Deku and Asui were walking through the woods. It was strange to the green duo because an hour ago they were surrounded by their class and their friends. They were all training to be heroes and developing their quirks to get better. Their dreams of being able to save innocents, to protect those who can't protect themselves, to bring justice to evil men and women, etc.
It was all going well until villains attacked and suddenly, something else happened. They were transformed into something else. Something alive but not. Was it the knockout gas, a hidden virus, a curse, that caused this unholy mutation? They will never know, but one thing is for certain.
They want to eat them; they want to eat them all.
Every. Single. One of them.
The villains, their classmates, teachers, neighbors, heroes, everyone! Why save them when they were meant to be feasted upon? They smelled delicious, they looked appetizing, and Asui knows they taste like the most delectable meal one could ever have. If only she could tell Deku how great it was munching on Ojiro's eyes and Koda's rocky torso, but she can't because she has no throat.
What surprised Asui was how Iida didn't notice how she plucked the two from under his nose? She did it ever so silently yet so quickly that no one ever noticed. Ojiro was the first to go as he was the last one in line. Wrapped her tongue quickly around his mouth to mask any noise and around his neck to suffocate him. Tossed him aside for later as Koda was just begging to be eaten too. She did the same thing to Koda, but because of his rock body, she had to drag him far enough to where she could kill him with no hassle. Asui's never seen him so scared, so frightened that he physically fought back because his fight or flight mentality kicked in. To stop him quickly, Asui shoved her tongue deep into his throat and choked him. He tried really hard to hurt her tongue, but since Asui was technically dead, she didn't feel the need to pull her tongue back.
If she were her normal self, Asui would have found it weird to have felt the boy's stomach from the inside. To get the slightest feeling that his stomach acid was having a negative reaction to her dead skin. The way Koda convulsed, struggled, gagged, and gripped her tongue to rip out of his throat to breathe oxygen was pleasurable to see. When Koda's eyes begin to roll into his head, his struggles becoming less erratic, and his grip softening, Asui knew it was time to feed. Several minutes later Asui had her fill temporarily. Now looking back, Asui regretted not finishing them off to the bone but she really, really, wanted to eat Mineta. Too bad Iida had to play hero and save him.
Oh well. It only makes the hunt much more fun.
Deku and Asui continued to make their way towards the roar when they encountered others. The two stared at the group who were staring back, both trying to figure out if another meal was present.
"Smells like us," Deku stated, "No meal, Asui." Asui looked to the left in response to show her disappointment.
"I take it you two heard the roar as well?" Kaibara asked them. Kaibara appeared to be unharmed as his clothes and body were not damaged. The only physical way to tell Kaibara's undead nature was through his red eyes and sagging skin on his cheekbones.
"We did," Deku replied, "I know who it is, and we'll need all the help we can get to take this meatbag down." Even as part of the living dead, Deku's strategic mindset was not absent, but rather now used for nefarious means.
"Who is it then?" Yaoyorozu asked as she appeared from within the crowd. Yaoyorozu caught a glare from Asui who was pointing to her throat. Yaoyorozu scoffed in response, not being intimidated by her previous prey, "If I had the option to take back me eating your throat out, I would still do it 100% of the time." Asui looked enraged as she took several steps towards her 'killer.'
Before the two could brawl, Deku stepped in between them, "Put it aside Asui, you would have killed her too if the situation was reversed." Asui shot Deku a glare of his own before promptly walking past Yaoyorozu, giving her a shoulder push as she went. Deku shook his head, "She'll get over it once she sees Muscular." Deku's face lit up into a mad grin before feeling something under his foot. Deku looked down to the floor and picked up a broken pair of yellow goggles. Deku turned to Yaoyorozu, "Was it difficult?"
Yaoyorozu looked at Awase, "Not even the slightest."
Deku looked at the goggles once more before tossing them aside, "Let's go."
Komori, Shishida, Shoda, Pony, Setsuna, and Hiryu all let out a gasp of air as they somehow made it out of that demonic forest. They had no idea where they were but it didn't matter. None of those 'things' were chasing after them. They all seemed to be focused on something else entirely. Whatever took their attention away from them the group was all in for.
"Is...pant...everyone okay?" Hiryu asked.
"Okay is not the word I'd use...pant...right now," Setsuna replied.
The group took a moment to catch their breath and looked ahead. It was a clear path of lush green grass under the moonlit sky. Normally this scenic view would leave them starstruck from its beauty, but right now, they saw it as the best tactical advantage against the flesh-eaters for they had nowhere to hide. Then again, neither could they but they'll take that chance if that meant no ambushes.
