Chapter Fourteen


I hold Franziska as she sleeps against me. I only just got through telling her the story about one of Father's more amusing clients before she fell asleep against my chest.

I'm not sure how long I sit like this with the little toddler lying (and drooling) on my chest. I grab a book from my bedside table starting to read. I can at least keep myself busy.

I only get a few chapters in when I hear a soft. "Little brother."

I look down at the light grey eyes that look up at me. I choose her native German when I reply. "Yes? Did you have a nice nap?"

"I don't need naps!" she replied indignantly and then a little softer. "But it was nice, and the bad dreams went away."

"I'm glad to hear it."



"Do you ever have bad dreams?"

"Yeah, I have nightmares a lot," I admit.


"Because of the day my father died. I can still remember it," I say shivering a bit. That scream, that bullet shot… it's all…

The girl jumps up going out of my room before coming back in again. She climbs back onto the bed and hands me something.

I take it looking down at it. It's a stuffed jaguar. The one she usually has be the defense attorney during our "court" game.

"His name is Fleck, and he's a strong Jaguar so he'll chase your fears away."

Spot? His name is the German word for spot? How original. But I guess she is a three-year old.

"What about your horse? What's his name?"

"Her! She's a girl!"

"Right, sorry, what's her name?"


So the horse is named Crystal and the Jaguar is named Spot? I'll have to remember that.

"They're very strong so they'll keep us safe."

I'm not going to tell her that her horse plushy certainly didn't stop her from coming in here and cuddling up to me. I suppose stuffed animals are supposed to help a little though.

"Thanks, Franziska, though why did you pick Fleck?"

"Cause you know… your Papa was a defense attorney and he's usually the defense attorney so I thought… I thought maybe…"

Was she thinking the toy would make me remember him and think about him and that would make me feel safe? It's rather naive in a way, but it's a nice thought really.

"Thanks, Franziska, I really appreciate it. I'll take very good care of him."

"You better!"

"Of course," I say putting Fleck on the pillow as I stand up and wipe the drool off my shirt. "You can sleep with me if you ever neede to, you know."

"Really?" she asks. She looks too embarrassed to ask herself. "I don't need your help! I'm a big girl! I can-"

She cuts herself off when she lets out a fart and a strong smell starts to enter my room. She pouts stomping her foot.

"I think we need to change your diaper."

I can do it!" she declares running out of the room again. I follow her to the bathroom.

She glares at her potty as if it was to blame for her accident.

I pick her up gently putting her on the changing table. Since Franzsiska was attached to me Edda had shown me how to change the little gir's diapers.

I pull the diaper off. "What did you eat, girl?"

She thinks about her answer for a while. "Food!"

I laugh tickling her making her giggle. "I got that part. What kind of food."

"Yummy food!"

"Smelly food is more like it!"

"No! You smell!'

"I'm not the one who pooped in my diaper, little sass."

I clean her up before putting a new diaper on. Her accidents have been getting less and less, but I guess she didn't have time after her nap due to her interrupted sleep.

"One day I won't need a diaper."

"That's true," I tell her helping her down from the changing table and we head to the bathroom to wash up. She pulls out the step stool to reach the sink.

"I mean only little babies need diapers."

"No! Not a baby!" She huffs stomping her foot.

"Okay, okay, but you're still a baby sass!"

"Not baby anything!" She declares heading into the living room.

I follow her grabbing my book from my room on the way there. She sits on the couch and turns on the TV to her favourite kids' show. I suppose I have to thank her kids shows and kid books for my quick understanding of German.

The theme comes on with the brightly coloured animals.

The bright colours makes me miss watching Signal Samurai with Larry and Phoenix.

I wonder if Mr. von Karma would let me watch it. Though I know it's probably off the air and besides, I'm not sure if it's in anything but English, but…

Maybe if it's in German I could actually learn from it.

I know the holidays are coming up so maybe I should ask him. I know it's a strange thing, but…

"You're making a funny face and it's making it hard to concentrate on my show, little brother!"

"Huh? Oh, sorry, I was just thinking. I was wondering if your father would let me watch a show I really liked."

"I mean he lets me watch TV when I'm done with everything," she says keeping her eyes on the screen. It seems today's episode is about numbers.

"That's true, and he did say I could do what I wanted with my free time so…"

"But you're not having the remote."

I laugh a bit. "I'm not going to interrupt your show. I don't even know when it would be on if at all."

"So what is it?" she asks pulling a piece of paper off the coffee table and some crayons and drawing a number five sloppily.

"It's a show about Samurai." I'm hoping that word is the same in German, I mean it's a Japanese word.

"What's a "Sam-your-ray?"

"Sa-mu-rai," I correct her. "A Samurai is a warrior from Japan."

"So why do you like them?"

"Well there was this show I watched with my friends called "Signal Samurai" it was a really good show, and we used to watch it together.

"We were each one of the Samurai. I was Signal Red, Phoenix was Signal Blue and Larry was Signal Yellow. I just miss watching it with them."

"That sounds lame," she protests.

