A/N: All previous warnings still, and will continue, to apply. Not for children or the faint of heart, or anyone sexually conservative. You've been warned.
Chap. 2: Learning Curves
The Common Room was half-cleaned. Literally, half of the room was spotless, while the other had the usual day's detritus scattered about, but there were no elves in sight.
Then again, Harry knew they preferred to remain unseen. So he shrugged and crossed to the boys dormitory. Before he stepped up, however, he turned to Lilith, "So, rules, I guess. I don't mind if you sleep with me when you want to- it's your call- but if you're in there, you can't be seen or heard by my roommates. Not even Ron."
"Okay," Lilith shrugged. Harry started a bit at the motion- her wings had not moved. Were they the robe? Because now they seemed invisible, and aside from the pink hair, the Succubus resembled nothing more than a human girl with dyed hair.
"Um... and if you are, um, g- gathering from them, I'd prefer not to know about it. Unless I say otherwise, I guess."
"I see. Okay, I suppose," Lilith shrugged again.
Then he had another thought, forcing him to stop with a foot half-way up the first step. "Um... another thing. My friend, Ron? He's the red-head. He... I sort of asked for his help with tonight. An alibi. He... his end of the deal is setting up a- an encounter for him, too."
"I can't fuck a virgin," Lilith reminded him casually, giving a little shove to nudge him onward, "It's illegal for us, remember?"
Harry blushed, having, indeed, forgotten that detail in the other more important events of the night and early morning, but he nodded all the same, "Yeah, but... could I maybe get your help with- well, him? Helping him out, like you did with me?"
"You want me to find some girl willing to shag him, and Fog her up? Without him knowing, I presume?"
Harry nodded rapidly, "That'd be great. Thanks!"
"Well, I hadn't said yes, but you are my Master... and I did Contract to 'whatever you need'. Not that I mind anyway," she prodded him again, and this time Harry started moving.
"Seriously," Lilith said as he started up, "You don't need to ask all the time. I'm your slave as far as things go, as long as payments are made. I know you don't like the idea, but it's the truth- it's what I Contracted for. You can just tell me to do things, and I will. Even fuck your friend's brains out after he's not a virgin, if you want."
She'd just neglect to tell him that one law overrode the other quite firmly in their books for a little while longer. She'd enjoyed the show too much to let it end now.
Harry froze mid-step. Fortunately another prod got his body moving even if his brain took a while to catch up.
It wasn't until he was half-undressed and about to climb into his bed in his boxers that he stopped and turned to look at his best friend.
Ron was tall, thin and gangly, but would no doubt be built like his tallest, most handsome brother later in life. Bill was, Harry knew, the very definition of an attractive, red-headed male. No doubt, in a few years, he could get all the feminine attention he wanted with a minimal effort- something that would suit his friend nicely, Harry thought.
But what about now? What about his promise?
He would help, of course he would. He'd have to be blind not to see a few girls giving Ron a look-over, and liking what they saw. Harry was even generous enough to say that some girls he wanted, Ron could have first- and maybe Harry wouldn't take them at all.
But Lilith? His own personal fuck-toy?
Was she that, though?
He had to admit, she spoke- in diction and in tone- like someone far more mature than her looks indicated. She was even helpful, though...
"Hey, those- that thing you did with my... stuff. What was that?"
"Runes," Lilith shrugged, pausing in her examination of the room and its occupants (She peeked inside Neville's, Dean's, and Seamus' beds, since all of them had long-since learned to Silence their curtains against Ron's snores). "For protection and so on."
"Er... Protection?"
She nodded absently, resuming her examination, "Well, for one, I'm supposed to help against this mad wizard, so there's protections against Magic. Nothing super strong, I'm not powerful enough to do more right now, but it will at least soften the blow from several of your curses and hexes. Weaker ones will just bounce off. It's limited though, and I might have to reapply that one if you get into trouble a lot."
"Okay, that makes sense. The others...?"
"Another that is more or less 'my mark', which tells other Succubi that you're my Master, and that this is therefore my territory. If someone else summons a Succubus in the area, we'll have to share- no reason to be antagonistic with a cousin of mine- but otherwise they have to stay away. If you summon another Succubus, I am 'in charge' since I was here first."
"Mostly it's just to mark my territory. You'll probably never notice it. The third one is for Stamina. You have a lot, but it will help you to have more. So you can last longer, and be healthier while doing it. The last one is... well, for your stamina, if you get my meaning. Your recovery time will be faster once the Rune is fully charged. Near-instantaneous unless I miss my guess. And no, that won't wear off. Ever. If you want to go, you can keep going until you pass out from exhaustion, so be careful."
"Um... I'm... grateful?"
"No problem," Lilith grinned, "That one's on the house, since it benefits me as much as you. Anyway... so your friend, he's kinky."
Harry froze from sitting down again. This time, it only lasted a moment, before he resumed the motion and put his face in his hands. "What now?"
"He wants to watch you do your female friend, and then have you watch him do it. Likes the idea of a threesome, I guess, because that's what he's dreaming about right now."
"I didn't need to know that," Harry groaned, "Um... so you won't sleep. I guess you can go- explore the Castle."
"That's a good euphemism, Master," Lilith smirked at his responding groan, "I'll do that... after your tasty friend finishes up. Good night, Master. Pleasant dreams of me!"
To his surprise, despite the erection he was sporting again, Harry did, in fact, drift off rather quickly, and sleep quite well.
Harry was unsurprised to see Neville, Dean, and Seamus gone from the dorm when he had woken, sat up, and put on his glasses to peer around the room. That their beds were made also indicated that the House Elves had come and gone (though Harry knew they would check again after he and Ron had finally gotten up).
It was unusual for him to sleep till dawn, much less what his clock showed to be just after nine in the morning. Breakfast, on any other day, would be over. Brunch was served on Sunday, however (making it Ron's favorite day of the week, of course, since he only had to wait an hour between breakfast, brunch, then brunch and lunch), so they would be fine.
