Empowered by the Quirk Amplification Device, Wolfram was growing bigger and bigger by the second consuming any and all metal within the vicinity expanding his metal fortress.
Everyone is stares at the unstoppable Wolfram in shock, their jaws dropping in shock at how big Wolfram is becoming. Even All-Might is shocked by the amount of power Wolfram possessed with the Quirk Acceleration Device.
Tenya as he is walking back stumbles bumping into Yui.
"Sorry." Tenya mumbles.
The stone-faced Yui Kodai seeing as Wolfram is unstoppable is scared for the first time. In reaction to Tenya bumping into her, she clutches Tenya's arm holding on to him. Yui is still, shaking in fear, with blood draining from her face at what she and the rest of the group are witnessing.
"This is hopeless!" Ochako cries.
"Come on! Let's get back inside!" Izuku yells as he grabs Ochako.
"I believe this is where we depart." Momo says to Ikki.
"He's just getting bigger and bigger!" Shoto yells in shock stating the obvious.
"Fuck this shit I'm out." Katsuki says.
"Everyone for themselves!" Mina yells.
Both Momo and Ikki follow Ochako and Izuku, retreating back into the tower.
"We are leaving!" Big Boss yells, his CIA team follow suit making their way back into the building.
"Get back Rei, take Shoto, Toshi and I will deal with him." Endeavor says to his wife.
"Let's move! You heard him, let your dad and uncle Toshi deal with this madman." Ice Knight says as she drags her son Shoto back inside.
The rest of the group seeing as their guns have been consumed by Wolfram begin to retreat.
Seeing as their attempt to stop Wolfram and his growing metal fortress are futile, Izuku and Ikki have an idea.
"Fallback, we'll deal with this!" All-Might proclaims as the group retreats.
"Don't! Please! Uncle Might!" Melissa yells as she came up to the helipad to see the commotion.
"I have to. I'm a hero! It is my duty. Now get to safety!"
"I've got your back!" Endeavor says.
All-Might nods seeing as his close friend is staying fighting by his side.
Melissa is pulled back indoors by Tenya alongside a shocked Yui Kodai (Still holding on to Tenya).
All-Might and Endeavor stay back to fight the giant metal-encased Wolfram.
In preparation for battle All-Might uses his signature smile.
"You smug bastard." Endeavor chuckles.
All-Might and Endeavor with hellfire leaps at Wolfram's direction jumping high in the air.
All-Might lands on Wolfram's metal fortress.
And as he is on Wolfram's mass metal of a fortress, All-Might smashes the giant metal-encased Wolfram repeatedly with his One-for-All powered fists.
Endeavor throws hot flames at Wolfram with the intent of melting and wearing down the metal.
Wolfram seeing All-Might and Endeavor's attack unleashes metal tendrils. Wolfram whips metal tendrils at All-Might and Endeavor, but they are fast where they dodge Wolfram's counter attacks.
All-Might repeats this dodging Wolfram's attacks and hitting Wolfram with One-for-All.
All-Might runs along Wolfram's metal fortress making his way to Wolfram.
"Damn it! Can you make my life easier by staying still and dying?!" Wolfram yells frustrated at the agile All-Might.
"I can do this all day!" All-Might states taunting the veteran Black Tusk operative.
And just as he is running on Wolfram's metal, out of nowhere All-Might distracted by giving his taunt is whipped by Wolfram's metal tendril.
All-Might is thrown from the impact where he is slammed into a wall of the helipad.
Endeavor jumps off of Wolfram using hellfire to propel himself to All-Might.
Endeavor helps All-Might gets back up where the latter feels pain from his wound.
All-Might coughs blood, triggered by the stress of battle and his old wound.
"Toshi! Are you okay?" Endeavor asks in concern for his friend's wellbeing.
"I'm almost at my limit Enji!"
Wolfram takes notices seeing what is happening to All-Might, where the latter is coughing out blood.
"So, the great All-Might bleeds. That is a surprise." Wolfram taunts.
All-Might looks up at Wolfram where he no longer has his iconic smile. Endeavor is pissed at Wolfram ready to tear him and his metal fort apart.
"It's all over! Your forces have been routed, the US military is here, and security is back under I-Island authority. Stop delaying the inevitable and surrender! I won't ask again!"
"Screw that, I'm unstoppable! The only thing that is preventing me from completing this mission and UNLIMITED POWER is you two! My employers look forward to this device your dear friend Dr. Shield made!" Wolfram yells.
But before All-Might and Endeavor can react, Wolfram's giant metal mass of a fortress is hit two times by what appears to have been an artillery.
Two massive gaping holes are left in the center of mass of Wolfram's fortress.
