by oblivon2991

proofread by the usual drunken band of misfits

Thank you for reading my fanfic!

My mother language is not English, so please be patient about the grammatical issues.

I don't own the Overlord(オーバーロードŌbārōdo?) novel or anime series created by Kugane Maruyama.

I don't own High School DxD anime, manga, and novel series created by Ichiei Ishibumi

Please review it. I know I will make mistakes that I intend to correct and will try to learn from them and improve myself.

Thank you!

Chapter 18: Game of Shadows:

"Man! Have you seen that gal? She just… she just fell in the mud!"

"Yeah… yeah… same old. Same old. They fell in so many times it is not even funny anymore."

"You just can't appreciate a good old mud bath can you?"

"Can't we change the channel? These shows are just not the same anymore. Those humans should come up with something original. It's the tenth show where they used the same punishment. The game is rigged anyway. They always fall to the mud…"

"Bah! You can't value true classics! Whatever! Listen to some music or do what you want! I want to watch the girly play! I like this kind of show!"

"Do as you wish. I am going to patrol." Mumbled the Oni in a suit, standing up from his chair. As his mighty body rose, the seat creaked, giving its hydraulics some leeway to raise back to its original position. "You should also move around sometimes, you're starting to get fat."

"Pha! I am perfectly fit, I tell you! I train whenever I am at home!" The tanuki-like figure poked his slightly bulging stomach regardless, raising the bowl that was full just a few minutes ago.

"Sure…" The towering yokai rolled his red eyes, not the slightest convinced by his fellow's excuse.

"Oh! By the way! Can you bring some snacks from the kitchen? I am starting to run out."

"Whatever..." Snarled the towering oni, shaking his head at his colleague's rather lax attitude. The man with the red skin and single horn sighed in defeat.

"Hey! New guy! No sleeping until your shift is over, got it?"

"Ugh!" The bird-like yokai fell out from his chair, his sleep was disturbed by the thundering voice of the Oni.

"Great, another amateur…" They should really make their selections more carefully. Week after week it gets worse and worse!

Their task is supposed to be nothing but staring at these damn monitors! Keeping watch on the place from this room. Sometimes take a walk to check the surroundings. But like this? Nothing ever happens! Utterly boring! No wonder they slack or even sleep under duty.

"Keep an eye on those damn monitors. I am going to stretch my legs."

Surely, they received their pay at the end of the day for doing basically nothing. But after a while, people will carve for some action! To actually do something meaningful!

"Haah! I would have left long ago if I didn't need this job." Maybe going back to the family shrine, tending it and keeping invaders away would be more fulfilling. Definitely more satisfying than sitting all day long - staring at those screens, or watching those nonsense shows.

Alas, it would pay piss poor. The main reason why he left the shrine his family protected it for generations. The reason why he and many like him searched for a better-paying job. Their reimbursement does not even follow inflation back there! How could he make a living like that? Here, at least he got hefty pay and even an allowance!

"But how much is it worth if I can't practice my art?" Not much, if he had to be honest.

At least those temples were sometimes attacked by rogue parties. Other Yokai, devil or even Fallen - People who tried to unbalance the fragile peace between the sides.

But here? Nothing ever happens! After all, who would steal from his employer? A place in the middle of nowhere, owned by some bighead rich bastard who loved antique crap!

"Tough, there are a lot of expensive-looking things around. But the security system alone could fry any intruder if they get close." Stationing more than a dozen of armed highly trained guards around felt excessive.

They could take on almost anything, even high-ranked devils would be doubtful to escape unscratched.

Regardless, whoever the rich bastard who owned this place was spared no expense to keep their stuff safe - even if he rarely ever saw anyone coming here.

"What a bother…" As he walked through the traditional halls, filled with armours of the samurai of old, old vases and artefacts kept in those glass holders, he decided to go and check the rest of his people.

Maybe some practice wouldn't hurt. There was a whole training room here. Letting it dust would be a waste.

"There is a whole practice room built in this place, and no one to use it besides us."

Thus, he and a few of the guards took the initiative and practised there sometimes. Dueling and doing mock battles just to keep themselves in shape. Better than doing nothing.

"Huh? What was that?" As he was on his way, his heightened senses pinged, and the man right away placed his crusty hands on the handle of his blade.

"Hmm, maybe it is nothing, but better check it. Probably those guys are fooling around."

He unsheathed his Odachi, just to be sure, and while his form was towering and heavy, his steps were strangely soft. The corridor leading to the main hall was strangely wide. Spacious enough for someone like him to comfortably walk forth, and even swing his sword with space to spare.

His way led through several halls, eventually reaching the place, which looked like the throne room, a place where people of high authority receive their underlings or high-ranking clients. Listening to their complaint or request.

"Odd, there should be a constant flow of patrols going in and out."

In fact, he should have met several patrols by now. More than unusual, the guards were supposed to stand near the entrance, but now, they were missing.

"Maybe they went to drink some coffee…" That might be - no matter how unlikely it was knowing those guys. That's why, their lack of presence felt unnerving.

"Ever since I got this job, the amount of security forces in this place had felt oddly unneeded." He suspected they were guarding something valuable hidden in this place. But he never asked what or why. He was not paid to ask questions, after all.

Regardless, not seeing those veterans near the grand doors filled him with unease.

"Hey! Check on the cameras, something is off." He called the tanuki in the control centre, but no answer came. Something was definitely not right! That bastard might be a lazy bum, but at least he answered when he was called.

His lack of answer can only mean one thing, the ominous foreboding he started to feel ever since he started his patrol caught up with him! Regardless, gulping down his nervousness, he swung open the grand entrance!

"Wait just a moment…!?"

His eyes widened, and what he witnessed just confirmed his suspicion!

"The hell!?"

All the guards this place had! All manner of yokai just laid there in a big pile! All trained in all manner of defensive and offensive art! Like some garbage thrown in a dump, just stacked on each other! Like they were nothing more than mere trash.

Who, or what manner of being did this? More importantly, without raising the alarm and triggering the countless wards this place had?! Impossible!

"What the!? Show yourself!?" Suddenly, the man heard some noise, raising his sword in alarm!

His heart was in his throat. Maybe his wish for more action got caught up with him, and now it will bite him in his nether region!

"I knew I should have not taken this job…"

"Guys? Anyone around? Is this some kind of joke? It is not funny!" He called out loud and nervous.

Every sensible explanation whispered it was not a joke, yet, deep in his soul he still had some hope.

"Come out, whoever you are! I know you are here, you sneaky bastard!" He warned, jumping out from the corner, and swinging his sword left and right, searching for any intruder.

"Sorry about this…"

"Guh!" Despite all his training, and his heightened senses as an oni, he was still caught off guard! Only when that someone, or rather something whispered in his neck, did he feel the dread of death! In his turn, his nape was hit by a terrible force, losing consciousness immediately.

"Another one to the pile. Man! There sure were a lot of guards here. So tedious…" The frail-looking figure in all black flipped the mighty body with just one hand and added it to the pile of security. All of which are supposed to safekeep this place.

"Well, what can I say, The intel was good." With a low chuckle, the stranger snapped their finger, and something changed in the air.

A low buzz filled the surroundings for a moment, which was the sure sign of the reactivation of the countless observation wards dotted this place.

"See you!" In a singing tune, the stranger waved playfully and pulled their finger towards the throne. "Now watch this!" Like they grabbed some invisible rope, the burglar yanked something! The dimensional seals and anchors that kept the construct fixed groaned and shattered after but a moment of resistance!

The floor exploded out from under the throne in an instant! Almost like a divine being pulled out an annoying rat from its hiding, all aversion seemed futile against the overwhelming force!

Like pieces of reality started to crack and fall into the hole below, a whole vault was forced out from its underground safety! A huge gap was left where the throne previously settled with all its pomp! Now all ruined, displaying the fate of all empires that came and gone before.

"Thanks for the loot! See ya!" Without anything further to add, a hole opened in space-time, and the wards of the mansion overcharged and popped like some balloon! The observer, the owner of the place left blind, while their treasures had been stolen by a pesky thief!

Scene Change: Kuoh: At night:

A lone boy roamed the night. A daily routine, that he practiced for many years. Ever since his master picked him up from the dirt, and initiated him into her family, he followed such a lead.