Komori, her eyes hidden behind her hair, spoke up with a wrecked attitude, "How could this happen?!" Komori asked frantically, "What did the villains bring that ended up turning our classmates into zombies?! Were they that desperate to get Bakugo, or is this something else entirely?!"
"Komori." Komori looked towards Shoda to see her silver-haired classmate looking as calm as ever, "Those are questions we cannot ask presently. Right now, we need to focus and think of our next move."
"What about the others?" Pony spoke with a shaking voice.
"Do you want to go back there?" Setsuna said with rejection in her voice, "Cause I'm not."
"How could you say that?" Shishida snarled, "Those monsters could be after our friends, our class. Class 1-A, the teachers, the heroes, and the little boy. You're telling me you wouldn't want to go back and try to save them?"
Setsuna looked at everyone, "If we wanted to do that, we wouldn't have run this way now would we?"
Everyone looked to the ground knowing that Setsuna was right. The group can say what they will, but their actions contradict their words. They ran away. They didn't even think of saving the others.
Setsuna pressed further on, "Forget them. We need to leave."
"Forget them?!" Hiryu shouted in disbelief, "That's how easy it is for you to discard them?!"
"Open your eyes Hiryu!" Setsuna shouted back, "They are inside that forest and we are not! We have the best chance of survival and you want to go back and rescue them?!"
"Isn't that what we were training ourselves to do?!" Shoda responded equally as mad, "To rescue those who need help?! To make sure everyone gets to see another day?!"
"In the previous reality, yes!" Setsuna barked, "But in this reality, this current one, that logic is thrown out the window! You all saw them; we all saw them! Those are not villains, they're monsters!"
"How pathetic." Everyone gasped as a new but familiar voice spoke. Rising from the shadows, Kuroiro rose from the night. Everyone got on guard as they were unsure if their classmate was alive or dead. Kuroiro laughed slightly, "If I were one of them, I would have snatched one of you already. Not to mention that horrible smell."
Komori let out a huge sigh, "He's right. He could have easily taken one of us if he was infected."
Kuroiro nodded before turning his attention back to Setsuna, "I guess your true colors have shown. You were never really ready for the hero's life were you?"
Setsuna gritted her teeth in response, "What do you want from me? What do all of you want from me?! I'm being realistic!"
"You're being cowardice," Kuroiro retorted, "This is the first chance we have at saving others, and instead of doing what you dreamed of doing like all of us, instead you want to stick your lizard tail between your legs and run."
Setsuna covered her face and threw her head back. Is she the only sane person here?!
"But then again you're right."
"HUH?!" Everyone was taken aback by Kuroiro's suddenly 180.
"Setsuna is right. We don't stand a chance against those undead creatures. Think about the situation we are in." Kuroiro continues, "Against any other villain our quirks would work; however, against those of the undead, what would they do? Most of us are close combat fighters. One bite or scratch or whatever is needed to pass on the infection will be the end of us. Although Shoda, Hiryu, Pony, and Komori can do some kind of ranged attacks, the opponents we are facing are vast in numbers, ruthless, have knowledge of us, and most importantly, are better fighters than us. We could save the others. We could. However, we could also just get in the way and end up making the situation worse. Especially us close combat fighters."
Setsuna stared at Kuroiro in awe. He provided perfect logic for them to not get involved. All they are are just numbers to add to the population of the undead. Statistically speaking, they stand no chance at saving any of them with that kind of horde.
For what felt like an eternity, the group was silent as most were arguing with themselves. Should they leave them behind? Leave behind those they became rather close to in order to live another day? Would they be okay with themselves if they do flee?
"Well?" Kuroiro spoke, "What will it be?"
The group came to a painful, unanimous conclusion. They all chose to leave.
"Finally!" Setsuna shouted with relief, "Now you are all talking sense." Setsuna began to walk ahead as she internally made herself the leader of this group.
Everyone followed her with Shuda eyeing Setsuna wearily. If it was this easy for Setsuna to leave others to a gruesome fate for her own sake, would she do it to them too if it meant saving her hind? Shuda continued to think to himself as he looked back towards the forest. He felt a huge rock take residence in his stomach knowing that he was leaving the others behind. All he could do was hope they made it out okay.
Moonfish had no idea what was going on. One moment he was chasing after some helpless meat bags then the next moment some giant rampaging shadow shows up and knocks him out. Moonfish hated that his lunch was interrupted. Oh, he always hates it when something or someone else shows up to separate his food from him. What kind of people do that? Who takes away another's meal? That's just messed up.
