Full Summary: During the attack at the Summer Camp by the League of Villains, Mustard was backed up into a corner and unleashed a chemical he had not yet tested. Kendo and Tetsutetsu were the first to fall to his new chemical, but when Mustard thought they were dead, the two came back to life but they were hungry. Hungrier than ever and they craved human flesh like addicts. These two were only the start, soon, the whole world will have to fight off what a no-faced punk criminal created.
AU Zombie Apocalypse that starts during the Forest Training Camp Arc. Warning! A lot of people are going to die, even kids. I will not hold back on this fiction. I'll make it as hyper-realistic as I possibly can. I'm taking a page out of Marvel Zombies, or any other work that has intelligent zombies. They are not just flesh-eating monsters, they can think and function as humans too, only their main goal is to eat flesh in the end. Also, they can use their Quirks because why not?
The first few parts of the story are just ripped straight from the anime to set up the apocalypse, but after that, it's all fanfic.
Second Warning! This story will contain gruesome and very sensitive details such as gore, and soon explicit sexual themes, on and off-screen rape, child deaths, suicidal themes, and other various content that may make you feel uncomfortable. Please do not read if you are not comfortable!
Notice: No one is safe! If your favorite character gets killed off, I'm sorry but that's just how it is. I'm not preserving anyone at all no matter how popular they may be.
Summer camp for Class 1-A and Class 1-B of U.A high school was meant to be relaxing, a quiet place for both classes to hone their craft better while enjoying the luxuries of the outside world. It was supposed to be fun, thrilling, entertaining, and full of hard work with the aid of their respected teachers, Mr. Shota Aizawa of Class 1-A AKA 'Pro-Hero: Eraserhead,' and Sekijiro Kan of Class 1-B AKA 'Pro-Hero: Vlad King,' and the Wild, Wild, Pussycats. What no one expected is that within a few days of camp, villains would strike at night. There were numerous battles happening everywhere, and to make matters worse, the students and heroes were trapped. Numerous villains surrounded the area while gas was slowly cloaking over the nearby forest that trapped students in it.
While most of the trapped students are currently evacuating, two brave souls decided to fight back. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Itsuka Kendo both heroes in training being in Class 1-B. Tetsutetsu was a male that had long grey hair, thick pale eyelashes that cover around his eyes, and razor-sharp teeth. His body structure mimicked the shape of a pro-athlete, and his Quirk allowed him to turn his body into steel, thus his Quirk is called, 'Steel.' Itsuka Kendo was a young woman with long, ginger hair, tied into a high ponytail on the left side of her head, that reaches halfway down her back. Her bangs are split into three clumps around her eyes, and some of it sticks up in large tufts on the top of her head. Her Quirk is called, 'Big Fist' as her hands can enlarge in size big enough to hold a full grown person in one palm of her hand.
Currently, both students wore gas masks provided by Class 1-A's Momo Yaoyorozu and were tracking down the source of gas.
"Did you hear that Kendo?! We've got permission to throw some punches!" Tetsutetsu excitedly said as moments ago, they were given permission by their superiors to fight back against the enemy threat.
"Wait, Tetsutetsu!" Kendo cried out behind him, "Do you understand this gas?"
Tetsutetsu paused and looked back to his friend, "You're saying it's dangerous, right? I'm not stupid." Tetsutetsu replied. He felt kinda hurt that Kendo would indirectly insult him like that.
"Stupid!" Kendo repeated his word, but with more loudness to her voice, "There was nothing about the gas in Mandalay's telepath. That would mean the gas hasn't spread so far that it can be seen from the clearing where Mandalay is." Kendo explained to Tetsutetsu as that brought up some questions, "This gas is flowing in one direction, it's weird. Normally, it would spread more, right? This is staying in one place, and look, the gas is a little denser here than it was where were before." Kendo pointed out.
Tetsutetsu tried to keep up with what Kendo was saying, but he couldn't as he asked, "Which means…what?"
Kendo pointed in the direction where the gas was more heavier than the rest, "I think it's swirling around its source. Like a typhoon." Kendo answered with a twirl of her fingers. "In other words, there should be someone who is producing the gas at the center. Someone who could also control it!"
"I see!" Tetsutetsu was in awe about how quickly Kendo was able to decipher the situation with little details provided to her, "Man, Kendo, you're amazing!" Tetsutetsu praised while Kendo leaned forward a bit with the mask hiding her blank look.
"I knew it. That's why I came with you." Kendo was not surprised Tetsutetsu did not already analyze the situation. She knew he was more of 'punch first, ask questions later' type of person. Kendo looked back to the thicker gas, "And, the closer we get to the center of the swirl, the denser the gas, so it's just a matter of time." Kendo placed a hand on one of her filters, "There is a limit to the gas masks' filters, and the denser the gas, the shorter the functioning time."
Tetsutetsu understood what Kendo was saying, but to him, it translated to one thing. "In other words," Tetsutetsu then began to run through the thicker gas with Kendo tailing him from behind, "Run all out toward the denser gas and punch all out! Right?"
