by oblivon2991
Thank you for reading my fanfic!
My mother language is not English, so please be patient about the grammatical issues.
I don't own the Overlord(オーバーロードŌbārōdo?) novel or anime series created by Kugane Maruyama.
I don't own High School DxD anime, manga and novel series created by Ichiei Ishibumi
Please review it. I know I will make mistakes that I intend to correct and will try to learn from them and improve myself.
Thank you!
Chapter 2: The Exchange Student Action!
Standing before the class, two-sentence repeated in her head:
"I hate high school... I hate this introduction nonsense…"
It was not enough; she was late! Now she had to introduce herself before the whole class.
"Why I agreed to do this? I can never understand. Yes, most likely that damn old man made me forget about my slight demophobia, anthropophobia, and every other defect I gained under my previous life. I definitely don't want to be locked up with a bunch of strangers for long hours. This all makes me remember my high school years!"
She thought she got rid of her phobias under the passing two months. That, conversing with that few people and opening her café, solved her issues. She was wrong. Oh, very wrong!
"I should have known! Under two months, one can't get rid of their phobias. It was a ridiculous statement from the beginning!"
"I can do it!"…
She repeated in her head, over and over again! Yet, it helped not a bit!
"My ass! Even with the help of professionals it usually takes months, if not years… some are never healing as I read. Why am I so stupid? Why am I always so hopeful? In the end, it is me who is always disappointed."
Even standing before the class made her remember all those bad memories she suffered under school years.
The bullies, the teachers, "her" own schoolmates... She wanted to forget, but standing here, she just can't! It all came back at the moment she entered the schoolyard and became ten times worse when she entered the classroom.
"I am surprised I can still stand straight…"
Since she became like this, a few things changed. For example, she was more confident than before, did things more aptly, was more daring, made a lot fewer mistakes, etc. Traits most likely came with her new body. And strangely, were part of the background lore and personality "she" wrote to her character back in the game.
"Hopefully, my character background lore will not overwrite my consciousness, or I and this world will be in deep trouble…" as she thought of this, she forced a smile on her face.
"Please excuse me for my lateness, I lost my way…" she apologized, bowing before the teacher. Barely able to suffocate her flaring powers which reacted her disturbed emotional state. The anxiousness churned her stomach continuously, making her feel nauseous.
"I had to vomit…" gulping down the nauseous feeling, several drops of sweat poured down on her forehead and face, her whole body — unrecognizable — but trembling.
"Considering this is your first day, it is fine. But please, try to arrive in time, next time." said so the teacher, a woman in business attire. She was quite good looking, a middle-aged woman, a "milf" or a "cougar" — many men may call her — with glasses she just pushed up on her nose firmly.
"I hate that look! It is scary! She is like my first boss!" This one-act was enough to make the player shiver in her skin.
"O-Of course…" she obliged, being she can't do anything more.
"If it will be like this. I will simply use a summon who can shapeshift to attend the classes! I am a wreck already!"
Neurologically speaking, almost every employee of the 22nd century suffered some kind of mental and/or physical defect thanks to the constant overwork their superiors pushed on them. It was basically "not so subtle" modern slavery people in her time practiced.
For "her" — who was basically a sickly individual — this was more severe than for others, ending up with several psychological conditions developing, and "her" health drastically declining over the years.
"Anyway… Who built the school this way? The distribution and marking of the classrooms make no sense! Who places the 31A classroom on the second floor? Right next to the 22C? No logic behind the classroom distribution in this school!"
Even with her passive ability, which made her instinctively know her exact position and served as an "instinctive" compass, she failed to arrive in time.
True, back then, she was catastrophic when it came to directions, but now, even if she went out at night, she was somehow always found her way home. It was weird but worked nicely.
"Using my teleportation skill would also be too suspicious. A student appearing before the door, or even walking through walls? Not suspicious at all…"
She mumbled deep inside, already imagining the scenario. "I don't want to do that…" in theory, she can modify and create memories using a skill, yet, she doesn't want to test this skill on the students or even on the staff.
"Hmm, now you are here, please introduce yourself…"
She hated introducing herself; it gave her the feeling she giving away the key to her home.