"No, I mean there were also three princesses sisters. They were Purple, Orange, and Green. But they weren't helpless. They were always there working with the Samurai."

"So girls can't be Samurai?"

"No, but they can be warrior princesses anyway."

She ponders this as she watches more of her show. She's clearly thinking a lot about the show.

"Still think it's lame," she says.

I grab the TV guide looking through the channels. It doesn't look like anything of the sort is supposed to come on this week.

Maybe that kind of show just isn't popular in Germany like it is in the US.

Franziska groans as her show goes to commercials, and I look at the silly commercials that always break up shows.

I blink as one specific commercial comes on. I gasp when they bring up the Signal Samurai box set. It's clearly in German, but I really want it.

"Is that the weird show you want to watch, brother?"

"Yeah," I say. "It doesn't look like it's on TV right now, but the DVDs are out for it, so…"

"Are you going to ask Papa to get you something weird?"

"I mean…"

"I mean it's your choice. I'm going to get my Animal Stories friends!"

I grin at her. "Bet he'll buy me my present and not yours!"


The next few months went in much the same way. Franziska spent more and more time sleeping in my room instead of her own. It was nice for both of us really.

We had our lessons as usual and we kept up with everything we had to do.

Slowly the nights got longer, and the day of my father's death started to get closer.

But before then it was time to celebrate. Though it seemed only Franziska was blissfully excited.

Even Mr. von Karma seemed a bit preoccupied with something else. I wonder what? I don't think I should ask.

We sit around the living room with our presents. Franziska has more than me, but I don't mind. For one thing she ahs more family, but also because she is a lot younger.

I know Franziska made her father something that Edda helped her wrap. Even though I could see that she had no sense of art Mr. von Karma still smiled a little bit at the drawing she'd made.

I look down at my presents with trepidation. While he'd asked us to write a list of things we wanted I wasn't sure what thins he'd think were appropriate for me to have.

"Well, little brother?" Franziska demands staring at me.

"Why don't you go first, Sass?"

She thinks about it for a bit then tears into her presents. She frowns at some of them, but she doesn't throw a fit. She jumps up and hugs her father when she unwraps the thing she really wanted. A collection of the characters from her Animal Stories show. I look at the box. It doesn't look like it just came from a random toy store. It almost looks like hand crafted work. I guess when Mr. von Karma does something he does it for real.

He hugs her back as she runs over. "Look!" She demands showing me.

"I see, you be careful with those, Sass."

"Of course!" she huffs putting them down gently.

She opens the last of her presents including a book about horses that she put in her "best presents ever" pile.

"Well guess it's my turn," I say grabbing my presents. Most of them were practical things. A few new books, some more notebooks some extra clothes, stuff like that.

As I get to the bottom pile I realize that none of them had a silly "From: Santa" label on them. I guess Santa doesn't exist in the von Karma house.

Not that I really mind. As I told my father once Santa would be the biggest unlawful enterer in existence if he was real.

He'd laughed and told me that it was magic, but I didn't believe him.

I shake off the memory of my father as I pull off the wrapping paper. I was a lot cleaner than Franziska even though she tried to open them carefully. The paper wasn't gaudy, but also not too plain.

Finally uncovering the gift inside I stare at the gift.

The full set of Signal Samurai DVDs complete with bonus features and specials. In fact, pretty much everything that had ever been released to DVD was here in both English and German with or without subtitles.

I look at the note that was on the top of the box.

It is always wise to learn things, and write down unfamiliar and new words for study and practice later.

It may have been a small instruction to watch them in German to better learn the language, but I didn't care. I stand up bowing to him. "Thank you, sir."

"It's not that big of a deal," he replies. He's not a man of many words really, but even so…

After helping Franziska put up the figures of her animals I head to my room putting the DVDs on my bookshelf.

Missile jumps on the bed even though he's not supposed to. I stroke his head.

"It's not the same without Father. though I appreciate the gifts and all."

He licks my hand.


It's almost been a year…

The next few days were kind of a blur for me. I don't remember much. All I remember are the constant nightmares and then….

Then it was December 28th.


This whole trial had been a mess. To have it last a whole year is ridiculous.

I suppose I have to give that foolish attorney some credit for making it this far. He's better than I expected.

But now it's time to bring this case to a close. It's about time to end this case like it should have ended a while ago. It's time to show this fool that-

"Hold it!"

"What's wrong, Mr. Edgeworth?"

"Your Honour, the confession my client just made, that confession is one made under duress. During an interrogation of the defendant, Mr. von Karma and his detective coerced my client into giving this confession. Therefore I hold that it can't stand."

"Objection! Your claim is baseless! How dare you slander my good name with such false accusations!"

"Mr. Edgewoth, I hope you have proof of your claim. Without that this is mere slander."

He can't possibly-

"I have proof, your honour. Take a listen to this recording of the conversation between the three men."

Where did he? Badd! How dare you?!

"Mr. von Karma,what is the meaning of this?"

"Your honour…"

"How can I render a fair verdict when the defendant's confession as-"

"I don't care, I just want this trial to end already. It's been a year and we're not getting anywhere."