At daylight, he was but a simple student, complying with the Japanese law and attending high school. Doing so like other similar boys and girls of his age. A kind and chivalrous young man, as most would depict him. Always up to help others and do some community work.

Albeit, thanks to his handsome appearance and knightly demeanour, most of his fellow men would even ridicule and mock him with the title: playboy. Tough, he did not give any heed to such mockery. Instead, he enjoyed the small things life had given him.

Indeed, his gentleness and good look swayed the heads of many females, which made them come to such a conclusion seeing him day by day.

However, it was entirely another matter of what was the truth about him.

Because at night, he lived a slightly different life, acting just like his nature compelled him, and his master commanded!

"Just another night."

Patrolling the city, getting rid of the threats from his King's domain? Doing his issued tasks, or even going around, collecting favors - Making pacts with mortals like a normal devil does? That was his usual schedule at night.

Indeed, this boy was not an everyday young man! He was a devil - even if his outside look didn't imply such a thing.

As the gentle nightly breeze caressed his golden locks, his blue eyes scoured the heavens, watching the moving clouds, and the many dots painted the sky in this late hour.

"What a sight…"

Usually, he wasted no time on such tedious things as stargazing, rather, he headed back to their headquarters, or answered one of the many pings he got every night - because judging from his timetable with the clients, he was popular, that was sure!

But now, he stopped. Just staring at the painting of the night, which was especially full of stars tonight. Right now, he felt life wanted to tell him something.

"Gillian was right, they are really something."

After he joined his master, he paid no heed to such minor things. Rather, he tried to bury himself under the burden of jobs, to suffocate and forget his painful past. Busying his mind with the company of his new family, and the many tasks and responsibilities he received.

But thinking of it, back in his youth, he often watched these dots at night, through the grids on the window which covered his "prison" of a long time.

Night after night, he wondered, what he would do once he got out. What grand fate awaits him? A hope which was stained by a sour and traumatic reality he was forced to confront in that place.

An expectation, which was betrayed and crushed by his previous handlers!

"Wonder if there are others out there."

Just now, he remembered those orphans he left behind, and it was strange, but he could recall their faces almost clearly.

"I wonder… Is she still the same?"

He barely knew the girl for a few months, but he felt some kind of connection with her. Like they have known each other for years. She alone made him remember his fellows! Those he lost in that place.

Just because of her, he once more started to watch the stars, wondering what the future would bring. Hoping for a better tomorrow!

"There are many races on earth, in the underworld, heaven and other realms. Truly a colourful place." But until now, he never really considered giving any thought to them. Maybe, there are even some aliens out there. Who knows? Just like her new friend said. "The world truly is wide. Wonder if Gillian is right in this…"

While a thin chuckle left his lips, a longing to explore started to resurface in him. A wild want to just go out, and leave everything to fate, see what the world has to offer!

Only his duty, loyalty and past kept him in bounds. A past, that seems to resurface and rip open old wounds since those exorcists arrived. The festering scars on his soul throbbed! Deep tears he thought he sealed, and long ago left behind.

"But I will not allow them to hurt them!"

In that moment he remembered his duties and the loved ones he wanted to protect!

His fist clenched, his purpose as a knight reignited in his damned soul! Yes! He has a new family and a goal! Friends and people he cherished and intended to protect! He had more important things than daydreaming!

"They already tried to hurt them. They already took everything once. Not again!" He muttered, remembering his past! Remembering the orphanage!

Before his eyes, even in his dreams, his fellow orphans who suffered and died in that place assaulted his mind! The cruelty of that man and the church haunted his waking hours! And now this! They once more returned to finish their work! Take everything that's important to him!

Not again! He swore! Not anymore! He rather die in agony, than let them hurt those he cared about!

His fist trembled and his fingers went white from the effort before they loosened.

The boy recalled his last conversation with his King. A heated debate, which ended up with him taking up the mantle of duty again, in order to push his feelings away.

"Buchou warned me about her…" His posture loosened, their meeting and the uncalled assault coming from the Exorcists flashed before his eyes.

Rias Gremory did not trust his new friend. Or better said, she advised, or rather, forbid him even interacting with her after what happened.

She, and many around suspected that the girl might be the culprit behind the strange things happening in the town. All of which started not long after their arrival.

"But even if that's true…" Kiba bit his lower lip, torn between the sides.

He was confident in his ability to discern ill intent and read people like no other. In the past, his king even asked him to advise if a new member came into consideration. But now, she was unsure of his judgement.

Too many shady things happened around his new friend. Too much trouble has resurfaced since she appeared and they first met! Yet, she also helped them. Back in the Rating Game, and even with the Fallen!

It was true, she only helped because she got involved directly. It was true, for many, she and even her brother might seem abnormal. But still! Which human would go along to help them knowing the danger? Which would risk everything in order to help? Most would just hide, or expect protection!


Things didn't add up, and the boy was torn between the two sides! It was just wrong!

He wanted to be careful. He wanted to protect his family! Yet, the thought he found someone to whom he could truly relate was too tempting to let go! Someone, he can truly open up to!

"Even if it is dangerous…"

Her past is shrouded, yet he feels it is tragic, similar to his own. He just felt some strange connection with her that he couldn't explain! The main reason why he did not give up on her, despite the suggestion of his president, and everyone around!

"There must be a good reason behind why this is happening! I need to put the puzzle together."

He had no idea what this investigation would bring, or how painful the truth will be, but everything was better than this uncertain state! This confusing hell he is experiencing now!


"Huh?" His sharp devil ears heard a shout filled with spirit, and his eyes looked far, where he spotted a familiar figure.

"Ah! It is you…"

His devilish sight could easily penetrate the darkness, seeing a teen pedalling with neck-breaking speed from one place to another!

The boy he spotted was hundreds of meters away, but he still saw him! A certain trait, which came with his nature as a devil.

"Haah! Issei-kun, we really need to raise your reserves." The boy smiled bitterly, chuckling sour.

The new pawn of the Gremory household was with them for more than a month, and he still can't use the teleportation circle. A deficiency, something they need to improve upon if they want to serve their king to the fullest.

"What you are up to?"

Making a step towards the ledge, he disappeared, deciding to oversee the progress of their new member. Not only to entertain himself but also to fulfil his master's order - to keep an eye out for the boy.

While wondering how long their new member will use that bicycle for his devil duties, soaring through the air, and just enjoying the breeze, his devil senses pinged out of a sudden!

Kiba kicked the space and elegantly landed on the roof of a building! The air had changed! The sky was distorted! A barrier? A trap? Who might be so foolish to attack them in their own territory?

"An invader, in Buchou's domain?" The blonde boy raised his newly conjured sword in alarm, just in time, as several projectiles aimed in his direction cut through the air! All which he blocked, or cut apart with his mind-blogging agility and speed!

"Exorcists?" Checking the remains of the blessed bullets, that might be the case. The remnants carried holy symbols carefully engraved in their body. He could clearly guess who was the perpetrator.

No angel, or fallen would use human weapons to attack them. They thought themselves too superior to utilize human tools, after all!

"Still too slow…"

Another hail arrived, forcing him to evade and block the projectiles with elegance and fineness. Befitting his role as a knight of the Gremory peerage, he could easily parry such measly attacks.

"Show yourselves!" The only answer was the continued storm of slugs, mixed with energy-based holy projectiles and explosives canisters!

"They don't pull their punches anymore, eh?" Stretching his bat-like wings, he jumped high, before accelerating upwards, then letting his body fall with a flip.

As he flapped his wings a few more times, his outline blurred, coming down as a raging falling star!

Even on this dark night, his devilish vision spotted his assassins! The people who stopped their assault, losing the boy for a few seconds after he ascended to the edge of the barrier surrounding the area!

"Got you!" Raising his arm, another sword formed in his grasp! It blocked the strike and then at the same moment launched towards his attacker with finesse and speed!

In a mind blogging force, it cut right through the unsuspecting man, who still searched for the devil!


Another sword materialized and launched right after, and then another! One by one the weapons were thrown at the exorcist dotting the different roofs, leaving them little chance to counterattack or defend! Like grotesque marionettes, their bodies pierced with pinpoint accuracy!

"I can do this all day…" Landing amidst a group, he changed tactics. Like a flash of metallic storm, he went against the group of assaulters! Close and personal, just like he liked it!

