rei looked over to see a skinny, deathly pale man walking downstairs. He had a black shirt and pants on with red shoes with messy grayish-blue hair, but the most distinguishable feature was the many hands around his arms, shoulders and one covering his face.
"Who are you?" The skinny man asked with curiosity, his voice sounded as if he was parched.
"That is our newest member, Rei." Kurogiri answered for Rei as he came back with a plate full of food, "Rei. That is Tomura Shigaraki."
"Pleased to meet you?" Rei said unsurely.
"You don't sound so pleased." Shigaraki responded as he sat in two stools down from her.
"Sorry." Rei apologized as the plate was severed to her. Rei began to eat her food as she was in deep thought about the situation she was in. "I can't believe I am doing this. I am now entangled with villains. I know what I told myself a few minutes ago, but the feeling of it is just…terrifying. These two could kill me, and the TV personal doesn't exactly come out as a calming presence either, especially since he can see me from his location, wherever that is."
"Excuse me, Rei." Kurogiri spoke up.
"Yeah?" Rei answered as she swallowed a piece of rice.
"I do not mean to intrude, but who is your husband exactly?" Kurogiri asked.
Rei looked at him for a moment, "I would answer that, but I think I want to know what this plan of yours is too."
"Information for information. Classic." Kurogiri stated, "It is not my plan nor my right to divulge you in our ideas. That is left to our boss and Shigaraki." Kurogiri said as Shigaraki was sipping a soda can.
"Oh." Rei plainly said before taking another bite, "I understand."
"We're going to invade U.A High School and kill All Might." Shigaraki bluntly stated as Rei choked on her food.
"WHAT?!" Rei yelled out and looked at him. "THEY WANT TO KILL ALL MIGHT?!"
"Tomura!" Kurogiri raised his voice, "Was it wise to tell her our plans so easily?!"
"I didn't catch her name, but I did overhear about her wanting revenge against her husband, and I am too curious to let that go, especially given she keeps her surname a secret." Shigaraki explained, "Plus, if she really is going to be with us, she might as well know what we are doing, right?"
"She isn't official yet!" Kurogiri said with a loud sign and turned his eyes to Rei, "Now you know the plan. And by the look on your face, you must be rethinking your decision to join us."
"I most definitely am!" Rei said before she let out a sign of her own with her eyes closed, "But if I step outside, I will be caught. I don't have much of a choice here." Rei declare, sealing her fate. "Okay. A deal is a deal." Rei looked towards both men with a straight face, "I am Rei Todoroki. The wife of Enji Todoroki, but he is better known as the number two pro hero Endeavor."
Shigaraki and Kurogiri were both taken aback by this information.
"You're Endeavor's wife?!" Kurogiri asked.
"How do we know you aren't lying to us?" Shigaraki questioned with doubt.
Rei glared at him and the top of the counter began to freeze, "Why would I lie about that?" Rei coldly said. "That bastard hurt me beyond repair, and I am being labeled as the villain of the story!" Rei shouted, "He put me in a hospital for being too mentally unstable when it was him who made me snap! I was living just fine until he showed up!" The counter began to freeze more as Shigaraki and Kurogiri backed up slowly to avoid getting frozen, "He tricked me into loving him, he manipulated my family into taking his side, he used my body to give birth to children he doesn't even love, and…" Rei shut her eyes as tears flowed down her cheeks, "He is the reason why I lost my baby's love…" Rei said as she finally stopped using her Quirk, but the counter was completely frozen by the time she stopped. Rei looked down in as she got up from the stool, "I'm sorry, I...just lost control."
"It's okay." Kurogiri said as he walked around the bar area and towards her, "You were venting, that is all. I will show you to your room and clean up the mess. Do not worry about it." Rei could only nod in response as the two left upstairs.
Shigaraki looked at the older woman leaving as he was caught up in his thoughts. "She must hold so much valuable information on Endeavor." Shigaraki then grinned under his mask, "Maybe enough to help topple him too. Why not kill first and second place? Make a bigger impact on society."
Kurogiri lead Rei to a room. It was a downgrade from her hospital room as it was old, dark, had no furniture other than a worn out looking bed and a dresser, and not even a window. "It is not much, but finances are short." Kurogiri clarified.
Rei looked at Kurogiri, "It's okay. Even though it is rather poor, it has one upside to it."
"And what is that?" Kurogiri asked.
"I can leave it whenever I want." Rei said rather emotionlessly. All those years being cooped up inside a small room was maddening. Rei was never allowed to leave it unless it was for a special occasion, and even then, she needed permission to leave it. Here, she can walk out whenever she wants. It may be a downgrade, but that little bit of freedom was worth it.
"I will bid you farewell then." Kurogiri said as he was about to leave, but turned his head back, "Oh, and leave a note outside your room with your measurements. I know a few people who can provide clothing." Kurogiri stated before walking downstairs.
Rei watched him go before entering her new room. She did as told as she found a paper and a pen on top of the dresser and began to write down her measurements. Once she was done, she left the paper on the floor just outside her door before closing it gently. Rei suddenly grew tired. Most likely from the running and fighting from earlier. She made her way to bed and sat on it. It was not rough but not comfortable either. It was okay. Rei laid down on it and covered herself with the bedsheets and laid her head on the pillow. "Brand-new pillow. Neat." Rei was taking in the simple pleasure she had as she looked up towards the ceiling. "No doubt everyone has been informed of my escape. I wonder what they are thinking right now." Rei said to herself, "Most likely Fuyumi and Natsuo are worried sick for me…" Rei said with a sad breath, "Toya is out of the picture, I haven't heard from him in years. And Shouto doesn't care most likely." Rei began to think back to that night. She remembered just how afraid her baby was when she looked at him, how he was about to cry because of what she said about him. "...Shouto. I hope one day I find you and tell you how sorry I am. I will understand if you hate me forever, but I just need to tell you how truly sorry I am." Rei said as her voice cracked slightly. In that moment, she saw Enji in her mind and her face twisted slightly, "I will expose you. One way or another, I will make you suffer just like how you did to my children and I. Enji. I hope the next time I see you, I am fully capable of taking you on so I beat you like how you beat me." Rei spoke before rolling onto her side and closing her eyes as she fell into a deep sleep.