Kendo couldn't believe him. He never seems to think about anything else rather than beating down the bad guy, "Well, yeah I guess." Kendo admitted with a sigh, but secretly, she enjoyed that side of him because that's what makes him stand out from the rest of the class. Tetsutetsu was always ready to fight for his peers and for justice no matter what, even if the fight could possibly kill him.
Both kept running through the fog as the gas became heavier and heavier by the second. No doubt they are closing in on the source of the gas. Tetsutetsu saw a dim red light in the gas, and it only grew brighter as he ran towards it. When the light was bright enough, he saw a figure within the gas, and that the figure had a mask on. They found the source.
"Found you!" Tetsutetsu yelled out as he jumped towards the villain with his hand reeled back and quick activated, ready to strike to the masked criminal. However, before Tetsutetsu could land a strike, he saw a barrel of a gun aimed directly at him. Tetsutetsu's eyes widened in shock behind the mask as the gun then fired in his face. Tetsutetsu was stopped in his tracks, but thanks to his steel skin, the bullet ricocheted into an empty area as Tetes Tetsu's head snapped back.
"Oh yeah, I saw you during the live broadcast of the sports festival. There were guys who could turn hard." The villain spoke and was quite stunned to see Tetsutetsu still standing, but his mask now broken in half due to the bullet, "A gun won't work, huh?" Tetsutetsu finally showed signs of consciousness as he took a couple of steps back and placed his right hand over his face. "Oh well, it doesn't matter." The masked villain said and aimed the revolver at Tetsutetsu again. "Because it's just a matter of how long you can hold your breath in this gas."
"Seriously, a gun?!" Tetsutetsu spoke with disgust, "And aiming for my mask, too!" Tetsutetsu took a closer look at the villain, his name being Mustard, and noticed his features. The mask and helmet the crook wore reminded Tetsutetsu of a World War II German officer, and the clothing he had on looked to be a school uniform. "What's with this shorty, anyway? A school uniform? So he's about the same age as me, or maybe even younger?" Tetsutetsu had enough of this guy. This masked freak is the enemy, and he is hurting his friends. "Don't underestimate me!" Tetsutetsu roared and proceeded to rush him once more.
Mustard signed and boredly shot another round at Tetsutetsu, the bullet's force this time causing Tetsutetsu to fly back a few feet. "Are you pretending to be the Terminator?" Mustard mocked the lone trainee, "Even if you can harden yourself, you're charging straight in? Give me a break." Mustard taunted Tetsutetsu more by pointing a finger to his head, "You go to a prestigious school, right? You're smart, aren't you? Will you use your head a little? If you don't, you're not worth my time."
Tetsutetsu rubbed his head a little where the bullet made contact with, but did not give up his offense and rushed him again. Tetsutetsu noticed the gun was pointing in another direction, then he remembered how Kendo has not made an appearance yet. Tetsutetsu realized that Mustard already knew where Kendo was and he was going to shoot her. Tetsutetsu changed his route and ran in front of Kendo, just in time for him to painfully feel the bullet bounce off his skull once more.
"Tetsutetsu!" Kendo yelled out as she saw her steel friend take another bullet, but this one was for her safety. Kendo's eyes enlarged slightly when she saw blood flowing in the air, and a piece of Tetsutetsu's steel cap was cracked.
"It's no good," Tetsutetsu said through his hand, "Retreat!"
Mustard simply laughed at the duo's attempt to subdue him, "Two against one, with one of you hiding for a surprise attack, right? That's weak! Such a weak plan!"
As Mustard was talking, Kendo paid no attention to him as her focus was on the injured Tetsutetsu, "Tetsutetsu, you're bleeding!"
Tetsutetsu got onto a knee and threw his left arm in front of Kendo in a protective manner, "It's fine, just retreat!"
"It's telling me your movements directly with its fluctuations." Mustard revealed, unaware that he was being ignored for a moment, "In other words, you can't hide from me!" The gas expanded further as Mustard disappeared into the thick fog. "Why can't you figure that out?" He asked through the smokescreen. "You go to U.A, right? Don't ruin my image of it." Tetsutetsu and Kendo were on guard as they could not see their opponent in this heavy purple smoke. What made it worse was that Mustard's voice echoed in the fog so there was no way to tell where his exact location was. "That's why you're being attacked like this now." Mustard ended his little rant.
Tetsutetsu was losing oxygen, he lungs burnt greatly and his head was pounding. He needed to breathe, but this fucker won't let him. In a desperate attempt, Tetsutetsu took a gamble and ran straight into the fog.
"Tetsutetsu, wait!" Kendo called out to him, but her pleas were ignored. Kendo witnessed as Tetsutetsu was struck in the head by yet another bullet, and Mustard revealed his location to be right next to where Tetsutetsu was running at. Tetsutetsu landed on the ground with his arms and legs sprawled out.