The boy slid through the gaps of the many light blades that aimed at him, only a moment later the cloaked exorcists fell from his blade, their wounds opening and sprouting red ichor!

"Filthy animals…" In his voice trembling disgust, and cold hatred echoed! His momentary confidence turned into a silent rage! Getting rid of the blood on his sword with a swipe, he raised it with a contempt-filled stare. "I will kill you. All of you."

His pace increased, and more and more fell to his blade! He spared none! Like an unstoppable force, massacring any opposition who got in his way without mercy!

"Quickly! Hit him already!"

"He is too fast!"

"What is this monster?"

"Use the-Augh!"

Monster they called him? Indeed, but that's what they wanted! That's what they intended to create! Faceless monsters! Empty weapons without care! Now, they reap what they sow. Here is the monster they sought to make!

"They will not take away my friends. They will not take away my life. Not anymore…" He mumbled, not even caring as he was covered in gore and blood. A woman's gushing corpse falling apart before him perfectly cut at two.

"Pl-Please… have mercy!" As he cut at the light carbine of the exorcist at two, she tremblingly fell to her back before him, and he pointed his blade of darkness at her throat.

"Tell me who sent you!"

"I…" His stare was of a killer. No mercy, nor care, none of what usually mirrors in his kind eyes. All replaced by hatred, disgust and fury! "Pl-Please… aghhhh!" The woman, not even in her twenties screamed, as he slowly started to sink the blade in her shoulder.


"I… We…" Before she could answer, the boy recognised something. His sensitive ears picked up something. It was a sound of pinging?


But it was too late! His body moved, but even with his inhuman speed, he couldn't move fast enough!

Massive Explosions followed, originating from the girl's stomach, and all around the people he slaughtered. Everything burst in holy wildfire!

Insides and parts were thrown around in a grotesque display for a split second before they burned to ash! The intense heat gave their blood no chance to stain the boy, but charred and evaporated them right away in a mighty firework. The massive display of destruction engulfed everything in their wake, leaving only death and decimation!

"Fuck!?" It was rare that Kiba swore, even rarer he showed such a pained expression. But when his athletic form was revealed from the thick cloud of smoke and ash up above, his body was battered, burned and filled with miniature shrapnel.

Heaving in agony, and with ringing ears from the pressure, he felt a searing pain cut through his wings, making him fall hard to the closest roof.

"He took out more than we expected."

"Huh! They were weak trash. They meant to die for the distraction."

The man in black form-fitting gear and a strange mask shook his head, standing up and raising his oversized sniper against his shoulder.

"They may be, but their number is still limited."

"Whatever. I will just collect the boy. I had enough of this charade. Waste of time…"

"Stay on your guard. The mission is not yet over."


The woman with black hair and an alluring body scoffed, her form-fitting revealing attire left little to nothing to the imagination. Her three pairs of wings snapped, preparing her shapely body for ascent. "Prepare for collection."

She ordered in a scornful tone, and the exorcist in riot gear behind her nodded, using their radio to relay the order.


The boy riddled with wounds tried to get up, and used his wings to move farther. Unfortunately, his devilish appendages were broken, even moving them felt like they could simply fall off from their place - only dangling by threads of leather and nerves!

The shrapnel still seared his flesh, his damned soul writhed in agony. All of which painted his once handsome visage in gritting torment and defiance.

"Grrr! Holy… bombs?"

"Surround him slowly…" Several exorcists landed nearby, using a grappling hook and some strange device attached to their belt to hover in the place. A weighted net was thrown at Kiba, intending to bind him to the place, until the collection was completed.

"Target secured. Acknowledged! Commencing with the collection." With a nod, several of the riot people approached the boy. His frail and broken body felt so pitiful up close. Some even started to pity the unholy being.

"Don't let your guard down!" It was the moment they approached him, when blades sprouted from the ground, skewering the ones who dared to get too close!


"He is not down! Repeat, the target is still conscious!" Two blades of darkness formed in the hands of the revenant! His once serene and kind eyes burned with the torrent of rage and revenge. His pain twisting into determination as he sliced through his adamantine bonds, and flashed near the closest exorcist!

"Shoot at him! Shoot at him!"

"Kill the little shit!"

"Negative! We need him alive! I repeat! Capture the boy alive!"

Amidst the chaos of battle, the boy arose anew! Riddled with wounds, but his searing pain dulled by his rage, he cut down any who dared to get in his way!

"Damn those idiots. They messed this up too!" The Fallen bit her lip. "That's enough! I will take him out."

"A moment…" The man chided her, adjusting his cope. "Target in sight."

Amidst his rampage, another shot came. A bullet absorbed into his body, and started to slow him down.

"This… tranquiliser!?" His eyes widened, recognising the shady game his foes played. "I will not…!"

His speed was still great, but a shadow of its former glory, and as his momentum vaned by the moment! More and more he stumbled. More and more mistakes he made! Getting hit by the light batons of the newly arrived exorcist goons. In this arduous situation, he failed to avoid entirely the next portion of the sedative of the shady hunter.

"Not yet…!"

In the end, surrounded by corpses, only his hate kept up his barely standing shell.

"I will never… I will never…"

"The little shit still standing."

"Careful, he might bite you." At the end of the act, even hunters revealed themselves. The man with the sniper and the alluring women landed on the same roof. Two individuals, with black wings on their backs.

"Fa-Fallen? You bastards… I will never relent!"

Amidst his heated defiance, still repelled the attacks from the foes who formed a ring around him. The main actors of the game slowly approached, taking their time while Kiba's speed dimmed, and eventually diminished into the frail swipes of a cornered beast.

"To think this wretch killed so many of these worms. Pitiful…"

"Get away from me!" With blurry vision, he swung his blade towards the fallen lady, who leaned away with an entertained smirk. "Still fighting, YOU wriggly worm? Don't worry, the master wants you alive."

"Guah!" Feeling the tender perfume of the woman, Kiba lashed out, only to find mere air, and a fist implanted in his gut.

"Pitiful boy." She spat on him, pushing Kiba to the ground with her high heels, before kicking away the sword he formed using the last of his strength. "And to think you made master consider sending that girl instead of us. Truly infuriating!"


"It just makes me puke! The Lord already spending too much time with that freak! Ignoring all my allure! Do you believe it? WRETCH!" Stomping on the barely conscious Kiba a few more times, finally, her rage cooled off, and came under her control.


"Better…" She sighed, nodding towards the approaching man.

"Let's go home."

"Whatever…" She shrugged and wanted to grab Kiba, but like every spark of hope, he once more lashed out.

"The hell!?"

"Fufufufu… It seems, he still has some spirit."

His eyes were empty, and from the different parts of his body blades sprouted. Like a broken doll yanked on many strings, he renewed his assault! An empty husk, only moved by his scorn and spite!

"You want to play? I can play with you. Don't worry, I will not break him too much." A spear of light formed in the hand of the woman, and with a sadistic grin lunged towards the doll.

"Lady Nahmare! Please, let us handle the situation. If you get hurt..."

"Let her play…" Chided the man the exorcist, resting his oversized gun on his shoulder.


"Remember what happened last time?" The fallen sniper glanced at the meek exorcist, who started to whimper remembering what exactly went down that mission.


"Good." Nodded the figure, watching the match calmly, but still holding his weapon in range.

"That's all you got? That's all the guard dog of that Gremory bitch capable of?" The woman gloated in glee, spinning in the air gracefully and slicing off a shoddily summoned sword with her spear.

The boy, like a marionette yanked on strings, moved almost unnaturally, twisting his body in weird angles to counter his superior opponent! Sparks and broken shrapnels of the many blades scattered everywhere. The clash of the duo went on for seemingly minutes, which almost felt like an eternity for any onlooker - A mock duel, which evidently dominated by the woman.

Alas, out of a sudden, she stopped, kicking the boy away and sliced the air seemingly aimless - A precise strike, which cut something, which fell at two behind her.

"Wha-What happened?" Shuttered one of the nearby soldiers, who walked to inspect the projectile.

Tough, before he could raise the still hot metal, innumerable blinding flashes rained on the onlookers - bringing a torrent of death to any exorcist around. Canisters landed in the meantime, filling the air with smoke and deafening flash, shutting all senses!

