BNHA – Quirk Warfare

So I thought I should write a military themed BNHA story, it was sort of an idea I had where what if Inko was Ex-Military Special Forces who had owned a Private Military Company.

Inspired by other Fanfictions:

- A Chance by guerilla sam

- Izuku: The Ultimate Weapon by MyHeroFan398

Elements from video games are in this story such as:

- The Division Series by Ubisoft

- Ghost Recon Series by Ubisoft

- Call of Duty Modern Warfare Series by Infinity Ward

- Call of Duty Black Ops Series by Treyarch

- Act of War & Act of Aggression by Eugen Systems

- Max Payne 3 by Rockstar Games

- Metal Gear Solid Series by Konami

As well as:

- The John Wick Series

Chapter 1

Location: South America, CLASSIFIED

Date: March 15, 2350

Despite Quirks ending most of the world's problems, there are wars that still plague much of the Third World in regions like South America, South East Asia and parts of the Middle East and Africa. With the emergence of Quirks, much of the Third World would be thrown in chaos where political boundaries would be rewritten by groups with differing goals. Groups ranging from interests of religion, politics and money would fight for control in the Third World following the chaos of quirks emerging.

The nation in question is in the midst of a civil war. The causes of which are too complicated to explain but involves a rather unstable government and a dissatisfied population. The same could be said with the many nations all over the Third World.

The Local Government alongside the United Nations hoping to end the crisis had hired Private Military Companies to help maintain stability and prevent the spread of conflict aiding the government in suppressing the rebellion.

The Baseline Group is one of these PMC groups hired by the local Government and the UN. They were hired to assist Government Soldiers in counterinsurgency operations. The Baseline PMC CEO and Commander Inko Midoriya would be tasked with one of the hardest jobs in her contract.

The Government Soldiers she has been contracted to assist were widely incompetent, and already her armed operatives have complained numerous times of Government troops deserting and running off.

Inko along with some Baseline Commanders were in the middle of an argument with Government Army Officers.

"This is the tenth time this week! How can we help you crush rebels if your men keep ditching my operatives in battle?" Complains a woman. The woman is attractive, in her mid-thirties, has green hair, dressed in tactical gear (A plate carrier vest and tactical knee pads).

"I understand your problems Ms. Midoriya, but there isn't much me or my superiors can do." The Officer replies, although his tone displayed an obvious disinterest to the subject.

"Yes, you can! For crying out loud have you ever tried disciplining your men and keeping them in line?!" Inko yells in frustration.

"It's not my problem. Besides why do you think you were hired in the first place? You were hired to assist our country's finest soldiers. So why don't you keep our men in line if your having problems? I mean this is what we and the United Nations pay you to do." The Officer says smugly as he starts leaving.

Indeed, Inko already regretted taking the job in South America. Once her contract is complete, she will immediately order her PMC Group to pull out.

"Thank goodness my contracts almost up, I hear the Yaoyorozu Corporation back in Japan are hiring some Private Security detail and the payment is generous. I'll take them up on that offer just so I can get out of this warzone."

Along with having to support a regime whose army was too incompetent and corrupt to work with, Inko must also raise her eight-year-old twin sons. Her twin sons Izuku and Ikki mean the entire world to Inko. Ever since the death of her late husband Hisashi, her sons are the only thing she has left in the world. Of course, Inko takes her sons wherever her job required her.

Although ever since her sons were diagnosed Quirkless, she has been overprotective of her sons, as well gave her sons military training providing them a training in Firearms and CQC. Due to their lifestyle, the boys would appear more mature than any ordinary child.

Inko sick of having to deal with the incompetence of her clients would long to see her sons. Walking out of the Camp Command Center she would make her way to the barracks made from an old rundown school complex where her sons would spend most of their days.

"Izu, Ikki I'm back! How are my two favourite men in the world?" Inko says upon entering the Barracks.

"Fine mom" Izuku replies sitting on his bed with a Kimber Custom M1911 Pistol trying to make record time to see how fast he can reassemble and disassemble the gun.

"Bored" Ikki says to his mom laying on down on bed reading a book on Close Quarters Combat.