No doubt that was why Ron was still allowing himself to sleep- he would miss breakfast only for brunch.
He must have been up late waiting for news from Harry.
Oh well, I think I can make it up to him.
"Master," Lilith cooed from the window, making him jump.
"Shite, don't do that," he muttered, rubbing the back of his hand where he'd smacked it on the bedpost in his start.
"Sorry, Master," Lilith's giggle told him she was anything but, "but I've gathered more than I expected- girl juice is just as good as semen, and since you don't mind if I swing both ways... On a side note, did you know there's a Village that has just under half of it within two miles of your dorm? I'm going to take so much cum home it'll make the other girls sick with envy!"
"Hogsmeade," Harry groaned, "I didn't think about that. I s'pose it's fine, if you keep to the whole 'don't hurt people to get it' thing... You aren't doing anything else, are you?"
"What? Like Fogging up the Village? No... well, yes. Of course I did. It makes gathering faster. Is that a problem?"
Harry groaned softly, throwing himself back to lay sideways on his bed, "No, I guess not- if it's mild. I don't want people having orgies on the street. And it's not fair if people start having affairs or whatever."
"Oh, no," Lilith assured him, "It's much diluted over that much area. Just enough to get people thinking about it, that's all. Maybe... a ten percent increase in Lust. Fifteen percent right beneath me. And yes, I confirmed that was a married couple, and yes, they're gonna have a baby. You and they are welcome."
"Er... I thought... didn't you take...?"
Lilith's eyes rolled, "Yes, I did, even from him. I don't have to take it all, and I can take the stuff after one little swimmer's done his bit. Paranoid, much?"
Harry's eyes narrowed, "A bit, yeah. That happens when people all around you make a habit of screwing you over."
Lilith giggled, "Well, I'll just make a habit of screwing you, or screwing over you if you prefer. Will that help?"
One of Harry's eyes quirked open. "Um... Ron's right there."
"You remember what he dreams of?"
Harry nodded, frowning.
"He's doing it again. Worst case, he wakes up while I'm riding you, and I suck him off to warm him up for later. Best case, you come inside me like eight times and he stays asleep so we can do that later."
Harry's penis sprang up through his boxers on the second of Lilith's sentences, and started to truly strain on the fourth.
Still, Harry was not quite ready for that step, though after a night that he suspected was filled with similar dreams, he was opening up to the idea. Instead, however, he climbed back up into the bed, on his knees, and gestured her forward to join him with a finger.
After she had complied, Harry pulled the curtains closed, silenced them, and then applied the best locking charm he knew on the doorway.
"On your knees, facing away," Harry instructed. He'd heard about this, too, from the boys- this time from Fred and George, though they had been talking to Lee Jordan at the time.
"Ooh, no foreplay, Master?" Lilith giggled again while she obeyed, then gave her little rear a shake, still clad in the negligee and 'robes' from the previous evening.
"That depends," Harry muttered, "are you wet?"
"If you're aroused, so am I," was her reply.
His was, "In that case, no."
Then, without further preamble, Harry lifted the robes and nightie, lined himself up, and dove straight in.
Once again, it was bliss.
This time, he did not hesitate to pound hard, hammering into the tight pussy for all he was worth.
He wanted to get off, and get off now, and maybe have another round before brunch. That required speed, at least this time.
... Maybe she was having a stronger effect on him than he'd thought? Before, having to get off was something he was starting to loathe.
Now, it seemed it was his favorite thing.
Or, as Lilith started to mewl beneath him, maybe it was just that sex was so much better than wanking.
With a firm grunt, he spilled himself into her, then immediately started thrusting again.
"Fuck yes, Master," Lilith moaned, then let her forearms collapse down onto the bed, changing the angle enough for a different sensation to arise for Harry, too.
His hands left her hips, one curling around to grope for her clit- something he knew to be there, just like on a regular girl, from the night before when he'd eaten her out- and the other to grip the girl's bobbed hair, both to hold her down and to steady himself. "Fuck," he agreed, though his was almost an unintelligible groan.
Two minutes later, he spilled himself again, just in time to catch the quiet, "Morgana's tits, I'm sorry!"
The phrase had been uttered when his curtains had been yanked open.
Then they had been shut, leaving Harry just a glimpse of bushy brown hair.
Hermione. Oh shite...
Harry pulled out at once, but knew the damage was done. He could take his time... sort of. "Lilith, clean me off, please."
"Yes, Master," she obeyed yet again, eagerly spinning about in his bed while he fumbled for his wand and taking him in her mouth entirely like she had before, getting all of their combined juices in one long, hard pull. "Thanks, Master, for the double-dose. I'll be there to help out with your friend, but you won't see me unless you want me to reveal myself to her or you. Just say that out loud if you do. Anything you want me to do to prove- well, things, to her, just say it."
Then, without preamble, she faded from view, this time from him, as well.
Huh. I guess she really can be 'invisible'.
Harry hastily threw on the rest of his clothes and opened the curtains again. He was met with Ron's sleepy face, an erection straining at his pyjamas. That, Harry was unfortunately used to, and didn't want to comment on. "Whaz'goin'on? Her'mi'ne wuz...?"
Harry nodded, "I guess she came to get us for brunch. It's nearing ten. She, uh... saw something."
Ron's eyes unabashedly moved down to Harry's crotch for a second, which he was embarrassed to see was still slightly tented with a semi, before he smirked, "Heh, had to happen sooner or later. Teach her to barge in, right? Come on, Mate. I'm gonna go eat. Let her calm down, I say, then talk to her."
Harry nodded, but instead said, "Um, save me some. I'm gonna go try and find her."
"Suit yourself, it's your funeral," Ron shrugged as he sat up, then began to change. "Um... so how did it go?"