Moonfish limped towards a slight opening in the forest. This constant complaining wasn't going to get him anywhere. Moonfish stopped at the opening and looked up. He noticed how quiet it was. Was everyone gone? Did the Vanguard team leave him behind or were they captured? Moonfish shrugged the thoughts off as he knew this partnership wouldn't last very long. They didn't trust him and only brought him in because they were desperate for members. Whatever. They'll make great food when he encounters them again.
"Must find flesh. Hungry. Need nutrients." Moonfish told himself and continued onward into the forest.
Pixiebob, Mandalay, and Tiger were huffing in victory. On the ground laid the defeated villains of Magne and Spinner. Through their combined efforts as one of the best hero teams in Japan, they were able to defeat them. It also helped that two lost students, Tsuburaba and Manga, were able to provide a surprise attack to catch the two villains off guard.
"Thanks for the help, kids," Mandalay said.
"Don't mention it, Mandalay," Tsuburaba replied with a thumbs up, "We couldn't let the villains win now could we?"
Tiger laughed, "Never!"
"Mandalay," Manga's speech bubble produced, "Is everyone else okay?"
"I don't know, Manga," Mandalay replied with a worried look, "I'll contact them and tell them to meet up at the safehouse. Tiger, Pixiebob, carry the villains; Manga, Tsuburaba, help them. We're going to interrogate them at the safehouse."
As the four were lifting the villains, Mandalay began to use her Telepath quirk, "Students, rally at the safehouse if you can. If not, don't panic, Pixiebob can create a giant earth tower that'll be more than enough for you to see in the sky. Follow the earth tower when you see it and it'll lead you to the safe house."
When Mandalay finished relaying the message she felt something off. There was no noise happening. No smoke, no fire, nothing. Everything was suddenly quiet. "This is troubling…" Mandalay told herself, "Hopefully this means the villains were driven away. We have to do a headcount when we regroup to ensure everyone is present. If not, this will be a long night trying to find those who were unable to hear the message."
Mandalay turned back to the others and led them to where the safe house would be. "Kota…I hope you are safe…" Mandalay mumbled to herself. Once this is all over, Mandalay is taking Kota to places he likes. Like the amusement park.
When the heroes made it to the safehouse, no word could describe what they saw in front of them. Not only was the safehouse in shambles, but bones, blood, guts, and broken machinery were scattered about.
"Dear lord…" Pixiebob mumbled out just barely with her heart thumping in her chest.
Tsuburaba and Manga couldn't sputter a word to the scene in front of them. Someone's grave was here. Something or someone shredded a victim apart. As Tsuburaba was surveying the scene, not being able to take his eyes off of it, a glimmer caught his eye. Tsuburaba slowly released his grasp on Mange and approached the glimmer.
"Tsuburaba," Tiger called out, but his voice fell on deaf ears as Tsuburaba lifted the glimmer. Tsuburaba turned around with an object in hand. The others looked at it and recognized that it was a hypodermic needle.
"...This was Kan-sensei…" Tsuburaba said with no emotion.
There was little time for mourning as from the woods, razor-sharp metal emerged and went straight for them. Acting on instinct, the Wild, Wild, Pussycats dropped the villains and grabbed the students to evade the attack.
"New flesh, so much new flesh," Moonfish spoke, appearing from the woods, "Message guided me to new flesh. Objective unknown...must complete mission….yet no assurance anyone is here…" Moonfish once again attacked and made sure to avoid his fallen comrades despite how delicious they looked.
"Pussycats, retreat!" Mandalay called out. It was clear the safehouse was a danger zone and now a new rendezvous point was needed. But where?!
"Did you do this?!" Tsuburaba shouted to Moonfish and pointed to the safehouse, "Did you kill our teacher?!"
Moonfish turned his head to the building and, for the first time in a long while, was stumped. This looked like his work but it wasn't. Is there an apex predator here? Maybe another cannibal?
Moonfish refocused on the student, "Not mine. You, however, will be." The attack was confusing, but Moonfish has had enough distractions getting in the way.
Just as both parties were about to attack/retreat, a groan grabbed their attention. From above the building, a body was seen limping towards the edge before it fell off. The body splat on the ground with a thud and a bounce, blood spilling out hastily. The heroes/students all gasped in shock! Did someone just commit suicide right in front of them?! Moonfish looked at the body rather perplexed. A non-living meal wasn't as appetizing as a live one, but flesh is still flesh. Without waiting for a second, Moonfish grabbed at the body with his teeth and dragged it towards him.
The Wild, Wild, Pussycats took this chance to run with the students in tow, Manga using the longest words he knows to wrap the onomatopoeias around Spinner and Magne and drag the two with them. Though they are villains, Manga didn't want them to die, especially not to a cannibal who would no doubt eat them.
