Hello everyone, I'm back sorry for the lack of updates I kind of became busy(went to my cousin's wedding) and technical difficulties.
A Hunter in Red and Black
As the night set in the town and dust that made up what was left of grim the fell to the ground Shirou looked at the two that were staring at him first was boy with white armor a black hoody with orange on the inside and blue jeans and some sneakers on he had blue eyes and a blond hair. The other of the pair was a girl who looked a year or two younger than him what caught his attention her eyes they were sliver like his meaning she most likely had same power as well outside of that she was wearing a hood and cape with boots leggings a corset and skirt on top of that she was wearing same colors as him. Finally their weapons were for boy was a sword and shield for the girl it was a mecha shift weapon a scythe of some sort taking look with UBW the boy's shield turns in sheath for his sword and girl's scythe turn in to sniper rifle a high caliber one as well its name was Crescent Rose the girl was first wielder on of that she had made it her self and quiet skilled with it but all UBW could tell him damm mecha shift weapons. With the boy's sword or Crocea Mors he read its history instantly it was quite old point to it was a handy me down form someone or he took it form storage form some place he wasn't that skilled meaning he was either horrible or hadn't been using for long it was latter about five months. Overall, they look like hunter students form the main academies or combat schools than anything which him to one queston "may I ask what you are doing here Miss Rose Mr. Arc", Shirou said to them.
"May I ask you what you are doing here Miss Rose Mr. Arc" said the huntsman in red and black one thought went thought the mind of Ruby Rose how does know our names! As she was thinking that her friend respawned to the man with sliver eyes and white hair.
"Can we wait and check on villagers first if there is any this place kind of a ghost town sir "said Jaune Arc. He looked at man in front of him as he nodded and went in to the town hall they of course followed him then he had knocked on a metal door soon a few minutes later people came out of what seemed to be the bunker that the two of them thought could be there. Shirou Emiya began talking to the mayor of the town about the grim attack on the village. "Can explain to how this started mainly because it doesn't seem like a few wandered in to town and then called their kin sir" the Archer had said to the man he was now facing. He was looked at the man he was old, and his hair was greying what was left of it since had no hair on the top of his head so he waited for man to speak and so he did.
"Well sir huntsman it started with SDC it was them who woke them up originally'', then paused them he spoke again "well, they believed they could be a dust vain in arena they hoping to buy the town to turn it into a company town for the mining that would start in the arena this kind of caused a freak out everyone mainly the fanus who lived at the town we are farming community and get most of our metal for a town a few days out form the north and most of that goes to black smith Jerry who makes most of tools the rest we get thought Lien by selling our extra crop so the idea of being turned to miners didn't easy with people '' he stop again almost uneasy about what going to say next while he had said the what he had told Shirou in a less than calm voice "they went into the caves near the south side of the town a mile away far form the main road a day later the left the town with only half their party and the day after that grim showed up and you know the rest sir" he said it all in a queasy voice.
Shirou frowned the sliver eyed man in red and black fully understood what happened the fools form SDC woke or unearthed a nest or spawning pool more likely both with ruined the town and they didn't even have the gal to tell them want they did before leaving there is a reason why the White Fang outside Atlas be allowed to operate so easily they made sure that SDC kept their messes form screwing everybody else over. I'll check it out if I have to fight any grim I'll charge you if not I'll do it for free" said Emiya. "Really, sir I thought you would ask for pay regardless" said the town major. "So," the red clad archer asked, "want is your name Mr.…". "Char Brown Sir hunter" saying his name gladly. After hearing that he went to check with those two-needing check with those two looking at Jaune Arc and Ruby Rose who were standing behind him.
Ruby really wanted to know this guy knew her and Jaune's name's maybe he was friend of her uncle Qrow if that was case he would probably take them back to Beacon back to her "team" and "friends" she thought about it wouldn't hurt to ask right? "Mr. Shirou how do know our names" the huntress asked uneasily. Hearing the question, the man laughed and simply held out his hand and as light of a faint red grey color appeared and when it ended a knife appeared then the sliver eyed man in red spoke "my abilities allows for me to both create and copy weapons as well read their history" finishing. As he said that Ruby's eyes displayed a look of aw normally reserved for her uncle during her years training under him at Signal. There was a moment of peace with the three of them then the girl in red started to ramble "Can make guns, mecha shift, swords, spears" and Ruby rose continued to ramble until t "first they are limits to Unlimited Blade Works '' he said stopping her rant in its tracks "second I can only make any things with blades in it I can make instantly with little to Aura used I might add third I can't make guns of any type while mecha shift weapons are exception it uses five times the amount of aura so I don't do it that often if I can". He said then he stopped for a moment and then spoke "may I ask why you two are here you don't have the look of people that normal travel around these parts also I read your weapons I know your former Hunter trainees so what's your story?" he said then out of the blue the formerly silent knight spoke "well that's long story sir'' said Jaune Arc and for moment Shirou Emiya looked at him he had almost forgot he was there due how silent he was after that thought he spoke again "well we plenty of time you can start once get out of shelter" the Archer in red respawned.
After they headed out of the Grim shelter Shirou took them to one of the more intact buildings where he sat them down recounted Jaune arc in his mind as prepared to explain why he and Ruby were here in the first place "well to start off it began with mission at our school" Jaune said the young knight after that told him the story on how he Ruby got here he left something's out because he doesn't fully trust him yet. The whole time the man simply fallowed along as both teens told their story he noticed they left some things out but he let continue what on what they kept out he'll cross that bridge latter these were the thoughts of Shirou Emiya after a few minutes he spoke "well I should start making dinner if either of you are hungry" after a belief moment the two them nodded. The three of them got up as Shirou went back to shelter for bit to grab cook supplies and they decided to the town since they were there in the few hours before the night after that nothing interesting happened well their was on thing our pair hunters had their first taste of Shirou Emyia's food which not the last luckily for them to put simply the smell along made alone made life worth living.
Later that night
"Jaune" said Ruby Rose trying to get his attention before they went to bed. "Yes, Ruby" respawned Jaune Arc "are we doing the right thing letting everybody thinking I'm dead l you running off I know the whole transcript thing but most of school won't care due passing the whole launched in forest thing grab relics meet your partner stuff we could go back right or at least you could" the girl said last part sadly "Ruby we're in this together your carter face and I'm vomit boy if go back will go back together'' said the knight to friend. "Thanks Jaune'' said the reaper after that convo but the gold paladin and rose reaper sleeted soundly that night.
OK everyone lets get this over with sorry it's been over a month I kind of got side tracked and was busy earlier in the July as you can read in first note sorry I hope I get this out soon with may not happen since I'm getting a job this month after two months of applying so that's a thing please review I love reading comments and sometimes respawning to them