"Annoying fly!"

In a scornful spit, she blocked the incoming bullets even blind and deaf, displaying her sheer skill and otherworldly battle instinct.

Alas, this little opening was all that Kiba needed, using his unconscious instinct he made his move, scoring a lucky hit! Even with a blank, broken mind, his body poured everything into this attack, but it only earned him a scratch on the peerless skin of the lady.

"You gnatl!"

An act of defiance, which frustrated Nahmare no end! The fallen clicked her tongue in frustrated rage, channelling more power in her weapon to reinforce it!

While still blocking the projectiles, she smashed Kiba to the wall, breaking apart the newly conjured blades with her divine spear. Then, like some blasphemous idol, the boy's limbs were pierced by holy spears, upside down forming a cross.

"Now this is interesting…" Muttered the Fallen man, inspecting the many small cylinders landing between the survivors, sprouting smoke, some going off in a flash of holy flames and a sonic explosion in the air! "This is… it is blocking even my vision."

"We are under attack!"

"Regroup! Regroup!"

Chaos all around spread all the while. In the fog of war, many little machines jumped into action! Little beings buzzing around, conducting their coordinated precise tasks, ordered by some unknown assailant!

In this grand confusion, a shadow arrived, cutting through the people with a blade of light, filling their bodies with holes with sanctified weapons!

"Got you!" Eventually, the sniper found his target in the chaos, shooting it with deadly precision through the fog of war!

"Clever…" Only to realise the silhouette dissipated, the illusion was broken!

"Fucking annoying shits!" Nahmare cursed, while her sharp senses still dulled by the stunning entrance. Nonetheless, she shot down every annoyance that came her way. With her sheer instinct in her hand, she needed not pesky mortal senses that got in her way!

[Is there everything alright, Lord Raguel?] Inquired a voice in the male fallen's earpiece.

"Nothing we can't solve." Answered the Fallen called Raguel.

[From the reports of my underlings the opposite seems to be the case.]

"I said, everything is under control." One more shot and one more illusion died, just as well the fog slowly started to dim around. "My eyes are already on the target." The man's gun aimed towards the culprit, standing on the opposite roof, in the chaos, reaching Kiba with hurried, but still oddly calm steps.

"Found you." His eyes are on the target. Even amidst the disarray and the sizzling smoke, his augmented gaze pierced all the distraction - finding the invisibility field-covered intruder!

"Fufufu… clever man." Only an outline moving through the grand charade, but the slight disturbance in the air was enough to track his target.

"Don't worry, son. I am here to save you." Kiba did not answer. He was completely unconscious, only the spears kept him on the wall. Almost like a twisted image of Christ, nailed to the cross. A husk, waiting to be freed, or given a final release.


"I need to hurry." The figure muttered, glancing back where a dome of light flicked to life, just at that moment a projectile scattered on its surface!

"Hmm, this should work." An item, taking the shape of a tuning fork was recovered from the savior's belt, hitting each spear two times.

"Little shit!" Nahmare shouted in anger in the meantime, lunged forth and nailed her newly formed spear against the shield. Holy lighting was released all around in the wake of the force she put in her attack. Frying several exorcists around, who tried to come to her help!


More and more guns joined her assault! Swords of light freed as the turmoil slowly receded, barging against the dome of protection! At the same time, the illusionary figures and the drones which projected them started to fall, one by one, their growing absence brought back the serenity of the night.

"That stupid…!?" Yet, something was off! Something Raguel already recognized from his vantage in the air. The shield fluctuated, on to shatter!

"Nahmare, get away from there!" He warned his comrade through their communication device, urging her to keep her distance!

"The hell I will!"

All simple-minded around would have said: this was the sure sign of the end! The last stand of the intruder on to fall at any moment. Yet, the stranger in the gasmask did not bother to flee, or even take a defensive posture. No! He just slowly turned towards the rampaging forces outside, recovering a remote.

"For the love of…!?"

"That simple-minded woman!" The fallen man acted in an instant! From the intricate wrist protector his, a rope of light projected at a blinding speed, pulling away the reckless Fallen lady from the way! Alas, even that was not fast enough, because the shockwave and the explosion that followed brought great destruction. The building collapsed, leaving only rubble in its memory.

"Son of a…!?" The lady Fallen coughed, bruised and slightly burnt from the explosion. "The nine hell was this!?"

"I warned you, don't be reckless." Shrugged Raguel rather dismissively on her side, looking at the place of destruction. A ruin where he saw not their mysterious opponent anymore.

"I thought we isolated this place."

One of the reasons no people gathered to investigate the rather hefty disturbance, and why the devils ruling the town did not flock here like some swarm to honey.

[Ah! The isolation field is working well, I assure you, Lady Nahmare.]

"Then how the hell are you, fat bastard!? How the hell did they catch us off guard!?"

[I assure you, I was also surprised to see this development. To bypass our newly developed method to isolate a wide area so easily? I have only a few people in mind who could counter our solution.]

Alas, the fallen only heard the head researcher of their cause, they felt the pure wickedness sneaking on his face slowly - Like a greedy child who found a new toy.

[Ufufufu… I wonder if it is you.] The man smiled behind his station. [Oh well… Lord Raguel, if you may. I have a request for you.]

The man raised his brow behind his mask but nodded regardless, and the twisted scientist needed not to see his face to know he was up to follow his request. The silence was more than enough confirmation between the two.

"It is almost over son. We will get out." Meanwhile, the fleeing man in the gasmask injected something into Kiba, making the boy gasp in pain, opening his eyes momentarily.

"Who… Are you?"

"A friend." He muttered, but the knight probably did not hear it, his consciousness blanking out once again, steam rising from his wounds.

"His injuries are too serious. I can only do so much for him now." Judging from his wounds, maybe even the fallen nun's healing prowess will not be enough. Maybe, the boy did not even survive. Little to no chance he will fully recover without a divine miracle.

"Dammit! We need to hurry and leave the suppression field. Fast! Only then I can activate my translocator." Grabbing Kiba, the man started to give his all to proceed! Their speed exceeded that of a simple human, still not adequate, even he knew that!

But they had no other way to move on! This dome may be stationary, which means its bounds were fixed, but it blocked any known means of teleportation or dimensional movement.

"To place out so many beacons and emitters under the nose of the devils?" Either the Gremory and Shitori houses lacked in their duties to survey the area, or, their opponents operated on a higher level in the city than he dared to even dream!

"I can't use my light translocator while we are in this veil." Neither any means of communication worked aside from the enemy's own - probably. "If that's the case, they may have some frequency, or specially developed communicators to bypass this."

The man theorized while he made a run towards the border.

The special exoskeleton hidden under his clothes made his movement strangely apt and fast. Compared to his stature even making him superhuman while carrying the boy barely slowed him.

"Dammit! They are already in my tail!"

Although, even this seemed to be futile. All his effort found no gain it seemed!

A noise beeped in his ear, and before his eyes red dots appeared on the projected minimap! A sure sign of a massive amount of rapidly closing enemy! Scattered all around, trying to surround his position, or find him.

"They either don't know my exact location or want to cut my routes of retreat."

Their pattern was quite random, so he couldn't tell it for sure. Nonetheless, he had to proceed! According to his sensors, the border of the interference was close! With luck and some godly intervention, they might make it.

"If I could just take out a few of those pylons." Then the field would be weak enough to escape so close to the edge! Yet, that would also rouse the enemy's attention - cutting him from the chance of a quick escape.

Nonetheless, what other choice he have? While conducting his escape, he reached towards his wrist-mounted device, only to something hit him from behind!


"Ugh!" A shot grazed him! Even under the concealment field, they managed to hit him!

"Managed to hit him?"

"Grazed the target."

"Hmph! I thought you were better." Nahmare smirked, glancing at her companion. But the man showed no reaction, just continued to aim his weapon.

"Start the herding."

"You are no fun." Snarled the woman almost scowling, jumping up in the air and stretching her wings wide. A spear of light conjured in her hand.

"Little rat! Little rat! Come out!" With a wide grin, she threw the spear seemingly randomly, and an explosion followed, which ruined a whole block! Then again, continuing her assault without care of the damage.

"Crazy woman," Raguel muttered, firing another shot. "Group Theta and Kappa, close the ring. We will herd the target."