Harry froze, then blushed.
Ron looked up, surprisingly alert for having just woken. "Well, huh? Who was it?"
"Er... no one you know," Harry muttered, looking away. He couldn't say it was Daphne. Aside from having given his word (as he saw it, anyway), if Ron knew he'd lost his virginity to a 'snake'... and Lilith, for now, was right out. "But yes, it was amazing. And yes, I'm gonna keep my end of the bargain."
Ron's eyes widened as his shirt fell to cover him. "R- Really? Bit keen, is she?"
Harry blushed again, "Er... well... the- the first one, no. The s- second one, maybe. I'm not sure yet."
"Wow- two? At once?"
Harry shook his head quickly, "N- No. One didn't know about the other. I... look, I'll explain it later, okay? After I've helped you out."
"I get it," Ron smirked, "Want to savor it. I got it. Brekkies it is, then. I'll see you... well, either in the Common Room or the Library, right?"
Harry nodded. Depending on Hermione's mood, that's almost certainly where they would be.
"I'll try and bring you something if you're gonna miss it. No promises it'll make it intact."
"Thanks, Mate," Harry smiled, following his friend out of their dorm.
Two minutes after they entered the Common Room, a particular House Elf appeared in the center of the room.
A moment later, both beds were made, the clothes were folded and cleaned, and the Elf stopped, then gave a loud sniff. "About time, Harry Potter, Sir," before disappearing again.
Harry found Hermione not in the Common Area.
Nor, in fact, the Library.
Instead, he found her entering the Prefect's bathroom on the fifth floor. Sprinting forward, he caught the door just as it shut on his fingers. "Ouch," he yelped, but did not withdraw his hand.
A moment later, the door was jerked open.
There, blush growing rapidly and deeply, stood Hermione Granger. "Er- H- Harry. Sorry about your hand. You aren't supposed to be in here, though..."
Without a verbal reply, Harry pushed his way past her, then shut the door over her protests.
"Hermione, we need to talk."
She shut her eyes, the blush deepening further, "I'm sorry," she whispered, "I should have realized you put up the locking charm and the alarm on your door for a reason. I won't barge in again."
Harry waited until she was done, then said, "Apology accepted," as calmly as he was able.
After several seconds, Hermione raised her head from where it had fallen and she opened one eye, apparently unable to believe what she had just heard. "What?"
"Apology," he repeated slowly, "Accepted."
"Er... But I..."
"Caught me en flagrante delecto? Yes, you did. You apologized, I accepted. What's so hard to believe? I like to think I'm a forgiving sort."
"Well, yes," a clearly flustered Hermione replied quickly, "maybe too forgiving, but that's neither here nor there. I mean... It just... it never occurred to me that you might be... involved. I hadn't heard anything, so I assumed..."
"Hermione," Harry said quietly, even as he felt what he suspected was the ghostly touch of Lilith's tail on the small of his back, "For-giv-en. Can I explain, before you jump to more conclusions that probably aren't any more accurate than the previous one?"
Slowly, she nodded, though she refused to look up at him. "Um... we should, er, sit down, I suppose?"
Harry nodded, "Unless you need the loo. I can wait."
"Er, n- no," Hermione's blush returned, "I just saw you coming and..."
"Ah. Well... let's go, then. Like a plaster, right?"
With a forced giggle of her own which sounded very little like her normal light laugh, Hermione lead the way over past the stalls and showers to the large bath, which sat empty at the moment, then over to one of several benches that lined the outside.
After he had joined her, Harry stared up at the Mermaid briefly, wondering how anyone could find the fish-tail attractive. Or regular, real Mer-people, for that matter.
Oh, right. "Sorry, I got distracted."
Hermione shot the offending stained glass a glare, making him snicker at her. "You don't have to be offended at her," Harry said, pointing idly upward, "She doesn't interest me. Erm... look, I'm not sure where to begin."
"How about, well, at the beginning?"
"Good idea," was Lilith's whisper into Harry's ear.
"R- Right. Well... I was looking for spells for the DA. And... I saw a- a circle. A summoning circle. I skipped it at first, because I needed combat magic. But... well..."
Harry shuffled his feet, then moved his hands to hide his growing erection (because Lilith was now nibbling on his ear for some reason), "I... I'm fifteen. A bloke. The Summoning was for a- a Succubus."
Hermione gasped. "You didn't."
He nodded, "I did."
"A- And it- it worked?"
He nodded, "That's... who you saw. She goes by Lilith, but I don't think that's her real name, since I assigned it to her, after..."
"The Hebrew Talmud, Adam's first wife, I think."
Harry nodded, "Something like that, I guess. I don't know. She said it was the progenitor of her species."
Hermione frowned, but nodded, "Makes sense... probably a name of honor, or something."
"More than she knows," Lilith hissed into his ear, then started licking along the shell.
"A- Anyway. She... we formed a contract."
Again, Lilith whispered, "Capital-C Contract, Master."
"Er, a Contract," Harry corrected, though he didn't know if Hermione would notice the difference, "for- for help against Voldemort, since that's what I really need. In return, she- well, she gets... stuff."
"Please tell me," Hermione groaned, her own face falling into her hands much like his had the previous night, "you didn't promise her your life or soul.."
"Er, no, actually," he explained, "I asked about that. She said they don't really do that anymore. I mean, if I violate the contract, I, um, get taken to their plane and, uh, killed. But I don't think I'll have a hard time fulfilling my end."
"What, then?" the witch asked softly, "What's the harlot demanding of you?"
"Succubus," Harry corrected automatically, without knowing how, "a Harlot is a human prostitute, Lilith is a non-human creature. Anyway... she just wants semen. Lost of it, but the Contract is, um, mostly for mine. Yeah."
Tell her the truth, Master, echoed, this time, directly into his mind.