"Huh," Mustard sounded terribly uninterested, "Aren't you softer than you were before? Is that metal fatigue or something?" Tetsutetsu quickly got up and covered his nose and mouth with both of his arms in a desperate attempt to prevent him from breathing in the gas. "Looks like you can't breathe anymore either." Mustard chuckled lightly and walked towards Tetsutetsu, "You can't really brace yourself anymore, huh? Does your hardness depend on your stance?" Mustard fired another round at Tetsutetsu's skull, the steel man faltering to the ground once more. "For simple guys like the ones that just harden themselves, they usually end up in tests of endurance, huh?" Tetsutetsu was shaking on the ground as he was close to passing out, but his iron will refuse to let him give him. "You just rush in without thinking about stuff like that." Another bullet hit Tetsutetsu and Tetsutetsu grunted in pain and misery whilst he heard the sounds of a gun reloading. "Hey, you guys are gonna be heroes when you grow up, right?" Mustard scoffed and looked down with petty, "I think it's strange." Another bullet. "A world where someone with a one-track mind like you is fawned over just because if where you went to school…" Mustard's arrogant tone slowly began to change into one of rage and jealousy. He proceeded to fire two more bullets. Mustard did not care anymore, so instead of wasting another bullet, he kicked Tetsutetsu in the stomach to get him to inhale. "It's not right, is it?!"
Tetsutetsu rolled a few feet away from the power of the kick, and briefly lost his grip on his hand, "Crap….I can't breathe...I can't…" Tetsutetsu told himself and placed his left hand over his face once more. He felt another bullet strike his side as he looked towards Mustard with dying anger. "My strength is...My vision's fading...and distorted… Everything is turning black and white…"
Biding her time for the right opportunity, Kendo finally rushed in to save Tetsutetsu from certain death. "Tetsutetsu!" Kendo screamed through the mask and went for a straight punch at Mustard.
Mustard simply moved to the left as he already felt her movements through the fog. "I told you, I can tell how you're moving from the flow of the gas-"
This is exactly what Kendo wanted him to do. He was distracted, and maybe if she is lucky, did not know what her Quirk does. Kendo quickly enlarged her hand and was able to knock Mustard off his footing and hit her big hand against his mask. "It doesn't matter if you can tell how I'm moving!"
Mustard quickly retreated back into the fog and was angered that she got the better of him, "I can't believe you can look so triumphant with a pitiful Quirk like that!"
Kendo raised both of her hands into the air and enlarged her other hand as well, "Whether it's pitiful or not depends on how it's used!" Kendo quickly began to swing her arms wildly as the gad was being blown away by the massive wind created by Kendo's hands.
"Damn it!" Mustard looked around in slight fear, "The gas is being blown away! Just how much power do those hands have?!"
"You're the stupid one, uniform boy!" Kendo scolded him as she continued to swing her hands, "Carrying a gun like that is like saying you're not confident in a fight!"
"Why you little…!" Mustard pointed his gun at Kendo as she continued to speak.
"Above all, for those at U.A with a one-track mind…"
Mustard froze for a moment as he realized he could not feel Tetsutetsu's motions, "The gas! It got thinner! I didn't realize his movements!" Mustard looked to where Tetsutetsu was and saw that the steel man was already rushing him with his fist reeled back with the remaining power he had left.
Kendo smiled a little under the mask, "...when everyone else would think 'I can't take it anymore,'" Tetsutetsu swung his hand at Mustard's face and destroyed the mask while driving his face straight into the ground, "they take another step and go beyond that!" The gas quickly began to dissipate into the air as Mustard looked to be incapacitated. "The gas, it's dispersing." Kendo pointed out as the area was now clean of the toxin.
Tetsutetsu took in a much needed deep breath and gasped quickly for air, "If a gas user is wearing a mask, then you just have to get it off of them, right?" Tetsutetsu rhetorically asked. Mustard looked no older than either of them as his unconscious face had a nasty bruise already forming on his face. "Stupid!" Tetsutetsu lost his balance and fell next to Mustard and continued to inhale air, "I'll have you make up for ruining our training camp, kid."
Kendo took off her mask and dropped it next to the knocked out criminal and walked to Tetsutetsu, "Nice punch. I'm sorry I didn't help sooner."
"Don't worry about it." Tetsutetsu said in between breaths, "In the end, we still got him."
Kendo lightly smiled at his words, "You're so simple." Kendo stretched her arm out to help Tetsutetsu back up. Tetsutetsu looked to her a moment and reaching for her arm when suddenly, a bullet pierced through her hand as Kendo reeled back her hand in screamed in agony.
"You thought I was done?!" Mustard stood up with Kendo's mask now on his face. "I'll admit you did catch me off guard, but that is the last wise move you'll ever make!"
Tetsutetsu stared at Kendo for a moment as she had tears in her eyes and was trying her best to cover up her hand. Tetsutetsu loudly snarled and gnashed his teeth at the bastard that shot her, "You son of a bitch!" Tetsutetsu said as he got up and ran straight to him with his Quirk reactivated once again. "I'll defeat you!"