All-Might looks up and sees a US Marine helicopter where Big Boss, Todd Howitzer and the Midoriya twins are aboard. The twins are wielding LRR Railguns having just shot Wolfram. All-Might also notices more passengers, Big Boss, Todd and the Midoriyas are also accompanied by a company of heavily armed US Marines.
"What the hell?!" A shaken Wolfram yells.
"You look like you needed a hand!" Todd yells to All-Might.
"Hey Might!/What's up!?" The Midoriya twins' yell aiming their railguns at Wolfram.
"You're dead!" Wolfram yells frustrated at the distraction.
The US Marines abroad the helicopter shoot at Wolfram with their M16A4 Assault Rifles and M249 Light Machine Guns, Big Boss meanwhile shoots at Wolfram with an M60E4 Light Machine Gun. However, their 5.56 rounds do nothing to Wolfram's metal mass where all it does is piss him off.
As the Marines and the CIA operatives are spraying bullets at Wolfram, Howitzer and the twins are about to fire another shot at Wolfram.
And just as the twins prepare to fire, Wolfram is about whip metal tendrils with the helicopter, All-Might sees this and takes this as the chance to attack.
"I see that you give me no choice!" All-Might states seeing as Wolfram has no intention of standing down.
All-Might gets into a readying stance.
"Your special move Toshi?" Endeavor asks noticing what All-Might is doing.
"Yeah." All-Might says as he prepares his strongest attack.
Electricity dances around All-Might's body. All-Might runs and jumps at Wolfram his fist at the ready.
"100%! UNITED STATES OF SMASH!" All-Might yells launching his most powerful attack.
Wolfram's fortress is destroyed on impact, where the mass of metal encasing Wolfram falls apart.
Wolfram is knocked unconscious by the impact and his body is thrown from his collapsing fortress.
Endeavor seeing as Wolfram is about to fall down 200 floors to his death flies with hellfire and catches the unconscious Wolfram. Endeavor with Wolfram in hand safely lands back to the demolished helipad.
Upon landing safely, he takes the Quirk Amplification Device off of Wolfram's head.
All-Might seeing as the conflict has been resolved kneels on the ground, coughing out more blood.
"I'm fine Enji!"
"No, you're not!"
The Helicopter lands on the helipad and the Marines disembark.
The Marines then converge surrounding the downed Wolfram pointing their guns at the unconscious Black Tusk Operative.
Todd and the twins exit the helicopter. The twins seeing as their jobs are done gave the railguns back to Todd and part ways exiting Central Tower.
Big Boss meanwhile makes his way to the two Pro-Heroes.
"How bad is it Toshi?" Big Boss asks.
"Not good Jack."
"How long can you maintain your form?"
"Not long enough apparently."
"You can rest now. It's all over."
"I know."
Endeavor carrying the Quirk Amplification Device debates giving the device to All-Might.
"What about this?" Endeavor asks.
All-Might looks at the device.
"I don't know."
David seeing as the threat has been neutralized comes to Big Boss and the Pro-Heroes.
"Toshi, they know." David Shield interrupts.
"Who knows?"
"The sponsor who commissioned my team and I to invent the Quirk Acceleration Device."
"What do they know?"
"They know about your condition, your wound from fighting All-for-One."
"Just who is this sponsor?"
"I don't know, but they told me that I can be the one to help you if I made it."
All-Might pauses and thinks who would know about his condition.
"They are also the same people who hired these soldiers to take over the island."
All-Might looks at his old friend in shock.
"Only you and some of my friends know about my wound. How did they get a hold of this information?"
Endeavor walks to the David and All-Might.
And just as Endeavor is about to say something another helicopter lands. CIA agent Jason Hudson alongside another group of Marines disembark.
"David Shield, you are coming with us." Hudson says to the world-famous scientist.
"You will be placed under protective custody. Please cooperate." Mason adds.
"What is the meaning of this?" Endeavor interrupts.
"Where are you taking him?"
"DAD!" Melissa runs to her father, where Melissa wraps her arms around his waist.
David looks to his daughter in concern.
"What about my daughter?"
"We'll also send her in protective custody, but you'll be separated." Hudson responds.
"The same applies to the entirety of I-Island's surviving science and research staff, everyone involved in I-Island's R&D will be placed under protective custody."
Both father and daughter are alarmed by this developing information.
Agent Hudson continues.
"Dr. Shield, you are a highly sought-after man. As a result of this debacle, there is already a bounty on your head. The highest bidders around the world will pay a fortune to have you kidnapped so you can build weapons of mass destruction for said bidders. It is ideal you be placed under protective custody."
All-Might, David and Melissa are livid with this new information.
"The attackers have already sold information and blueprints of I-Island's inventions on the black market." Hudson adds.
"What will this mean for I-Island?" All-Might asks.
"Because of the events that have transpired, I-Island will now be under the authority of the US Navy." Hudson responds.
"So where will you be taking my daughter?"
"That's classified."