Of course Hermione would catch that, Harry thought. "Er... yeah. Mostly. Apparently, as the Contractor, my, um, s- seed, she uses personally to make herself stronger and to hold her here. She also collects the, uh... leavings from other blokes. That she takes back home when she goes, to... I don't know, rebuild their world. Create more of her kind. Both, maybe. I didn't really follow that part."
Correct in essentials, Master, she thought toward him again.
"I don't suppose there's a way to cancel the contract?"
Harry thought for a moment. Had they discussed that?
He pondered for several seconds, until Lilith prompted mentally, Shall I reveal myself master, and answer?
After another moment, Harry nodded. "Lilith, show yourself and answer, please."
She faded into view not curled around Harry like he had last felt her, dressed in a Hogwarts-standard uniform, but one worn by a first year on the ride over, set to no House. She was standing between them and the bath, hands behind her back as if she was giving a lecture.
Her tail waved behind her, of course, and the wings fluttered idly. "It's nice to meet you, Miss," Lilith said sweetly.
Before she responded to the Succubus, Hermione turned one gimlet eye to Harry, "A little girl?"
He turned bright red. "Erm..."
She sighed, "I... never mind. Later. You go by Lilith, then? I'm Hermione."
"Hi!" Lilith waved cheerfully, then returned to her 'lecture' posture. "Anyway, to answer your question, no, the Contract cannot be canceled. It can only be either fulfilled or abrogated. If it is abrogated, my Master will be taken to my home plane, where he will be extracted until his death, in approximately five minutes. It will be torturous, despite any pleasure he may experience in that brief time. If it is fulfilled, I go home happy, and he has enjoyed... well, me, and all the benefits I bring, relatively free. It's a win-win for me and him."
"I don't see how it's remotely fair," Hermione said, "But as it seems to be in Harry's favor... I guess I have to let it slide, no matter how much I dislike the idea. You are sworn to his safety, yes?"
Lilith nodded, "Of course. For one, I added that to the Contract. For another, my stated purpose here is to help him against 'the madman' no one likes to name. I can't do that if I kill or hurt him, can I? He'd never trust me again, for one thing. And if I abrogate the Contract... well, it's not explicitly stated, but let's just say that no Succubus has willingly done so in over two millennia. It was not a pretty sight."
"Fine," Hermione muttered, finally looking up at Lilith to examine her properly, "Fine. I can live with this. I think. You aren't going to go seducing other wizards, are you?"
"Well..." Harry was the one who responded. When Hermione glared sideways at him, he said, "I'm horny all the time, Hermione. It's distracting. Part- part of what Lilith wants to do is help me, um... relieve myself. With others."
For a moment, well, more like ten minutes, Harry thought that Hermione was going to hex him. Or punch him.
He wasn't sure, after seeing her wallop Draco Malfoy in their third year, which would be worse.
Instead, her glare vanished almost at once after a significant amount of time passed. "Fine. Fine, I get it. Shag whoever you want. It's a free country, right? Just don't expect me to be one of them. I don't like to share."
"Suit yourself," Lilith agreed at once. Harry shot her a glare, using a brief moment when Hermione was not looking at him. She just winked back, and he heard her voice once again in his mind, Trust me- she'll be worth the hunt, and it isn't going to be as hard as she'd like.
"Any other surprises for me?"
"W- Well... Ron..."
"Oh, Merlin," Hermione groaned, throwing her hands into the air this time, "Now what?"
"He... well, he gave me an alibi last night while I summoned Lilith. And... he asked for help setting up a... meeting. Not with her, but... someone."
Her voice was quick to return, just one single, ice-cold word, "Who?"
Left unsaid, perhaps, was the rest of the sentence, "do I have to kill?"
"Er, no one- in particular," Harry muttered, knowing that would be even worse.
"Fine," Hermione growled, the voice sounding more demonic, if you asked him, than anything Lilith had said, "Fine. I get it. He's a boy, so he can screw around and get plaudits. If I sleep around, I'm a whore. I get it."
"No, Hermione," Harry said placatingly, "That's not what I meant. I'm-"
Whatever he was going to say fell silent as Hermione's hand withdrew her wand. "Finish that sentence, Harry Potter, I dare you."
Before he could say another word, Lilith's hand was covering the tip of the wand, which, fortunately, had never quite been aimed in Harry's direction. "I'll thank you not to attack your own best friend, Hermione," Lilith said calmly, "and no one said you were a whore. No one said the witch my Master shagged last night was a whore, either. She was quite nice, actually, a credit to her House. My Master is looking for sex, yes. He's not looking to abuse people or mistreat them in any way. He is not that kind of person. And if you think so little of him... perhaps I should ask him to remove you from his very short list of preferred people."
Harry had not moved one whit, aside from shallow, hopefully unnoticed breathing, the entire time Hermione's wand was drawn.
But when Lilith finished speaking, he worried her defensive abilities- and perhaps the shielding Rune- would be called into effect sooner than either had thought.
Instead, Mount Hermione settled.
"You're right. He didn't say that. I assumed. That doesn't mean I was wrong about people in general."
"No, you weren't," Lilith agreed, "but you know what? Those people? Fuck 'em."
Harry snorted. He couldn't help himself.
Hermione shot the short Succubus a glare, "You used that phrase on purpose to distract me."
"Yes, I did," Lilith smiled, "And it worked. Listen, there's no need for wands, here. Let's talk like the adults you both want to be and that I am. And before you argue like my Master did, yes, I am an adult by our standards, I only took this form to appeal to my Master."
Again, Hermione shot him a gimlet eye, but he could only shrug. "I..."
"Fine," she said yet again, stowing her wand, "But I reserve the right to start hexing again if things get heated."