"Well now that you say that. Want to do spend time with your mother?" Inko says. Inko really wanted to spend time with her boys considering the time she had spend mostly working.

"But aren't you busy?" Izuku says aware of his mother's line of work as a Private Military Contractor.

"Well there's a stalemate because neither the government nor the rebel forces have made any significant breakthroughs, and I doubt I'm really needed here. That being said: Any of you want to go to the city?" Inko says, wanting to spend time with her boys instead of killing time in the camp.

"Sure." Izuku says stowing his pistol away in a case.

"Beats boredom in base camp." Ikki states putting his book down.

"Well get in the Jeep. Cause were going to spend time as a family sightseeing."

A Little Later

The drive to the city would be a pain considering the number of government checkpoints they would have to pass through.

"You know I counted at least 10 checkpoints passing through." Izuku says.

"I also counted at least 10-20 government soldiers in each of those checkpoints." Ikki replies.

"Hey any of you hungry? I hear the local food is to die for. How about souvenirs?" Inko says.

"Sure" Ikki says.

"Yes" Izuku says.

"….." Inko just stares at her sons.

"Are you hungry or do you want souvenirs?" Inko asks trying to reconfirm what her sons want.

"Well food sounds good." Izuku says.

"Ditto" Ikki states

Driving through the city on an express highway, there were many sights from well-developed streets and skyscrapers to the underdeveloped slums. The city was something the boys had never seen. The boys would easily witness the obvious economic division and class split with the city divided between underdeveloped slums and the developed middle to high-class areas. Along with these sights, there would also be the occasional police and military patrols conducted by the local government.

"I know a good restaurant nearby. A colleague of mine or rather the one of the local army officers I work with recommended it." Inko states as she is driving.

After driving for a little while Inko started parking her jeep where Inko and her sons would walk to the restaurant. Upon walking in the restaurant, the Midoriya's would be greeted to the sight of civilians and off-duty government soldiers casually lounging at the restaurant eating food.

The Midoriya's take their seats and a waitress comes to their table to take their order. But before they could take their order-

= BOOM =

Something exploded, a car bomb by the sidewalk to be specific. Inko shields her sons from the blast.

Inko and her sons were knocked unconscious by the blast but remained unscathed by the explosion, where when they came to, they began to take the debris off of themselves and survey the damage where there were bodies and debris everywhere. Most of the restaurant's customers weren't so lucky, the same can be said for the waitress who also didn't survive in the blast.

Along with the aftermath of the blast, the sound of automatic gunfire can be heard all over the city, where outside the restaurant there is already a firefight that can be seen between government soldiers and rebel militias.

"What the hell? How did the Rebels get through? Did they just launch an all-out surprise offensive?" Inko thought.

Inko pulls out the Glock from her holster while her sons would stay behind Inko. The boys, despite their young age were trained or rather conditioned by their mother to handle any situation no matter how dire the situation was. Inko while she's unwilling to see her boys hurt or even killed, as well unwilling to see them killing people, she decided to do the bold thing.

"Izu and Ikki, as much as it pains me. Stick with me at all times and shoot anyone who shoots at us." Inko says as she uses her Quirk to pull two FN FAL Battles Rifles from the dead government troops handing those rifles to her sons.

Izuku and Ikki had spent most of their childhood undergoing military training something Inko had trained them with considering their quirklessness. Thus, Izuku and Ikki were extremely skilled in special forces tactics, firearms and CQC. But because growing up in a military environment and lacking the proper social skills or interaction, they have no qualms for killing much to Inko's horror even though she wants the best for her sons. Along with being raised in that environment, the boys also lacked proper social interaction.

"Mama Bear… Mama Bear… we are under attack!" Inko's earpiece yells.

"This is Mama Bear! Can you hold out? The nearby city my sons and I are at is also under attack!" Inko replies.

"We can't… (CHHHZZZ) They brought a whole army, I repeat, they brought a whole army! The government troops had just fled and ditched us, it's just us now! We have casualties…. Damn it we won't last long!"

