A/N: EDIT: crisis, averted! I managed to fix the chapter glitch, hopefully this, and the missing chapter are now visible to one and all. Can you see this?
Looking forward to your feedback, it really does help.
Arcane chapters are nearly ready, as is Warhammer. But it be Thursday and so here we are, second half of the "Claws" chapter a go. Any and all reviews are appreciated. It really does help lift my spirits given the site glitches...which appear to be worsening by the day. App works sometimes, at others it doesn't; to say nothing of new chapter notifications and messaging. Its like flipping a coin.
Many thanks to newboy (a reviewer) for offering a great many ideas regarding the Iron Islands!
As always, I wanted this chapter to feel like a proper Game of Thrones episode!
Hopefully I succeeded~!
Alright, I've kept you waiting long enough, methinks. Enough of this old man's rambling; you're here for a story. Hope you're prepared for the chaos to come. Once more, I own no references, quotes, memes or themes. Not a wit or a one. Nope. They're simply tributes to legends far greater than I. Lastly, a reminder to one and all. Naruto's Westerosi name remains Nathaniel. Joanna -and now Rhaella!- prefer to call him Naruto, yet they're the only ones who truly do.
Timeline is obviously a little skewed here, but hey, that makes things...fun.
References and verbatim from Game of Thrones below. Hope you enjoy all this hard work.
Epic references as well, they're pretty obvious, was listening to THAT song while writing the first scene.
Away we go~!
"We both want the same thing, you and I."
"Do we, now? What might that be.
~The Kraken and the Lion.
Row Your Boat (Part II)
All the world held its breath.
Cersei didn't dare move.
Naruto balked.
Matatabi sneezed suddenly; it was ultimately that which broke the tableau between them; cradled between Cersei's hands as she was, the sudden action unbalanced the little thing, forcing his sister to lurch forward and catch her lest she tumble out her hands and harm herself. Alas, that had him lunging to meet her just in case she dropped the poor thing, which intern, had his sister's face, turning a bright cherry red, which she diverted by focusing on the hatchling in her hands.
"There, there, darling girl." Cersei crooned softly, clutching the reborn-bijuu close to her chest. "You're alright."
"Indeed I am." the hatchling clicked her jaws at her, producing an angry chirrup. "No thanks to you! I would've preferred to sleep for another decade or two, but nooo, you just had to wake me up...
Naruto snorted.
Typical lazy cat, wanting to sleep in...
Matatabi heard it and rounded on him, mismatching eyes ablaze like balefire. "And you! Don't think I've forgotten your part in this! You just couldn't die peacefully, could you?!" she tried to flail her wings, but was still too weak to muster the muscle for it and managed an angry plume of smoke instead. "You had to drag the nine of us with you into this reincarnation of yours! I hope you're happy...
Cersei sniffled. "Now you've offended her."
Naruto's brow shot into his hair. "How do you know she's a girl?"
Matatabi absolutely hissed. "You would do well to retract that statement...
"See?" Cersei preened and looked away from him. "A lady always knows, Nathaniel."
Great, now she was sulking. Sage save him from his sister. He didn't think he'd ever understand her. Come to think of it, Lyanna and Elia had baffled him lately as well, and Nymeria before that. Rhaella, at least, made some small semblance of sense. He had plenty of time to sound her out, first through letter, then dreams and more. She wanted freedom, and had made her intentions toward abundantly clear over time. She didn't go and spring surprises on him like the other girls...
Unwilling to dwell upon such matters, he looked back to Matatabi, still ensconced in Cersei's arms and not keen on leaving anytime soon.
In terms of appearance she was a different beast compared to Shukaku and Kurama. She had rich blue-on-black scales aplenty, but her face was strangely whiskered, practically feline with two mismatching glowing eyes of gold and green. Of course, there were also two scaled tails, because of course there were; the universe just loved to mock him these days, didn't it?
Tyrion would be delighted to meet another dragon. Doubtless he'd drag the Hound's little sister down here to meet them.
What was her name again? Selene, wasn't it?
He'd have to talk to Tywin about securing a match between those two...
Shukaku and Kurama clamored over when he wasn't looking; well, the former crawled-not yet trusting in his wings-while the latter flew, landing neatly upon his sister's shoulder for a better vantage. Cersei grimaced as his claws dug into her -not drawing blood yet still painful-but didn't protest as he curled his nine scaled tails around her arm for balance and leaned over to get a look at the newborn hatchling.