"No," Mustard said as he aimed his pistol at Tetsutetsu's face, "You won't." The gun fired off at Tetsutetsu, but there was a loud crack that filled the air.
Kendo watch on in horror as pieces of steel flew off Tetsutetsu's skull upper left skull. The steel finally broke as Tetsutetsu turned around with pain on his skull. Tetsutetsu was still alive, but a large amount of skin was exposed with swelling already occurring blood flowing out quickly.
Mustard growled in anger as he looked at the two students with furious anger, "I will make you two suffer!" Mustard roared, "In fact, I'll make everyone suffer!" Mustard then began to radiate more gas, but this time, instead of a purple color, it was an opaque couché green color. "I was creating a new gas back at base! I don't what it does yet, but I guess we'll find out!" Mustard said as both students placed hands over their mouths, but Mustard already knew how to get them to breathe. He aimed his pistol at Kendo and before Tetsutetsu could interfere, he shot Kendo in the leg. Kendo once again yelled out in agony, but much to her horror, she inhaled the gas. Immediately after inhaling it, Kendo began to choke.
"KENDO!" Tetsutetsu cried out, but he did not realize his fatal error until he began to wheeze too.
Mustard watched both of the students struggle for oxygen but failed to do so as all they could intake was the new gas. "How pathetic." Mustard said as both of the students looked at one another one more time before collapsing completely, "Always tie up your opponent when you have the chance, you never know when they are playing possum." Mustard turned around and began to walk away from the two until he heard a groan coming from one of them. "You gotta be kidding me," Mustard told himself as he looked back to the two and saw both of them staggering up. This perplexed him greatly, but not willing to take any chances, he aimed his gun at Kendo. Before he could speak, however, both students turned to him and what he saw shook him to his very core. Both students did not represent what they had previously looked. Both of their skins looked dead, already decaying as if they died long ago. Both of their eyes were wide open as their once natural pupil colors glowed with vibrant red light. "W...what the…"
"Kendo," Tetsutetsu said, but his voice sounded extremely parched and almost two-dimensional, "I feel hungry."
"I do too, Tetsutetsu," Kendo replied with the same type of voice. "I feel really hungry."
"So hungry!" Tetsutetsu growled as both focused their gazes on the masked villain.
"Stay-Stay back!" Mustard meekly said as he was scared by what he was seeing. He fired his pistol at Kendo's chest, but she did not flinch at all. He unloaded his entire clip into her chest, but Kendo stayed standing. Mustard's breathing became rapid as Kendo would not die, let alone even take notice at the bullets penetrating and burning into her skin.
Without another word, both Kendo and Tetsutetsu suddenly charged at Mustard with their mouths open and arms reached out to him with inhuman shrieks howling from their dry mouths. Mustard tried to run the other direction, but they already pounced on his back and began to tear into him. Mustard let out a death scream, but the mask muffled his voice so they were not heard. As both students tore into Mustard, the gas, once again, disappeared but this time permanently.
Within the forest, known as The Beast's Forest, there is a large section that is clear of trees. In that section, a fight was brewing between UA students and villains. The students in this situation were Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya, Shouto Todoroki, and Mezo Shoji. They have been chasing the villains for quite some time now throughout the forest as two of their classmates, Katsuki Bakugo and Fumikage Tokoyami, were being kidnapped by the villains. The one holding them prisoner has a Quirk that traps people in small marbles where they can not escape from. His name was Mr. Compress, a very flaunting villain whose persona was based on a magician. Right now, he has used his Quirk on himself to avoid friendly fire from his comrade who can spew blue flames.
"Ow…" Mr. Compress said as he got up from the crater, "I can't believe you flew so far to chase after me." Mr. Compress said as he then walked towards the leader of the operation, Dabi.
"Where's Bakugo?" The scarred man asked him.
"Of course…" Mr. Compress reached into his right pocket but felt nothing in it.
Shoji saw the magician reached into his right pocket and knew he would not find them. "Midoriya, Todoroki, we're running away!" Shoji announced to his teammates. Both students looked their classmate in question, "I'm not sure what your Quirk is right now, but inside that right pocket of yours that you kept flaunting were these!" Shoji told Mr. Compress as he flashed two sky blue marbles in one of his six hands. "Tokoyami and Bakugo, right, entertainer?" Shoji has gotten his hands on the two when they had pounced Mr. Compress earlier and caused the crater.
Deku, a green-haired well-toned student who was currently shirtless with a broken arm and bruised-up body, looked at his friend in utter relief, "Shoji!" Deku said out in happiness.
"Oh, that didn't take you very long!" Mr. Compress slightly praised Shoji for his abilities, "As expected of someone with six arms! You're good at feeling around!" Shoji and Deku made a break for it as they were retreating from the fight.
Todoroki, a boy with red hair on his left side and white hair on his right side, and a scar over his left eye, was busy dealing with another individual by the name of Twice. He was a wacky person who most likely suffered from a rather highly dangerous split personality. When he said one thing, he would almost immediately say the opposite of what he previously said. Twice wore a full body jumpsuit that was almost pure black save for some white lines that stripped his suit and a white cap on his head.