"Order all surviving Baseline personnel to evacuate. Our contract is supposed to end in a month, but I'm finishing the contract sooner than expected. Order all remaining Baseline to rendezvous at the Playa Larga Private Airport, there are Lockheed C-130 Transport Planes prepped for when we pull out! I'll also contact Bliss and his Last Man Battalion PMC for assistance." Inko orders.

Inko and her sons would make their way back to the Jeep amidst the battle that was taking place in the city. Inko would fight her way though the streets effortlessly cutting down the militias. As they were making their way back to the Jeep through the war-torn streets, the Midoriya's would run into a group of Government Soldiers. Inko curious about the situation asks one of the Government Soldiers what happened.

"Can you please explain what happened?" Inko asks the Soldier in Spanish.

"They came out of nowhere! There were explosions and suddenly people started pulling guns out on us and started shooting." The Soldier states in a tone of panic and distress.

"Just like the Tet Offensive." Inko thought.

Inko then realizes something. What are orders from high command?

"Have your superiors or your high command notified you and what are your new orders?" Inko says asking the Sergeant leading the Group of Soldiers.

"I'm afraid Army Headquarters was attacked, and most high-ranking personnel did not survive. Our only orders from the surviving higher-ups are to hold our ground and suppress the attack until command can find out what the hell happened." The Sergeant replies in a strict tone. The Sergeant in question appeared rather very competent judging by his tone and looked very stern and fierce, he looks different in that he appeared more motivated in doing his job compared to the corrupt and incompetent personnel Inko was hired to assist.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Sgt. Pablo Rivera" The Sergeant says stating his name.

"You want to come with us Sergeant?" Inko asks.

"As much I would like to live and fight another day, orders are orders. Don't worry about us, I fought long enough to know how to survive, so my men and I will live." The Sergeant states proudly.

"Well then I wish you luck Sergeant Rivera. I hope to meet again." Inko replies saluting said soldier having respect for the man's bravery unlike the other government troops she was hired to assist.

"I hope the same for you madam." Rivera replies returning a salute to Inko.

"Boys lets go." Inko orders her sons.

"Right mom" Both boys reply.

Inko and her sons would make their way to the jeep, although it would take a few delays what with fighting the various militias along the way. The battle for the government was lost right when it started, there were hordes of rebel militia swarming the entire city, as well government forces were disorganized and caught with their pants down.

The Midoriyas' immediately got in the Jeep, and Inko would immediately step on the gas returning back to Baseline basecamp. The streets and highways would be mostly emptied albeit there would be empty cars as civilians would hide from the intense fighting in the city. Inko would double time it to the highway speeding above 100h/km. But as Inko was speeding through the highway, a helicopter with rebel markings overhead would pursue the Jeep. Fortunately, the helicopter wasn't an attack chopper but rather a transport helicopter for it was big but lacked in weapon systems. The helicopters side doors slide open revealing militiamen who began opening fire their AK Assault Rifles at the Midoriya's Jeep.

Inko taking note of the helicopter and the militiamen shooting at them makes some maneuvers with her Jeep dodging the gunfire.

Most of the shots miss with few only hitting minor parts of the Jeep. But a militiaman in the helicopter pulls out an RPG-7 aiming at Inko's Jeep. Izuku takes notice of this.

"Mom, RPG in that helicopter!" Izuku yells. Inko takes notice of Izuku's announcement and sees the RPG-toting militiaman in the helicopter, she then tells her sons: "Hold on this is going to be a rough ride!" Thus, Inko prepares to brace for impact.

The militiaman fires his RPG launching the rocket at the Jeep. But Izuku in a split second quickly maneuvers and aims his FAL shooting the rifle at the rocket right as its leaving the militiaman's launcher and the helicopter.

= BOOM =

The 7.62x51mm round from Izuku's FN FAL impacts the rocket causing an explosion that caused shrapnel to fly everywhere ripping apart the man with the RPG along with some unfortunate militiamen. As well the result of the explosion damaged the helicopter's engines causing it to spin out of control where it begins to crash and explode along the freeway.

The Midoriya's were finally in the clear.

Inko would then reach her communication earpiece.