"Well, well, well. Look who joined the party."
Matatabi craned her short neck up to glare daggers at him. "...Kurama. I suppose it was too much to hope you wouldn't be here. And is that Shukaku?" she cast a baleful look to the cavern floor, where the paler dragon sat indulgently at Cersei's feet. "You're even more pathetic as a dragon then you were as a tailed beast."
The former tanuki reared back on his squat hind legs and made a sharp, strangled noise.
She sneered at him, smug as her namesake. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"
"I WILL burn you, ya damn furball!"
Kurama chided him. "Now, now, don't go picking on her just because she's just smaller than us...
Naruto, of course, could hear every word; to Cersei, said words seemed the harmless chirping of baby dragons. Harmless perhaps; but their claws were long and their teeth terribly sharp; she had an alarming view of both as they snapped at one another. She'd absolutely frozen where she stood; caught between the three of them. Reckless, not suicidal. Good to know.
So. Three dragons, now. Great. Who was next?! The three-tailed Isobu? The Four-Tails? Son Goku was a helluva name, and he didn't exactly wanna call a four-tailed-monkey-dragon that...
Ah, but Cersei had turned a pleading a look upon him, and he'd best rescue her.
She wanted to keep Matatabi, of course...
Clicking his tongue, he held out his right arm.
Kurama almost immediately accepted the invitation for what it was; in a single seamless bound he leaped off Cersei's shoulder, beat his wings once for balance and landed upon his outstretched leather-padded limb with remarkable alacrity. Steadying himself with his many tails, he tucked his wings in and settled in smoothly against his shoulders, curling around him like some scaled scarf. He'd nearly grown too big for that.
Shukaku needed a nudge from his boot, but never one to be outdone, he scaled his leg quickly, climbed over Kurama, and claimed a perch atop his golden locks.
Naruto flicked one eye up to glower at him. "If you relieve yourself up there, I will end you."
"Relax, I ain't gonna do anything stupid, boss...
"Don't look at me." Matatabi scoffed. "I'm quite comfortable having this human all to myself."
Cersei marveled at him, still clutching the little blue dragon in her arms. "You're quite good with them, aren't you?"
He really was. And yet he still couldn't bear it; the awe in her eyes, the pride, that silent, unspoken longing.
Well, not unspoken anymore he supposed. Not after that last outburst.
Naruto looked away from her, unable to meet her gaze.
She made a pained noise behind him. "Nathaniel...
"I don't hate you." He heard her inhale sharply as he uttered the words, but barreled on before she could interject. "I just don't know what to do with you."
And he didn't!
He wasn't afraid of Cersei, and he certainly wasn't yielding to her, despite the fact that she was older than him, physically speaking. She confused the living daylights out of him. Or maybe she was the confused one here. In the absence of Robert's visits to Casterly Rock and with everyone so wretchedly busy dealing with the Greyjoys, there was no one she could truly connect to. Tyrion was much younger than her and didn't understand, while he knew Mother and Father would never approve.
Cersei didn't love him like that, he reasoned. She couldn't. His "sister" was just...a little out of sorts at the moment.
Yes, that was all, he told himself. She was just getting stir crazy.
Robert would be good for her, surely.
Better than he'd ever be.
Kurama bit his ear, startling him terribly.
"Hey!" he glared at his partner, only to receive a glower in return. "Why'd ya go and bite me for?!"
A wing buffeted his face, smacking him for good measure. "You know damn well why!"
Shukaku blew out an annoyed breath. "He's terrible at this, isn't he?"
Matatabi chortled in Cersei's arms. "Truly, he is...
"Off!" he waved his hands furiously, causing Kurama to snatch up Shukaku and scarper and wheel back to the tree. After a moment, he heard the telltale clink of claws on stone, suggesting Matatabi had wriggled her way out of Cersei's arms to join her siblings, which in turn caused him to growl again. "Fine, leave me to deal with her. Traitors, the lot of you...
Silence stretched across the Stone Garden.
Even then, he didn't dare turn around.
Cersei hiccuped.
It was that sad little sound which undid him; he found himself pivoting almost without realizing it; only to find himself rooted by the tears in her eyes. She hadn't made even the slightest move toward him; on the contrary she'd actually taken several steps backward, leaving her wringing her hands anxiously before him.