David is overly concerned for the safety for his daughter.
Melissa is on the verge of tears, as the life she knows is falling apart.
All-Might feeling bad for his niece hatches a last-minute idea.
The Pro-Hero approaches and pokes Hudson on the shoulder catching the agent's attention. All-Might then whispers in his ear.
After a few seconds of All-Might's whispering, Hudson responds.
"I'll contact my superiors to have that arranged."
"Thank you, it's the most I can do for her."
"What is it uncle Might?"
"Melissa, you will be in my custody and you will also be enrolled into UA's Support Course."
Melissa and David are surprised.
David hearing what was said goes to his old friend and hugs him.
"Toshi, I trust that you will protect my daughter. Please make sure nothing happens to her."
"Melissa, I'll be gone for a long time. I don't know how long. Daddy loves you. I'm proud of you."
"Come on Dr. Shield. Get in the chopper." Big Boss says.
"Farewell David."
"Goodbye dad."
David follows Big Boss and Hudson to the helicopter.
David boards the helicopter and looks back to his daughter for a final time, his expression solemn what with the events that transpired.
"I love you." David mouths to his daughter.
The helicopter side door closes.
As the helicopter flies to the USS Ulysses, the sun rises.
Date: July 15, 2357
Time: 5:59AM
Location: I-Island Streets
Having returned the railguns to Todd, the twins exit Central Tower making their way to the apartment.
Along the way they saw many sights. US Marines and I-Security officers patrolling I-Island. Corpses, debris, and destruction from battle between I-Security and the Black Tusks, and damaged security bots being cleaned up. Defeated Black Tusk Soldiers who surrendered were being marched to captivity by the US Marines.
"Hey, Ikki, the sun is rising." Izuku points.
"I can see that."
"That was one long crazy night."
"I guess vacation on I-Island is cancelled."
"Looks like it."
"Back to Japan I guess?"
"I guess so."
Having fought long and hard, the twins appreciate the rising sun on the horizon.
To them, the sun rising was indicative of the fact that they and their friends survived the chaos of what transpired.
"Wonder what they'll do with the captured Black Tusks?"
"Maybe send them to a US government-owned black site somewhere in the middle of nowhere, where they'll be tortured and sodomized for information."
"Very likely seeing as these guys are highly secretive."
"Think mom and Eri are fine?"
"I'm sure they're fine. Mom's tough no doubt about it."
"Speaking of mom and Eri, you see our girlfriends?"
"I mean we did get separated from them, we and Todd did decide to board a helicopter to help the Marines take down Wolfram."
"I hope they're fine too."
As the twins are walking back to their apartment talking about how it was one hell of a night, a journalist on the island by the name of Taneo Tokudo snaps a photo of the twins.
While the twins are not doing anything illegal like carrying assault weapons (That and they did lose their weapons), the photo taken would reveal their faces to the world.
The photo taken shows the Midoriya twins walking side-by-side all covered in cuts and bruises, their fancy suits ruined, torn, and covered in blood and grime from all the action. Despite their appearance, the twins' expression in the photo shows them smiling, something many consider symbolic and hopeful despite all that happened.
This photo in question would be a problem for the twins, although it will not be until later that this photo and magazine reporting the incident will emerge.
This will not be the last time Tokudo sees the twins, for he will meet them later on.
"Just who are you two?" Tokudo asks seeing the twins with interests.
Tokudo fascinated by the twins starts investigating learning as who these twins are. And his investigation will yield interesting results.
It would also be through Tokudo's investigation, and interrogations on the captured intruders by the CIA that the name Black Tusk would be revealed to the public.
Having walked back from Central Tower, the twins reach the apartment.
They enter their mom's room to see if she and Eri are fine.
They are greeted by their mom Inko and their adopted sister Eri asleep in bed in each others' arms, with the sleeping mother holding on to a SIG P226.
Upon walking into the room, Inko hearing a noise wakes up and points her handgun at her sons out of instinct.
"Izu, Ikki? You boys are safe. Thank god." Inko sighs in relief, immediately putting down her gun.
"Hey mom. It was one crazy night. That's all I got to say."
"Well at least all of us are safe. That's all that matters." Inko says getting out of bed.
She hugs her sons.
They stay like this for a few minutes.
"I'm hungry." Eri says her stomach grumbling.
"Me too." Ikki replies also feeling hungry.
"There is a good Shawarma restaurant, but I wonder if its still open after all that chaos?" Inko asks.
"Hope so."
The twins wash up and change into comfortable clothing. Inko does the same with Eri.
Inko goes and carries a sleeping Eri where from there, the Midoriya's head down for breakfast.
"So, what do we do with the Quirk Amplification Device?"
"I think you should hold on to it." Endeavor answers handing it to All-Might.
"Its probably for the best. Japan still needs the Symbol of Peace. Not after all that happened." Ice Knight says.
