So! Wassup CrowBloods! YES, your boi is BACK and ready to give you some content. Now, how soon that content comes out and how good it is...that I unfortunately NEED a beta who is good at fighting scenes and would REALLY FUCKING appriciate a Co-Author who coufferuld help me with the humongus goals I have planned. Please Please Please, if you believe yourself to be profficient at writing fights, hit me up. Because while I CAN and WILL continue...the story will also suffer. It's like, I can imagine how good it CAN be with all the right pieces into place...but I don't have all the pieces.
Warrior of the Sea by XenonDark
Anime » One Piece Rated: M, English, Adventure & Crime, Strawhat Pirates, Words: 29k+, Favs: 371, Follows: 466, Published: 7/13/2019 Updated: 6/25/2020}
90 Chapter 9: HELP NEEDED