Katsuki and Trish sat beside each other at the train station. They were, after all, Mirko's interns. Both of them were the first to arrive. They weren't too keen on waiting for their schoolmates. It was silent. Camie, Riku, and Chifu came next and after them were Ojiro, and Itsuka. Camie told them both that Himiko, Murry, and Tokoyami were personally taken by Hawks. The train ride from Tokyo to Hokkaido would usually take 4 hours. The heroes already paid for it and are now waiting for them at the place.

As it turns out, the train that was paid for by the heroes was a specialised one made to transport heroes. Everything from bathrooms, living rooms, and even kitchens was available inside. The expected arrival was four hours, but Itsuka also accounted for delays. She quickly took on the responsibility of being the temporary leader and assigned each of them to a certain task. Katsuki and Chifu will handle the cooking. Camie and Riku will handle the dishes. Ojiro volunteered to keep the bathroom clean. Trish will be on lookout duty in case anything ever goes awry. Itsuka herself will be handling the cleaning.

"And that's my last card. I won! HA!" Camie said as she was about to place down her last card. Trish grabbed her by the wrist and sniffed the air. She violently shook Camie's arm as the illusion dispelled itself. All of Camie's cards were the wrong colour and numbers.

"Ya cheating bitch!" Trish was already suspicious of getting hit with multiple Plus 4s from Camie. Chifu howled in laughter while everyone else was amused by the entire tirade. Ojiro was lucky enough to decline playing. Katsuki was baited by Trish into playing. Itsuka, on her end, was still not used to how the Shiketsu students act. Riku herself was alone in her room, apparently wanting to finish up some 'documents'.

"Don't blame me! I learned from the best."

"The best cheater? Deku? Sounds about right." Katsuki huffed as he started reshuffling the cards once more. He anticipated one of them was going to play dirty. He just had to be sure that it wasn't gonna be him. That was until Camie smacked him in the head. "OW! What the hell is your deal?"

"You ain't got any rights to complain! I still haven't gotten you back for what ya did. Only because you caught me off guard."

"Fine. I'm…" Katsuki struggled to let it out. He didn't dislike Camie because she was Deku's girlfriend. He simply disliked everything else. That wasn't any excuse to do what he did in the past, but to apologise to someone he truly didn't like was more difficult than he imagined. "Sorry. No excuses. No, nothing. What I did was wrong. What I did to her was fucked up and I don't think there's anything I can do or say to… fix things. I don't even know how to start with Fubuki. What the hell am I supposed to do?"

Seeing Camie this upset was a first for Trish, but she still knew things were gonna get awkward fast. "Awright, listen up, ye pair o' numpties better keep yer carry-on tae yersels on this job. Ah'd rather no snuff it because the twa o' ye are bletherin' like wee bairns."

"What?" The closest one to understand what Trish just said was Camie, but only due to the fact that she's the most fluent in English. Many forget that Trish wasn't born and raised in Japan.

"A'hm jist sayin', whit's done is done. Either let it go or dinnae, ah couldn't gie a toss. Jist dinnaee get us aw bumpit aff."

"Trish, what the fuck are you saying?" Katsuki was confused about everything she just said. Ojiro and Itsuka were trying to look up what it meant, but nothing was coming up. Chifu had already gotten up and was cooking lunch.


"I do agree with the last thing she said, motherfuckers," Chifu said while preparing the stove. They still have two hours left before they reach Hokkaido. They were already inside the underwater railway. "Based on what both of your motherfuckin' heroes specialise in, it's already obvious that The Shaman and Mirko would pair up for the mission. You're on goon beating duty."

"We jist gubbed a load o' numpties, eh? That suits me fine. Let's get it ower wi'. Less graftin'."

"Trish." Katsuki and Camie said at the same time. They were both getting annoyed. Trish found their current weak spot and continued on.

"This is pure comedy." Trish snickered to herself. "Alexa, play 'Circus theme song' on moa Spotify"

*I'm sorry. I can't find any Zirtus Dim Sum in your library.

"Fuck." It was her real arch-nemesis. Alexa. After lunch and a bit of rest, Ojiro and Katsuki sparred with each other while Camie and Itsuka did the same. Trish was practising with her bow. It won't do jack to any durable quirk user, but at least they'll go down when she angers them. Chifu is having a grand time with her quirk. Riku is still in her room, but one could hear sounds coming from it, of which she seems to be training as well.

Ojiro blocked a strike from Katsuki before hitting him with a palm to the left shoulder. "You wind up too much. Keep it simple."

"I know." Katsuki said, recovering from the palm strike and aiming for Ojiro's legs with a sweep. Ojiro stopped it with his right leg and countered with a jab to the face. Katsuki pretended to stumble back, but actually went for a headbutt.