Gods be good, she really was crying. Weeping, even. He could see the tears running down her face, clear as day.
Why cry for him? He didn't deserve her tears. Did she truly care that much?
"Why?" he grit his teeth, quietly incredulous. "Why me?"
"You know." She dared a step forward. "Because I-
"Don't say it." he bit off the last word.
"Why not?!" she flung up her arms in a rare fit of pique. "There's no one to hear us down here! None but the dragons, at any rate...
Kurama chirped angrily from his perch in the tree. "Much to our eternal chagrin!"
Naruto would've laughed if he didn't feel so miserable at the moment; instead, he palmed his face.
He took no pleasure in this; didn't enjoy putting Cersei through this pain any more than he did himself. But he didn't see any other path forward; there was, as the saying went, no way out but through. Simply put, he genuinely didn't know how to respond without shattering her heart. This was his sister. A beautiful young woman yes, that much he couldn't deny, but she was his own flesh and blood for crying out loud!
Sister, sister, sister!
By all rights and traditions it was wrong.
"The Targaryens wed brother and sister for hundreds of years."
One could certainly make that argument; yet they weren't Targaryens now, were they? They might share some distant blood with them -genealogies were strange and anything was possible, there was no telling how far bloodlines went back from Aegon's time- but the excuse felt hollow, even to his own ears.
But they needed to have this conversation, one way or another. They must. Else things would fester and rot between them even more than they already had.
Cersei sniffled and firmed her lips. "I'm not sorry for loving you."
"Clearly not." he sighed.
She glared at him. "Do you think this a game, Nathaniel? Is this all one big joke to you? Does my pain amuse you so?"
"No." he chose his words warily, unwilling to provoke her further. "Fine. Say your peace. Let's have this done."
Her eyes didn't light up as he thought they might; if anything his words seemed to sadden her.
"I've tried to be so hard to be good for your sake, to hold it in." she clutched both arms close and embraced herself, forcing him to tear his gaze aside as the motion accentuated her bosom. "I thought I could handle it; that I could be quiet, step aside, stomach silence for your sake. But I can't." her green eyes rose, brimming with agony. "I want to keep my vow. I have to keep my vow. But you're all moving on without me! And you...I spoke with you once already and you've said not a word about it since! What am I to do with that?!"
He reached out for her. "Cersei-
"Let me speak!" she snapped at him. "You said I could!"
He crossed both arms before his chest and stood his ground, giving her permission.
"What am I to do?" she raved at him, eyes wild and wide. "Just hold my tongue and take it?! Jamie's in the Kingsguard, Tyrion's smitten with that Clegane girl of his and you...!" she palmed her face and turned away. They're taking you away from me. If not the Stark girl, then that Viper. You're not mine; you were never mine. And soon I won't even get to see your face...
The air between them was charged; he could feel a spark lingering in the air, like electricity.
Hrrm. Westeros didn't have that. Another thing to improve...
...he was trying to distract himself again, wasn't he...?
He could tell her. He wasn't her brother, not really. By blood and flesh, perhaps, but not soul. Whoever "Nathaniel" was meant to be, he'd usurped him the moment he was reincarnated into this world. Not that she'd ever believe that. None of them would. Not yet. Rhaella was the sole exception to the rule, with Nymeria understanding to a lesser extent, but Cersei?
To tell her that might shatter her.
So many secrets. So many spinning plates.
Keep rowing your boat, bailing out water as you went, before you sink.
He had to keep up the act, because to falter was to fail, and to fail was to doom them all. Where did Cersei fit in all of this? Where could she? Where should she?
...you can talk, now, if you wish." she granted him a small, sad, soft smile. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I'm ruining everything, aren't I? This is ugly of me, downright hideous, really...
"You're not ugly." he bit back, surprising her as much as himself. "You're beautiful; but you're also my sister."
Her eyes lit up at that. "So if I wasn't your sister, this wouldn't be a problem?"
A curious turn of phrase, but one that deserved an answer. "No...?"
She was up to something.
But what, exactly?
"Alright." she took a deep breath, exhaled, and seemed to draw some small semblance of strength from it. "Right," her head bobbed in a nod as she repeated herself. "That's...rather good to know. Really, it is. You don't know how much that means to me. If it makes you feel any better about this, I haven't seen you as my brother for quite some time now..."
Why did he have the distinct feeling he was missing something here?