"But Mr. Master."

I'll only be able to get him convicted as an accomplice, but…

"Hold it!"

"Chief Prosecutor Debeste?"

What's he doing here?

"Your honour, I'm afraid this confession was not everything that von Karma forged, you see?"

What are you on about, Debeste? What are you doing?

"What do you mean?"

"I talked to Lacer a bit since something seemed off, and it turns out that the body has been missing, but knowing this Mr. von Karma went ahead and got an autopsy report anyway."

What? The autopsy? So what that defense attorney said was…?

"Von Karma!"

"Mr. von Karma, care to explain this to the court. Forging evidence is a serious offense, you could lose your badge for this."

What can I say? With that forged confession I can hardly argue. Damn you, Debeste, were you waiting for this? Was this your plan? Did you betray me?

"Mommy, is that man a bad person?"

"What does forged mean?"

"Is he a cheater?"

"I always knew that such a win record couldn't possibly be real!"

"How many other innocent people has he put away with his lies?"

The slam of the gavel put a stop to any other outbursts from the riff-raff in the gallery.

"Mr. von Karma?"

"I have no comment, your honour."

"Don't worry you're honour, I will make sure that Mr. von Karma is penalized accordingly for this."

"That is as it should be, Debeste."

I glance over at Edgeworth. He's been surprisingly silent this whole time. He just watches me. Is he judging me? How is he supposed to understand? How could a mere attorney understand?

"Mr. Master, knowing this you can withdraw your confession and we can continue to examine the case."

"Please, your honour. I will accept the charge of an accomplice. I don't want this trial to go any longer."

"Very well, if that's what you want. I will now hand down my verdict: Guilty."

I snarl. This whole trail is completely ridiculous.

I storm out of the courthouse to the prosecutor's lobby.

"Von Karma."

"Chief prosecutor, sir. I'm sorry."

"I can't believe you were caught like this. By Edgeworth no less."

No thanks to you…

"I was careless."

"Y'know, I've covered for you in the past, but I can't let this one go. You know I'm going to have to penalize you for this."


"Don't take it personally, von Karma. It's just y'see if I let your forgery slide people might start asking questions."


"Don't worry, your detective friend will be punished as well. I'm sure he'll get fired for his meddling. I'll put most of the blame on him so you don't have to lose your badge, but that's the best I can do for you."


"I hope you'll be more careful next time, von Karma. I'd hate to have this happen again and have to fire you. Y'know you're one of the best prosecutors and it hurts so much to have to do this," he sniffs.

Stop with the fake tears, I've never liked you, and I never will.

"I will be more careful, sir."

"I'm glad to hear it," he says spilling the collected tears out of his goggles. I step back so the water doesn't splash on my shoes. I don't know why he has to pretend to be so sickly sweet. "I hope you have a nice day."

"You too, sir."

Not really.

He looks at me for a bit longer before walking out.

The next few hours were a blur, and then that searing pain and blood.

It dripped from the wound. I'm not even sure why, or even how it had happened.

Impossibly the man's eyes open and he looks right into mine. "You killed me. For something so small. Is this really what it means to be a von Karma? You better take care of Miles. My blood is one your hands, don't let his be as well, von Karma.

I look over to see the boy staring at me with those intelligent grey eyes.

I take a step back.

I sit up gasping and clutching my shoulder. It throbs with pain and I growl. What was that last part?

I need to get a grip. This is really unbecoming of a von Karma!

Gregory Edgeworth is dead! That boy knows nothing! I'm just being foolish!

I just need some air, I'm not sure I'll get much sleep tonight.

As I get up to head to the yyard I hear Franziska scream.

Franziszka? What's goign on?!


Today is such a strange day. Even Miles doesn't want to play with me.

I sit up in bed stroking Krystall. I'm not sure why, but I can't sleep.

Maybe I'm just worried about Miles. Maybe I should go check on him or something? I mean he did say one time that this was the day he lost his Papa right?

So many he needs his big sister today? Maybe that'll make him feel better.

I mean what little brother doesn't need their big sister?

I look over at the horsey figurine he'd gotten me. It stands next to the figures that Papa got me from Animal Stories.

That's it! He needs his big sister!

After all, I spend a lot of time in his room since we both have bad dreams.

I sneak out of my room and go through the dark hallway to Miles' room careful not to make too much noise.

When I get there I hear Missile whining and scratching at the door.

That's odd. He shouldn't need to use the bathroom right now? He was out all day. I mean he's good and won't go in the house, but…

I struggle, but I reach the doorknob. I open it looking down at the dog. "Missile?"

The dog whines and runs into the room more. I follow him. "Miles…?"

I smell something. I'm not too familiar with it, but…

Isn't it blood…?


I run over to him…

And then I pass out.


German English:

Japanese English:



"Try to get some rest, Franziska."

"You too, Papa," I say.

He wraps an arm around me.

As I drift into sleep I think I can feel my hair getting wet, but that makes no sense. Does it?