"Fair enough," Lilith smiled, then settled herself cross-legged on the floor. It did not escape Harry's notice that he could see all the way up into her robes, where she was not wearing knickers, but that the view was hidden from Hermione by her position. "So, where I come from, sex is basically free. Everyone enjoys it, it can't hurt anyone- we don't feel jealousy. In fact, it was only a few hundred years ago that we understood it as an abstract concept. Even now it's weird for us to imagine. We have 'marriages' of a sort, convenience and friendship and all, but mostly we have sex with whoever we want to, whenever and wherever. That's just how we are. Succubi. With me?"
Hermione nodded, "That part seems obvious enough."
"So, if my Master ordered me to have sex with you, I would. If he got jealous, I wouldn't really get why. I could fake it, sure. But I wouldn't feel it. So as far as that emotion goes, I'm afraid my Master will have to help you with that on his own. It's beyond my ken. The other thing... well...
"Truth is," she continued, looking between them, "I'm new to this. Like I said last night, it's my first Summoning. I'm hardly virginal, and I wasn't last night, but I'd never been with a Human. And Harry's pretty good for a newbie himself- he was a virgin until the blonde girl, then me. And yes, in that order, because it's illegal for us to take a virgin human. We consider it unfair to humanity to steal them too young to understand. As Harry performed the ritual himself and is nearly your own world's legal age, I was able to make do with getting him a quick shag first, then letting him have me, instead. Still with me?"
"Yes," Hermione growled out, but didn't do more than just send a quick glare in both their directions.
"Anyway, I'm no expert, but I'd hazard a guess based on my observations that my Master has no living family aside from the people he calls his 'relatives', with no endearment whatsoever. I'd also guess that he grew up starved for affection, and until last night, had all the sexual experience of a blade of grass. Maybe less than some."
Harry blushed as Hermione looked over at him, this time wide-eyed, as if she truly had not considered that aspect of his motivations.
"As such," Lilith continued after taking a breath, "he equates lust and love- also, teenage boy- very much. It's totally understandable. Right?"
"I- I suppose," Hermione admitted.
"Therefore, it's also understandable that he, starved for it as he is, wants as much 'love' as he can get. Yes?"
Hermione nodded once.
"That's why the help with getting shagged. Look, I get your beliefs. I do. We have entire classes while we're maturing on what humans believe about sex, religion, and so on. And I'm not saying any of it is wrong or right. That's not my place. I'd hazard a guess you're raised Judeo-Christian or Christian, right?"
Hermione nodded again, "C of E."
"Not surprising," Lilith nodded, "Also, second most sexually corrupt religion on the planet, for the record, beaten only by Catholicism. This 'sexual corruption'[, for the record, is by each religion's own standards, and I'm not making any political statement about any religion, or anything like that. All I'm saying is that your beliefs were instilled from a young age, and may or may not actually be accurate. You ultimately have to decide for yourself what you believe, and I will never, ever, not even if ordered by my Master, tell you what to believe. It's not my place, and it's not his, either. But by that same token, you have no right to tell him or me what to believe. Are we agreed on that?"
Reluctantly, Hermione muttered a quick, "Yes..."
"Alright, then. That makes things easier. Let me be up front. My Master does want to shag you, very badly. Right now, and often after that. But he's showing great restraint, out of respect for you. Look between his legs."
Harry groaned, but Hermione did as Lilith had said.
Her blush was immediate, and she quickly jerked her eyes away.
"Not helping, Lilith," Harry muttered.
"On the contrary, Master," she said, raising a finger briefly, "I think it is. You see how aroused he is, yet he makes no motion toward you. He respects you a very great deal. Sure, he wants you physically, but he also has more affection for you than anyone else on this planet, including his 'best mate', the Ginger, if only because he has no desire to have sex with the boy. Or see him naked. And so on."
"I get it," Hermione grumbled, "I get it. I just... it's a lot to take in, you know?"
"Sure," Lilith shrugged casually, "So, I won't ask that we be friends. I get your feelings, aside from the jealousy, but can I at least get an admission that we're on the same side? We both want my Master to survive while 'the madman' dies and stays dead?"
This time, Hermione did not hesitate to agree.
"Good. Then, out of respect for my Master, please do knock next time- firmly if we don't respond- because I have the feeling I won't be the only one in his bed when he wakes up for too much longer. Or at least, not the one there. I personally don't care if you see us fucking like bunnies, but the other girls might. And as for that Ron bloke... if you want him to take your virginity, you should do it soon. Because otherwise, I'm betting money, right now, on my Master being the one."
Hermione blushed bright red yet again, and immediately started to stammer protestations.
"Suit yourself," Lilith shrugged as she fluttered her way to her feet, then reached out to tug Harry upright, "Now, if you don't mind giving us some privacy, I need to suck my Master off so he can walk around the halls without a tent attracting attention, and go get himself some lunch."
If Harry had thought Hermione had left his bedroom in a hurry, it was nothing compared to how fast she fled the Prefect's Bathroom.
She still had to have heard the moan of pleasure as Lilith began blowing him right there on the bench.
Thankfully, he'd made it through lunch with Ron sitting beside him and an invisible Lilith below the table teasing his cock with her tail- she refused to do more, and he didn't want to verbalize a command to do so just then given the number of witnesses- and the two had gone for a stroll to give Hermione more time to think about things.
They were on the far side of the lake, mostly hidden from the castle, when Ron asked, "So... how did she take it?"
"Seeing you wank, of course," Ron said, unashamed as usual.
"Oh, she didn't see me wank," Harry replied before thinking about it, "She saw me shagging-"
Then he caught himself. Shit.
"You had a girl in your bed?" Ron asked with wide eyes, not bothering to keep quiet.
"Sssh!" Harry hissed, glancing around quickly. It appeared no one had heard, however, for the nearest two were a pair of Hufflepuff girls- Harry thought it might have been Hannah Abbot and Susan Bones from their year- on the far side of the lake, moving the same direction they were.