...I don't want to push you, or come on too strong." she was still bumbling, mumbling, stumbling over her words. "I don't want to be too much for you, nor turn you away."
What was he to say to that? What could he say? "Lyanna and Elia might take issue with you butting in...
"I'll talk to them and secure their permission, I promise." she was babbling now, hand over her heart, eager to please. "I swear on the old gods and the new, I won't steal you out from under them."
There went another one of his concerns. She was doing a rather good job of dismantling those. But what about-
"If you're worried about Mother and Father, don't be. They won't learn of this. I'll be careful, I swear it.
Blast, she'd said it before he could!
Her eyes watered. "Say something, Nathanie. Please. Don't look at me like that."
When he didn't immediately respond, Cersei dared a step forward. Then another. Yet a third.
He stood his ground and didn't budge; running would avail him nothing, he realized that now. Best to face this head on, one way or another. Even if he wasn't entirely certain what the outcome would be. He let Cersei get as close as she dared, then closer still, until he was staring down at her, awaiting her next plea.
His tongue betrayed him. "The Baratheon boy is interested in you-
"Robert?" Cersei blinked once, briefly surprised before she shook her head. "I don't want Robert; not the way I want you." She touched a hand to his cheek. "I'll be whatever you want me to be. So long as I'm yours. Your mistress, your servant, your slave-
He seized her wrist. "Don't call yourself that! You're not a slave!"
"Then what am I to you?!" she smacked his arm, drawing a grunt from him; when he didn't retaliate she struck his chest with a balled fist, once, twice, thrice, flailing ineffectually at him as though he were the very walls of the Stone Garden itself. "I'm angry and tired and restless and sometimes...sometimes I feel like I'm going mad! I wish that you'd chase me, or try to embrace me, for once, I wish you'd just say-
He pushed a finger against her lips, cutting her off. "I do love you, ya know."
Cersei paused, desperate hope flickering in her teary eyes. "You do?"
He drew her into his arms, tucked her head into his chest, and planted his chin atop her head, holding her close. "But not in the way you want me to."
She crumpled against him with a whimper, arms wrapping around his waist. "Sometimes I hate that I fell in love with you...
Her angry words were blunted by the armor of his heart. "I know."
Hate was an old friend; he'd grown all too accustomed to it.
"Could you try?" she looked up at him, trying one last-ditch gambit. "Just the once?"
His brow furrowed. "We shouldn't."
"Just one kiss then." They were well past anger and into the bargaining stage, now. "Please. That's all I ask. If you honestly feel nothing, then we can stop."
It was a challenge; backing down now would be tantamount to admitting weakness. She knew that. So did he. Yet there was no arrogance in her eyes, no cruelty, no demand, none of the angry arrogance he'd once come to expect of her. Just a silent plea to be held. To be loved. To be adored. To be happy.
What would happen if he denied her this?
Would she become an enemy?
Or something worse...?
Her hands fisted in his tunic as she fought down a sob. "I'll marry Robert if you feel nothing, I promise. I'll never get in your way ever again. I'll do everything and anything you ask of me. Just...may I have this?"
His sister planted both hands on his chest, stood on the very tips of her toes, leaned up and gently pressed her lips to his.
He held her for a moment, considering. Waiting for something to spark. Anything.
As far as kisses went, it was surprisingly soft and...
...oh, dear.
Some time later, Naruto staggered down to the cells, lips still tingling.
This was wrong. He knew it. Should know better, frankly.
And yet it had felt rather pleasant-No! Focus!
Bad Naruto!
Shaking his head fiercely, he cast those thought back into the darkness where they belonged. He could deal with family matters later and sort this out then. For now there was work to be done.
Cersei had practically fled back up the steps in search of Lyanna and Elia.
Not him.
Down he went.
Into the darkness.
He lengthened his stride in an attempt to escape his thoughts, devouring the distance between him, and his destination, taking the stairs to at a time in his haste to reach the dungeons. To be fair, Casterly Rock had a very few of those and even less need of them these days; most prisoners were either thrown into the seat to drown or simply beheaded outright. Lannister paid their debts, but they did not keep prisoners.
Not unless they had need of them.
Euron thought himself a clever monster; in making himself indispensable, he sought to bind himself to the Lannister cause, likely to betray them later.
Naruto knew his type. The man was a user. Euron was already doomed; he just didn't realize it yet.
