Disclaimer: Don't own Destiny or Harry Potter. Wish I did the former.

Author's Note: Credit to Bob-omb for this chapter idea.

Three thousand and forty two.

That was the number of insulation popcorn fragments that Harry Potter could see on the roof of his room in Number 4 Privet Drive. The young man lay back against his bed and turned a black card in his hand.

The card had been slipped to him by Remus shortly before the Order had left him to the Dursley family. An accompanying letter from said werewolf told him to keep it on him at all times over the summer, stating that he'd know when it would become useful. Harry didn't care either way. Voldemort himself could come knock down the door and Harry probably wouldn't move from his spot lying on the bed.

"Hell," Harry said to no one, "I'd probably pay him to do it at this point."

He felt himself spiraling into a pit of sorrow and self-loathing.

Sirius was dead. Mostly because of Harry's idiocy and stubbornness. He rolled over in bed and tossed the card onto his nightstand, not even caring when it slid off and fell into his shoe. Harry closed his eyes and let the tears flow.

The bodies kept piling up because of him. First Cedric, now Sirius.

A sharp knock on the main door rang through the house.

Harry twitched and grabbed his wand as he heard Aunt Petunia's light footsteps headed for the door.

"Yes, can I help- YOU!" Petunia's yell made Harry jump up and grab his shoes. He cursed and fumbled the black card as he sprinted downstairs. They were terrible relatives, but they were all Harry had.

He jumped down almost all of the stairs at once and had his wand raised at the door over Petunia's shoulder, only to blink in confusion and shock.

A humanoid machine stood before him, its blue eyes on him. It had a black and white color scheme with several koi decals on its head and body. An arch-like symbol sat dead center on its chest. "Harry Potter?" Her voice was smooth and crisp. Harry could only nod. A hum slipped from her chest. "I am Ada-1, Curator of The Black Armory. I was sent here by your late Godfather to take you to his will reading."

Harry only stared at her, his jaw hung low. "I... what?"

Ada rubbed where her nose should have been. It was a very human gesture. "That's right. This is your first time seeing an Exo. Nice work on that, Ada." The Exo muttered the last part to herself. She straightened and took a breath. "I am an Exo, a human being implanted into a robotic shell. I'm basically a ghost in a machine, only with fewer powers than a god."

Harry snorted despite the situation. Ada cleared her throat.

"In any case, your godfather's will reading is in an hour and it will take us about that long to get to Gringotts from here, so do you think we could get a move on? I have business after that I must show you."

"Why me?" Harry asked. Ada cocked her head at him. "I will go, but why did Sirius leave me anything?"

Ada rubbed her chin before looking at Petunia, who had been turning shades of red that would rival the purple her husband could achieve. "I will return the boy later tonight. Is that adequate?" Harry's horse-faced Aunt threw her hands up and yelled in anger as she turned and stomped back into the kitchen. "I shall take that as a 'yes.'" She looked back at Harry. "Shall we be off?"

"You didn't answer my question."

Ada stiffened at Harry's reminder. "There is a danger in secrets and an even greater danger in the answers that those secrets hold. All will be revealed in time, Heir Potter." A black sedan rolled up in front of them and the backdoor opened automatically. Ada stepped in with ease while Harry banged his head on the way in. Ada chuckled as the doors sealed shut behind him.

The duo walked through the Leaky Cauldron towards Diagon Alley. Multiple bewildered gazes tracked them as they walked, the majority of them on Ada's metallic form. After Harry opened the portal, Ada took the lead again. They brushed past the few summer shoppers who stared at Ada as they made their way to Gringotts.

The goblin guards at the front stiffened and one nodded to Ada, who returned the gesture as they passed. Harry quickly copied her, which caused the guard to raise an eyebrow under his helmet.

Ada ignored the line of wizards and walked straight up to a free teller.

"Bank regulations are for guests to wait in line," the goblin sneered, his attention focused only on his paperwork.

"Bank regulations also state that attendees observing the reading and execution of a will are to be waived of said regulations," Ada said, her tone cold and sharp.

The goblin put his quill down and glanced up, his lips drawn back in a snarl. His eyes widened and his snarl faded when he recognized the speaker.