The Wild, Wild, Pussycats were thinking of the two students behind them and what they saw in less than a minute. First, they realized that their teacher is dead, a villain is trying to eat them, and said villain is now eating someone who just killed themself.
Moonfish watched as the group of meat bags fled. It didn't matter because now he gets to enjoy himself with this one! Moonfish took a giant chomp from the body and immediately realized something was off. Moonfish spat out the body and threw it on the ground. It tasted awful! Like it was rotten! Moonfish eyed the body and became horrified at what he saw.
The body was that of a student, and he was drenched in blood and covered in bite marks. Most of his features were unrecognizable but the most notable was the half-eaten tail. It didn't stop there as Moonfish saw that the student's eyes were gone, his cheekbones eaten through that only his few remaining teeth were visible, his body torn open with no visible organs inside it aside from his heart, his left arm was completely gone, and his right left untouched aside from one terrifying, undisputable mark.
One chunk of his right arm was gone, and the bite marks surrounding it belonged to Moonfish.
Moonfish was paralyzed in fear. He saw that boy move, he saw it! The heroes saw it too! How did that boy with this amount of damage move?!
The nightmare didn't stop there as the body suddenly jerked. Moonfish took a step back as the boy rose to his feet. He sniffed the air and looked in Moonfish's direction. "Must…eat…" The boy groaned with a distorted voice. The boy took one step towards Moonfish before Moonfish acted irrationally and sent his razor-sharp teeth through the boy's skull and heart. Moonfish retracted the teeth as the body fell limp.
Moonfish looked down at his teeth and began to feel dizzy. He stumbled about and began to lose his balance before falling to the floor. He snapped his head to the right as he threw his bowels out uncontrollably. A sharp, intense pain began to overtake his body that caused him to scream in agony and convulse. A few, painful, torturous moments passed before Moonfish went limp. From above, watching the scene unfold was Koda.
Koda remained silent as he studied Moonfish. As much as he wanted to eat him, he was curious about what was going on. Moonfish took a chunk out of the now permanently dead Ojiro and was suffering for it. What would happen next he was unsure of, but Koda did know one thing: Moonfish was fresh and ripe. This was food on a silver plate, and Koda wanted to take advantage of it.
But he didn't.
Koda had an idea, but Moonfish needs to erode first. He could do it with Ojiro, but the grotesque appearance would be the undoing of his plans. Moonfish was covered head-to-toe and that was perfect. So, Koda stood on the roof and waited. If all goes according to plan, hunting would be child's play as Koda spotted a single bird in the trees, a grin appearing on his face.
Deku led his group of zombies to the location of the hill where his biggest battle took place. Muscular was still alive; Deku never killed him, and that was something Deku was regretting. Muscular is a walking hog with piles of meat on him. Yet to earn this savory award, Muscular must be killed, and defeating him is not an easy task. Deku almost died defeating him, and Muscular has to be filled with rage after being bested by him. This only makes things harder for him and the group.
Deku looked back to his allies: Asui, Yaoyorozu, Bondo, Kaibara, Yanagi, Kamakiri, and Awase.
Deku faced forward and closed his eye to ponder his thoughts. Not a single true tank was part of the team to take on Muscular head-on, but with the right strategy, they would be able to ground him long enough to get a killing blow. Muscular may be able to continuously wrap himself in muscle fibers, but his head and neck were always exposed. If they can get the neck, head, or his only functional eye, they will win.
Deku opened his eye with a plan in mind, "Okay, everyone, here is the…" Deku turned to face the group once more but saw that they were already gunning towards Muscular. Deku grumbled and followed them. If they somehow make it out alive, he's eating faster to spite them.
"Students, rally at the safehouse if you can. If not, don't panic, Pixiebob can create a giant earth tower that'll be more than enough for you to see in the sky. Follow the earth tower when you see it and it'll lead you to the safe house."
Deku blinked as the message ran through his head. At least there would be extras later.
Juzo, Ibara, Kodai, and Kota reached the end of the forest without a fight. The demons were behind them, but they didn't chase them. At least that is what they are hoping for. The four looked up as the highway was above them on the side of this cliff.
Ibara gently wrapped her vines around her allies and lifted all of them to the roadside. As they were rising, they all looked back towards the forest. Smoke filled the air in the distance, but the fires had burned out. The fight with the villains happened about 10 minutes ago, yet it feels like it was long ago. Oh, how they wished they could replace those criminals with these things that are chasing them and running rampant throughout the forest.
"Do you think the others are safe?" Kodai asked anyone.