"Ouch." Ojiro rubbed his forehead while smiling. "To think I thought you wouldn't be much without your quirk."

"Screw you. I'll catch up one of these days." Katsuki went back to his stance while smirking.

"I still want your championship belt."

"Any time. Any place." They were mildly interrupted by the noise the girls were making beside them.

"And roundhouse kick!" Camie said while punching Itsuka.

"Now that's just foul!" Itsuka narrowly blocked the punch. Had it not been for her intense conditioning in the dojo, she was sure that could have shattered her forearms. "Kendo kick!"

Itsuka yelled while punching Camie in the face.

"You're doing it too!" Camie giggled at the gag. The two of them were just about finished with their sparring. The train to Hokkaido was almost there, anyway. Everyone took part in cleaning up the train and showered soon after.

They were already in their hero costumes. They all saw people with guns outside, ready to greet them. People with guns. Now aiming at them. Katsuki's eyes widened. He pulled Trish down while yelling at the rest.

"GET DOWN!" The train was, fortunately, bulletproof. Sounds of bullets ricocheting kept on for at least a minute more. Chifu was the first to act. She bit into her palm, drawing her blood out. The blood tendrils slowly grew and grew until it was enough for Chifu to cover herself with it. She breathed heavily underneath the armour of hardened blood she created and opened the train doors. The bullets bounced off her without any issues. She grabbed the first CRC member she could reach by the leg and used her entire body as a weapon to smack the others around. "Hokus Pokus just created an opening. GET THEM!"

Katsuki and Trish were the next one out of the train. They quickly jumped into action, with Trish shooting multiple CRC members with her bow. Katsuki launched himself at blinding speeds and hit two CRC members with a drop kick. He ducked under another who pointed their pistol behind his head and he uppercutted them with his explosion. Suddenly, another CRC member beside him was suddenly knocked out. Camie appeared from her glamour cloak, stuck her tongue out at him before disappearing into the background again. He rolled his eyes.

Ojiro, Itsuka, and Riku were the last ones out of the train, which seemingly ran out of power. Ojiro hit one member with his tail before they could hit him with their ice quirk. He ducked, letting Itsuka's enlarged fist hit another member about to hit them with his fire quirk. Riku danced around the train station and anyone she's touching by the neck immediately starts convulsing due to the sudden electric shock. Chifu's armour was sturdy, but it was gradually getting chipped by the bullets she was drawing. Katsuki has to think fast or they will be overwhelmed. These guys have numbers on their side. Good thing he found his idea.

"CAMIE! CLOAK US!" Katsuki yelled. Camie appeared out of nowhere while kicking someone about to stab Katsuki with a cactus blade. "EVERYONE! GET NEAR US!"

Everyone looked at him and saw what was happening. Ojiro, Itsuka, and Riku rushed quickly to them. Chifu's armour finally broke into pieces just as she reached it. Trish was about to make a jump for it until she saw one of the members unmask herself. She had a bow and arrow just like her. Trish's eyes widened in shock. Shock turned into horror as she realised who she was. "You-"

"TRISH!" Katsuki tried to reach out for her as she was about to get surrounded. He was thankful at the very next second that the plan wasn't needed after all. Himiko appeared from seemingly out of nowhere and stabbed one CRC member in the back. Murry flew down in his smoke form before slashing three CRC members with his katana. Some big guy with a mask was busy punching another CRC member into the ground. Another guy was bouncing around and hitting multiple members. Camie recognised the last guy to be the same gentleman villain Murry fought while they were going to the UA Cultural Festival. Tokoyami appeared from the shadows, letting Dark Shadow take out most of the CRC members in their way.

"Task Force X and Tsukoyomi, at your service." Murry said. Katsuki was the first to smile before getting out of the glamour cloak and going back to fighting. Chifu cheered as she punched another CRC member into the ground, creating a small crater. Itsuka grew both of her hands together and clapped two CRC members together. Ojiro kicked a pillar out of the train station and began using it as a weapon. Riku set herself apart from the group and unleashed a torrent of electric shock.

Trish looked at her mother as the chaos was happening. Neither said a word to each other as her mother disappeared into the chaos. Trish was shaken back to reality by Katsuki. He saw what happened. "Get ahold of yourself, Trish. We can't die here."

A CRC member was about to hit them until another CRC member stabbed him in the back. The disguise fell and revealed herself to be Himiko. They gave her a new suit that won't melt away when her disguise disappears. "Trish, what's wrong?"

"Naw, no right noo. We've goat tae sort this oot." Trish regained a bit of her composure as she shot a CRC member about to hit Himiko in the back with a hand transformed into a hammer. "Aye, ah swear ah'll spill the beans later."