In the meanwhile, on the ground, things started to turn bleak.

"We were so close…" Yet, the attack came at the worst moment! Cutting them off from their escape path! On top of this, he got injured, and their chances of escape dropped drastically.

"Just a small hole. That's all we need." His scanner beeped with more and more dots closing on them rapidly. All the available escape paths started to get cut off, and things were randomly blown up all around!

To actually navigate out from this chaos, and doing so while remaining alive? They will probably need God's intervention to pull this off! Naturally, the man was the last, who expected that mighty being come to his aid.

"Dammit…" He stopped for just a moment, grabbing his side. There was blood on his hand. That last shot went straight through his body!

With his sanctified barrier drained and barely holding, he was lucky to be alive at all. That hit was strong enough to annihilate any human, leaving nothing but a bloody pile. In that case, should he consider himself lucky his shield absorbed the burnt of the power?

"Got you, little pig!"

"Guh!" Alas, while pondering and continuing his escape, he heard a woman's seductive whisper in his ear.


He had no time to react before she grabbed his throat and smashed him against the wall. The boy dropped to the dust, his exoskeleton cracked from the force on his body.

"You thought your toys would save you? You thought you could resist us? Swine!"

The lady spat, while the man slowly tried to rise, only for her to kick him again, collapsing his barrier.

"Pitiful human! To think they dare to raise their hand against us!? Wretch! Worm! Mongrel!" She was on to stomp on him again when her instinct urged her to lean away! A sudden flash of light came forth, slightly scratching her face and arm - even before she could defend herself properly.

"You little shit!" Nahmare swore, glaring at the exhausted exorcist with all the hate and disgust she could spare! "I will not simply kill you. I will flay you alive, and play with your corpse! You will…"

[Lady Nahmare. That's enough. Please…]

"Shut up! You fat prick!" She roared, grinding her teeth hard. "I had enough of a filthy human ordering me around! Enough of your pathetic games!"

[In that case, should I notify Lord Kokabiel? Should I tell him about your intent to endanger the operation with your selfish action? Hmm?]

That always soothing, calm voice. That annoying tone that hid malice under the friendly mask of an old man… It irritated her to no end! Just one slip she needed! Just the glimpse of chance, and she would convince her Lord to give that parasite to her!

She held back so long her hunger! Her need to satiate the ticking urge to brutalize this meaningless grub!

"Fuck off! Lord Koka…"

"Nahmare…" Raguel landed behind the woman, raising his gun at her. "Stand down, our orders are clear. Capture, not kill."

"You of all people…!" She bit her lower lip bitterly. Her hand hesitated when she heard the gun being loaded. A sound which made her lower her spear, seething in anger and humiliation.


"Don't worry, in time, all will come to pass. Our direction is clear. Don't lose the sight…"

"Dumbfuck. How should you know?"

The man did not answer but chuckled confidently for the first time since he was around.

"Gather them, and clear the operation area," Raguel ordered, but the moment a few exorcist commandos tried to close on the battered man and the boy, they were cut down in a flash.

The stocky man trembling in exhaustion and blood loss, stood again, two blades of light sprouted the device fixed to his arms.

"These children… I will not allow it!"

[Such spirit! Lord Raguel, if you may. I would like to speak with this man.]

"As you wish." Pushing a few buttons on his wrist protector, the perpetrator of the events projected forth, making the drowsy eyes of the last man standing go wide!


[Ah! So you recognise me? That means…] The projection's grandfatherly smile stretched wide, turning almost predatory! [Yes! Those eyes! Even through that broken mask, I recognize them! Now I remember. Is that you, my faithful Cesare? Ah! That must be it! I can't forget your eyes of guilt!] The man calmed himself at the end, exhaling his sudden excitement. His collected self returned, just like his sinisterly innocent smile.

[You know, I got rumours you survived. Hidden by the church… But I just couldn't confirm those whispers. But to find you here of all places?] Adjusting his glasses, the stocky figure hummed. [What a coincidence! What a happy reunion…!] A dark shadow flashed through the archbishop's face when he lowered his gaze. His round glasses hid his madness-addled eyes through the reflection of light, but his low chuckle made his intent all more evident!

"It can't be! How come…!? Valper? But you were?!"

[Excommunicated? Executed? Ufufu… You really thought the church would execute one of their top researchers? Don't be ridiculous! Just like in your case, they love to give some leeway for those the Seraph deem useful for their twisted cause.]

The newly revealed Cesare remained silent for a moment, pondering in silence. How was it possible? How come they did not tell him!?

[Ah! I see… so they did not tell you, didn't they? But why am I not surprised? Even the so-called holy order, the Seraph has their little dark secrets. Not afraid to look away and ignore their own tenets if something serves their goal. Hypocrites, all of them! But of course, you knew… don't you?] Valper's projected gaze fell to Cesare. A mocking, piercing stare that saw through all the trickery. [Of course, you used this small loophole to save your hide. Burning the house down, and letting everyone else crucified in the pyre of your sins! Tricking death and scurrying the consequences in your leave. How… predictable.]

"That's not…!"

[Not what? Friend? They did not even tell you the cover story they fabricated? All in order to bury the details of our project so violently? Hmm? My faithful assistant? Look how little they care about you. Just a pawn of their twisted game! Truly sad…]

Cesare remained silent, only glaring at his former boss disgusted behind his broken mask.

[Did you know? The project still continued even without you. In a different place. Different staff. With more subjects and resources than ever! I should thank you…] The projection grinned evilly, revealing even his dentals. [But you should have expected this... You would have recognized if you did not allow self-pity and remorse to rot and addle your mind! Naturally, the church wouldn't want to lose its precious pet project because some intel was leaked by someone. Someone so close…]


[Ufufufu… that look! Just like in times of old! Honestly… You thought I wouldn't know it was you? Dear Cesare. You had such a bright future, and now look at you! Bathing in your cesspit of self-pity! I bet you even volunteered for this suicide run, just because of some pitiful excuse of remorse. The same mission, they knowingly sent those poor, poor souls. It is honestly a waste…] Valper shook his head with a low smile, clicking his tongue disapproving, but entertained. [Poor little girls. How they broke from a little pressure. Ah! But well… exorcist training is not the same as before. They try to humanize the subjects too much. Leaving behind weakness, and ignoring the true aspects of their purpose - To serve as weapons, against the enemy of the church. Because they are meant to be weapons, nothing more!]

"You!? You didn't!? What did you do with them!?"

[Done to them? Me?] Tilted his head the Archbishop innocently, still carrying that humble smile of his. [Nothing. Not yet, at least, my dear Cesare. You know… Despite their softness, they have a certain talent and will. We will utilize them to the fullest in our new project. Once it reaches an acceptable stage.]

"Wha-What new project!? What have you done, Valper!? Just what…!?"

[Ah! So you did not know? Odd… aren't they told you? Oh, my poor little assistant, still so clueless! Or, you did not hear about the accident in the Fallen Capital?]

"You mean…!? It can't be!"

[Yes! I found Pandora's box. Her very essence solidified! Pieces of a whole! First in this meaningless little town, and then in that crater! I only need to pry it open to claim my prize! Do you believe it? I am so close! It is a hand's reach away! A perfect formula! Not restricted by God, or any authority! Free to reign over its own fate! Just imagine it! An army of peerless wielders! Not bound by God! Not bound by talent! Or any jurisdiction! Our very panacea to free humanity from the binds put on them by the almighty!]

"Hmph! He had gone mad… like such a thing would ever exist." Nahmare muttered sceptical, but Raguel squinted his eyes behind his mask. If this is true, then his Lord needs to know about this.

"You had gone mad…" Cesare muttered, filled with remorse, and even some fear, hearing the heated speech of the madman. "First those children. And now you want to break the Godly law? If we go down that path… what will become humanity?"

[So, it is that way? Huh? To say, I am disappointed with your reason… Mere fear? How boring! No ambition to reach higher by betrayal? Bound by dread? Only conscience? Truly sad.]

"You are a monster… Valper."

[Hmm… I see it now. At first, I thought we were alike. Resolute to bring advancement no matter the cost! To uplift humanity together! For a brighter future where everyone can wield a holy sword! Where every man and woman is the ruler of their own destiny! Not hindered where they were born or pushed to the abyss by a lack of inborn talent! A world of true equality! Independent from the whims of a God long gone! Free from the tyranny of the deceiver servants of his!] The projection spread his arms wide. Like some madman, his eyes mirrored his craze!