"Charles, Baseline base camp has been hit, mobilize your Last Man Battalion PMCs and provide cover for any Baseline PMCs for my men are evacuating and headed your way."

"Inko? This is Bliss, I copy."

"Also, I am ending my contracting early here since most of the local government was wiped out. We would recommend you do the same."

"Right, I'll prepare my AC-130 Gunship for air support to cover your guys evacuation, as well I will also prep the C-130 Hercules for evacuation in the airfield."

The rest of the drive would be fast, the checkpoints would be abandoned with the government troops guarding those areas either fled or died defending the checkpoints. In the drive, the Midoriya's would occasionally run into a militia patrol, but would get through them no problem easily driving past them at full speed.

The Midoriya's would reach base camp where flames would be seen, as well gunfire could easily be heard all around the premises. Inko would park her Jeep away from the camp hiding it in among the jungle by a bunch of palm trees and leaves.

Inko orders her sons to stay put, which despite the risks, the boys were trained to take care of themselves.

"Hey mom, why don't we head straight for the airport? You did message them to head to Playa Largo." Asks Izuku.

"I want to make sure none of my operatives are left behind. Plus, there could be Baseline operatives still alive as well trapped and pinned down by the militias."

"Yes mom, but how are we going to fit more people in this Jeep?" Ikki cuts in.

"About that, I'm probably ditching the Jeep and using the APC we have in storage. Stay here and wait, I'll be back with the APC, if I'm not back in thirty minutes, you go straight for that airport where from there my remaining contractors will take good care of you."

"Right mom" Both boys acknowledge.

Inko would then move in, hiding from the mob of armed militias roaming the remains of basecamp. Inko only packing her Glock would pick up a dead militiaman's AKM Assault Rifle, cocking the Rifle's charging handle, as well scavenging extra ammunition from the dead militiaman.

Continuing to move into basecamp or what remains. Staying out of sight sneaking through the base avoiding the militia patrols. She would be trying to find her remaining operatives still left on basecamp.

Inko however notices something odd. Men that Inko finds numbered in fifteen dressed in black tactical gear and masked, armed with high-powered small arms – carrying HK416, SCAR-L and ACR Assault Rifles to be specific. As well they were equipped with advanced electronics - ISAC Systems. And the only people who uses ISAC systems are First-World Militaries and High-Class PMCs.

Judging from their appearance, they don't seem to be from any national military or any special forces group. Maybe a classified military unit? Can't be, I mean what the hell would they be doing here in the first place? Another PMC Group? Possibly, although Inko doesn't recognize any PMC group with that kind of equipment or setup.

"Just who the hell are they?" Inko wonders in frustration.

"Is the camp cleared out?" The Unknown Soldier in black states speaking English in a clear North American accent.

"Negative, most of the Government Forces have fled, as well the Baseline PMCs here have mostly fled, we did receive some casualties, although in return we did neutralize our fair share." The other Unknown Soldier replies. Inko sighs quietly in relief glad that most did flee, although was sad to hear some of her colleagues were KIA [Killed in Action].

"What about the remainder on this camp?"

"There are still a lot of PMCs holed up in the Command Center in the former mansion. The militia cannon-fodder we've been hired to aid should easily take care of it."

"The Command Center. So that's where most of my remaining men are." Inko thought as she was eavesdropping.

"What's the Sit Rep on Inko Midoriya?" The Unknown Soldier asks.

"No known sign of her. Possibly in the Command Center with her remaining personnel." The other Unknown replies.

"I better hurry!" Inko says as she makes her way to the Command Center.

Inko immediately makes her way to the Command Center avoiding the patrols where gunfire could be heard throughout the camp. Inko heading to the Command Center would be greeted with the sight of a firefight.

Judging from the sight of the Command Center, the former mansion was shot up to hell. Thankfully the militias were largely untrained and inexperienced seeing as they were struggling to reload their AKs and had begun disregarding cover. Despite being untrained, there were waves and waves of militiamen. The Baseline Mercenaries however would return their greeting by unleashing their firepower where waves of militiamen are easily cutdown. Of course, its only a matter of time before the Baseline personnel run out of ammunition.