Hearing his friends; suggestions, All-Might takes the device and holds on to it.
"I'll use it as a last resort. Only when I absolutely have to."
After a long night of fighting, the Pro-Heroes were hungry and exhausted.
"Say it has been a long night and after all that has happened, I'm rather hungry. Know a good place that might be open?" Ice Knight says breaking the tension.
"Having been on I-Island on numerous occasions, there is a good Shawarma place I frequently visit that is open 24/7. Hope they're open despite all that happened."
"Well let's head there then."
The students of UA along with other survivors were all being treated at a camp set up by the US Marines.
"Say, know where Izuku went?" Ochako asks as some bruises and cuts on her arm are being treated by a US Navy Corpsman.
"No idea. I lost my phone, so I don't know where Ikki is at." Momo responds as Corpsman applies band aids on her leg.
"They did just help All-Might in blowing up that asshole." Katsuki cuts in.
"I'm assuming they're back at the apartment waiting for us." Ochako asks.
The stomachs begin to grumble.
"Hey anyone hungry? We all missed dinner because of what happened." Denki interrupts.
"I did see a Shawarma restaurant nearby. Food there looks good." Kyoka adds.
"Shawarma sounds good, right Eijiro?" Mina asks suddenly craving for a Shawarma.
"Yeah, I'm starving Mina." The Eijiro replies to the Mina.
As the rest of class 1A talks about heading out to eat. A certain Yui Kodai and Tenya Iida are together getting their wounds treated, with Yui still holding on to Tenya.
"Kodai you can let go now of my arm now." Tenya asks partially annoyed that Yui is still holding on to him.
Yui still holds on to him.
"Uh, were safe now, you can let go of my arm."
"Kodai please."
"Fine." Tenya resigns unable to get Yui to let go.
Yui then tightens her grip on Tenya.
"Too tight. Too tight." Tenya says as Yui squeezes his arm.
He tries to get Yui to stop squeezing, but Tenya notices that Yui has fallen asleep. It was a long night, and well everyone was exhausted with having faced a life and death situation.
Itsuka, Ibara and Reiko see this. They silently laugh at the situation Tenya is in.
"Hey, think we'll see the twins at that place?" Reiko asks.
"I hope." Itsuka responds.
"Please don't do anything sinful, it's a sin to commit adultery. And Reiko, it is unwise to encourage such behavior." Ibara warns Itsuka and scolds Reiko.
"Hey, Tenya, Yui were all going for food!" Itsuka yells.
Yui stomach grumbles and she awakens from her slumber.
"Lead the way Iida." Yui says still clutching Tenya's arm.
At the Shawarma restaurant, everyone had met up and during this time they were talking, laughing, and eating their Shawarma.
Shoto did not come for food, instead he crashed in his hotel room getting himself a long-needed sleep.
Izuku and Ochako were sitting next to each other talking and eating their Shawarma. Inko seeing as they are dating teased Izuku and Ochako. Itsuka and her friends would sit near Izuku.
Ikki and Momo were busy eating their Shawarma. Although they did give each other the occasional loving glance.
Katsuki sat with Eijiro and Mina. Both Katsuki and Eijiro decided to partake in the restaurant Ultra-Shawarma challenge chomping down oversized shawarmas to see who can eat the most, Mina meanwhile watched and ate her light chicken shawarma.
For the case of the Pro-Heroes, Inko interacted with All-Might and the Ice and Fire Duo. She got along well with the Pro-Heroes, and she was proud of her sons as the Pro-Heroes complimented the boys for being good fighters. Inko was surprised her sons met All-Might and had trained with him and Bakugou. She scolds her boys for not telling or inviting her to see All-Might.
Life was great.
Location: Unknown
"This channel is now secure. Proceed."
"Wolfram and his team have failed. What a disgrace." A voice says voicing their disgust.
"Schaffer, should we proceed with Plan B?" Another voice asks.
"Not yet."
"What now?"
"We wait."
"What about the Midoriya twins? It seems the result of that failed super-soldier program has returned to haunt us. It is imperative we strike and take them down."
"We wait."
"The Midoriyas have been a thorn on our side ever since we've tried targeting the mother. We must do something! She is a threat, if she continues to live, she will easily link the death of her husband to us."
"We wait. All for One is making his move in Japan. We will observe and make our move when the opportunity arises."
"Already the public knows the Black Tusk Strike Force exists. It is because of that debacle on I-Island the secretive Black Tusk is no longer a myth, but a fact."
"It was expected that we would be revealed to the public at some point. No point in ending things here, besides, even if the public knows we exist, we can strike and disappear at a moments notice."
"So, what then?"
"We wait for the perfect opportunity."
NOTE: Apologies for the delay. I had a bit of Writers block, poor motivation and was preoccupied with finals.