[All that conscience and foolish mask of lies, and see where it led humanity?! Where did it lead you!? Don't you see how foolish the cause you are protecting? Sticking to your meaningless morals while the goal is only a hand's reach away!?]

"There is always a better way. A way to make…"

[To make what?] Valper raised his chin with a slight disgust on his face. [Even you don't truly believe it, don't you? Self-delusion really is the position of the soul. My poor little assistant…] The Archbishop sighed, before raising his gaze again to the man. Almost sad, almost like he felt regret.

[You know, despite all that happened, I always thought we were close. Two like-minded researchers despite our different approaches. Meant to reach greatness together. So, what do you say? Let bygones be bygones?] He extended his hand, and his grandfatherly smile returned. [Just like in times of old. I am willing to put the past aside, for the betterment of humanity. We will create wonders. Explore the unreachable! Think what the two of us can attain if we work together! We can create a world of our dreams and wonders beyond imagination! An equal world where everyone can use holy swords and more! A little sacrifice, in exchange for future gain!]

"That's…" Cesare seemingly pondered, turning his gaze away.

[Ah! Still hesitant it seems. No matter, you can make your decision later. But don't forget, the offer will not stand long. Lady Nahmare, Lord Raguel, please bring them along. Our operation will soon start, and we don't want to make the Lord wait more than necessary.]

For this obvious statement, even the two fallen agreed.


"Finally, I had enough of this place!" Nahmare grunted, preparing for collection.

"A moment… I just…"

[Hmm? Ah! So you finally realized? The justice of our cause? I knew you would come along!]

"No, I just pondered…"

[On what?]

Cesare lowered his head, his shoulders slumped slightly, almost like he had given up.

"How come the most brilliant man I ever knew fell so deep? Exchanging logic and reason for craze and delusion?"


"To join hands with the Fallen of all things? Tell me, "old friend", when Valper Galilei, the genius, the man even the Seraph praised, abandon reason for madness?"

The previous friendly smile of the archbishop started to turn into a scowl, then visible fury settled on his distorted face.

[I see… There is no more reason to listen to this broken, pitiful husk. Nothing to save. No matter, another test subject is always a welcomed addition. Pity we have to waste such a talent.]

"Just one more thing…"

[Yes? Do you really have something to say? Or just stalling for time? I assure you, whatever you plan will not…]

"Do you really think the Fallen of all things will not discard you?" Questioned Cesare of all sudden.

[What a ridiculous question! We are…!]

"Once you serve your purpose, do you really think they will keep the exorcist around? Why would they need us?"

Hearing this, many of the fallen exorcists glanced at each other, starting to mumble.

[Tch! What A boorish attempt! Listen well! We have an agreement, beneficial for both parties. Until they keep their end, so am I! Both sides profit. They have no reason to betray me or any of us until we prove to be useful. Besides, once I will manage to stabilize my new…]

"And that's where you are wrong… friend." Chuckled the broken exorcist. "To really think you deluded yourself into trusting those people… A who race even betrayed their own creator. You truly lost it."

"I had enough!" Nahmare seemingly lost her patience and started to march towards Cesare, raising him in the air by his neck. "Enough of your stupid games!"


"He is just stalling for time! Idiot!" She snarled. "Don't fuck with us, human!"

[Ahh! I see. How unfortunate, no matter. Bring them along, then, we will deal with them later.]

"You know, Valper, while working together something always bothered me." Gasped Cesare, trying to draw air as the snake slowly squeezed his throat.


"How someone with your intelligence can speak so much about nothing? 'Gasp!' Grand speeches before the grand audience. 'Gasp!' All without content? It really makes you… 'Gasp!' predictable. Even tedious. 'Gasp!'" His vision is dimming, as less and less oxygen reaches his lungs, and he feels his throat slowly creak.

[Hmm… Is that it? The last words of defiance? How utterly boring.]

"That may be…" Cesare gasped trying to pry down the unnaturally strong grip, as Nahmare slowly tightened her squeeze around his throat. Like a black widow, aiming to crush his trachea, savouring every moment of his suffering. "But this is also the reason… 'gasp'... which gives me time to make my preparation."

[What are you speaking?]

In average stories, this is the time when a hero appears, or some shady figure shows up to save the day. Unfortunately for Cesare, this is not one of those stories. Not everyone has a guardian angel or devil to save them in time of need. Someone simply doesn't deserve or lack the luck to gain one.

A man without talent, power or even means, living his cursed, sinful existence, which lasted too long already!

"You should have… 'gasp'... left at least a few soldiers… 'gasp' …to guard the pylons."

"Lord Valper, energy building up near the pylons!"

[When!? How!?] The fallen exorcist's eyes widened, as several explosions rocked the surrounding area.

"You always mocked… 'gasp' …my holy energy fueled robots… calling them useless toys. 'gasp' What is useless now?" Cesare chuckled painfully, his throat on to break.

Above them, the distorted sky under the dome of energy started to flicker, giving the needed distraction for the exorcist to sprout a light dagger from the hiding of his sleeves, and cut the fallen lady's face.

"Damn, you mongrel!" In reaction, of course, she immediately sliced off his arm, crushing his windpipe with a resolute squeeze!



But it was already too late! The charges are subtly hidden by his remaining drones and small robots already armed! Making the nearby building's base crumble! Like a stack of dominoes, losing their integrity, the structure started to fall on them!

"Please forgive me. I can't keep my promise…." He muttered using the last air in his lungs, accepting his fate while the structure started to collapse.

"Grab the boy!"

"On it! Where is he?!"

[What have you done!?] Valper roared in fury, and the feed was cut from this side!

Cesare did not answer, for he was already on the verge of death. With a crushed throat, missing arm, and holes on his body where his ichor of life escaped, he had little means of survival.

The last thing his dimming vision saw was the falling debris and the crumbling building, falling at him and the panicking exorcist around like some steady rain of death.

"Stubborn old man…"

"Resolute until the end…" While many of the gathered exorcists were crushed while panicking, Nahmare and Raguel easily escaped the explosion - just like the few present Fallen brethren.

"Lord Kokabiel will not be happy."

"Fuck!" Nahmare cursed in the night. "Miserable gnats!"

That night, one man's bravery and smarts overcame great odds! A man has given his life to save a child with a bright future! A sinful man earned his absolution from his past sins. His body never recovered, buried under the weight of his past sins.

Scene Change: Tokyo:

"Well, well, well! How different this place is." A soft chuckle left her lips, as an even wider grin curled on her face. Looking around, this city felt almost alien, yet, she still felt some kind of familiarity. Just looking around, some kind of absurd, twisted longing started to resurface from her gullet.

"Oh, Tokyo! Neo-Tokyo! Built upon the bones of the old, home of a hundred million festering, damned souls. Oh! The smell of the oncoming tragedy is already in the air."

Back in her original world, the place called Tokyo was entirely different.

The city itself drastically changed compared to this place! The reason? A cataclysmic event that happened decades before she was born.

Its bones, the old frame became the new base wherefrom a new megalopolis emerged! Reborn and twisted after a grand earthquake! An event which crumbled the city's foundations to dust, forcing it to evolve, or die!

This catastrophe pushed the entity beyond the former greater Tokyo! But even beyond the waters which surrounded it. Like a gluttonous child swallowing everything in its way in its grand expansion!

Separated into districts, visible even from space, but even through the debris which saturated Earth's atmosphere. The line between poverty, modesty and luxury was clearly visible! All surrounded by barren wastes where only the desperate, and the exiled lived.

Like a grand, rotting onion, split into layers, surrounded and separated by endless high walls! In the centre, a grand set of citadels emerged, ruled by their overlords from their magnificent heights. A place where the elite lived!

The criminal syndicates, the rich, the corporations, the remnants of the government and the different private organizations oversaw this magnificent chaos! All of the factions work together almost harmonically in their cruel symbiosis. But all of them only considered their need and greed.

While the criminal bands used the desperate, and the poor for their own gain. The richest of the rich and the mega-corporations employed their well-armed private military to enforce their authority - feeding their addictive essence to the masses.

