The King Is Still Standing chapter 15

If it wasn't obvious this is a lemon chapter, things will be relaxed next chapter but this is a purely sexual chapter.

Enjoy your turn on ladies and gents

"what did you do?" upon entering a fully dressed Keito this time I saw an unearthly sight, "what? I just made this place homier~" there were webs and thread everywhere "what do you mean homier!? How long are you staying here!?"

"till you get a home for your own, which I'll move there" she responded playing with more of her webs "okay I'm setting ground rules then" I made my way through the webs getting to the lazily dress woman "you are not to destroy my room with all your webbing, unless it proposes art, got it?"

"since when are you so controlling~?" *bam* I locked her gaze onto me closing our spaces with my hands on the wall "since you met me, I've always in control" I stared stern dictator eyes at hers' "what's with this dominant tone? It's getting me turned on~"

"that's kind of the idea~" without noticed I closed the gap between our faces, locking our lips in a sweeten adventure with tongues dancing around our mouths. Her arms curled around my neck gradually falling into it but I had to part from the moment leaving a stunned spider, "now why did you stop~? I was enjoying myself~" her sultry attitude never ceases to amaze me "because we first must clean my room then I need to talk with you my precious Lyssomanes"

"how did you know I'm a Lyssomanes?" her firm demeaner dissipate leaving a surprised blush "did you think you could hide anything from me? This is our relationship~ we're going to know each other's secrets~" her playful face was replaced with an adorable pout, "well I don't know a lot about you~ so it's an unfair battle" she was acting childish with blushing checks soften eyes "you are so adorable Keito~ just makes me want to go back for seconds" I tried a seductive tone for once, probably biting off more then I could chew "oh is that so?~ then let me help!" I was pulled onto the bed this time on the bottom end of the situation "if you're going to dive head first then you must know what you're getting yourself into~" she started with unhooking her bra through the shirt, letting her boobs soften and free "you know I'm not going to stop myself if we continue"

"has much as it's my first time, the knowledge I have keeps me focused" I suggested poetically getting her attention "what could you possible know to make you so calm?"

"that it's your first time too" I saw her become stunned in reacting to it, she just fell into my chest "it was Tamao-san wasn't it?"

"yes" I responded holding her in my arms "does it make you angry that I know?" she shook her head in my chest "cause I feel like your angry at me for knowing"

"I more angry at Tamao-san spilling my biggest secret" she was annoyed, mopping into my chest "come on~ don't be so down, secrets spill out some times but we must just live with that"

"easy for you to say, I'm supposed to be the adultery of the group but I've never banged anyone" she finally fell for the hug, softly resting against me "can you imagine, the overly sexual Keito Jorōgumo bragging about the experience never actually had sex!" she was really angry with herself, flailing then falling back into my chest, then I proposed the question, "what if that becomes a lie?" catching her ears "what if I proposed to be your first? And you become mine?" her eyes glistened "wait really!? You're not fucking with me?!"

"that's a tricky question, because I'll be fucking you but I'm not fucking you"

"shut your mouth!" she closed the distance of our mouths but this was different, it was passionate. Instead of her forward desire she was just relaxing into a sweeten kiss "you know I was joking about not being able to control myself if we continue, I wanted you to pussy out so I won't have to embarrass myself"

"and what about now?" I stared into her purple eyes getting and an amethyst shine "now~ I can really let go and do what I've always wanted for months~" she wasted no time getting my shirt unbuttoned, getting to my rough skin "I forgot about these marks on you~" she traced her figure over it "but don't worry~ I'm going to claim them and mark them with pleasure~" I saw her head lower itself to my chest, planting a kiss on one of the scars, then another, then another slowly going down "there~ did I make the pain go away? Are you full of pleasure~"

"not even close" I saw her gaze burn brightly "maybe if I kiss down here it'll go away~?" she started kissing at the waist line just above my pants "let's get these pesky pants out of the way" her tone got existed with burning lustful eyes and I got scared the closer she got "oh, wow" she got past my boxers and greeted my junk.