Seeing as the militia were distracted making suicidal charges at the mansion entrance Inko would make her way to the mansion. Hiding along the jungles out of sight of the militias she sneaks in from the hidden back entrance. Reaching the back of the old mansion, Inko then goes to the back and opens a hidden door on the wall, from there she is be greeted by the muzzle of an HK G36 Assault Rifle.

"Hold it or I'll blow your fucking head off!" A G36-toting Baseline Mercenary yells.

"Calm down its me!" Inko replies.

"Boss? You came back?" The Operator replies

"Yes, I am here to get any remaining stragglers. Most of the personnel had evacuated to Largo Playa Airport."

"Were so screwed boss."

"Were not screwed yet."

"Guys in black along with the militias just came out of nowhere and launched a surprise attack! How is that no being screwed yet?!"

"Guys in black?" Inko asks having also seen them prior.

"These guys are pros; we have no problem dealing with the militias, but those guys hit us hard."

"I'm here to get you out." Inko tells.

"But how? We'll be slaughtered once they see us try to leave. Were sitting ducks!" The Baseline Mercenary says in a panic.

"Don't worry about that, I've contacted Charles Bliss of the Last Man Battalion PMC for support, they are sending in an AC-130 Gunship, they should be here soon." Inko assures.

Inko reaches for her communication earpiece and asks for status on air support.

"Bliss, this is Inko, what's the ETA on my air support."

"This is Bliss, the AC-130 should be there in five minutes."

"Affirmative, Inko out." Inko says as she turns off her comms.

Now to warn all the remaining Baseline personnel for the Last Man Battalion's AC-130 would provide both cover and a diversion for the escape. She would reach the main office of the Command Center/Mansion where most of the high-ranking Baseline Personnel were situated at. Along the way the mercenaries would salute the Baseline PMC CEO and Commander Inko honoring her presence.

Inko would open the door to the Mansion's main office where she would be greeted with the sight of chaos. Baseline Officers were scuffling in a panic packing or disposing classified documents and papers regarding valuable information on Baseline PMC. No one would take notice of her for they were occupied in trying to safeguard company information.

"Attention!" Inko yells.

"Commander?" A Baseline Officer says in surprise that their Commander came back.

"Boss?" Another says in shock at their Commander's return.

"Were leaving!" Inko states.

"But what about the information?" A Baseline Officer replies.

"I never told you this, but I rigged the mansion to blow in case events like these happen, I had C4 planted everywhere." Inko assures.

"Whatever you have to do, finish it right now for we are leaving. Also don't worry about saving Baseline information, I've already had our records and information saved in a hard drive. Also, I've contacted the Last Man Battalion for assistance, they will provide AC-130 Gunship to help cover our evacuation." Inko continues.

= BOOM BOOM BOOM = The sound of one L60 Bofors 40mm Cannon firing consecutively can be heard.

This is then followed by the sound of rapid machine gun fire from two M61 Vulcan 20mm Cannons.


"Well now that I have said that, I think its safe to assume our AC-130 air support has arrived. Come on!"

Outside, the militias seeing the arrival of the AC-130 redirected their attention from the mansion and opening fire on the plane. But their attempt of shooting down the AC-130 Gunship with their AK-47/AKM Assault Rifles was to no avail for the plane was both armoured and too high up the sky. The various militiamen were either be ripped apart by the AC-130's 20mm Cannons or blown apart by the Gunship's L60 Bofors Cannon. Witnessing this, the remaining militias started to flee from the mansion not wanting to share the same fate as their comrades.

This was their chance to escape where every remaining Baseline personnel had begun to drop everything and immediately exit the building.

And just as the LMB had sent an AC-130 to provide cover for Inko, the Unknown soldiers in black were frustrated with the immediate change of plans.

"This was not a part of the plan." The Unknown Soldier would say in frustration witnessing the AC-130 decimating columns of militiamen.

"We read our intel report and there was never any AC-130 in the Baseline Group's inventory. Judging from the plane's symbol, it looks like the Last Man Battalion has come to Baseline's aid." The other Unknown Soldier would respond.