"We can only pray and hope so," Ibara replied. Ibara looked down to Kota, still holding the boy in her arms. Kota was putting on a brave face and Ibara admired that. He was scared like the rest of them, but Kota was trying his best to persevere through this night.
Ibara placed everyone on the roadside and retracted her vines from the ground below, and the trio around her. Kota jumped out of Ibara's arms and adjusted his shirt.
"I can walk myself," Kota muttered before looking up with his usual scowl. It was lighter though as he tried to be nicer to the woman who evacuated him from the forest, "But…thank you."
Ibara smiled gently, "It's what we do."
"Let's find the phone and call in the heroes," Juzo said, "The faster we complete this, the better the chances we have of this situation being contained."
"Right," Ibara began walking down the road with the others flanking her. As they were walking, they felt a ping run through their heads momentarily. That made the four stop and look at each other.
"Did you feel that?" Juzo asked them.
Ibara and Kodai nodded, "Yes," Both girls said.
"That must've been my aunt trying to tell us something," Kota informed as he was all too familiar with the ping, "I think she was trying to tell us something." Kota suddenly began to heave and panic as the sudden realization of his only family being left behind to deal with the monsters crossed his mind. "Aunt Sosaki is still there! We need to go back!"
Juzo was the first to reply, "We can't, Kota. We have to call in more pro heroes to help out!"
"They won't get here in time to save her!" Kota countered, "But we can! We can get my aunt to safety!"
"Kota that may be true," Kodai began, "But we are only four out of the many they would send over here. Besides, we aren't trained to handle this properly. We had our orders by Mr. Aizawa to the authorities."
"So we're just running away while everyone else fends for themselves against those monsters?!" Kota shouted back in rage, "I thought you were training to become heroes!"
That hit the trio like a ton of bricks. Of course, they wanted to go back and help, but what good are they compared to the likes of Death Arms, Mt. Lady, Kamani Woods, Ryukyu, Mirko, Endeavor, Hawks! They could send All Might, and that itself is already an automatic victory! The number of real heroes they could send is endless, and that is part of what keeps the trio of in-training heroes to do the task given to them by Eraserhead.
Ibara spoke first, hoping her words could reach through Kota, "Kota…not for one second do we wish we weren't there helping them. Are we scared? Of course, we are, but that's not what is making us 'run away' as you put it. We are here because we trust them to be okay. They have one of the greatest hero teams to help them in the Wild, Wild, Pussycats. Your aunt's team will protect them while we call for more heroes to come in. Kota, we have to trust them to be safe while we do our part and give them a fighting chance. There is more to being a hero than saving lives on the front lines. Sometimes, you can be a hero just by simply bettering the odds."
The reasons, although questionable by heart, were logical and sound. It was the right call to not be a hindrance and retreat to call in for more bodies.
To most, this was the correct choice, but Kota was not most people. Kota didn't understand this move, and although age is a factor, it isn't the overwhelming reason for his disdain.
Kota for the longest time hated heroes. He hated what his parents were and how their deaths came because they were being 'selfish.' Until recently, his views have changed thanks to Izuku, and although Kota has come to grips with what heroes are, he wasn't going to do what his parents did to him.
Abandon his family in the name of being a 'hero.'
"NO!" Kota shouted in defiance, his mind made up. "If you won't go, then I will!" Kota spun around on his feet and tried to run towards the cliffside. He would slide down, avoid the creatures, find his aunt, and they'll get away together. Amid his sprint, Kota felt Ibara's vines wrap around him and lift him into the air. "Let me go!" Kota struggled against the vines. Kota watched on as the rails and the cliff began to move further from his vision.
"You'll see soon enough Kota that this was the right decision," Ibara said, looking ahead and trying to spot the phone, "Right now you may disagree, but soon you'll understand." The trio of high schools walked together ignoring the Kota's protests as best they could. Had they stayed any longer, they would have heard the second ping in their heads from Mandalay, and maybe even heard the message since it was more urgent than the previous one.
"What the hell was that?" Dabi asked himself in the mirror. He has been going over the events in his head for what felt like hours. The mission was a semi-success, they got one of their targets, and all was going well. They were leaving; Twice, Mr. Compress, Kurogiri, Toga, all of them were leaving.
Then, from the forest came one of those students, Tetsutetsu was it? He ran out of the forest like some kind of madman, made a beeline for Toga, and just tore her to shreds with his teeth and metallic nails. Dabi felt no sympathy for anyone, but the poor girl had no idea what was coming to her let alone what fate had for her.