Todoroki's quirk grants him the ability to create ice and fire from one side of his body. Currently, he was using his ice quirk as he created a giant wall of ice to block Twice from attacking. "All Right! Good job, Shoji!" Todoroki praised his ally, which is a rare thing for him to do, as he ran and regrouped with the other two.
Dabi stuck his arm out and was ready to burn the trio to crisps when Mr. Compress held up his arm, "Hold on." Dabi complied with curiosity.
The trio of students was about to run back into the forest, when suddenly, out from the shadows a teal, muscular monster with a purple mask appeared from behind the trees.
The students stopped in their traps as Deku shouted with anxiety, "A Nomu!"
Todoroki took the lead as he guided them in another direction, "This way!" Todoroki led them away from the monster, but the three came to an instant stop when a ghostly purple gas appeared in front of them. This was not the same gas they saw earlier, rather it belonged to someone whose Quirk gave him the ability to turn into a gaseous form. They looked up as they saw the sharp, piercing, evil yellow eyes again.
"Th-this guy…" Shoji choked out.
"...Was at the USJ…" Todoroki added in.
"The warp…" Deku recalled how this man was able to create portals and send his entire class into multiple different sections and surround them with villains.
"It has been five minutes since the signal." The purple mist spoke, "Let us go, Dabi."
The purple mist had created three portals. One large one, and two smaller ones. Standing at one of the smaller portals was Twice, and the larger one was both Dabi and Mr. Compress. The last portal was accompanied by a teenage girl with pale, dirty ash blonde hair that is styled into two messy buns with numerous strands sticking out at all angles from their centers with two long strands falling down just at her chin on the side of her face. This was Himiko Toga. "Sorry, Izuku," Toga said with a lovestruck face as she looked towards Deku and waved at him, "I'll see you-"
The heart-piercing screech was heard by everyone as they all turned to where it came it from, and before Toga could even react, a new figure appeared and tackled her into the ground.
"Get off-AHHHHHHHHH!" Toga screamed out as everyone looked on in absolute horror as a steel man was suddenly ripping Toga into shreds. "HELP ME! SOMEONE PLEASE-!" Toga yelled out before her voice turned into loud gurgles.
"TOGA!" Dabi yelled out as he blasted a large stream of fire at Tetsutetsu. Sensing the incoming fire, Tetsutetsu jumped out of the way as the fire barely went over Toga's body, but the damage was already done.
Tetsutetsu stood a few feet away from Toga as he stared at Dabi with soulless yet hungry eyes. His mouth was still chewing some flesh he ripped from Toga's body as blood oozed out from his mouth. Some dried blood was already plastered all over his body, indicating he already consumed his first victim. Dabi quickly turned his gaze over to Toga. Her chest was open as her blood spilled out like a waterfall. Parts of her ribcage was visible as well as her beating heart and rapidly expanding and shrinking lungs as they were being filled up with the red liquid with her body shaking violently from shock.
"Oh my god…" Deku placed his hand over his mouth as none of the students nor villains could move for a moment before Todoroki snapped out his trance.
"RUN!" Todoroki yelled out as the trio quickly fled the scene while Tetsutetsu screamed once more and charged at Dabi.
"Inside the portals, now!" Dabi commanded as he came back into reality and the villains and Nomu jumped into the portal while leaving their dying friend behind. The portal closed in time before Tetsutetsu could grab onto one of them.
"Got away…" Tetsutetsu said aloud as Kendo came out of the forest with equally bloodied features.
"The food got away?" Kendo asked as he then noticed Toga's now limp body, "There is one over there."
"Right!" Tetsutetsu and Kendo quickly ran over to Toga, but when they took bites into Toga's flesh, they reeled back in disgust.
"What the-?! It doesn't taste good!" Tetsutetsu groaned in frustration.
"It's rotten!" Kendo exclaimed. Before the two could pout more, they watched as Toga's eyes began to glow red and she sat up quickly. Her heart was not pumping anymore and her lungs were stiffened. Her some parts of her insides suddenly began to turn black and her stomach acid turned from yellow-greenish bile to a clear acid. Kendo and Tetsutetsu both took a step back as Toga stood up as a small loop of her small intestines hanged out of her stomach.
Toga looked at the two before she growled at them, "Why am I so hungry?"
"We don't know, but we know how to satisfy it!" Tetsutetsu answered, "With human flesh!"
"Join us!" Kendo asked Toga, "We can all share them!"
"Fine!" Toga grinned, "But I get Izuku!"
"As long as you don't steal our meals we'll be fine!" Tetsutetsu said as the three undead flesh eaters then charged in the same direction where Shoji, Izuku, and Todoroki went.
