The King Is Still Standing chapter 1
Welcome dear viewers, to The King Of School! Volume II, The King is Still Standing! It will pick up from the sunflower coloured summer break, remember to enjoy the read and leave actually criticism I don't want your opinion in the place where I can learn what's wrong with my chapter. And another thing! Fuck you guest for saying it's a tsukune oc replacer it is but more then that cunt, and the other one who says it's not original, most of the fanfic on Rosario vampire are tsukune ships yuri ships or placing their oc alongside him, I haven't came across 1 fucking oc replacer, so fuck off dick head. (the reason behind this outrage, is because they're guest accounts and weren't being fair with the leave a review box, I should be left for actually reviews not, here's my opinion now do what you want) chow for now.
It's been a few days since the semester test, I ended up scoring a second high to yukari at 96, moka got an 78 and even with yukari's help kurumu got a 45, so she had to do summer school poor her. I was waiting at the bus stop, not planning on leaving school… kind of
~ ~ ~ (flash back) ~ ~ ~
"congratulations everyone passing the end semester exam! Sorry kurumu~" on queue kurumu whined "but fear not because this is a perfect occasion for the newspaper to take advantage of and go on a camp!"
"Uh!?" everyone's reaction was on cue, "it is a newspaper club's job to always research everything, that is why our goal in mind is to research, drumroll~" she paused clapping her book "To investigate the human world and its surroundings! Yay!" an anvil just dropped straight onto my day when I heard that "Sensei you can't be serious! Aren't we not allowed to leave school unless permanently!?"
"don't worry it's okay if your sensei approves… maybe" not convincing at all~.
I still can't believe I'm going back to those fear driven eyes, it gives me shivers thinking about them again "you're here early!?" I got a little jump from being called out, "oh hi moka, my your looking lovely today" she wore a light pink dress with a black jacket over that, really sealing a vampiric look "thanks~ you look awesome as well~" I wore a black t-shirt with a lion warrior from my favourite game paired with long pants with cinder art dropping down "really? I was kind of worried it wasn't going to appeal to others taste" she came to me and cupped my cheek "don't worry what others think about you, let your thoughts decide your passion" her hands are soft, like bunnies "Noooo!" my enjoyment was brought to an halt when I heard a childish scream "but I don't wanna go to the stupid human world~!" it was yukari paired with kurumu "hey, hey what's happening here?" I questioned the pair "I met yukari on my way here and she started complaining that she doesn't want to go in the end" I looked towards yukari sadden by the fact "why? Are you okay?" I went to question but kurumu responded "she's probably just wimping out because she's a scared little baby~" *plunk!* "Someone with one brain cell would never understand!" yukari threw a wash pan on her head raging as well "OH you come here short stub!"
"calm down please~" kurumu was reacting normally to yukari's retaliation while moka tried to stop It, it was going to be a chaotic ride there and back can just see it now. The bus made it before kurumu could get to yukari, "good morning~ everyone packed?" seemed nekonome was on the bus beforehand, I still can't believe I'm going back, back to those fearful eyes scared of my every move "hehe be careful kid" a shadow started to talk "you've been on a rampage through school don't want any of that anger flying into the human world, now do we~" I looked back and the shadow also had a cigar, "you sure no a lot about me?"
"how can I not? Your like a walking legend~!" his eyes glowed with omniscience presence his face never leaving shade, "better buckle up~ unless you want to be ripped in space time~" his final warning, I dared not judged. Buckling up it got others attention to replicate "yeah we go kids~ better have all your stuff, this will be last time for awhile to see the supernatural world!~" he prepped us, I knew full well but I still counted my luggage.
Lights dimmed around the tunnel has the exist glowed more brighter "here you go!~ the human world~" once the blind of the tunnel was over we opened our eyes to see a very normal world "wow we're in the human world! Look humans!" yukari was jittery to see them "yeah you'll see a lot of them this is their world!~" kurumu couldn't help responding snarky to her "I forget how beautiful the sky can be outside" yeah but it's also too bright, glad I have sunnies. "hey~ am I imagining things or did that sign say no trespassing?" kurumu questioned "hehehehe~" yeah that was the shadows response. "here we are~" we came to a halt at a patch of sunflowers going for miles "wow~ isn't this beautiful!"
"yeah it's so pretty~" everyone was amazed by the beds of flowers but I overheard a conversations "umm~ this is totally a different place then what was planned?"
"well I thought we should try stopping by this spot for a bit~ it's currently a well known spot in the human world~"
"because of the flower?" I questioned "no~" I was curious "it's more known for being a mysterious spot where one person after another has been spirted away~" I have gained knew worries for our bus driver "here~ read the local newspaper, find out more information~ that is your job has newspaper club right?~"
"hey nekonome-sensei why don't we go eat out, I'll treat you to some yummy fish?"
"ugh!?" without worry nekonome-sensei left us for fish and they took the bus as well "NO wait a second?! Get back here!?" it was no use chasing after that bus, it already disappeared over the hills. "what are we going to do now~ I wanna go home~" yukari wasted no chance to begin whining "will you stop complaining we just got here! I'll give you something to really cry about if you continue!" kurumu wasted no chance to fight yukari "I don't think they'll ever learn~" *scutter, scutter* the sounds of 'scuttering' caught my attention back to the sunflowers "that's odd?"
"what's odd shiva?" moka questioned me "don't know saw something move around in the beds" I pointed to a spot near to what I saw, then there was a sound, "grrahh~" it sounded like an empty cave echoing it's pain "was that a monster growl?" some roots began growing and rows of teeth started showing "eeeAh! What is that!?" moka screamed at this green monster spruting from the flowers "I don't want to find out! Look a cabin run for that!" I instructed everyone to book it and we made it without injuries. "what in hells name that things?! Why is it in the human's world!?"