"I am Gillian O'Dyēus, it is nice to meet you all!" everyone just stared her. Those damn stares… most likely because of her strange look and name. But she can't help it, back then, she looked pretty bland, so she wanted a somewhat unique look. As well, she hated her original name, her parents possessing a naming sense almost as bad as hers, giving "her" a name that made her the laughing stock of many people in the past.
"Even if it's just a made up name, it is strange… damn! Momonga was right; my naming sense is catastrophic! Worse than his…" and this was praise from a player who had a legendarily bad naming sense. A player who named his character something like Momonga… "Like the squirrel…"
"Gillian?" everyone stared her blinking.
"Hai! But you can call me Gill if you like that better!" she nodded approving, trying to suffocate her insecurity came with the stares.
"Or simply Deus will do… like many calls me home." though, being she thought this name was cool, it was not the only reason she settled with this. There was an even better reason behind it… an unsaid reason.
"Fuck you ROB!"
Yeah, this sentence said it all…
"And after all, I can't just use my original name, even worse, my "player" name. That would right away hit the bell, alerting every present player who knows me, and has a malignant intent…" true, it also made it hard for her allies to find her, but because she only wanted to settle her life once more, this time, it was not important…
"Hmm, I see…" the teacher nodded. "You speak fluent, without accent I might add, Gillian-san…"
"Thank you…" she nodded sheepishly.
"Dammit! I forgot my pseudo personality is a foreign exchange student! I messed it up! Why am I screwing it up so badly? Is it because the people staring at me? I want to pull a bag in my head…"
She started to sulk, the depressive aura almost visible in the air.
"I pick up languages easily." still forcing a smile, she said so, for outside, always calm, yet, deep inside, she trembled.
"Yet, your uniform… why do you wear boy uniform instead of the appointed girl uniform?"
"Well…" starching the back of her head, she looked away timidly, trying to come up with an excuse.
"Do I say I will never wear such a thing? Do I say, when I saw the uniform neatly prepared after I woke up, I almost kicked the side of the house? Do I say, I simply decided to copy Kiba's uniform with my powers and wear that?"
No, in truth, she already came up with an answer, somewhat expecting this question. Yet, it was an awkward answer!
"I catch a cold easily, and the doctor strongly recommended to wear trousers, or similar long lower part when possible. Else, I go sick…" she scratched the back of her head, everyone watching her bandaged left arm with great attention. From her pinkie to her elbow, it was completely covered.
"I see…" raising her brow, not entirely convinced, but the teacher nodded.
"And the other parts?" the teacher questioned her once more, seeing her wearing the boy uniform shirt — in truth, she wore a complete set of boy uniform.
"Well, according to the school regulation, the students need to wear the "full set" of each uniform. Mixing the parts of different outfit violate this rule…"
She was lucky she read the regulations of the academy on their webpage, spending her last night to search for information about the academy. Else, she wouldn't be able to come up with this excuse. "That damn old man didn't even give me a rule book!"
She was angry at Azazel! Not only he cheated her with this assignment, but he also didn't even provide the necessary information to complete her task! Just some cryptic puzzles!
"I feel something will happen there in the coming months…"
"BULLSHIT! WHAT KIND OF MISSION IS THIS!? I like puzzles and cryptic things, but not like this! I like mind games! But not when they play with me! If it comes to that, I like to play the role of the controller, the villain, or the quiet third party, acting when it is the most beneficial, stepping when necessary. But I hate when others do it with me!"
Yes, in the game, she was just like that! Mostly, an opportunist. Helping others out time to time, yet, her main profile was profit!
But even in the real world, you couldn't survive if you were all selfless. Some selfishness and greed needed to be able to sustain yourself. Though, she tried to keep it in the minimum back then, even "he" utilized some to survive day to day…
"I see you read our guide. Good. In that case, please take a seat near the window. After the lesson, someone will lead you around."
"Thank you!"
Once more, she bowed, going on her seat without bothering with anything else. Trying to exclude all the stares surrounded her.
Only one person coming to her attention, only a moment, scanning him with her eyes. She felt a presence staring back at her immediately.
A high school student of average height with short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head, and light brown eyes. Aside from his hair, his appearance was pretty every day.
