After the end-of-year exams and N.E. were over for the seventh-years. It was an exceptionally BORING dinner when Dumbledore stood up and said:
"I want all the seventh-years I call out to come to the Great Hall at midnight. Molly Prewett, Lily Evans, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Marlene McKinnon and Arthur Weasley. I expect you to be here on time."
Lily's POV:
"OOH!" I said excitedly to Molly. "What's Dumbledore calling us for?"
"I really don't know," Molloy answers. "I hope it's something exciting."
"We just have to wait and see. AND there is just 1 hour left to midnight you know."
"Have we really been talking for that long?"
"You are going to be put into groups, and you will see your FUTURE sons and daughters and have a day of games!" Dumbledore says. Any chatting amongst us had stopped as Dumbledore said that. Then there were cries of "WHAT!" all throughout the students.
Lily's POV:
What does Dumbledore think he is doing! Bringing people from the future. But I must admit I really do want to meet my FUTURE son. According to Dumbledore, he looks exactly like James but has the Evans eyes.
"Hello! Earth to Lily!" giggles Molly.
"What?" Momentarily forgetting what was happening. As if 420 volts were shooting through my body, I realised that I was not dreaming. "Oops. Sorry Molly."
"Okay. The groups are as follows:
Group 1 – Harry Potter, Lily Evans, James Potter and Sirius Black.
Group 2 – Wait. Miss Prewett and Mr Weasley, you get so many children that you are to be split into two groups. Molly Prewett, Fred Weasley, Bill Weasley and Ginevra Weasley.
Group 3 – Arthur Weasley, George Weasley, Charlie Weasley and Percy Weasley.
Mr Lupin and Miss McKinnon, you are presenters. Miss Hermione Granger will join you. All clear? All right. We will start in 2 hours."