Screams were normal to him, everyone screamed before he incinerated them, but Toga's were different. It was a different kind of scream; one that paralyzed him. That last image Dabi had of her was the stuff of nightmares. Toga was just laying in a pool of her blood and intestines hanging out of her abdomen while fully conscious of what was happening to her yet not understanding the reality behind it. No time to retaliate nor process her attacker's actions. All she could do was be eaten like prey.
Yet that brutal image paled in comparison to what that child looked like, and what his eyes told Dabi in the seconds they met.
Dabi has seen many eyes; he bores into some and some have bore into his. Each set told a story; some of grief, some of vengeance, of greed, of heroics, of tricks, and so on. But each of them held a semblance of life. No matter the pair Dabi read, they all were alive.
But this one was not.
No. Tetsutetsu was dead. His eyes. The story it told was endless and terrifying. There were no tricks behind this one. They didn't care for grief, vengeance, greed, heroics, or anything. They were hungry and desperate. What scared Dabi the most was how they weren't evil. For a being to do something that inhumane and gruesome, and not think of itself as evil was truly what made Dabi run. Every person on the Vanguard Squad saw themselves as evil in some form whether they wanted to admit it or not, including Muscular and Moonfish, possibly some of the worst people Dabi has ever come across.
Unlike Moonfish, who chose to be a cannibalistic freak, and unlike Muscular, who chose to be a bringer of death without mercy, this thing was born to do this; it is in its nature. It needed to feed on something, it needed to kill, and Toga was its unwilling victim.
Dabi splashed more water on his face and rubbed his eyes. He needed to compose himself. They caught the explosive one, Katsuki Bakugo was it? The plan needs to go forward; they need to recruit him. Dealing with that thing comes later unless the heroes already dealt with it.
Better for them to fight it than Dabi.
A sick joke ran through Dabi that made him laugh with strain in his vocal cords. The irony would be if Moonfish was a victim to Tetsutetsu. The cannibal was cannibalized.
Oh, how funny it truly would be if it weren't a real possibility right now.
Oh, that's just great! The extras are gone! Who chased them off?! More undead or was it villains?! It better be villains or Deku is going to be pissed!
Deku jumped back and dodged a large fist thrown by Muscular that then collided with Kaibara. "Stupid!" Deku hissed at Kaibara.
"You're right!" Muscular shouted at Deku. "You should have killed me when you had the chance, you freaks!"
When the small horde attacked Muscular, the large man was startled. Seeing a group of 'heroes' charging at him was always fun to see, it was just another Tuesday for him. What Muscular didn't expect was to see this group having their skin hang onto their bodies by a thread, and for them to be chomping on his muscle fibers when they latched onto him. These freaks were vicious; they're animals. But like all animals, they'll be put down, and Muscular was more than happy to provide that.
"Flesheaters or not, I'll still smash your skull in!" Muscular laughed and developed more fibers onto his body.
Muscular felt pricks of rocks smashing against his skin as Yanagi was using her quirk to send rocks at him. In response, Muscular charged at Yanagi and drove her into a wall. Yanagi responded by slashing Muscular's face.
Muscular frowned at the attack, "It's no fun when you can't feel pain. The screams of pain and terror are what I live for!" Muscular grabbed Yanagi's head in between his hands in an attempt to flatten her but was stopped when two large blades sliced through his muscles and detached them.
Kamakiri grinned at Muscular, his blades black in color and red from Muscular's blood, "You're too slow."
Yanagi was quick to dislodge herself, but instead of retreating, she attacked once again. Muscular jumped back to gain distance and nearly stepped in Bondo's cemedine quirk.
Muscular grunted as the Class 1-B students got together and rushed him head-on. In the back, Deku was biding his time for a swift and decisive strike. From the corner of his eye, Deku saw Yaoyorozu preparing her chain and hook. Yaoyorozu threw the hook at Muscular's head, but Muscular caught the hook before it could reach him.
"Playtime's over, runts!" Muscular roared as he spun Yaoyorozu around and threw her into the class 1-b students. Muscular ran towards the knocked-down group and jumped into the air. The group scattered in time as Muscular came down with a stomp that shattered the ground beneath him. Before the group could recover, their bodies were slammed into the ground once again as Muscular kept wailing on them with incredible speed and power.
Bondo looked up to Muscular with a screech but was silenced the moment Muscular grabbed Bondo's mouth with his two hands and tore the top portion of Bondo's head off his body. Bondo's upper skull was then tossed to the ground with a thud and rolled for a moment before stopping, his 'eyes' looking to where his better was.
Muscular looked to the group of Bondo's downed allies and laughed mighty, "One down, a few left to conquer!"