Poor bastard.
In short order, he found a sealed door guarded by no less than five men, each of whom saluted at the sight of him.
"Lord Lannister." the tallest of them thumped a fist against his breastplate. "We've been expecting you."
He cocked his head aside. "The prisoner's in there, then?
A brisk nod. "He is.
"Leave us and await me at entrance. No one comes in or out. Understood?"
They obeyed without question, stomping up the steps. It saddened him a little. Good soldiers followed orders, and that was fine for the most part, but he'd appreciate a few more like Clegane, men who could think for themselves. Another matter for later, he supposed.
Taking a moment to compose himself, he exhaled once, steeled his face into a cold mask of Lannister arrogance and unlocked the door.
He was prepared for an attack; but it never came.
Laughter greeted him instead.
Euron Greyjoy awaited him on the other side of the room, chained to the wall. Both his arms and legs were likewise bound, held taught with little in the way of slack. Good. They weren't taking any chances with him.
The captive cocked his head to the right and granted him a grey grin. "The prince comes to visit me?"
Naruto blinked. "I'm not a prince."
"Not yet," the raider countered. "But you will be."
He had strange way of speaking. He wasn't sure he liked it. "What do you want?"
Euron chuckled, it was a dry, raspy thing. "Food and water would be nice, for starters.
"I'll see to it that you get some after our chat. Now talk."
With a breathy sigh, the Kraken raised his gaze to regard him. "I already told your sister what I want. To serve the winning side."
"And which side is that?" he asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" Euron gave his manacles a shake, insomuch as they allowed it. "Yours."
"And after?"
"I'm not concerned with after just yet. You're a sharp one. I'm sure you can figure it out."
Cheeky bastard. He turned back toward the door. "Lets see if some tools can't loosen your tongue."
"You can torture me if you like." Euron's voice carried over his shoulder. "I won't talk. Of that I can assure you."
His voice rang sincere. Surprising. Weren't all Greyjoys filthy cravens?
"Nerves of steel, hmm?" He pivoted to face him, hands clasped behind his back. "You'll find steel can be broken."
"Perhaps. But I'm made of stronger stuff." the man stuck out his tongue, briefly revealing an odd black mark tattooed there. "By all means, break out the hammer and tongs. See what happens."
For a moment, Naruto found himself reminded of what Danzo had done to Sai, but no, the mark was different, carved in eldritch lines he couldn't comprehend.
"What is that...?"
Euron closed his mouth, but only for a moment. "You're not the only one who knows a little bit of magic. I won't talk."
"Everyone talks sooner or later."
"Not me." He remained calm, unflappable even in the face of pain. "Anything I may or may not know, will die with me. Are you willing to take that risk? After all, you are so very fond of those eggs-gack?!"
His words were rendered a startled gurgling as Naruto seized him by the throat and slammed him against the wall.
"Careful now," his voice dropped to a low hum, "I need the information you have, not the rest of you. I'm not above taking your limbs. We'll see how useful you are, then?"
"Hah." his captive sneered. "I'd offer you a sister, but I don't have one."
Naruto decked him again, breaking his nose.
"Struck a nerve, did I?"
Another hammer blow bruised his face and sent a tooth whistling to the floor.
Euron kept laughing. "Violent aren't you? So willing to use force when that silver tongue of yours fails." He subsided with a sigh, grinning at him through bloody teeth. "You would've made a fine Greyjoy. Shame you were born a lion, not a Kraken. Some have all the luck...
What did he know? Maybe he should kill him-
"Stop!" Euron snapped at him before he could deliver the killing blow. "If my life is extinguished, the eggs in my possession be destroyed. I've seen to it."
His words rang true. He was telling the truth. Darn.
Didn't stop him from decking him again.
"I have no desire to be your enemy." even battered and bruised, the Kraken lord retained his rough dignity. "I only want what's mine. You'll take the crown soon enough, and I aim to be among your friends when you do."
He decked him in the stomach, driving the air from his lungs.
A wild cackle burst out of the raider. "Oh, you might protest and make your excuses, but sooner or later, you'll realize I'm right. The Targaryen are a dying breed, they don't deserve magic, they don't deserve dragons, they don't deserve to live. Frankly, you're doing the world a favor! Who better than you to rule?"
He kicked out, dislocating the man's shoulder.