I didn't know what to say, she stared at my flaccid dick eyeballing it making me feel uncomfortable "well, all I can say is at least you're not small"

"w-w-what size w-were y-you ex-xpecting?!" I stuttered with embarrassment "don't know? Thought demons would be huge! But I guess all my knowledge is based around porn" I didn't know how to interpreted my size, the porn I've watched made me feel inadequate and tiny but I guess Keito thinks otherwise "m-m-may I a-ask?" Keito looked at my embarrassed face "i-Is t-the s-size a-alright?" I couldn't focus kind of worried of the answer, "*chu~* I've never cared about the size, just how you use it to pleasure me" Keito was up to my face while her hand slowly rubbed my dick "and what if I can't pleasure you?~ what happens then?~"

"that's why you chose me, to teach you pleasure correct?" she stared it my eyes sweetly "thank you Keito, I'm happy you understand"

"you're welcome" she climbed back for another deep kiss, filling the requirements I needed "oh? hey! see that's a nice size" I looked down to see my dick is hard "now just relax, let your little Lyssomanes handle this~" she lowered her body coming face to face with my dick grabbing it with her hand first, stocking it while she sucked on my balls "ohh~ this feels awesome~ sure it's your first time?~"

"what? No I've done blowjobs before just didn't get close enough to do actual sex" she looked at me confused I just felt stupid "oh~ I just thought since you're a virgin you didn't do sex~" she then pried on my stuff up with hunting eyes "did you really think a blowjob counts to your virginity being taken away? You really are a virgin!"

"Shut Up!" she took entertainment from my downfall "aww~ is big guy mad he didn't get first oral~"

"I said shut up!"

"Ughh~ *gag* hmm~" through heated moment of burning eyes I shoved Keito head straight back to my cock pushing my dick to her throat "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all, ever heard those lines Keito?!" I slowly removed her head from my cock but not letting go of her hair "*cough, cough* didn't think you'll be rough *cough*" she had little tears dangling from the end of her eyes "I'm sorry but you got annoying"

"don't apologise, I like it rough~!" seeing her eyes burn passion I got up onto my knees "well then let's pick up where I left it!" I slammed her head back triggering the gag reflect in her, then I slowly bobbed her head picking up the speeds "see, much better, not a single word from you" bobbing up and down only gave the sounds of suction "ohh Keito I'm coming to my end!" I warned her yet she wrapped her arms around my waist not allowing me to pull away "Ahhh! Keito!~" I climaxed deep down her mouth, she chugged it like a champion. "PuaH!~ *glug~* I swallowed it all, see Ahh~"

"you're disgusting, do you know that?" she smirked at me "hehe~ but you love me~"

"I know~ come here!" pulled her back to me placing her on the bottom this time "I'm enjoying myself so far, about you?"

"meh~ you could be bigger" she taunted my patients "don't make things worse for you~"

"hehe~ what are you going to do about it?~" she was getting really cheeky, I had to shut that mouth again, "mmm~ are you just going to kiss me all day? Mm~"

"Mmm~ shut up~ you can't rush these things, just let me enjoy myself~ mm~" we were just deeply kissing has I slithered my hand down my body "one thing I've noticed~ is you are still wearing a shirt and pants but that isn't acceptable now is it?~"

"what are you going to do about it~?" my hands already working together, slid her shirt off showing the beautiful style of her skin along with the plump peak of her breast "it's good to see these gals again~" I perched my hands around her firm boobs, feeling it's curvature "did you miss them that much~? should just not of dress today"

"yes why did you ever listen to me" I responded in a cheeky manner later going for the left breast while I massaged the right "ohh~ not bad, are you sure this isn't your first time?"

"I've just read and watched a lot of pornography, I have most common knowledge on this" my other hand slowly traced to her lower regions trying to gain access to her pants "arrh~ what the? Of course, jeans" she had jeans on so it was kind of tight to go through the top, "looks like your having troubles getting in?~ want some help?"

"no, I'm perfectly fine just a little speed bump" I immediately unhooked the button and unzipped the zip "see no problem, now to remove the accursed shorts" my hands dragged off the jeans from her tinder thighs and soft feet, leaving on the black lace panties "ohh~ this is beautiful" her slender yet meaty body with a nude tease is a gorgeous sight "you are allow to touch this artwork remember"

"sorry~ just enjoying the sight, I'll make it up to you *chu~*" I started kissing her shin slowly making my way inwards, "such a ladies man~ treating with dignity and kindness~"

"don't want your first time to be a dump and run *chu~*" I got to her thigh and felt their thickness and suppleness, it was like they were giant marshmallows. She wasn't too eager about the situations, slowly opening her legs "p-please~ be gentle~" I looked up to a blushed Keito and smiled "I know, don't worry I'll try to make it as pleasurable has you made mine" she trusted me fully relaxing her legs showing a more clear picture of the underwear "I think it's best I remove this now" Keito didn't argue letting me slip off her last remaining clothing showing me her bare pinkish vagina. I gently started to kiss it, eventually licking the lobes around it "ah~ that tongues awesome~ but I this teasing is killing me!~" she was getting really impatient now "do you want it now?"