The lowest of the low, but even normal people can never dream of reaching up to their splendour or hope for a better tomorrow. Robbed from the chance to escape their miserable life, they can only stare, and despair at their powerlessness. They were simple puppets of the mighty, nothing else.

"A mighty palace of light! Glass and metal spires, built upon the decadent, festering corpse of the old and ruinous past. A walled fortress, meant to separate the poor from the rich, punishing anyone harshly who dared to set their gaze on their heavenly palaces. Curbing the ambition of the weak, and elevating the greed of the strong. Many servants run amok, their life only meant to serve their growth, consumed by endless hunger."

She still remembered the huge walls that separated the districts. The many checkpoints were patrolled by exo-suit-wearing soldiers, drones and gunships. Kept in the lock and watched by cameras, filled with sensors and automated turrets.

In the poorer sections, bands and criminal syndicates ruled unhindered, keeping their business, trade and delicate balance with the great Takamagahara.

The air was suffocating, and acidic, burning the pleura of those who did not have synthetic lungs or lacked proper breathing apparatus. People often vomited blood until they died, releasing their red essence from their eyes and orifices uncontrollably.

All who lived in those lowly places can't even set their gaze on the sky, or even the tallest of spires. The air was foggy, too polluted to see more than a hundred meters forth with the sight of a mere human. Only sometimes the blinking lights filtered through the endless smog, giving a glimpse of the artificial blaze in his dark place.

An impenetrable fortress of the mighty, fueled by the endless greed and money of the megacorporations of her world. A bloated corpse, ready to burst its foul contents!

"Neo-Tokyo.. that's how it was called."

Deep down, near the base of the walls, and through the remnants of the great underground labyrinth, special forces roamed, checking every cubic centimetre against unwanted elements.

Foolish rebels without any hope, who occasionally tried to get to the other side using the sewers, or even tried to weaken the mighty walls, employing unsightly methods.

A dark city was built in this labyrinth, under the base of the old, forming an alternate society. Something the rich spent a great deal to contain, eradicate or control, yet, failed to fully do so.

"This is roughly where the walls of my district were erected." She walked near the mighty skyscraper, caressing its smooth surface. "And that is where I roughly lived."

As she looked into the distance, a certain towering building came into her view. A building that was different than she remembered.

Before her eyes, the ugly block of concrete and metal was seen. Yet, in truth, instead of a supercomplex meant to house tens of thousands of desperate meat sacks, another giant glass tower stood, only a little bit different than the many others around it.

Nonetheless, it looked like a heavenly palace. At least, compared to what will probably be raised in its place in less than a hundred or so years.

"That place was ugly, unsightly and disgusting." It was not rare for the corpses of junkies left to rot in the corridors for days before being taken away for processing. If she, who was relatively profitable to keep around for the company lived like that, one can wonder how the rest was kept.

"It was relatively close to the walls, in a relatively habitable zone. Should I be glad they took me in and raised me?"

She wondered…

The closer you were to the Tenki - as the locals called the centre of Neo-Tokyo, where the richest of the rich lived - the safer you were. The cleaner tha air was, the more bearable life became.

Guarded by the company enforcers and the private military, patrols close to the walls and a horde of droids, criminal activity was rather low. The streets were usually kept clean, and the corpses were cleaned up after some time.

Even the bands that usually ruled over the slums, and were present everywhere else in the city kept their distance.

Despite their widespread influence, even they were smart enough to not directly interfere with the business of the bigger fish, the mega-corporations.

Indeed, they were not foolish enough to risk private dogs and the corporate special enforcers breathing down on their necks - bleeding them dry in a short time. Because they all knew who would lose a war of attrition.

Instead of conflict, they strived to be profitable and live in symbiosis with their generous patrons.

"Naturally, small turf wars happened between the sides."

But everyone knew. A war between the two sides was unprofitable, and as such, those criminals made good money doing the dirty work for the ones above them - punishing those elements who wanted to disturb this eggshell-like balance.

"Kidnappings, spreading drugs, shady deals, assassinations…" And these were only a few of the things that usually happened in the shadow of Neo-Tokyo. Even near her district.

In the far, close to slums, the great "automated" factories endlessly vomited their worthless products, using human "meat" and lives as fuel in some cases. All in order just to prolong their overburdened production capacity. Trying to satiate the ever-growing mass of numbers.

"Should I call myself lucky, being sold to that corporate orphanage so young?" Considering all that she experienced there, maybe death was a preferable option.

True, she received an education, was raised to be an asset worth keeping around, and was provided a flat and steady income. She had more than most who came from a similar background and should ever dream of. Yet, was such a life worth living? Being the slave of the corporate machine?

"I should be dead, considering things…" She saw orphans on the streets and dead children ravaged by stray dogs day after day.

Kids who killed for survival. Adults, who had done much worse! People are eating and butchering each other alive out of hunger. Humans struggle to keep their eroding life. One day more in that repeating hell. Just a usual sight - even in a rather moderate neighbourhood like hers.

Indeed, even with her weak immune system, which rejected most implants, she had to leave her flat from time to time to take care of things. She should be horrified, crushed by the horrible images she witnessed outside. Terrified to leave her small cube she called home.

But after the things she saw in that orphanage, she became immune to such sights. No! Rather the outside world was mild compared to that.

"Maybe, I left a part of me back there." A human part, which was unable to survive the harshness of reality, thus, she pushed it deep or got rid of it. Alternatively, it simply died back then, so a stronger shell could emerge.

In a world like that, no wonder games like YGGDRASIL were popular. People just wanted to escape their struggle and all the horror around.

"I saw videos about the slums. If not for the company, I would have died back then." But is a life worth living, where you are treated as nothing but numbers? Stripped from your name? Used as a lab rat day after day? Stripped of your freedom? A life where they monitored your every step, every breath? Conditioned until you break, only to build you up again from the small pieces?

"Ahh… Miss, what are you doing over there?" Asked one of the receptionist ladies, who probably recognized her caressing the side of the building from the inside.

"Nothing, just recalling the past."

"I-I see, still, I would like to ask you, don't caress the side of the building. You look weird doing that. Our policy doesn't allow…"

"Ah, my apologies." She was so immersed she didn't even recognise how weird she acted just now.

It was night, yet, the office buildings around were still all lit, which meant there were plenty of people who still worked this late. To most, it was a beautiful sight, but for those like her, it was a clear sign that even in this year, people were being overworked.

The crowd, tough seemed bustling this late, for her, this was still airy - compared to her past home at least. Indeed, in the most crowded areas, it was no rare people trampled each other to death. Worse things happened in the rush hours.

"Ah! Crap!" She pulled out her pocket watch, her eyes widening!

"Wha-What happened?"

"Nothing, I just forgot why I came. I am late. Crap! If I don't hurry, they will close for today!"

"O-Okay then, please don't creep on buildings again. People may get nervous." Though the strange foreigner looked creepy, the girl let it go for now. She had her fair share of strange people each day, one standing before the building, staring and mumbling was nothing new.

Nonetheless, it was her task to chase away weird people if needed. The management doesn't like their kind around - bad for business, as they used to say.

"Promising nothing." In the end, the strange foreigner stuck out her tongue, starting to walk away leisurely.

"What a strange foreigner." The attendant can only blink confused, watching the dark-skinned girl walking away.

[Hina! Do you need help with that weird figure?] Someone whispered in her ear through her earpiece.

"N-No! I am fine!" She shuttered, staring in the direction where the strange girl stood just a moment ago. "She is gone." It was weird, maybe her long shift made her hallucinate. But it was still odd! Literally, in a flash, the stranger disappeared, and no one paid any heed to it?!

"Maybe I need a day off…" It took only a moment to disregard the idea. No! Her boss might berate her if she requests it, like always. Not a day off since she works here.

With a sigh, she returned to her soul-crushing job, serving the needs of the many people who visited this busy office.

"Umm! Yummy! Devicous!" With a full face, elsewhere, Gillian groaned in pleasure. In her hand, there was a bag full of mochi. "Ahhh! We need to sell mochi from now on!"

They served many kinds of sweets in her cafe, but that certain sweet Japanese delicacy was not one of them yet. Something which she intended to change, as she strived to continuously add and replace things in their selection.