"Something not right with that guy…"
She felt, something trying to hide from her senses, a great being, almost unnatural.
"He is no devil, neither a fallen… at least, I get different vibes from him than the ones I encountered…"
True, she only crashing in this world around two months. Yet, under this time, she met her fair share of supernatural beings — too many if you asked her. Beings, consisting mostly of devils and fallen.
Fortunately, aside from her "benefactor" — Azazel — neither of them recognized her. At least, she hoped so…
"Ugh!" Issei shuddered for a moment, almost like a feeling when something terrible is about to happen, something inside him moved instinctively, trying to distance itself from the innocent-looking exchange student.
"Is something wrong, Issei?" subtly, Motohama asked his friend.
"No, nothing!" and the boy answered, stealing one last glance from the girl.
"Very well, let's start the lesson, again…" once more, the teacher watched "Gillian," then turned her attention back to the students, starting the lesson, this time, for real…
"Ugh! This was sooo boring!" with the lesson ended — finally — Gillian could breathe a sigh of relief, stretching her limbs in her seat.
She can't help it, but since possessing this body, she is always restless.
One of the reasons why she always exercises at least a few hours at night because else she would surely go on a rampage, either out of boredom or other reasons.
"Figures…" she rolled her eyes sighing.
Back in her original life, her problems came from being always like a beaten corpse, tired all the time, but now… now she had too much energy to spare! She could run around the whole town and would be still restless. She felt she could fly to the Moon and back and still have the urge to go on! It was really bothersome from time to time.
Yet, currently, it was not her main problem; it was something else that bothered her greatly.
"Really is? Are they really learn this in High School? It is like the things we learned under Junior High School, almost the level of elementary…"
You can say many things from the dark, grim future she came from, but as she remembers, the education was better than this. True, it was almost fifteen years she last attended high school, and this was only the first lesson, but she already has a negative opinion about the effectiveness of this kind of education.
'Chatter! Chatter! Chatter!'
"You heard it?"
"Her name really Gillian?"
Having supernaturally sharp senses sounds fun, at first… but once you can hear even the fly on the other part of the street without trying. Once your sight able to see even the bacteria moving on the table, once you feel the foulest odor several times as strong as they are, once your perception so sharp everything seems like slug doing their best to move slower in glue!
Let's just say; a normal human would already die from the sensory overload, not speaking her sixth sense always pinging, making her aware all the supernatural beings around. It was freaking annoying!
"Since I came here, it became a lot better; now, somewhat I can regulate my senses. Still, it is not perfect…" Sighing, at least practice helped this problem. True, it helped not with the voices in her head, but she can always solve that latter.
"Aika-san, please lead around Gillian-san…" the teacher called with the end of the lesson, and a girl in spectacle raised her head.
"Ah, of course!"
Surrounded by a bunch of her fellow classmates, a girl rose, walking to Gillian, behind her, the girls as always, gossiped. Saying: "Good luck!" and "Bring the info!"
Honestly, "Gillian" can only sight, trying to play the clueless. This was one of the things she didn't like in High school and Junior High School.
"Why they are so noisy? I hate those stares!"
"Oh, hello…"
"Welcome!" the brunette girl stood near her seat, pushing up her spectacles with a grin.
"Sensei asked me to lead you around; I am Aika Kiryuu by the way."
"Gillian, Gillian O'Dyēus, it is nice to meet you." she offered her most friendly smile, and the two shook hands.
Even if she just wanted to be left alone with her things and care not about this school. Being a brute with others was never her style. Better keep up the good relation than regret it later.
"After all, aside the few in the game, I never really had real friends. Making a few in this life never hurts…"
"Gillian? That's a strange name…" Aika raised her brow, watching the "girl" suspicious.
"Yeah… my parents were strange people. They may think it was a good joke giving me this name. Though, they said it is a quite common name in other countries." she just starched the back of her head nervous, laughing awkward. "I still think it is a cool name…" But deep inside, she sulked depressed; she really thought it was a cool name, pondering for hours to come up with it.
"But as said, you can call me Gill!"
"Eh! Fine! Then I will lead you around, Gill-chan."