"then I need to hear you beg" I crawled up to her starting to massage her breast "please give it to me!~"

"I want to hear the words 'shiva-kun fuck me until my legs are numb and I'm gasping for more'" I circulated around the nipple "getting dirty are we Ahhh~!"

"Those weren't the words!" I pinched on her nipple pulling at moderate "ahhh~! Okay! stoopp~"

"say the lines, Lyssomanes"

"Shiva-kun fuck me until my mind is numb and I'm panting for your touch!" she butchered it creating somewhat better one "that wasn't it but you seem to be going hey wire"

"that's because I want it! I want you to enter into my pussy and fuck me crazy until you climax inside Please! Just fuck me!" she gripping onto my shoulders with burning eyes "if the lady wants it, I Won't Ignore it!" *pop!*

"AHhhh hahah YeaAHh~!" one thrust I broke through her barrier and felt the tight constriction around my dick, it got hard to pull out like the walls forced me to stay in "Man! this is tight~ I can't pull back"

"yeah~ that's … bound to … happen" I looked at Keito she looked to be in struggle and exhausted "you okay?" opening her eyes meeting that purple gaze she gave me a nod "alright, I'll start moving" I started easing out while Keito slowly got stronger grip on my shoulders then I slowly pressed back in, she tightness started to loosen up "ahh~ you can pick up the pace a little~" Keito whispered through heavy breath "alright~ I just don't want to hurt you okay"

"don't worry about me~ just focus on fucking me" her tone was going strong not bothered by the pain "do you always have to act strong all the time?" she wore a nasty smirk "just fuck me already" she pulled me into a deep kiss has I pushed my hips to hers, she groaned with pleasure I picked the pace up, sounds of checks slapping getting louder, howls of pleasure becoming more frequent and movements became more rhythmic.

We bounced back on each other, holding each other close getting rough with time. Moans and groans with sides of pain from gripping skin but it was all pleasure, every thrust I made opened her vagina more slowly easing Keito "ahh~ this is way too good, I feel like I'm going to cum~!"

"Then please~ cum inside me, give me what I've desired from you since the start!" she howled In between pleasure with pleading eyes "okay I'm not going to ignore you anymore~" I closed into her stealing another deep kiss has my hips thrusts became harder, faster and stronger until "Keito!~"

"Shiva!~" I exploded hot semen down her vagina draining my energy. I fell right next to her and she cuddled right next to me, "I will say this … you are pretty good for a first timer …" despite not moving much Keito was has tired as me "cool~ I'll just add … you were alright"

"alright?!" I stuck a nerve "are you saying the blow job was satisfactory~?" she climbed on top of me "are you saying these tits were okay?" she grinded her body against mine "and are you saying these lips never once sealed your arousal?~" she was such a tease, I wrapped my arms around giving her the answer "no~ … not for a single second, you were awesome" I pulled her into me having another kiss "I really happy that I'm your first~" Keito responded resting on my chest "yeah~ I'm also glad I chose you first"

"Oh?~ so you were planning on doing it with the others?" she asked with those seductive eyes "first, no threesomes until everyone as went throw" I killed her fun "and second yes, I planning on doing kurumu next seeing I have knowledge from you"

"would you like something extra as thanks for the good time?" I looked into those eyes eager by her response "make sure you never forget she exists, the moment you use her like a sex doll just ponding her till you cum, the experience is forever boring" I made this a prime metal note, never to forget "thanks, is that because I did that to you?"

"no~ you were great, just hoping you treat the others as greatly has you treated me" she had real compassion in her voice *poke* "oh?~ it seems stamina is a strong suit of yours" I looked down to her stroking my again harden dick "wanna go again?~"

"hell yes"