They did not stop running. None of them wanted to believe what they just saw in front of them. Tetsutetsu of Class 1-B was eating Toga alive. He just charged right at her and tackled her to the ground before consuming her. She didn't even get a chance to defend herself before her dying, bloody screams filled the air. The villains were even in shock too. Dabi tried to save his friend despite her already most certainly meeting her end at that moment, but when Tetsutetsu dodged the fire and revealed his body, that is what did it for everyone to almost piss themselves. His body was in its steel state, but it was rusted in certain spots and the hole on the upper left part of his skull screamed that he was dead, yet he wasn't. The glowing red eyes wide filled with hunger, the mouth rigid and open with chunks of flesh wedged between his teeth and reddened with blood, his metallic face gaunt and immobile, the palms of his hands opened with stained redness that was either dry or still dripping. The scream though. The scream that Tetsutetsu let out before he lunged at Toga was heartstopping. It was the kind of scream that made their blood run cold. It pierced the brain and ignited some primeval pathway they never knew they had. Adrenaline surged through their veins, fight or flight, stand or run, be a hero or a coward.
The trio was running fast and hard that none of them realized just how much their lungs burnt, the sore aching feeling in their legs, the quick and rough pounding of their hearts against their chests. None of them dared look back as they all feared they would see Tetsutetsu on their tails.
As the three kept running, they saw Uraraka and Tsuyu in the distance.
"Guys!" Uraraka called out to them, and the trio nearly ran past them but stopped in time. Deku collapsed onto his knees as he gasped for air. Uraraka ran to him, "Deku!" She was about to grab his hand, but Deku suddenly grabbed hers first and looked in her eyes. Uraraka was used to seeing Deku with fear, but this one was different. It was a different type of fear that his face displayed. His eyes were stricken with red lines that tainted the sclera, his pupils small and darting everywhere as if he was trying to escape from something, his hand gripping onto hers for dear life, his body shaking violently as if he was in the Arctic. They all spelled fear and it transmitted into Uraraka as she was now very terrified. "D...D...Deku?" Uraraka was barely able to say as Deku got up in a panic and looked past her for a moment before focusing on her with his hands now gripping her shoulders.
"We need to leave! Right now!" Deku told her. His voice was unstable, almost as if he was about to break down right now. This was scaring Uraraka to her very core.
"Wh-why?" Uraraka asked as Todoroki and Shoji were suddenly on edge as well and looking around vigorously. "Deku, you're scaring me, what is wrong?!"
"No time to explain!" Deku yelled out as he forced her in front of them.
"Midoriya, what is happening?!" Tsuyu asked him as Deku looked at her.
"JUST DO WHAT I SAY AND RUN!" Deku yelled at them as both girls backed up from him in alarm. Deku never yelled at them, but they didn't need to be told twice as they began to run with all the boys following them.
Both girls wanted to ask why Deku was so scared, but their questions were answered when they began to hear blood-curdling screams in the air before being replaced with demonic shrieks. Tsuyu and Uraraka felt their blood lower to freezing levels as both wanted to know what the hell was going on?!
"Run away from the noise!" Todoroki told them.
"But what about-" Tsuyu was about to ask if they could save those people, but Shoji was quick to shoot it down.
"We can't help them! It's already too late for them!" Shoji told them as he held Bakugo and Tokoyami close. No need to bring them into this mess right now.
"Can someone tell me what the hell is happening?!" Uraraka asked in terror.
"Monsters….Demons…" Deku whimpered out as his voice cracked while the image of Tetsutetsu filled his head even more.
"What's that supposed to mean, Midoriya?" Tsuyu was trying to remain as calm as possible in this situation, but her will was being tested.
"Class 1-B student, Tetsutetsu," Shoji spoke for Deku, "He came out of the forest and…he…he just…oh my god…" Shoji was unable to finish his sentence. The big guy was too frightened to even explain the situation at hand. Tsuyu and Uraraka both knew how dire the situation was if Shoji wasn't able to complete his thoughts. What did Tetsutetsu do that has three of the most courageous students running in fear?!
Before they were able to exit the forest, they saw a tall familiar figure limping around the scene. The only feature they could see was an indistinguishable hairstyle as it was long black hair tied into a spiky ponytail with a single bang hanging on the right side of her face that glistened in the moonlight. "Yaoyorozu!" All, but Todoroki, shouted at her as they were about to run towards her, but Todoroki put his hands in front of all them to stop them.
"Stop." Todoroki said to them, and before anyone asked, Todoroki spoke, "Can you smell it?"
All of them then sniffed the air and instantly covered their nostrils. What was that horrible smell?! That was when Deku's nerves got to him again as he began to lose it.
"No. No. No. No. No. No. No." Deku mumbled to himself as Uraraka gripped his hand with hers.
"Deku, calm down." Uraraka whispered to him, "It's going to be okay."
"No...Yaoyorozu…" Deku said with tears filling his eyes for his classmate, "She's one of them…"
"One of them?" Tsuyu and Uraraka both asked as they looked back at Yaoyorozu and saw her staring back at them. Both girls stood still like statues when they witnessed what terrified the boys so much. They could not see her body fully since it was dark, but Yaoyorozu's eyes were glowing red and that's all the girls needed to see to have their hearts jump into their throats.