"Ok, lead the way!"
Aika's twin braids on each side swung as she turned, and the two girls left the classroom, Gillian giving one last glance to Issei.
"…" like everyone else, Issei also watched, wondering who she was.
Caramel dark skin, different colored half-closed eyes, around 160cm tall. Long spiky hair — ghost-white — reaching in the mid-section of her back, one of her eyes covered by a bang. A pretty face is mixing childish beauty with exotic features, a small scar running through her left eye, barely noticeable, but with the slight dark circles under her eyes, it gave her face an entirely new character.
Her figure hourglass, firm breasts, and booty. Yes, she was an exotic beauty. It cannot be denied! The perfect waifu material most boys dream and females watch with jealousy.
Every boy and girl looked after the duo as they left, gossiping about the new exchange student.
"Oh! What a hotshot!" the "perverted baldy" — Matsuda — watched the new exchange student leave the room, slightly drooling.
"Hmm! B? No! C cup? Not bad! Already have her sizes!" grinned Issei's other friend, Motohama, adjusting his glasses with a perverted grin.
"Ohhhh! Share it with us!" the bald right away demanded, this little shout earning unnecessary attention to the three.
"Shishishi… what do you pay?"
"Please, Sensei! We do anything!" bald bowed before his "god" once more.
"Well…" the one with spectacle glanced at Issei, suspecting something was not right, his friend usually noisier than this. "Issei, is something wrong?" asking his friend somewhat concerned Motohama felt, something was not right. It was often the brown-eyed boy who ask him as the first to tell the three sizes.
"Ah, nothing?" the boy shook his head slightly gloomy, trying to figure out why he had that dreadful feeling when their eyes meet.
"Ah! Issei-kun knows her!?" and from this little sign of lousy mood, Matsuda came to the wrong conclusion, making every boy and girl watch the trio for a moment.
"Is that true, Issei!? Why don't you said you know her! The least is to introduce us! How we will ever get a girlfriend if we keep such secrets before each other!?" both boys glared at the teen, making him back sweating.
"Ah… It is not that. I don't know her! It is just…" Issei looked at the side, trying to come up with an excuse. "I just played with the new H-game all night, and I am quite tired! That's all…"
"Ohhh!" both his friend nodded accepting the excuse.
"In that case, it is fine, playing the sacred games is important after all…"
"Witch H-Game if I may ask?" asked Matsuda in excitement-filled eyes, leaning closer and closer — uncomfortably close.
"The new with the fantasy elements!" it was enough to say this much, and his friends knew which game he is speaking about.
"Oh! You have that! You bastard!"
And Issei sighed in relief, looking towards the entrance of the classroom. "Why do I have a bad feeling?" He just can't explain, but had a bad feeling, when their eyes meet, he can't help but shudder.
"So, you came from the USA, eh?" asked the girl mischievously with glasses, fixing them somewhat wisecrack.
"Well, born there. But due to my parents' job, we traveled all around. Not really stayed one place long." Gillian said so, acting according to her rehearsed background info, the info she gave Azazel to create her and her "brother's" profile according.
"Eh! That's cool! I am so envious!"
"Eh… it was not that bad, I guess…" she blushed. The player, who called herself Gillian was not used speaking with girls so casually… moreover, doing so right away after their first meeting.
Back then — and even now — she usually preferred to have some room, acclimatize herself to people before knowing them better. In other words, disliked people who casually invaded her private sphere without warning.
"But I guess… it is not that bad." the girl on her side was not bad looking, her spectacle even giving her some charm.
"Still, she is a little bit noisy for me. Since we started, she just can't shut up! But I guess this is how a guide should be. Without sharing the info, I could hardly know this place."
"Are you joking!?" the girl laughed full-hearted. "Everyone, well, most would be jealous of that. Traveling all around the world…" Gillian's guide wondered, seemingly looking in the far as they proceeded, imagining herself traveling all around the world. "You must be seen all kind of guy. Well, what's your type?" Aika grinned suddenly, making Gillian blink confusedly.
"You know! Guys!" she raised her brow a few times, definitely not referring to "something"…
"Well…" she shuttered blushing, and a slightly annoyed. "Who ask such thing!?" she asked herself, and her "newfound" guide grinned. Really! Who asks such a thing under the first meeting?