"It definitely can't compare to that mass-produced, synthetic crap…"

According to some guides, better places worked like that! Keeping their menu interesting, while leaving some core items untouched. A good advice, she should have thought beforehand.

"Hmm, maybe we should have permanent things on the menu, as well seasonal selection?"

She pondered on the idea, stuffing down another soft piece. Eating this heavenly stuff, her mind already dulled the images of her dark past, going forth towards a brighter future!

"How nice! The crowd is quite airy." One can say, bearable. Compared to the Tokyo of her time, this was nothing. "Albeit, due to my condition, it was rare for me to leave my apartment." She still saw plenty of recordings through the innumerable cameras and sensors - those like some web of the spider weaved through the whole Neo-Tokyo.

Above the people, through the thick smog, flying cars sped with neck-breaking speed, only their autopilot keeping them from crashing into each other - not even paying attention to the innumerable ants below.

Like many infinite hives, people flow constantly in and out from the titanic apartment blocks, housing innumerable souls, built tightly on each other's sides, and connected by concrete bridges.

"Hmph, maybe this world is heading towards the same fate." A most likely possibility. Something that maybe even her new powers can't change, and she was content with that.

"Be careful, however powerful you are. Be you are the very devil or even god, even you can't cure human stupidity, greed and spite."

As she thought about this, the rain started to fall. Many soothing drops of water. Rather pure, enjoyably cooling her skin. It was not acidic like back home. Not stinky, but refreshing. Lacked the smell of sulfur and chemicals. It was almost just simple water. Refreshing, even in this thriving city!

"So fresh…"

Enjoying it a little more, letting it fall on her, and finishing her meal, she turned down into an abandoned alley, dropping the bag into a bin.

"Through here…" She conjured what looked like a biker's helmet, with two cat ears on top of it, slipping her head inside of it.

What was her aim? Maybe she was the only one who knew. But maybe, she only has a rough idea of how things will go down, and she went along with her hunch out of fun.

As she approached a black car parked before one of those fancy hotels, one of the brawly, suited men raised his hand.

"Back off!" She watched herself on the polished surface for a few moments, when she felt a gun pointed at her head.

"I said, back off! Who let you here? Do you know who this car belongs to!?" It was like she ignored the warning, removing her leather glove, and pulling her bandaged hand along the smooth surface. "Smooth…"

"Do you want to puke blood from your eyes!? I said, get away, or…!?"

A hand grabbed after her, intending to put her on the ground, but she was faster! Breaking the wrist of the hulking bodyguard, then proceeding to break his knees with a lazy kick from the side, she disarmed the man with a fluid motion.


"You little!?" Like some ghost, she was before the other one, a woman in a suit who was caught off guard by the sheer speed of the stranger! Unable to aim and pull the trigger before she ended up just like her fellow! She was smashed to the ground, the impact breaking her bones.

"Sorry about tha! No grudge, ok?" Forming an "O" with her fingers, she opened the door and took a seat.

"Hmm, what's this commotion over there?" Without a word, she sat inside the car, crossing her legs lazily, facing the elderly gentleman.

"My, my! Young folks are so hot-blooded these days. What can I do for you, sweetie?" A man close to his seventies chuckled, seemingly finding it entertaining that a stranger took a seat in his limousine.

A well-suited man, with a round beard and hanging moustache. If anyone asked the girl, aside from the suit, he looked like a typical Sifu, a master of some stereotypical Asian series - with a rather bloated head.

"You two, move…"

"What did you say? I don't understand, maybe you would remove your helm…."

The stranger in the helmet just gave one more glance to the two ladies, nudging her head towards the doors.

Judging from the revealing dress they wore, and the age difference compared to the elderly gentleman, they must be some expensive escort of this man. Nonetheless, they started to glimpse what that subtle gesture meant. Their shift had probably ended for today.

"I am sorry, sweetie, but they are… Agh… Aghhh!" A firm grab and a gentle twist removed the man's front teeth. An act of which has confirmed the stranger's intent, making the ladies grab their bags and leave in haste - leaving only the strange girl and the elder in the passenger seat.

"Is something wrong?" Lowering the panel separated the driver and passenger compartment, the chauffeur found himself face to face with a gun, pointed at his head.

"I-I just leave…" As such, even he made his hasty exit.

"Ju-Just what do you think of yourself! Do you know who you are messing with!? I am…!?"

"Do you know this man?" Before the elder could finish his sentence, a photo is pushed into his face—a shady-looking man, with a long jacket and shades on his eyes.

"Eh? This… that rat Cheng!? How do you know him?"

"I want to speak with his boss. So, where are they?"

"Tch! Even if I know, what does it matter? You better not mix with the likes of him, or you will end up dead. Like that traitor will…" Trying to numb the pain of his torn dental, the man grimaced. "As for meeting the Empress? Don't be ridiculous! Even as the next governor of Tokyo, I had a hard time requesting an audience with her. Now then, I will be lenient with you, girl. Get out there, and we can forget about this. Or you know what? You are gutsy. What about working as my…"

"So you know where they are?" Something glowed up behind the black plexi cover of the helmet - a certain light, which made the old man wince.

"Even if I know. And even if I take you there, what does it matter? Forget about that trash and…"

"Take me there…"

"Excuse me? Who are you to make demands!?"

"A nobody. Now then, drop the act of a friendly old man, and drive. I want to speak with your boss. Now…"

"I see, you think you are so high in the world because you managed to take out my bodyguards. Scare away two whore and a cowardly driver? Now listen here, you…!?"

His words caught on his throat as his gaze met that empty, silent stare behind the helmet. A chill he never felt before rushed through his veins, urging him to tone down his reaction.

"I-I mean… Listen here, child. Why not calm down and discuss this like civilized people? We will drive to my villa and discuss what you need. Maybe we can even have some fun in the meantime. With those curves under that ugly suit, I am sure we can make a bargain."

It was like the air resonated when those words left his throat, his voice newly filled with lust and schemes, and his almost foggy eyes glowed up.

Only for a moment thought, because in the next, the many moles covered his balding head twisted in countless wrinkles, and his eyes widened in surprise and fear!

A gloved hand stretched out in an instant, throwing him towards the driving seat - which the driver had already left vacant.

"If you try that again, I will tear out your eyes…"

"Ugh! Wha-What the…!? You resisted?! No! You know who I am?! I am Shinato Inose! Just what do you think of yourself little chit?! You are done! Done! You hear me!? Once she gets to know of this…!?"

"Drive…" That coldness! That uncaring attitude terrified the man, so much that he opened the door and tried to flee! "You will regret this! Do you hear me?! I have friends in high places! You can never…"

Yet, the moment he opened the door and stumbled outside, he found himself in the driver's seat again, one more tooth missing.


"Drive… I don't like repeating things. Resist, and I will turn you into a meat puppet."

It can't be! He was sure he left the car! How come he is back again?

"No! It is not happening… It can't be… I was outside… then back here…"

He muttered like he would be in delirium, once again trying to leave! Only to find himself back in the driver's seat! Then again, and again! There was no way out of this spiral of nightmare!

"One more chance, just because I am nice. Drive to the place where your boss resides. Or I will tear the information out from your sponge, and leave your husk lingering to eternity."

"It is a dream… I will be the governor. I overcame all my enemies. I reached the top… It can't be! It can't be… just a dream, right? It is just a dream! Hahahahaha! I will wake up soon! I am …!"


Like some maniac, the man started to laugh, and drive! Some kind of madness burning in his glassy vision, pushing the gas wildly, ignoring all manner of traffic rules! Even his heavily bleeding gums, and the pain throbbing through his head seemed to be numbed by the adrenaline-fueled madness.

"I will thrive! Hahahahahaha!"

Cutting through all manner of traffic, his only goal was to reach that place!

Where was it? What was the objective? Read forth, and find out in the next chapter!


Well, it was some time! Sorry for not publishing for long!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter just as much as I did writing it! :P

This is the first part of a double chapter, the second part typed, on to torn apart my faithfull proofreaders!

I do not promise that such a long hiatus will not happen again; as usual, life is a struggle; sometimes, one must stop to fix the mess!

But I do my best to deliver consistently.

Alas, I wish you a happy Halloween and a splendid life!

We shall meet again in the next chapter!

Good luck! Good night! Stay safe! Sail safe!


Read and Review!

Oblivon2991 out!