Name: Kyuen Midoriya

Quirk: Ishim - this quirk allows her to manipulate fire with her left side and ice with her right side. However, she cannot produce said flames and ice. Essentially, she's an ice and fire bender.

Class: 1-A

Seat: 12

Birthday: September 13 (Virgo)

Gender: Female

Eyes: Jade

Hairstyle: Long, in a ponytail with long bangs that drop past her shoulders.

Hair Color: Emerald

Body Type: Healthy

Height: 170 cm (5'6")

Other Features: Lightly freckled face.

Hero Costume: "Genma turns to Kyuen and notices that her outfit is a one-piece suit that's mainly turquoise in color and the sleeves stop at her elbows. With a coin-grey utility belt and silver knee-high boots she looks ready to take on anything. She also has a long scarf wrapped around her neck that gives her the illusion of having thin wings; the left side of the scarf is red while the other half is white. Genma also notices that she's wearing the same red and white bracelets from yesterday."

Relations: Izuku Midoriya (father), Shouto Midoriya (mother),