"Or you don't have? Eh? Still innocent?" raising her brow a few times, Aika chuckled. "Don't worry, Kiryuu-sensei will handle you! Seeing the material, it will be easy…" it was like she scanned her through from tip to toe, measuring her while adjusted her glasses. The sun dropped the light such a way it hid her golden eyes behind the pink frames.
"Don't say you didn't recognize?"
"They are staring at you…" she whispered in her ears, and now glancing around, Gillian suspicion confirmed. All around the people watched the duo, mostly her. Mostly the boys…
"You are a hotshot! On top of that, exotic. Use it!" encouraged the new student the girl, offering a perverted grin.
In all truth, her current appearance was a mix of several anime and manga characters from back home she found appealing.
"Who wants to live in a skin they found not appealing?" It may sound pervert and superficial… but this was her main thinking while molded her appearance. This was her original idea when she experimented with her limited appearance shapeshifting.
The main reason she made herself look like this was simply the fact… that she found it appealing, and sexy, no other hidden reason or agenda behind this!
The second reason, of course, was obvious and originated from the first.
Being customers preferred a good looking bartender and waitress, it was rational thinking to use her "talent" for her advantage… and being she stuck as a girl, she thought why not use it to the best way?
People, after all, were mostly superficial beings, usually looking appearance at first, not personality. But it cannot be helped; after all, simple humans and most creatures can hardly read mind, people evolved that way.
"Yeah, using my in-game appearance would also be too suspicious…"
It was not the problem with the appearance itself, but the small details in her original avatar.
Her in-game avatar appearance was perfection incarnate when it comes to beauty. Fiery, youthful, childish, mischievous — just her type — with little faults here and there to bolster the appearance and add to the uniqueness of the character. Made by the mindfull hands of several artists "he" paid to do just this!
As for the "little faults" mentioned…
"A character can be only as perfect as the little imperfections allow it…"
As one of her in-game manga-artist friends said!
Note to add… this was the same person who designed her character basic appearance.
"Yet, with so many people knowing my character look — possessing most likely malignant intentions… I just can't keep that. Also, ashen grey skin and black sclera stick out in the crowd… yeah, pretty much!"
Yeah… she would be right away recognized, not speaking wearing her epithet white military uniform that made her so notorious looking amongst other players. She would be right away revealed!
"So, are you up to the challenge?" the girl asked once more, still grinning in a "scary" way…
"Well…" and Gillian hesitated to say her answer, only the appearance of a "spectacular" group saved her.
"It is her…!"
"Oh! Akeno-tan! Love me!"
"Koneko-chan is so cute!"
In the next moment, a small group passed the corridor, earning many gasps and adoring stares. Both boys and girls nailed their eyes on them.
"The members of the ORC club…" Aika whispered to Gillian, making her tilt her head.
"Occult Research Club." Added the girl with the spectacle.
"Eh, really?"
Four people moved through the corridor, carrying grace and beauty, earning the people's gazes all around.
The first was a small white-haired girl — most likely first-year student. In all honesty, she would be the perfect mascot for any club.
"I wonder where they get her…" As Gillian watched her, she can't help, but the word "loli" came to her mind. "So cute!" She squirmed in joy! Back then, she loved lolis!
The second… A buxom and tall woman with raven hair made to be a ponytail, reaching entirely to her ankle. Her face carried a calm and gentle expression.
"Wow! Is those real? How her clothes can contain them? And her face…!? Waifu material on the horizon!" She saw a few absurd looking characters, in YGGDRASIL, as once you bought the creation tool, you designed your avatar the way you wanted. Also, being a friend with an H-game enthusiast – also little bit herself - she saw a few "twins" in the digital playfield with exaggerated proportions!
But to see a pair with those size in real? She never imagined they exist! And that gentle expression witch healed the soul… she right away started to fantasize!
"Such a gentle face usually hide a gentle personality, or in reverse! A gap moe! A complete sadistic monster…"
Both types had their advantage and disadvantage, though, she preferred the gentle personality paired with a gentle face.