"Curator Ada. My apologies." The goblin hopped off of his chair and hurried around his booth. He bowed to them both. "This way, please. The will reading is set to begin shortly." He hurried towards a door and Ada followed at a sedated pace.

Harry took the time to pick at the sleeves of the dark blue sports coat Ada had lent him. She had explained that he was expected to appear well dressed at the minimum at any formal event, much like what they now approached, and had given him a full formal outfit, complete with khaki pants and a clean pressed light blue shirt.

The teller pulled open one of the many doors in the torch-lit hall and stood aside to allow passage. Ada tossed him a galleon as they passed.

Harry stiffened upon seeing two familiar heads of blonde hair. Ada looped her arm into his and guided him to a seat on the right side of the aisle, opposite them. Draco and Narcissa Malfoy looked up at them as they sat and the former glared at Harry. Draco's teeth gleamed from his snarl while Narcissa merely stared at him. Harry shifted from his spot on Ada's right as another door opened and let in a few more people, all of whom had much friendlier faces.

Remus Lupin nodded to Harry as he entered and was followed by Dumbledore, who paused at the door at the sight of Harry and Draco. He shrugged it off and stepped forward with his hand extended and a twinkle in his eyes.

"Harry, my boy. What are you doing away from the Dursleys?" His hand was caught by Ada before he could pat Harry's shoulder. She stood and twisted his hand behind his back.

"Keep your hands away from Heir Potter, Headmaster." Ada's voice could melt steel with the venom in it. She shoved him away and Dumbledore nearly fell onto the Malfoys but he caught himself. He turned around and his eyes widened. He stood straighter and smoothed his robes.

"Curator Ada. I was unaware you had the authority to take young Harry anywhere," Dumbledore said.

Ada stared at him. "I received the authority from Lord Black before his death. He told me to ensure Heir Potters safety and presence at this reading. I am merely honoring his wishes." Harry frowned and held back the wave of disappointment.

"Ah, yes. I was hoping we could discuss that. I think that it is better that I relay Sirius' wishes to Harry later on. He is already mourning."

"Alone and by himself. That is but a recipe for destruction," Ada said, her voice icy. "You claim to have Heir Potter's health in mind, but I do not believe you do."

Any further conversation was cut off by a Goblin as he shoved between them, a Pensive cradled in his arms. "If you could all sit down, we can begin. I would prefer not to waste anymore time here. Time is money, after all." He placed the Pensive down on the table set in front of the two sets of chairs as Dumbledore sat on Ada's left after the Exo glared at him. "I am Executor Goldfang. I am here to present the last will and testament of Sirius Orion Black, Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. Lord Black chose to leave both via Pensive memories. I shall present them now." He tapped a rune on the side of the Pensive and a silvery version of Sirius appeared over it.

"I, Sirius Orion Black of House Black, do swear that I am of sound mind and am unaffected by any form of compulsion spells or potions. Executor Goldfang has confirmed this. So mote it be."

"So mote it be," Goldfang said, a flash symbolizing Magic's confirmation.

"I leave this will as the most recent and active version of my last will." The memory smiled. "As those present can surmise, I'm dead. Hope I went out at the age of eighty in my own bed. Preferably with wine in my belly and a hot girl at my side." Remus snorted, a smile on his face. "I suppose we can't have everything we want though if this will is being executed." A list appeared in front of Sirius' face and he read off of it. "Item the first: Remus Lupin, a friend of House Black and Potter, is to receive three million galleons and the Black family property in Cancun. Moony, use both to get yourself set up somewhere nice. Write that book you were always telling us about." Remus sighed and ran his hand over his face as he leaned back into his seat. Sirius lifted the list back to his face. "Item the second: Albus Dumbledore and his Order are to receive a sum of three million Galleons. Give them hell, old man." Dumbledore nodded. The movement seemed forced. "Item the third: Harry James Potter is to receive all remaining funds and be legally emancipated and released into the care of Ada-1, Curator of the Black Armory in order to inform him of his new duties. Said duties are as follows: Lordship of House Potter. Adopted Lordship of House Black-" Dumbledore stood to protest, but Ada quickly tripped him up and tossed him over the chair. A pair of Goblin guards restrained the old man. "-and Owner of the Black Armory." Sirius took a sip of a glass and smiled. "Now, the Malfoy's are probably wondering why I called them here if Harry is now Lord Black." He straightened and his teeth gleamed as they were revealed. "At the conclusion of this will reading, Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange are to be cast out of House Black and disowned. All children of their respective marriages are henceforth ineligible to the Black Lordship, so mote it be."