"Now!" Deku told himself and began to charge his quirk. One kick to the head should stun him long enough for a killer blow. As Deku charged his quirk, he could still feel the power of One for All coursing through him despite his undead nature. It was the only feeling he could feel now that his nervous system was inept. Deku readied his legs and just before he could jump, his quirk stopped working!
"Huh?!" The confused zombie said, "What happened?!" Deku began to charge again, but nothing happened! How could this be?! What happened to One for All?! Deku looked back to the group as Tsu and Awase both had the same idea as Deku.
Awase had welded several sharp, long and large tree branches together to form a spike ball. Awase threw the ball at Muscular as Tsu used her tongue to wrap around Muscular's neck. Muscular struggled with Tsu's tongue to try and pry it off but was stopped when the spike ball impaled Muscular's chest. Instead of going down; however, Muscular roared with fury and ripped the spike ball from his body before throwing it at Asui. Asui jumped out of the way and released her hold on Muscular.
"That was your big plan?!" Muscular taunted, "Throw a ball of spikes at me?! They didn't even get through my fibers to reach my chest!" Muscular pounded his chest as Asui and Awase regrouped with the rest as they had given away their positions so it would be futile to sneak attack him again.
Deku proceeded to once again attempt to use One for All and the results were futile. One for All was not activating; it was as if the quirk that was once handed down to Deku was suddenly stripped from him. But it wasn't possible! Deku never surrendered his quirk to anyone willingly, so why was it gone?!
Muscular glanced between the lone wolf and the group. He knew none of them could take him down. The green-haired freak got lucky as Muscular was toying around with him, and it took everything in that one's powerful quirk to knock him out. The others were of no concern. Their only chance at winning was torn in half when Muscular ripped Bondo's head in two.
The horde was left on the back foot. Running was a viable option at this point and they were considering it, but Muscular would only track them down. For a man his size, he is quick and he will catch up to each of them before they could escape. Running low on options, the horde accepted that they might as well eat what they could before dying.
Muscular turned on his heel and gazed at Deku. This was a personal kill for Muscular as Deku was the one to stop him from slaughtering that child earlier. He was the one who beat him in a fight! "This is personal, kid," Muscular exclaimed, "And I'm going to enjoy it!"
A sharp claw scratched through Muscular's head as Muscular grabbed his head in pain. Muscular turned his head back to the group, assuming it was the one with the sharp claws, but another scratched on his forehead proved that it wasn't. Muscular looked up and saw that it was a large hawk that had attacked him.
"Really?" Muscular grumbled, "Now I have to fight a single fucking bird too?"
"Who said it was just one?"
Everyone turned to the newest voice that had made his presence known. A swarm of crows and flying insects were surrounding a figure as he walked onto the scene, his red eyes piercing through the flock like a light in pitch darkness.
Deku's eyes flicked when he got a glimpse through the swarm, "Koda?"
"Koda?" Yaoyorozu said as Asui tilted her head. The class 1-b students watched on as Koda stared down Muscular with his army of birds and insects.
Muscular bellowed at the sight before him. Never had he seen something so ridiculous before in his life. This was supposed to intimidate him?! A bunch of birds and insects flying around! He'll just squash him like bugs, including the bugs!
The hawk soared towards Muscular once again but was caught by two hands slamming together and squishing the bird, blood, and feathers splattering everywhere as the bird dropped dead to the floor.
"If that was supposed to scare me, then you don't know what intimidation is," Muscular grinned madly at Koda.
"Who needs intimidation when…" Koda spoke, his soft-spoken voice now replaced with an emotionless two-dimensional voice that echoed through the swarm, raising an arm towards Muscular, "You're about to experience a nightmare."
Muscular roared a battle cry and charged at Koda.
"FEEEEEEEEEED!" Koda's voice penetrated the night sky as the birds and insects charged at Muscular, leaving Koda completely exposed.
Out of all the undead, Koda was the one who seemed mostly intact given the nature of his rough skin. However, that didn't mean Koda was perfectly intact. Because of Asui, Koda was missing the skin on his head. There was hardly anything on Koda's skull; not his sharp-pointed head, not the flaps that resembled the ends of hair, nothing. All that remained was a thin layer of muscle that had decayed into a rotten red color. His nose, which wasn't previously seen, was now visible as two holes were spotted between his eyes and mouth. His eyes were inside their sockets, but barely as the skin around Koda's eyes was also gone. They looked like they were bulging out.
Muscular and the swarm connected. Muscular plowed into them and continued his charge at Koda. Muscular could feel the attacks that the animals and bugs were doing, but shrugged them off and continued his sprint. Koda watched on unfazed as Muscular was drawing nearer and nearer. Muscular charged his right arm back, ready to send his fist straight through that stupid's child body. Muscular laughed his manic laugh once more as this was going to be one of the better deaths he dealt!