"What happens now?" Another Unknown Soldier asks.

"The AC-130 is preoccupied with the militias, that could mean it's covering the evacuation for the remaining Baseline personnel on site. I have an idea, ambush them as they are evacuating. I'll call for more reinforcements."

Meanwhile (Izuku and Ikki)

The boys made good on their mom's orders to stay put hiding within the jungle's trees and bushes with the Jeep.

The boys also see the AC-130 flying in and demolishing the militias. That meant Uncle Bliss and the LMB had came to the rescue.

But before they could celebrate, the boys take notice Soldiers clad in Black Tactical Gear with high-tech equipment armed with High-Powered Assault Rifles approaching the camp.

These guys don't look like LMB Soldiers or friendly for that matter.

"Remember the mission, wipe out all Baseline personnel." An unknown soldier states.

"Hey Izu, what's the play here?" Ikki asks.

"We cover mom's rear."

Izuku cocks his FN FAL and aims his Rifle at the group of unknown soldiers. Ikki seeing what Izuku is doing follows suit aiming his FN FAL Rifle at the enemy soldiers.

"On three, we open fire." Izuku says.

"Three… two… one…"

Izuku and Ikki then unleash a fully automatic storm of lead from their FN FAL Rifles. The unknown soldiers were surprised not expecting anything to attack them outside of Baseline's base camp. The soldiers would snap out of their shock and return fire at the boys.

The enemy soldiers were much more skilled compared to the militias taking cover and properly coordinating, as well putting up a fight. The soldiers would fire blindly into the jungle unable to pinpoint the boy's location as the boys would move constantly changing position.

Izuku and Ikki dispatch the soldiers although it would be a challenge considering how these guys fought like Special Forces Soldiers. Seeing as these black dressed soldiers were dispatched, Izuku and Ikki came to get a good look at who they killed.

Getting closer, they notice a gravely injured enemy soldier clutching his wounds.

"What the hell? We just got shot up by kids?" The injured enemy soldier states in shock.

Ikki noticing the soldier speaking English in a clear North American accent ask him in English who he works for.

"Who are you people? You aren't like any of the militias we've ever seen. But judging from your mission, it looks like you've been sent to kill our mom and her colleagues at Baseline." Ikki asks in a calm tone.

"Mom?" The injured soldier asks curious at the word mom.

"Inko Midoriya." Izuku replies.

"Well looks like she passed on her skill to her sons. And here I thought I fought a bunch of Baseline Soldiers." The injured soldier jokingly responds.

"Now back to the question, what is your affiliation and what is your mission? Do this and I promise you a quick death." Izuku demands coldly.

"We are the Black Tusk Strike Unit." The injured soldier replies.

"Go on."

"We've been hired to advise the militias, but most importantly we've been ordered to wipe out the Baseline Group."

The soldier in question didn't have a lot of time, he was mortally wounded judging by the tone of his voice fading. But nonetheless the boys wanted to get more information before he died.


"She knows too much." But before the Black Tusk Soldier could continue, he succumbs to his injuries. For now, the information the boys had on these men was adequate, although right now they needed to get to their mother to tell her about the Black Tusk.

"What does he mean she knows too much?" Ikki wonders.

"I'm not sure." Izuku replies.

"Should we proceed into the camp?" Ikki asks.

"No, we should obey mom's order and hold our position. But we could get some nice guns while were at it." Izuku replies discarding his FN FAL going for an HK416 Assault Rifle prying it from a dead Black Tusk Soldier's hands.

"Ditto" Ikki replies doing the same as Izuku dropping his FN FAL and taking an ACR Assault Rifle from a dead Black Tusk Soldier.

At the same time elsewhere, the Black Tusks would ask for the status of their reinforcements.

"Alpha Team come in! What's your sit rep?" A BTSU Officer asks on his comms.

= STATIC = The Officer would be greeted with no response other than static.

"I repeat Alpha Team, what's your sit rep?"

Still no response on the comms.

"What's going on with our reinforcements?"