"How'd you get her out without me seeing?"
Harry's eyes rolled, "You know I said it was for a Ritual, right? A s- sex-related one?"
Ron nodded eagerly.
He's like Parvati and Lavender with gossip, I swear! "Well... It worked. I summoned a Succubus."
"No way," Ron cried out, then quickly covered his own mouth, "R- Really? Is she hot?"
Knowing Lilith was going to hear anyway, Harry murmured, "I think so."
"Wizard. Are- are you gonna hold up to it, then? I get to shag her, too, right?"
Harry swallowed, looked around again, then pulled Ron off into the trees at the edge of the Forest. Fortunately, the area around the lake was generally safer than even that by Hagrid's cabin, given the Mer-people and the Giant Squid occasionally hunting for the bigger game there. "Maybe," he demurred, "but I think first she- er, I'd, like you to get some experience. So you can show her a good time, right?"
Ron thought for a moment, then nodded, a grin widening across his face. "So... one problem," he said after a moment, "Who'd want to go for me? I'm just the freckly best friend, remember?"
"I can find someone," Harry said quickly, "In fact, I already have an idea." Since apparently Hermione might want to...?
"No, Master," Lilith said, loud enough for only Harry to hear, "I can find someone else for him first. You want her virginity, I'll get it for you if I can. Though it is her choice if she goes to him first. If you can stall him for a few minutes, I will check the castle for someone focused on him."
"Well, we can safely rule out Slytherins," Harry said with a chuckle, hoping both Ron and Lilith heard it.
"Right, wouldn't want to shag a snake," Ron scowled darkly, then continued to pontificate on how all of them were treacherous and evil, even while Harry's mind was drawn back to the previous night.
A few minutes later, Lilith's voice whispered once more, "I have a few prospects. One Luna Lovegood, a year younger, used to have a crush on him. It's faded, but she still thinks he is very good looking. The blonde girl in your House, Lavender, wants both of you. She's still a virgin, by the way, but has sworn a 'sister-pact' to take care of that problem by the end of the next school year come hell or high water, with the Hindi girl she's friends with. That one is right out for Ron, but maybe is forgiving for you. Maybe. A girl named Fay in their dorm is also eyeing him, but has no significant interest. In the other Tower there's a girl named Eloise Midgen that thinks highly of him, but she's the only one. Down by the kitchens there's a couple, including that red-head across the lake. The blonde with her wouldn't mind a fling with you, but is hung up on your friend Neville, who is also hung up on her. Your choice if you want to step into that."
Harry shook his head, glad Ron was still waxing poetic about how much he despised Slytherin House.
"The other Hufflepuff, Zara Valli, is a year younger, too. Cute girl, though. Oh, I missed a girl in your house- a year up, actually. Alicia... Spinnet, I believe."
"Alicia? Huh."
Ron stopped walking. "Spinnet? Alicia Spinnet? What about her?"
"Well," Harry blushed, having not intended to say that out loud, and definitely not that way, took a second to collect himself before saying, "Well, apparently, she'd like to be the one. To shag you, I mean."
"Huh. Never really thought about it... I mean, I know the twins are both after Angelina, and Katie's dating... Actually, I don't know if she's dating. Still, I... I s'pose that wouldn't be too bad. She's cute, yeah?"
Harry nodded. He, too, had fantasized more than once about each of the three Gryffindor Chasers, though less so, lately.
"Not sure she's interested in going out with you, mind," Harry said, "but I h- heard she'd like a shag. Might need to keep it quiet, after. Don't kiss and tell, right?"
"Right, right," Ron said, clearly distracted while thinking about it.
It was hard not to notice when his robes started jutting out in front.
They were almost all the way around the lake, the two Hufflepuff girls the only ones still out as a mist and drizzle had started to settle in, and they were nearing the Castle's gates, when Ron grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him to a stop.
"Harry... I can't. I can't do it."
"Of course you can," Harry rolled his eyes, "It's easy."
"No I can't," Ron hissed, "You saw what I was like last year. I'm terrible with witches! I'll screw something up... I know I will!"
"No, you won't," Harry said, "because I'm going to help you. Give you some pointers, yeah?"
Ron's eyes rolled, "You just lost your own last night, don't tell me you're a master already. Pull the other one, Harry."
"He's not," Lilith's voice said audibly, making Ron jump, "but I am. And I'll help if he wants me to."
Only she did not look like she had when Harry had last seen her.
She was both clothed (he had seen her that way, but not fully), and... older-looking.
Not voluptuous, but more developed than he was used to, about six inches taller, and wearing high heels instead of bare feet.
Her wings and tail were invisible, only the point of one horn- as usual, her right- was visible to mark her non-human status.
"Er... you're- you're h-her," Ron stammered, nearly motionless, but already blushing.
Because while Lilith was clothed, it was just barely what could be called a bikini in the muggle world, and was probably closer to a thong and micro-bikini.
"I am," she smiled invitingly, "call me Lilith. So... can you relax enough to listen, or will I have to help you later, putting off you getting laid tonight?"
Harry rolled his eyes. Ron gulped, then visibly shook his shoulders, "I- I can r-relax. Damn, you are hot."
"I know," she smirked, "Anyway, I can see the castle, so they can see me. Come around the bend, back here a bit."
Ron hesitated. Surely if his mother knew he or Harry were consorting with a Succubus...
But she was right there!
Harry following without such hesitation convinced him, however, and he joined them a moment later.
"So," she said quickly, turning around even as her scant clothing vanished, making Ron stammer. "This is what a girl looks like. It's pretty close to what your buddy will look like, I mirrored her form a bit. She's not shaved, but I am. You'll have to find these parts through her hair."
Ron nodded dumbly.
What followed was a crash course on feminine anatomy, one that Harry, too, paid rapt attention to (after all, she had promised to help turn him into a skilled or even masterful lover), followed by another course on using that anatomy to pleasure females.