Just as Koda was nearing his line of sight and within range, everything went black and the right side of his face was searing in immense pain.
"GRRRRRAAAAAAA!" Muscular screamed in pain and placed his hands over his right eye. Something must have gotten into his eye! Muscular stopped his sprint and swung his arms violently to knock away as many of the birds and bugs as possible. The pecks, bites, scratches, and cuts started to fade as Muscular assumed he pushed them back. Muscular reached to his eye to take out whatever was inside his eye.
Just as Muscular placed his hand on his eye, his finger slipped into his socket.
Muscular froze, his breath and body now shaking. His eye….it was gone!
"Like I said," Koda spoke with a silent but audible squish being heard through his words, "You're about to experience a nightmare."
Muscular turned to Koda's voice to try and find him. He swung in Koda's direction and hit nothing but air. Muscular swung again, his breathing becoming harder and more panicked.
"Where are you?!" Muscular shouted, his voice quivering.
Koda let out a shriek that caused Muscular's heart to pound faster. Koda's shriek voice was then followed by the sounds of birds squawking and screeching with him, then the rest of the zombies joined in with shrieks of their own.
Muscular looked around frantically as his eardrums could only hear the sounds of predators stalking him. Muscular swung his massive arms again in vain desperately trying to hit something! Anything!
With a scream of pure, unadulterated fear, Muscular ran forward to escape! He had to leave! This group was going to kill him! "Get away from me!" Muscular shouted in terror as he continued to run, the sounds of the birds and undead still all over him. Muscular kept running before he came to a sudden stop. Muscular pulled on his feet and tried to run but his feet wouldn't budge! They were stuck in some kind of cement or glue-like substance! Was that deadman still alive?!
"No! NO!" Muscular blubbered loudly as he continued to pull. Not a moment later, attacks from every direction were on him as everything jumped him at once. The bugs that Muscular passed off now were entering his body through his eye sockets, nose, mouth, ears, any opening they could find! He could feel them running throughout his body. The little legs of roaches and beetles tapped against his eardrum as they continued their journey into his body while the slithers of larva and centipedes went into his eye sockets and nose, and endless, constant crawling of ants blanket his skin.
Muscular threw his arms around violently, trying to hit whatever was nearest to him and claw the bugs off his body. He felt chomping at his kneecaps as he swung below to kill the zombie. Muscular missed and hit the ground, his left fist now stuck to the floor.
"NOOOO!" Muscular wailed in pain and tearless cries, "No! Please! Not like this!" With his one good arm, Muscular kept hitting whatever he could feel until he felt nothing from his right arm. Through the chaos, a thud was heard.
Kamakiri licked his blade clean of blood as he and Deku tore into the now severed right arm of Muscular.
Muscular cried in agony and terror as he was now utterly defenseless against these monsters. "No! No! No! Please! Stop! Stop eating me! PLEASE!" Muscular pleaded to the heartless demons as they continued to tear through his skin. Muscular kept using his quirk to replace his eaten muscles. The horde was loving this as that just meant more food for them.
Throughout the night, atop of a mountain that echoed into the woods and the black sky, the sounds of Muscular's pleading and begging could be heard along with laughter and howls of the undead as this endless feast of flesh would keep going until Muscular had nothing more to give.
This suited the undead just fine.
Since chapter 1, I already knew who would be the boss battle of the group.
If you thought Deku, Yaoyorozu, Asui, or any of the other zombies were the strongest force to be reckoned with, are you surprised by who I chose?
Deku could only use 20% of OFA, Yaoyorozu has a limited amount of lipids to burn through before she can't use her quirk anymore, and everyone else has either a drawback or at this point is just a strong fighter.
Koda, however, has the deadliest quirk of all: His voice. And his voice controls the creatures of nature.
Imagine how powerful Koda would be if he used the full might of nature against anyone. It's terrifying, isn't it? He could order a pride of lions into battle alongside hyenas, tigers, jaguars, elephants, and every single animal. It doesn't stop there. If animals won't do the trick, then bugs will because unlike animals, bugs will just crawl into your body through the few openings your body has. You're too busy fighting off the animals that you didn't realize that something is inside you now.
And you can't stop it.
Yeah. Koda's quirk sounds playful, funny, awesome, and a tad gross, yet at its evilest, Koda's Anivoice is one of the most terrifying quirks if it was used for evil.
And before you say anything about the weaknesses of Anivoice such as scaring away the animals and whatnot, who said this infection was limited to humans?