Euron grunted in pain, but proceeded apace. "Think about it, your father won't do it. He's too old, and he doesn't want the responsibility. Nor does your mother. Your Kingsguard, brother? No, not for him the ways of kings. He be much happier with a stored in his hand, playing the knight all his life. Your sister? Perhaps. But we both know she doesn't have what it takes to rule, to say nothing of your not-so little brother.
A punch snapped his head to hit the side
"So much anger!" he tilted his head back, baring his throat to him. "So much rage! You want to kill me, don't you? I can see it in your eyes. You want to break me, make me talk. Yet you can't. You have nothing by which to compel me. But that's all right, I'm going to help you anyway-ooomph!"
Another meaty punch sent his head reeling to the side.
Euron spat blood upon the floor, "Hit me all you like, it won't change anything. I've seen how this ends. With you, sitting on the iron throne. It's how you get there that's yet to be determined."
Naruto recoiled. "You're telling me you can see the future?"
"Glimpses." Came the retort. "If I could see everything, why would I be here submitting myself to your tender mercies?" He looked down and laughed at his sorry state. Well, not so tender. Out with the old and in with the new, I say."
One of the shackles shattered suddenly, breaking like so much brittle rust.
Naruto pivoted in an instant, arm coming up to block.
...and yet, Euron didn't attack.
He simply hung there, hanging loosely, grinning like a loon.
"Make no mistake, I'm here because I want to be. You help me, and I help you." He offered him his hand in friendship. "Do we have a deal?
Naruto eyed it like a kraken's tentacle. "You do realize that if you step a single toe out of line, I'll have to kill you."
"I certainly hope so!" the reaver tittered. "I'd butcher anyone who dared to cross me. Remind to tell you about my crew sometime. My ship earned the name Silence for a reason...
He was making a deal with the devil, he just knew it.
Still better the devil you know than the one you didn't. Wasn't that the saying?
He could, without a doubt, kill Euron if it came to a fight. No mystical magic or twisted words would prevent that. Hells, Nymeria could probably take him. Barring that, he could just drown the man and go hunting for the eggs on his own. But if Euron really did have two of them...
"You're already thinking about ways to kill me, I see. That's the fun of it isn't it?" Euron smirked. "C'mon, Lannister." he wiggled his palm at him. "Shake my hand. Lets enjoy this little dance while it lasts."
Naruto exhaled heavily and reached out.
They shook hands.
A/N: To be clear! Naruto is using Euron much more much than Euron "thinks" he's using him, ergo, Euron "thinks" he has the upper hand here.
He does not. The second our boy finds those eggs 'ol Greyjoy is a dead duck. Problem is, Euron knows this.
As for Naruto and Cersei...we'll see where that goes. Next chapter dives further into it. It's not so simple a matter that can be unpacked in anything less than three chapters.
there is also a very simple solution for those two, though our boy has yet to realize it or act on it .
bonk her brains out in her dreams. There you go. private, quiet, and nobody can catch them. Problem solved. I wonder when he'll realize ...
And so the game begins.
Should this remain a story? Would you like weekly updates? I've got five slots left. Or should it remain monthly? By all means, speak up. Finally got this chapter to show up properly! The site glitch took a lot of progress from me, but here we are, making a comeback despite losing most of this chapter to the crash. Looking forward to your feedback!
So...in the immortal words of Atlas...
...Review...Would Ya Kindly? And of course, Enjoy the previews. Potential ones...
Previews are -mostly!- the same this time. Didn't want to spoil the upcoming chapters.
"Hail the Father of Dragons!"
"Say that one more time and I will HARM you, Oberyn...
Rhaegar considered his options.
This was a dangerous game he was playing, one with great risk. And yet the greatest risks often brought the greatest rewards, did they not?
He cracked the reigns and spurred his steed forward.
But as to where he rode...
...that's a story for another chapter, isn't it?
The Greyjoy raiders never stood a chance.
From Cornwall to Crakehall, they were set upon, one and all.
By years end, they were driven from the West and cast into the sea.
And once they were...
Ships sailed toward the Iron Islands.
It would be a massacre.
But for whom?
Something stirred in the depths.
EDIT: Hey, you made it! I do hope this chapter lived up to your expectations. By all means, feel free to let me know what you think!
Looking forward to your feedback/chatting with you when I get back from work!
Hope you have a great day filled with lots of luck,
R ~! =D