"So mote it be." Goldfang said, a flash of light erupting from the Pensive. Narcissa gasped in pain and anger as the lone black strip in her blond hair faded. With it, her connection and access to any form of Black family magics disappeared. Draco's face was distorted into a furious snarl as he stood only for a solid metal click to sound. He turned to find Ada had pulled her handgun from it's place under her arm and had it trained on his head. "Thank you, Curator Ada, but the guards can take it from here." Goldfang glared at Draco. "Unless Heir Malfoy can control himself." Draco remained upright for a full minute before he sat with a growl. Ada placed her gun back in its holster. Goldfang tapped the rune again and the projection resumed.

"Well, that's all from me folks. If I died in my bed, all is right in the world. If I died in battle, just as well. It was no ones fault but my own. Yes, Harry, I'm talking to you. I chose to fight anything that would threaten you. If I died doing it, I couldn't have died happier. Live long and prosper, pup," Sirius said before his image faded.

Harry sighed and wiped away the few tears he had shed. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Ada looking at him, her glowing metal eyes filled with concern. He nodded his thanks and Ada nodded back as Dumbledore and the Malfoys were escorted from the room with Remus trailing behind them.

Ada guided Harry back to the entrance. Goldfang nodded to them as they left, a gesture that Ada returned.

"What is the Black Armory?" Harry asked as they left Gringotts through one of the few bank's side exits.

"The Armory was founded in 1919, less than a year after the end of The Great War. The Magi of Britain were only lightly affected by that conflict due to wards and their own reluctance to participate in any of the Mundane world's conflicts." Ada led him down a back alley and they came out into a shadowed walkway that Harry recognized as Knockturn Alley. A hag tried to pick his pocket only to scream in pain as her hand was crushed by Ada. "The founders saw the threat that was the mundane world and wanted to act accordingly. They needed funds though, so they turned to the Darker families who were willing to support them from the shadows. Most prominently was Arcturus Black, grandfather of Sirius Black. That is merely one of the many reasons we're called that."

"You say that like you don't see yourselves as wizards." Ada laughed at Harry's words.

"We aren't. Most of the staff are squibs and mundane-born." They came to another alleyway and Ada took the lead. She stopped in front of the dead-end and turned back to Harry. "We deal in weapons. We arm clandestine groups dedicated to the protection of Great Britain, both mundane and magical. With Voldemort's resurrection, we have begun combat production once more. You have inherited the ownership of our business. It's time you knew exactly what you're getting into." She took a backwards step and held up a black card, much like the one Harry had in his back pocket. The card flashed and Ada disappeared behind a flickering wall. Harry pulled out his card and cautiously approached the wall. The card pulsed with green light before going dark.

The wall flickered again and disappeared.

Harry stepped into a darkened walkway surrounded by dull, plastic vacuum wrapped weapons. He reflexively closed his eyes as floodlights snapped on above him and revealed the box and weapon packed room around him. Directly in front of him, Ada stood at a circular workspace with a digital display looming over it. Ada stepped towards him, her arms held wide open.

"Welcome to The Black Armory."

Closing Note: This one-shot was pretty fun to write. Despite my clan leader's expressed dislike of her, Ada-1 is one of my favorite character's lore-wise. Doesn't hurt that I love my god roll Blast Furnace in any PvE activities.

I'll try to post the next within the next two weeks. No promises though as I'll try to match this chapter in terms of length. For now, I'll leave you with an idea of who I'm going to put in next and you might understand why I want to be careful with this character.

"When there is too much Light, Darkness falls to drown it out. Similarly, when there is too much Dark, the Light rises to burn it away."