"Arty? Are you wake?" Angeline calls from the door. No response, but she could hear something or someone shifting. Angeline sighed and said "Arty, I am coming in," still no answer, she opens the door and sees Artemis sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. "Arty, are you okay?" Angeline asks as she closes the door and walks over to her eldest son. Her son looked up at her, his eyes clouded. "Arty?"
"Mother, I did much, I hurt, I lied and stole from those that are close to me" Artemis closes his mouth and horror flicks through his eyes. He just spilled all his emotions to his mother. He never did that normally he had full control of his emotions.
"Oh Arty, I know not everything you did was good but didn't you make it up to them? Didn't you help save the world? Didn't you save your father?" Murmurs Angeline softly wrapping her hand around her teenage son. Artemis looks up at her.
"But mother I still did all those things, yes I did help save the world but it was my plans that landed us into that position, and no I didn't save father that was Captain Short." Angeline rubs his back soothingly as she would to a child, she looks into his he heterochromia eyes. She sees something she didn't expect to see, grief, sadness and was that guilt? "Artemis, it was your plans that saved the world, it was your plans that saved your father wasn't it?" Artemis sighs and pulls out of her grasp. He stands up and walks over to his luxurious chair, he stares out of the window, into the bright full moon. "Artemis, I know your friends have forgiven you for all you did," Angeline whispers staring into his piercing sapphire blue eye and warm friendly hazel eye. "Mother, I just have never experienced emotions like this, I normally suppress my emotions but I guess my one day or three-year experience in Limbo has changed me." Angeline looks at him,
"Arty.." Artemis cuts her off. "Mother may I be alone for now?" Angeline sighs and takes on a resigned look and says "Arty, I will always love you no matter what you do, or did, just remember that."