"I don't know. Hey Scalpel, you go with Jockey and find out what the hell happened to our reinforcements. The rest follow me and proceed with the plan on wiping out Midoriya and Baseline." The Black Tusk Officer ordered.

"Affirmative" The Black Tusk Soldier identified as Scalpel says acknowledging his superior officer's orders.

"Jockey we're Oscar Mike." Scalpel says.

Meanwhile (Inko Midoriya)

"That AC-130 should have bought us enough time. Can't believe it worked." A Baseline Mercenary says as he finishes packing the last of the equipment in the LAV-25 APC.

The LMB AC-130 Gunship having exhausted its ammunition would return to Playa Largo airport.

"Now to get my boys and go to Playa Largo airport. Now step on it!" Inko states.

The LAV would smash through the door of the bases garage immediately going through base camp in full speed. The LAV would also be followed by five more LAV consisting of the rest of Baseline on base.

The few remaining militiamen who haven't been cut down by the AC-130 would give chase and shoot at the escaping LAVs.

Seeing as the mansion was evacuated, Inko pulls out her C4 detonator and pushes the button causing the C4 planted within the walls of the mansion to blow.

= BOOM =

All evidence or information relating to Baseline that could be used against said PMC Group was destroyed in the blast along with the mansion in a fiery explosion.

But before they can celebrate, Black Tusk Soldiers had come out of nowhere and began to ambush the convoy aiming LAW Rocket Launchers at the transports.

"It's them! It's the guys in black! Were so screwed!" A Baseline Mercenary says in panic.

"Get your shit together! You were trained to do this back in the military, and you were paid to do this when I hired you! You knew the consequences so stop bitching and Man Up!" Inko says punching him in the face.

And just as the Black Tusks fired their rockets.

"Evasive maneuvers!" Inko yells.

The drivers would steer their LAVs dodging the rockets, although one rocket managed to hit but had ricochet off one of the LAVs side.

Driving at full speed they were able to evade the Black Tusks who ambushed them.

Going to the entrance of base camp Inko and her Baseline personnel would be greeted with the sight of dead Black Tusk Soldiers and her two sons waiting with rifles at the ready.

"Come on boys get on were going to Japan." The boys complied to their mother's orders and got into the APC their mom was on.

"Driver get us to Playa Largo Airport. Bliss has a plane waiting for us." Inko orders, the driver nods and steps on it.

"Mom, those guys we killed earlier say they are from the Black Tusk Strike Unit." Izuku states.

"The Black Tusk? I thought they were just rumours." A Baseline Mercenary says.

"I've heard about them. Another PMC outfit, American-based from what I can gather but they're classified, all I heard of is that they're made up of Ex-US Army Special Forces and Delta Force." Another Baseline Mercenary cuts in.

"One second they're there, the next they're not. That's what most survivors of Black Tusk attacks recall." A third Baseline mercenary adds in.

"Yeah well they weren't much of a challenge." Izuku states.

All the Baseline personnel within the LAV look at Izuku and Ikki slack jawed and dumbfounded at what they said except for Inko.

"Who hired the Black Tusks? The same people who killed Hisashi?" Inko thought.

Meanwhile (Black Tusk Strike Unit)

"Damn It!" The Black Tusk Officer yells in frustration.

"Mission is a bust. Were pulling out of here." A Black Tusk Soldier states to his employers.

"Looks like we aren't getting paid." Another Black Tusk Soldier states

"Sir we've found Alpha Team or what remains of them." Scalpel says.

"What's their status?" The Officer asks.

"They're all KIA" Scalpel states.

"What how?" The Officer asks dumbfounded at how a bunch of highly skilled Ex-Special Forces Soldiers were easily killed.

"Unsure maybe the Last Man Battalion sent in a relief force to assist Baseline." Scalpel replies also as confused.

"Unlikely, at best the LMB are mostly made up of Ex-US Army Regulars and US Marines who don't stand a chance. The most they can make up for being Elite are some Ex-Army Rangers within LMB ranks, although they pale in comparison to us. I'm going to report this to commander Schaeffer, the boss is gonna want to know more about this."