"spirting away?" moka spoke grabbing my attention "maybe there's something on the newspaper to tell us about it?"
"not a bad idea, give me a sec" I rustled around for it "here! Okay let's see, there has been a lot of recent disappearance at the okabanachou in fujmi city, it has been told in legend that a with! lives around the area and so have been rumoured to be a witches doing!?" I was reading the newspaper to bad I couldn't fully concentrate seeing everyone using me has scratching pole, clinging everywhere.
"so this spirting business is a witches doing~? So suspected of your kind to kidnap humans and do awful things to them" kurumu sometimes make we worried that she's the child in the group "I'm pretty sure your confused, I remember succubi being the hunters of the night, stealing men to rape them"
"nope pretty sure we give consent"
"no man can deny a talking blow up doll such as yourself" I didn't need to see but I know they were ripping at each other, "Will you children stop fighting for one second!" I boiled all my water "we are sent here to investigate and all you kids are doing is seeing who has a bigger ego!" I haven't yelled in a while getting them to calm down "this spirting away bullshit, I don't care if I witch is behind it but has I newspaper club it Is our duty to find the problem and solve it! Now if you won't help go take your bicker with the grass monster in the garden beds!" they let go of each other and faced my direction "sorry shiva~ we don't want to be a burden"
"yeah sorry~ I don't want you to be angry with me~" they apologised making me feel guilty "oh gees~ stop bowing just help out okay?" they gave me a nod of agreement "now I was thinking I can't learn anything else without going out there so I'll make an alone trip to investigate"
"what you can't be serious!? It's too dangerous!" yukari freaked out "along this trip I've gotten sick vibes! And even my tarot cards say this vacation is ill-fated!" she complained and now relied on her gut feeling "I've serious had enough of you yukari-chan" kurumu annoyance finally popped "all you've ever did was complain on this trip and now you're saying your tarot cards say something about ill-fated?! You are nothing but a baby hiding under a bed, just go back home yourself" kurumu finally said her hatred that's yukari has boiled up, "why you~" yukari whispered something "Why are you so stupid! I'm not afraid of anything! and I'm no baby either!" yukari launched into a angered state throwing an iron tarot "Oww~ I've been stabbed"
"it's what you deserve" I yanked it out "after you said mean things to your friend I believe you need another tarot card in head" kurumu didn't look pleased with what I said "come she couldn't have gone far, we'll find her and put a rest to the investigation for now"
In the neck of the forest a little girl is in trouble, "stupid kurumu, she'll never understand me!" yukari kicked branches has she wondered off "stupid humans, I hate them~" it seems her hatred lies deeper "I hate this human~ world~ so annoying!" witches do develop more hate for humans "why does no one care about me~" alone in the words a girl is worried about life "AHhhhhH!"
"what? Was that a scream?" it caught yukari's attention has it echoed through the woods "is sounds it came from the sunflower bed! What if?!" yukari has became worried that it is her friends "Wh-what's with this sunflower bed! This can't be happening!? Someone help!" it was a human, she was in trouble "who are you?" yukari questioned not being who she thought, "well I'm just a tourist~ are you the witch of this hill?" dread fell on yukari "tsk! Sorry my mistake I thought you were someone else, I wouldn't help some lowly human"
"No wait! Help me please, she's going to be eaten!" yukari halted "my sempai he's going to be eaten by these sunflowers!" yukari turned around and notice more, there were carnivorous plants chewing on him "please help me, this was my fault I pressure to come here~ and I don't want to lose him~!" 'was this magic? Is this the withes doing?' yukari thoughts questioned when, "foooooD~"sharpen teeth started rising from the ground "FoOOOD!~" from the ground it sprung a plant with razor teeth "Ahhhhhhh!" what is that!?" the girl questioned in fear 'what is this? Is this the reason why people are spiriting away?' yukari thoughts were quick to judge 'well I shouldn't be here, I don't want to be eaten' yukari turned away and was ready to run "Wait don't leave me here with that thing!?" the girl noticed "Please! Help me~! You're a witch right you can help! Please~!" she begged and begged, yukari just got more and more hesitant "you really are a baby" a voice shocked yukari "it seems I was right, you are only good at hiding under the bed like the child you are"
"no that's not right, your wrong~" yukari was shying away from the voices "then prove her wrong" another voice appeared with a body "shiva~?"
"prove kurumu that your not a weak cry baby hiding under the bed, show her the true strength you hold" she looked on seeing shiva stare her down, like a farther would "I believe you can do it, I always have and will continue to do so" she watched him walk past her extending his arm up holding a fist "shiva~" she had her tears in her eyes has the image of shiva disappeared into the sunflowers "Please! Witch-san save us!~" she looked at her teary eyes has the monster closed in on them "FOOoooD!"
"Iron Chariot!" a glory of light circulated from yukari has iron tarots flew in the air cutting down the plants "I am not weak! And I refuse to let anyone say otherwise!" yukari stand her ground has more sprung "Hey witch-san watch out!"
"Tarot Tornado!" the cards came right back to her and spiralled in a column shredding the plant monsters "see … not at all … weak~" yukari felt woozy falling to the ground, "don't worry I've got you" out of nowhere a man caught the falling girl "that was an impressive fight dear yukari, you definitely showed them" she was out cold, poor girl Is tired "I guess I was wrong, she isn't weak at all I should apologise for saying awful things" kurumu approached holding her hat "you can do that when she wakes up" kurumu noticed she wasn't awake and just rested the hat as measures "I'll be waiting"
"you say a witch destroyed the plants?"
"yes ma-lady, the guards that were intrusted to guard the sunflowers we're destroyed by her magic"
"well, it's been long since I meet another witch, we must welcome her she is of the same blood"