Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail
Zeref's P.O.V.
I was stuck in my thoughts when this blonde girl stepped on something and I looked at her. I worriedly told her to go away and tried to warn her when it happened and I looked up to see her admiring the deadly black miasma that was coming out of me and it didn't affect her and she walked over to me and tried to comfort me when I blacked out and thought about what just happened. When I woke up she was staring at me and I said
"I thought I told you to leave so why are you still here?". I looked behind her and saw camp was set up and I was a bit surprised. Why was she helping me when I don't know who she is and vice versa. She said
" I set up camp and thought you might need a place to sleep. I got a question." "Shoot." "Who are you?" She said.
"I got a better question. Who are you?" I said. She got mad and then calmed herself down and I chuckled at her. She was so cute. Wait what the hell am I thinking. She then said
" I am Lucy Heartfilia. Now it's your turn," I gave up and said
" Well miss Heartfilia I am Zeref the Dark Wizard." Expecting her to be scared I was surprised when she held out her hand and said
" It's nice to meet you Zeref. Now tell me why was I not affected by your deathly miasma?" I was so confused I didn't even know where to start.
"I have no idea how this happened but it did. You know I don't have all the answers right?" I said staring at her. That's when I took in her appearance. She was wear blue jeans, black high tops, a black cloak, and a dark green shirt. She was gorgeous and very attractive. I was openly staring at her when she cleared her throat and said very sarcastically
" Are you just going to stare at me all day or will I just sit pretty for you to admire" I was taken back for a second and said in a sarcastic tone
"Sure and make me do all the work Princess Heartfilia." She was mad and started going off about the Great Dark Wizard Zeref was a sarcastic little bitch. And I started laughing quiet enough for her to notice and she went off again about how rude and conceding I am. That's about when she started laughing with me.
Lucy's P.O.V.
Two hours later we caught some fish and cooked it with some rabbit. We both figured that it was time to get some sleep and went to our sleeping bags.
The next morning I woke up with someone asleep next to me and I was cuddled up with them when I remembered the corresponding day. I didn't really care so I stayed like that. But that was until Zeref said
"You awake Luce?" I said with sleep heavily on my voice
"No... Okay kinda." And he just chuckled and I thought ' his laugh makes him even hotter- wait what the hell am I thinking' I was taken out of my thoughts when he got up and sat down in front of me. I was so out of it that I didn't realize that I was wearing my under shirt, and a pair of black shorts. I jumped and then relaxed thinking 'oh well it doesn't matter anymore.' I looked at Zeref and said
"So what's happening now?" "How should I know." He said in a very snarky tone. I looked at him directly in the eyes and said
"You are the one who is the know it all. But I guess you don't know about my case so I am wrong." I said equally with an overly snarky tinge to my voice. We both laughed at our weirdness and fell over. When we stopped laughing at our stupidity I looked over at him and said
"Where are we going?" "What do you mean 'we'?" He replied. I then said
"Can't I travel with you?" There was a flash of sadness but it disappeared just as quickly as is showed.
"I'm sorry but I can't take you with me." I had tears forming in the back of my eyes but I blinked them back.
"PLEASE. Please. Take me with you." I said in a very desperate voice. He looked at me and said with a tinge of sadness
"Fine, just stop crying." He moved closer as he said this and started embracing me. I looked up and hugged him back saying thank you and taking in his scent.
Several hours later we were much further away and very filthy. I started complaining about my feet and that's when he stop walking and went behind me. I looked back at him and saw that he was getting closer to me and I stopped moving and started quirking an eyebrow and that's when he picked me up bridle style and started walking again. I asked
"What the hell Zeref?" He just shrugged and said with a tinge of annoyance laced in his voice
"You wouldn't stop complaining about you feet. I figured I'd help you out." To me he kinda sounded like Natsu when I first met him. I looked at him happily then looked down and thought 'Why does he remind me of him so much? I don't get it why?' Zeref looked down at me and said
"Is something wrong Lucy? You look like a memory hurts to think about. Please tell me Luce is something wrong?" With sadness engraved in my voice I replied "You remind me of someone who broke my heart not so long ago." He just looked away and said in a whisper
"Is it Natsu?" Surprize evident in my voice I said
"How did you know?" "I know him and he has changed to much since the white haired bitch came back." I smiled when he said bitch and said
"Finally someone who actually agrees with me." He looked down at me and smiled. I blushed lightly and thought 'he has a cute smile.' He said
"Thanks Luce." My eyes widened the size of saucers and I said (or screamed) "I said that out loud!" He chuckled and said
"Yes you did, and are you always doing that?" I blushed as red as Erza's hair and I started going on about the Dark Wizard being an asshole that needs to stop being a sarcastic jackass. And he started laughing at me and then I began calling him a stupid jerk wagon and he laughed even harder at me. I looked at him and thought 'Oh god he is hot when he laughs-wait what in Fiore am I thinking?'.
Time Skip _
Zeref's P.O.V.
It's been two months since I recruited Princess Lucy Heartfilia, and I still think she is very attractive to the extent that I asked her out two weeks ago and I started training the intelligent blonde four weeks before that time. Even though I would never admit it out loud she is amazing when it comes to the ability to learn. It has been about six weeks since I started training her and most people would be one third of the way to where she is and it is spectacular the way she thinks and is also very deadly. If I was someone who was taking the hits from her I would be dead if I was not immortal and she's not even done with training for another ten months.
Lucy's P.O.V.
Two months later I don't feel any stronger than before but Zeref says that I have ten months to go and I can't wait. Zeref and I are dating now and I'm happy for once and being happy is a good thing for me too. I am training to gain the magic Zeref holds and I am training my celestial spirits and their powers and the other forms that they possess. I have learned 15 different spells and the moves that go with them and I am working on another 8 of them to master. The more I learn the stronger I'll become. After a few hours I complained about how I don't feel any stronger than before and that's when Zeref took off his magic limiters and I was stuck to my spot like my feet were glued to the ground or gravity was pressing down on me. I was astonished at his magic and then I said (after he put the necklace and a few other things back on.)
"What does that have to do with anything Zeref?" "Well to start when we started you would have made an imprint in the ground. Now you can just stand there and eventually you'll be able to walk normally and stuff when I have no magic concealers on at all." I looked at him with a shocked face and it was stuck like that for a couple seconds. As soon as I got out of my shock I walked up to him and kissed him expecting it to be a short but he pulled me against him and kissed me back with passion and fire that I didn't know he had and I loved it but we had to stop before we start ripping each others clothes off so I pushed him off and said
"Not until I can move normally with all of your magic limiters off can we do anything further than kissing." He looked at me deflated and disapointed but didn't fight me on it. It was time to go to bed already anyway...