"Nonetheless we should pull out. We don't leave our own behind, gather our dead comrades and take them to the Blackhawk. I'll reach command to deal with the militia, even though they were allies, they are witnesses and after all we don't leave witnesses." The Black Tusk Officer states.

"Command, this is Panzer, send in the bombers to depose of the militias, they have completed their usefulness." The Black Tusk Officer identified as Panzer requests.

A Blackhawk Helicopters swoops in and picks up the Black Tusk Soldiers including the dead Black Tusks killed by the twins. The Black Tusk Soldiers from there depart from the camp.

Shortly after the Black Tusks had departed, a B-2 Stealth Bomber flies over the camp and drops a GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb. The ensuing explosion from the bomb had obliterated everything and everyone within the camp's radius along with its surroundings leaving nothing behind but a massive crater.


Location: The Pacific Ocean

They had escaped, now onto Japan. They were finally safe, as well most of Baseline had come out intact thankfully. The plane ride back to Japan was quiet and rather very pleasant.

Inko's sons were asleep right beside her. As well, the rest of her PMC personnel were lounging and relaxing relieved that they came out in one piece.

Although a lot of thoughts were on Inko's mind.

Who were the Black Tusk Strike Unit? Were they the same people who killed Hisashi? Were they hired by the same people who killed Hisashi? Why were they after her and Baseline? Is there something bigger going on at play? What would this mean for her sons? Would they be safe?

For now, she would focus on her security contract with the Yaoyorozus, but she would keep on tabs investigating what was going on.

But because they were going to Japan, Inko was worried for both her sons' safety. She was especially worried at the fact that they would be different from the other kids considering how they never experienced a normal childhood. Nonetheless she would do everything in power to make their lives great.

Now onto Musutafu.

It's going to be a whole new experience for her sons. They were safe for the time being, but for how long?


Name: Inko Midoriya

Nationality: Japanese

Birth Date: July 4, 2315

Quirk: Pull

Occupation: Corporate Executive Officer + Private Military Contractor

Current Employment: Baseline Group

Prior Employment: Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force

- JGSDF Airborne

- JGSDF Special Forces Unit


The Baseline Group

- Type: Private Military Company

- Nation: Japan

- Founder: Hisashi Midoriya

- Date of Founding: 2338

Founded by Ex-JSDF Soldiers led by Hisashi Midoriya, they are a relatively small company with manpower numbering in 450 personnel.

The PMC Group would partake in low-level contracts assisting in security, advisory or counterinsurgency roles in war-torn regions of the world. In terms of equipment, despite strict gun laws and quirk laws in Japan, the company would easily receive armaments and weapons through sponsors by some JSDF officers close to Midoriya as well as ties with various legitimate armament/gun-manufacturing companies. Although these ties and sponsors are under oversight from the Japanese Government.

In terms of membership originally it mainly consisted of Ex-JSDF personnel, however they have tried to open its membership internationally. Alongside Ex-JSDF personnel, membership also consists of Ex-Korean Military[1] and Chinese PLA personnel as well as some Ex-US Military personnel.

Hisashi would die from mysterious causes, suggested to have been murder. Inko would inherit her late husband's company and continue to run the company as usual, although Inko has been trying to investigate her husband's death.

- [1] – Korea would reunite as the emergence of Quirks had caused the collapse of North Korea. Thus, South Korea seeing the collapse of its neighbor North Korea would spearhead reunification efforts. Thus the terms North Korea and South Korea are outdated.

The Black Tusk Strike Unit

- Type: Private Military Company

- Nation: Unknown – Possibly the United States of America

- Founder: Unknown

- Date of Founding: Unknown

Information on the Black Tusks is extremely scarce at best. The Black Tusks are said to be an Elite Unit consisting of Ex-US Special Forces as well operating like a Special Forces Unit.

There have been sightings in regions all over the world, but in terms of how they operate they leave no witnesses and they make sure of it. As well in terms of hiring the PMC Group, it is said they are under the employment of a secret organization.

It's unsure if the organization is just a myth to scare to Militaries and Private Militaries, but many of the eyewitnesses who were fortunate to survive say otherwise.

Well I enjoyed writing this.