"Oh no…" Todoroki mumbled as Yaoyorozu's mouth slowly opened before letting out the same demonic scream they heard earlier and rushed towards them.
With no time to waste, Todoroki created an ice wall in front of Yaoyorozu to hold her at bay for a moment as more screams were heard in the distance.
"They're everywhere!" Uraraka shouted as they heard trees rustling from a distance.
"We need to go now!" Shoji announced they fled the scene with Yaoyorozu already on top of the ice.
"Don't run from me! Come back here!" Yaoyorozu yelled out at them as her skin glowed black for a moment. Slowly, a spear came out of her skin with a long chain at the end of it. Yaoyorozu aimed it at one of them before throwing it at them with such force.
Tsuyu looked back in time to see the spear aiming for Uraraka, "Look out!" Tsuyu said as she pushed Uraraka out of the way as the spear pierced through her body.
Uraraka rolled over a bit before she saw Tsuyu's body being penetrated by a spear, "Tsuyu!" Uraraka got up and was going help her, but stopped when Tsuyu looked to her with a fearful expression.
"I'm scared." Tsuyu simply said as her body was suddenly whisked away in Yaoyorozu's direction aggressively.
"Tsuyu!" Uraraka cried out with tears spilling from her eyes as she watched helplessly at Yaoyorozu pulling Tsuyu to her before clutching her by the throat. Tsuyu tried to fight back, but her efforts were quickly stopped when Yaoyorozu savagely ripped her throat out and the neck artery was torn open. "NOOOOOO!" Uraraka screamed out as Shoji grabbed onto her and carried her away, "No! Let me go! I have to save her! Tsuyu!" Uraraka desperately pleaded to Shoji.
"There's nothing we can do for Asui, I'm sorry, Uraraka." Todoroki sadly said, "We have to keep going."
"Todoroki, to your side!" Deku pointed out.
Todoroki quickly turned to see Tetsutetsu about to pounce onto him, but Todoroki was quick enough to block him with his ice. Todoroki looked around his surroundings and saw more two sets of glowing red eyes coming to them from their right. "Deku, Shoji! To your right!" Both boys looked and saw the red eyes quickly closing in on them. Uraraka screamed in fear as Todoroki aimed his hand at his right. "Move!" Both boys did so with Shoji still carrying Uraraka as Todoroki blocked the pathway with more ice.
"Stop running away!" Tetsutetsu told them as he quickly scampered over the ice and began to chase them. Kendo and Toga did the same when they climbed over the wall as well.
"Oh, Izuku!" All three boys, especially Deku, almost froze in place, but did not as they heard Toga's voice once more in her undead state, "I think I found something more tasteful than your blood! Your flesh! Now come over here so I can make you mine!" Toga rambled on with a laugh that sounded like an evil jester.
"Don't stop, we're almost there!" Todoroki said as they could see the exit. Todoroki then looked to his classmates and thought about the flesh-eaters behind him. "Midoriya!" Todoroki said.
"Yes?!" Deku responded.
"Thank you, for everything," Todoroki said as everyone looked to him now.
"Todoroki, why are you saying that now?" Deku questioned.
"You have no idea how much it means to me for you to make me realize I could have been my own hero again. That my quirk isn't my fathers and that it is mine and mine alone." Todoroki continued.
"Todoroki, what are you doing?" Deku asked once again, but more frantically.
"Good-bye. And tell my family I love them." Todoroki said as he suddenly stopped and created the largest ice barrier he could make. It engulfed him and the trio of monsters within it. The barrier then became a dome shape that sealed everyone inside it, effectively taking out three of the four monsters.
"Todoroki!" Deku cried out as he stopped and ran back to the ice dome.
"Midoriya, no!" Shoji said as Deku stopped in front of the ice dome before falling onto his knees with a loud sob.
"Todoroki…" Deku choked out. There was nothing he could do for him. Todoroki trapped himself with those three to help stop the threat from chasing them into the cabin. Never in Deku's life has he ever felt so utterly useless, and this was saying a lot considering his Quirkless past where he could never defend himself or anyone else. Deku continued to sob in front of the ice dome as Shoji slowly walked towards him and Uraraka got off of Shoji to hug Deku tightly.
"Deku…I'm so sorry…" Uraraka said as she felt heartbroken as well. Both of them just lost two great friends to these monsters and not to mention that Yaoyorozu is one of them as well.
Shoji knew Deku needed to grieve, but now wasn't the place to do it. "Midoriya, we need to keep going. We're almost there." Shoji said as Deku looked up to him with redshot eyes. Deku merely nodded as his face suddenly changed from sadness to curiosity. The ground under them shook for a moment as Deku then grabbed Uraraka and tossed her at Shoji.
"Deku!" Uraraka shouted to him as from the ground popped out Toga with that ever so sadistic smile, but this time, her smile could shake the devil to his knees. The moonlight hit her as it showed her dirt covered clothes and skin. Her hands and fingers were ripped open as it proved she dug underground in a quick fury in order to escape the ice dome.
