Hi guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been working really really hard on this story, and I think you will like it. I'm going to see Les Mis this summer and I am beyond excited! I don't own Newsies. Thank you for all the support!

She always believed that procrastination was the thief of time. She couldn't wait any longer for someone to come and do things for her. Now is the time. Right now. Katherine Plumber sat and clapped politely as the cast of the play bowed. She set down her notebook in her lap. Katherine rested her head in her hands. There had to be more to life than just reviewing shows for the newspaper. Right? She never had loved these plays anyway. The singing was nice, but the plot was always there was a girl in trouble, and a big, strong man comes and saves her, and then happily ever after. You get what you work for. Not what you wish for. She was determined to make her own dream come true. For now, she didn't see an alternative to reviewing these shows so she could make a living for herself. Katherine grabbed her notebook and pen and walked out of the theater.

She kicked a rock that had come loose from the cobblestones beneath her feet. Katherine brushed the auburn hair off of her shoulder and kicked another pebble. She watched the pebble fly to the dark brown shoes with tan pants just above them.

"Hi, Darcy," Katherine muttered.

"Hey. Your dad sent me," Darcy responded.

"Yeah, I thought so." Katherine grabbed Darcy's arm and they started towards the square. The only thing she could think of was how her dad always sent Bill or Darcy over to 'escort' her to where she was going. She was perfectly capable of walking on her own two legs around New York. She walked toward the square. A boy jumped in front of her with his dark hair poking out of his faded brown cap.

"Well, hello, hello, hello, beautiful." Katherine smiled awkwardly back at him. Another one of the boys in the square shoved him aside, now standing in front of Katherine now.

"Hey! Step aside, Romeo. Nothing that concerns you here." He turned around smoothly. "Morning, Miss! May I interest you in the latest news?"

"The paper isn't out yet," Katherine responded icily; she stepped forward, prompting Darcy to keep moving along the street, but the boy stepped in front of her again.

"I would be delighted to deliver to you personally." He said in his thick New York accent. Darcy started forward towards the boy, but Katherine put her hand in front of him to stop him.

"I've got a headline for you," Katherine said sarcastically. "Cheeky boy gets nothing for his troubles." She put extra emphasis on the word nothing and walked down the street while she heard shouting and saw a few of the boys punch the guy that was talking to her.

"Back to the bench, slugger. You struck out!"

"I'm crashing!" Katherine glanced back at the group of boys just before she walked towards the Sun as fast as she could.

There she was… again. Reviewing the show for the New York Sun. Miss Medda came on, and the lights dimmed.

"I'm doing alright for myself, folks," Miss Medda sang. Katherine chewed on the end of her pen and scribbled down some feedback for the show.

"I'm healthy, I'm wealthy, I'm wise." She wanted more. More than these flower shows.

"My investments and such have all gone up so much, it seems whatever I touch starts to rise." Katherine heard Miss Medda's voice soar with the song. She was one of the only people who could make her forget she was working. Katherine closed her eyes and listened to Miss Medda, and before she knew it, the song was over. Miss Medda bowed and thanked the crowd graciously.

"And now, gents, let's give a big hand for the Bowery Beauties!" Katherine saw the two girls run on stage giddily.

"Don't come a-knockin' on my door." Katherine jotted down her comments on their costumes.

"Hello again," said a familiar voice. Her head snapped up. The boy grinned back at her.

"This is a private box," Katherine said impatiently.

"If you want, I should lock the door," he flashed a smile. "Twice in one day. Think it's fate?" Katherine was becoming annoyed.

"Go away, I'm working."

"Oh, a working girl, huh? Doing what?" Katherine held up her notebook with an eye-roll.

"Reviewing the show for the New York Sun."

"Hey! I work for the World!" he responded, still smiling at her. Katherine put on her most sarcastic smirk.

"Woah! Somewhere out there, someone cares!" She looked out and gestured toward the exit. "Go tell them."

"The view's better here," he said, looking down at the stage. Katherine was getting pretty agitated.

"Please go. I am not in the habit of speaking to strangers."

"You're gonna make a lousy reporter then," he laughed. "Name's Jack Kelly."

"Is that what it says on your rap sheet?" Katherine asked.

"Oh a smart girl, huh?" He paused thoughtfully. "I admire smart girls. Beautiful, smart, independent-"

"Do you mind?!" Katherine shouted.

"PIPE DOWN UP THERE!" The sound of clanking metal filled Katherine's ears. She jumped, shocked.

"You got in for free! At least pay attention!" Miss Medda shouted at Jack from below.

"I'm sorry, Miss Medda," Jack whispered. Miss Medda shot him a knowing look. He went to the side of the box and looked down below. Katherine immediately went back to her notebook, quickly filling in the blank spaces of the page. Jack was humming to himself. He quickly leaned against the railing and started sketching on a newspaper. Katherine ignored him and kept watching the girls sing. He glanced up at her several times, but Katherine kept her brown eyes trained forward. She leaned down on the railing. Jack finished sketching out his picture and Katherine's curiosity overcame her.

"What are you doing?" Katherine demanded. Jack pulled the newspaper to his chest,

"Hey! Hey! Would you quiet down? There's a show going on."

"You are the most impossible boy-" Jack put a finger to his lips,

"Shhhhhhhhhh…" Katherine whispered,

"Ever." Katherine pulled her jacket on tighter and looked down at the girls for their last note. Jack started climbing down the ladder, and Katherine glanced over. Jack forgot his paper. Katherine picked it up to give it back him but noticed the breathtaking woman on it. She grasped the paper tightly and picked up her notebook, leaving faster than her mind was racing.

Please, please, please, please, please review! I get too excited when I see a review from any authors. Thanks to cecilia clare for motivating me and giving me new ideas for stories.