"Anyway, so that's that," Lilith said, brushing her hands even as a full Hogwarts uniform materialized over her form, "any questions?"
Ron immediately shot his hand into the air at a speed that would make Hermione jealous.
"Um... can I? With you? Like, now?"
"No," Lilith and Harry said at the same time, making Ron groan in frustration.
"A compromise, Master?" Lilith asked, looking over at Harry.
"What compromise...?"
She contacted him telepathically once more, A quick hand-job to take the edge off- more for my world, after all-and then we tell him he only has to wait until tonight, when Miss Spinnet is going to be hunting for a broom closet anyway?
Harry balked for a moment- he didn't want to see that- but nodded.
To Ron, though, he said, quite firmly, "She's gonna help you out. You don't get to do anything to her she isn't doing to you. Hands off. Tonight, I have it on good authority Alicia will actually be looking for a romp. It'll be both your lucky day. Er, night."
Without another moment's hesitation, Ron reached into his trousers and freed his own member.
Harry made himself look long enough for a comparison, then turned away.
Ron was a little longer, but not nearly as wide. Still, judging by what Lilith thought of his, Harry's, length, that was saying something.
"Good boy," he heard Lilith coo, then the soft squish as her knees sank into the sodden loam at the edge of the trail.
"Blimey," he heard Ron say.
A moan.
Just a minute and a half in, Ron gave another loud groan, and Harry heard the distinct thwap of multiple shots hitting Lilith's chest.
He turned, then, to see her chest bared, covered in thick white. Ron, apparently, had been very pent up.
Both boys watched, mesmerized, as Lilith scooped up a bit in two fingers, tasted it, grimaced slightly, then let the rest absorb through her skin.
"You should be aware, Ron," Lilith said as the top of her outfit reappeared, "human girls can't do that. Make sure she's on the potion, or no sex. Even if she's willing, and even if you pull out it's not guaranteed. Potion or no sex. Period. At least, if you want a chance at having me later. Deal?"
Woodenly, he nodded a moment before collapsing backward in a heap. "That was... brilliant."
"You should try her blowjobs," Harry muttered, glad Ron's hearing wasn't the best.
Whenever you want, Master.
Harry and Ron did not see Hermione for the rest of the day.
Nor, in fact, did they see Alicia, though Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson were doing homework while flirting with Fred and George Weasley, Ron's older brothers.
But at ten-fifteen, when only they and a couple older students- two boys and one girl that Harry didn't know, each of whom were talking quietly in a corner, her hand on both of their legs- that Lilith whispered to them both, again making Ron jump, "She's coming downstairs, and looking for a shag. Ron, you go find a broom cupboard. I'll send her your way."
He was out the portrait hole in a flash.
"And you, Master," she whispered after he was gone, "Are going to experience a mortal girl's mouth. Follow me."
Once again, she was tugging on his penis, fortunately moving at a more sedate pace. She passed one closet, then another, and then a third, before stopping at the fourth, quite close to where he knew the Ravenclaw tower entrance was.
"Um, why not the others?" he asked quietly.
"Ron's in the third, the second is occupied by two girls, and the first is filthy. Also, I suspect Hermione will be checking the ones near the Common Room when she can't find either of you to talk."
"Now, Master, please stay here... I'll return momentarily with your subject. Keep the lights out- I have a surprise planned for you both."
Ten minutes later, the door clicked open, then shut.
Only there was someone else in the closet, breathing.
"You a boy?"
The voice was familiar, but whoever it was was hiding their actual voice somehow, probably with a spell.
He grunted.
"Good. Keep the lights out, and I'll- I'll do what I promised."
Harry grunted again, confused. He didn't know who this person, presumably a girl, was. How could he have made some sort of promise for favors?
A moment later, he felt fingers, small ones, on his fly, then his button.
A warm breath.
Fingers on him, pulling his rapidly hardening length out, then his trousers down.
"Bigger than I thought," the voice said.
This time, Harry said nothing, only relaxed back against the wall as soft lips began to pepper him with kisses.
They started at the base, worked up to the top, stayed there on the head for a minute, then slowly circled around all of him back down to the bottom. A moment after, he felt the same tongue that had been ghosting along him begin to lick his scrotum. "Smelly... tasty."
"Fuck," Harry groaned, trying to modulate his own voice to hide it, because he didn't know a spell to mask it.
Whoever it was continued to lick his balls while a hand stroked up and down his shaft, occasionally switching with the other hand, while the girl began to breathe heavier.
The very dim light from beneath the door suggested she was on her knees with the other hand between her legs.
And it was hot as hell.
Instinctively, his hand fell on her head.
A moment later, she jerked off him completely, "Hands off," the modulated voice said, "or I'm done. No light, no touching, that was the deal. I don't know who you are, and you don't know who I am. Period."
"S- Sorry," Harry groaned.
A few seconds passed, before the hand wrapped around his base and angled him down. A second later, lips covered his head, then a bit further as a tongue, thick and soaking, began to circle his head. That only lasted a few seconds, though, before the girl began to bob.
She was nowhere near as good as Lilith, but Harry knew he still wasn't going to last long, because it was a hundred, no, a thousand times better than wanking.
With a soft gagging sound, the girl tried to deep-throat Harry, but pulled back at once, coughed, then sank down again. She did not try to go further than she had been before. Instead, her pace quickened, while the hand around his base began to move in time, jerking him even as she sucked.
"Close," Harry grunted.
"Mmhmm," was the modulated reply.
"R- Really close," he warned a few seconds later, his knees starting to shake.
Well, I tried, Harry thought, a moment before his jizz coated the inside of her mouth and throat.
To the girl's credit, she did not pull off or away, instead laving him clean without removing him from her mouth, then swallowed, and sucked on him until, with a slight pop, he fell out of her mouth.