"You're mine, Izuku!" Toga said as she wrapped her arms around Deku.
"DEKU/MIDORIYA!" Shoji and Uraraka saw Toga drag Deku into the hole she came out from as they heard the sounds of flesh being torn apart and Deku's screams filling the hole only for a moment before they slowly started to sound out.
Uraraka could not even muster any movement or let out a single noise as she saw her best friend, her idol, her…crush…being dragged down to Hell.
Shoji turned his back from the hole and ran away towards the safehouse as Uraraka could only look on in despair. Her whole life was crumbling before her. Mythical creatures became a reality, and they already stole two people she deeply cared in front of her face. What's worse is that they sacrificed themselves to save her skin. She never even got to tell Deku how she felt about him as he succumbed to Toga's inhuman addiction.
Shoji made it to the safehouse and ran inside with her. Shoji quickly ran into the classroom that was filled with some of their classmates such as Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Sero, Sato, and one Neito Monoma. The only teacher there was Vlad King as Aizawa nor anyone else was not seen inside the building.
All of them were startled when Shoji slammed into the room with a lifeless Uraraka in his arms.
"Shoji, Uraraka!" Kirishima said as he noticed how exhausted they look, especially Uraraka. "What happened to you guys?!"
Vlad King was about to take Uraraka, but Shoji stopped him as he placed Uraraka in a chair before speaking, "Where is everyone else?"
Mina gulped slightly at the scene. This was not normal. She knew villains were here, but her classmates looked destroyed mentally and emotionally if not physically. "They...They're outside…"
"Oh, what's the matter?" Monoma taunted, "Did you get hurt? I'm sorry that happened, I thought Class 1-A was supposed to be better than everyone else!" Monoma said as the rest of Class 1-A, and Vlad King glared at him.
"Dude, what is wrong with you?!" Sero yelled to him.
"Yeah, they looked absolutely beaten and you taunt them!" Kaminari said.
Before anyone could do anything else, Shoji immediately threw a few tables out of his way and charged at Monoma before grabbing him by his shirt and slamming him against the wall, "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?!" Shoji roared into the now frightened Monoma, "YOU THINK WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS AT ALL HILARIOUS?!"
Everyone rushed to Shoji as they all tried their best to restrain him from hurting him.
"Shoji! Calm down! Put him down!" The students and Vlad King were telling as he relinquished his hold on Monoma before sitting down next to Uraraka with two hands over his face.
No one knew what to say after that outburst. It was obvious that something was wrong, and the fact that Uraraka has not moved an inch nor changed the dead expression on her face only makes the situation even direr.
Vlad King and Kirishima slowly made their way to Shoji as they knelt next to him.
"Hey, Shoji…" Kirishima softly spoke as he placed a hand on his back as the big man flinched. Kirishima was surprised by this action as Shoji wasn't one to flinch at all.
"Kid…" Vlad King began, "I'm sorry to ask, but what happened out there? I need to know."
Shoji was silent for a while as everyone slowly inched closer to him. A loud muffled sniff was then heard in the room before being followed by another one. Everyone had their eyes on Shoji as he slowly moved his hands from his face, and everyone was shocked to see that he was crying.
"I…I…" Shoji began to say before he shut his eyes tightly, "Yaoyorozu… Tetsutetsu… Kendo… Tsuyu… Todoroki… Midoriya…" Shoji gasped out in between soft sobs, "Oh god….I'm so sorry I couldn't save any of you…"
The room went cold as they heard what Shoji said.
"Couldn't…" Kaminari began to say before he lost balance and fell to his knees.
"Save them…." Mina mumbled out as she held onto a table for balance.
Kirishima stared at Shoji with disbelief on his face as he got up and slowly backed up. "No. No that can't happen." Kirishima said, "Not to them. No."
Sero and Sato both looked at each other with shock, neither of the two able to speak a single word at one another.
Monoma continued to sit on the floor where he fell from, "K...Kendo...Tetsutetsu…" Monoma mumbled to himself. He couldn't bring himself to believe that the two strongest students in his class were dead, "...No, it's fake, they can't die, they just can't…"
Vlad King's face was at first in shock before it turned into unyielding rage, "THOSE FUCKERS!" Vlad King roared as he got up and made his way to the door, "I'll make each and every one of them pay!"
"DON'T GO OUT THERE!" Shoji's voice echoed throughout the room. No one could keep their gazes off of Shoji as he slowly got up, "Don't leave the building." Shoji shakily said.
"Why not?" Vlad King asked, "Who's out there?"
Shoji looked towards the soulless Uraraka for a moment before seeing a window and watching many sets of glowing red eyes pass them by without noticing them. Shoji swallowed whatever saliva he had left down his dry throat and looked at everyone as he tried to calm himself enough to respond, "All of them. The ones who died, but…." Shoji's breathing hastened quickly as the roars of the undead were heard outside as everyone jumped together in outright dread.
"God has abandoned us…" Uraraka mumbled out before more screams were heard and the sound of a door being broken down in the hallway was heard followed by Toga's jester-like laugh.