Katsuki looked at Himiko as the girl looked back at him. They both nodded and went back to fighting. The seemingly endless horde ambushing them at the train station was coming to an end. The big guy with the mask laughed as he punched multiple of them into the sky before Murry shot them midair with his rubber bullets. Gentle bounced around, knocking out those about to hit the interns. Himiko was sneaking about, taking down problematic CRC members with ease and causing paranoia between them. Tokoyami hid in the shadows as Dark Shadow did the work for him.

"Flash Bang!" Katsuki yelled as he temporarily blinds the last member standing before Rappa hits him with the uppercut. Camie, Murry, and Himiko jumped in the air and kicked the guy down. Gentle made sure to make the ground bouncy, causing the poor member to bounce back up, only to be hit in the ribs by Ojiro's tail. Itsuka caught him with another clap of her enlarged hands. Once she released him, Trish hit the guy with the steel chair. He was about to go down before he was grabbed by Chifu's blood tendrils. The clown handed it over to Riku, who sent a mild electric shock through it. Tokoyami finally got out of the shadows as Dark Shadow grabbed the guy as he was about to fall and slammed him into the ground.

"Aw man, why did you jump that last guy so badly?" All of them except for Trish turned around to see The Shaman walking down the stairs. Trish was busy looking around the unconscious bodies to see if her mother was among them. It looked like she was already gone. She wondered why she was here to begin with. She never had any problem with heteromorphs before. Heck, the one her mother cheated on her father with was a horse heteromorph. That horrifying memory was burned into Trish's skull until the end of her days. And then, she finally got mad at The Shaman.


"I have no idea what she just said in English. I shouldn't have skipped English class, if I'm being honest."

"She's complaining that you're late." Camie only understood a few words from it enough to translate for him.

"Ah. Well, I wasn't. We were also being attacked upstairs, but we took care of it. Hawks sent his so-called Task Force X and intern to help you guys. The rest of the townspeople were evacuated, and the ones left are members of the Genocidia Sect." The Shaman explained to them. The interns all felt uneasy with the large number of members they had. Especially here in Hokkaido. "Is Genocidia even a real word, or are they trying to act pompous? Anyway, their evil base is in the mountains. The police will be arriving in a few hours, so uh, we're heading back to home base. Make sure you guys rest up."

The interns sighed. They didn't expect things to escalate to this degree. Well, it's better than some end of the world scenario. Murry and Himiko seem nonchalant, but since both of them were a part of some separate evil organisations themselves, this is probably nothing to them. Trish, despite regaining her composure, was still shaking slightly. Katsuki noticed this and slightly squeezed her shoulder.

Back at the Base…

"And that's about it." Uwabami summed up basically what happened to everyone right now. The police and the heroes, as they are now, can't act yet. Not with an entire army of a Creature Rejection Clan Sect in tow. They will be overwhelmed quickly. Tatsumaki was busy flying back to the mainland to get more backup from other hero agencies. The clan is set to attack them once again. They are very confident of their numbers to be able to spend them freely like this. "Any questions?"

Rappa raised his hand.

"No, Rappa. We're not here to kill them." Uwabami pinched the bridge of her nose.

Rappa put his hand down, a little disappointed. This Task Force X thing could have worked if Hawks just scouted for literally anyone else. Not some villains and two teenagers.

"Any real questions?"

Nobody raised their hands this time around. Uwabami dismissed everyone as they're free to roam the base of operations.

Room 3…

"You're not facing her alone." Mirko argued with Trish's insane idea. Himiko and Katsuki agreed with her. Trish wasn't the type to lie about this, so the rabbit heroine believed her. Mirko always liked Trish. Reminds the hero of herself back in her younger days. Still, it's a curious thing to find out that her intern's mother was a part of the CRC. It just doesn't make sense. She knelt down next to Trish. "Kid, I don't know how you feel right now, but I don't want you to get killed, either. If you come face to face with her, call us. We'll help you."

"I can beat her alone, ya damned skank." Trish said with no smile on her face. She's still asking the same question. Her mother was a bitch and a whore, but she never thought the woman would be a part of all this.

"Trish, we're on the job right now. We can't let this get in our way." Mirko was serious. She's seen too many die because of it. She won't allow the same thing to happen to Trish.

"Don't think you're alone in this," Katsuki said. He still didn't know what else to say. He just sucks at that. "I used to think that, and look where that got me a few months back."

"Trish, it's not worth it. Please." Himiko held her hand and squeezed it. Trish inhaled deeply then exhaled while keeping her eyes clothes. She was trying to keep herself calm. But she already made up her mind. Nobody noticed the dark determination blazing her eyes.

End of Act One...