The girl stood up, adjusted her skirt as far as he could tell in the very dim light, then leaned in to press a kiss against him.
At first, Harry recoiled at the smell, but the girl still thrust her tongue into his mouth, forcing him to taste himself a bit. The only real benefit, as far as he saw, was the feel of her pressed against him briefly.
"Not bad," she muttered, modulation still in effect, "I'd rate you an eight, to be honest. Highest I've rated anyone. Leave a note in the same place if you want a repeat."
Then she was gone, just as quickly and quietly as she'd come.
When Harry had tucked himself away and stepped back outside, Lilith was leaning against the wall opposite. "How was she?"
"Not- not bad," panted Harry, "not as good as you, but..."
"They never are. Not at first, anyway."
"Uh, uh, Master. Not unless you order me to, and that's not fair. You enjoyed it, right? I'll say it was a female, and not a Gryffindor, and relatively close to your own age. After that, no more info. Figure it out yourself."
"Alright," he faux-grumbled. It wasn't like he minded, a blow-job was a blow-job as far as he was concerned, and whoever it was had been pretty good in his inexperienced opinion. "How's Ron doing?"
"Round one lasted about a minute... round three is going on now, but almost done."
She nodded, "Yeah. He's a horny one, I'll give him that. Not nearly as much as you, but probably... top five in the Castle as far as males go. This will be his last, though, he's nearly spent, and she's half unconscious."
"What?" Harry asked, dumbfounded.
"Well, he was paying attention to my lesson," Lilith smirked as she fell into step beside him, "and I did give her some Fog on the way down. And yes, she was already looking to get shagged. And I Fogged him and her both after round one, to help him get back up. It's wearing off, which is how I know they're almost done."
Harry heard just one word, "F- Fuuuuck," from a masculine voice as they passed the next closet, and that was it.
Payment made.
From the sound of it, Alicia had been shagging for a while anyway, and therefore was of less interest anyway. Not none, but less.
"Oi, Potter," Ginny Weasley, Ron's younger sister, called from the couch as he passed on his way back upstairs, "passing on a warning: Hermione's pissed. She thinks she knows where you went, whatever that means. And now I'm going to bed."
After the slight fire-haired girl had slipped up into the girl's stairs, Lilith whispered, "More like going to shag her wand for a few hours thinking about you. She's got it about the worst... Almost a nymphomaniac, that one."
Harry's cock throbbed.
"Don't worry," Lilith patted him, "I'll satisfy you for now, and yes, she's on my list, too. Hell, I want her. But have some patience, I know what I'm doing."
As they started to climb, this time with her in front so Harry could watch her pert arse (and, coincidentally, so her tail could lazily stroke his chest), he asked, "What are you doing? What's your goal with all this- well, with this particular order, or whatever, you seem to have worked out?"
"Simple," Lilith shrugged, "There are girls you want to shag, and girls you want to keep shagging. For the former, they get to be first- with the possible exception of your dear Slytherin- to get you the experience and skills you will need to keep shagging those that come later, despite them knowing you're shagging other girls. Human Jealousy 2350. Part of the Psych course I aced."
Harry stumbled. "O- Oh."
"There's more to it of course, and almost unlimited variables. Hermione is on the 'keep' list, for example, but I really don't think it'll be that hard to convince her to share, so she might end up being a 'soon'. Others... we'll see."
When they reached his room, Lilith briefly touched a hand to Neville's, Seamus', and Dean's foreheads before turning back to Harry. "They'll sleep through the night, dreaming of the girls they most fancy. Now, shall we fuck?"
"Er... isn't Ron coming?"
"Probably, right about now," Lilith smirked, "but if he comes in... so what? He knows what I am. I doubt he'll judge."
Harry still closed the door as he lay on his back, and Lilith climbed atop him to straddle him like she'd woken him after that first glorious blow-job. Only this time, while she did slide up and down his length a few times to lubricate him, she half-rose, aimed, and then dropped down with him inside her.
She rode him like that, with Harry just watching her tits and hair bounce with his hands behind his head, for several minutes until Ron came in.
Then Harry realized that somehow, without him noticing, Lilith had opened the curtains, and Ron was staring at them.
He had started to say sorry.
But Ron was not angry, or annoyed.
In fact, he seemed rapt.
Lilith looked over at the ginger, winked, and continued her bouncing. "I think he likes it, Master."
Harry nodded slowly, then watched out of the corner of his eye as Ron removed a half-flaccid penis and started to stroke it, utterly unashamed. "Best. Night. Ever," he said.
Harry could not blame him, but at the time also didn't have the heart to close the curtains again. The damage, after all, was done, and it was just a profile, right?
"Play with her ta-tas, Harry," Ron urged from across the room.
Annoyed for a brief moment that his friend was still intruding on this moment, Harry quickly pushed that part aside- it was an excellent idea, after all.
So his hands rose, one gentle and caressing, sliding around the nipple, while the other worked with more force, kneading and pulling and stretching.
"Shit," Lilith murmured, and her bouncing increased in speed.
A few minutes later, she shuddered, and Harry felt himself become drenched, though her up-and-down motion did not change.
A moment later, Ron's jizz arced across the room, flying against Lilith's right wing and back, quickly becoming absorbed.
Then Harry, too, exploded into her with more force than he could recall, his thrusts becoming spasmodic and uncontrolled when Lilith collapsed onto his chest.
"F- Fuck," she murmured, "First time I came first... ever. Morrigan..." She continued to pant while Ron stared dumbfounded at the nude, nubile body on top of Harry.
After a few minutes, he said, "Bit young, eh, Mate?"
"It's the same Lilith, Ron," Harry growled, "Now go to bed."
"Right... classes tomorrow. Night."
Harry, too, drifted off with Lilith atop him, and him still inside her, though he noticed she did, at least, close the curtains.