"Ahhhh…! I want to lay on those soft valleys! I want them to heal my broken, tortured soul! Ah! If Ulbert-kun Tabula-san or even Peroroncino would be here… they would go mad in jealousy!"
She missed her friends, and just now, she imagined their comments.
"Fufufu… they are so bad!"
She almost drooled, only thanks to her newfound mental fortitude she held herself in line, though, she allowed herself a momentary lecherous gaze.
After giving herself a mental slap, she inspected the group further.
The third was a girl, with crimson hair, her red mane like blood, flowing entirely to her buttock, her chest less sizable, yet, more firm than the raven beauty. Her eyes blue, penetrating, carrying a demonic spark, expression confident, and firm! Yes, the appearance of a confident girl who led her group!
"An officer type? She must like to punish others…" Gillian snickered, imagining the redhead in a skinsuit, carrying a whip and punishing the "bad."
Gillian guessed she was the "Queen Bee" of the group, leading them in the front.
"Yeah… she is beautiful. But Queen Bees usually has a horrible, bitchy personality."
Though, she rarely judged the personality of others according to their appearance. In her previous life, she experienced how bitchy, bossy, abusing, and rotten persons queen bees and other clique leaders can be.
"I hate cliques!"
Yeah, never fitting anywhere, beaten up and abused to do their homework and do their projects, she, in general, hated popular kids and cliques. Those things simply helped to enforce the power of rich and the popular, pushing the abused lower in the social ladder.
"I hate them…!"
All in all, it was not simply unfair; it was heavily counterproductive! It crippled and twisted otherwise normal people to act unnaturally, obey the whim of others, blocking them to search their own path of success. Also, it made the clique leaders basically untouchable, as their "subordinates" always stood behind them, stripping them from the opportunity to learn from their own mistakes and take responsibility.
According to a survey, a certain percent of criminals were clique leaders once.
Losing their "safe zone" after finishing high school, they were unable to fit in a society where they lack their "servants." Seeking another way to gain such an advantage, they often choose the wrong path, even going that far to commit a crime.
They were addicts, addicted to their own power and authority.
"Where is my homework?" "Stupid ghost kid! Don't screw it up!" "Why can't you just die!?" "Fucking useless…"
Her resurfacing memories caused a momentary rush of rage, almost overwriting her carefully managed mental control. She was on the verge to lose control over her great power.
"I want to pulverize them!"
"Is something wrong?" her guide asked in the next moment, raising her brow, somehow feeling Gillian's rising tension, the air and space already vibrating around the school.
"Oh! I-Its nothing…" after breathing deep, the player managed to suffocate her passives, remembering a few of such student from her past.
Remembering… seeing them on the streets as physical workers and homeless, baking cheap burgers… in an age where most physical work done by machines… it was indeed satisfying sight, seeing her bullies suffer!
"That's for you, assholes! Relying on your "servants" instead of studying! Foul-smelling apes."
"It's nothing, just a pleasant memory popped up." she smiled as nothing happened.
"I see…" and her guide nodded, somewhat looking suspicious.
Gillian may look evil now, but who wouldn't enjoy the fruits of hard work? Deep inside, she was a human after all, not perfect, not a saint. Aside from friendliness, she also carried ill-intent against the ones who hurt her in the past. She was no perfect, just a human.
With her new race, every emotional effect affected her multiple times as strong than in the past; she can't help it…
Sighing once more, Gillian inspected the last member of the group; a familiar boy came to her view.
"Is that, Kiba-kun?" she raised her brow, a little bit surprised seeing Kiba with such a company.
"I never knew Kiba-kun is part of that club…" She can't help but chuckle, seeing the blond. Her rage slowly buried under her amusement.
"Prince Charming" walking with three girls. "I see why you visit us, Kiba-kun… fufufu! You need to rest between three women!"
It might be lewd, but she imagined it, and it was quite funny, and also, a little bit sad.
"Oh!" it seemed Kiba recognized her, first giving a confused expression, then gave a waving smile, and she waved back, offering an honest grin.
"Uuuuu! Kiba-kun waved this way!"
"No! He smiled at me!"
Many girls around them squirmed in excitement, can't decide who the boy offered that honest gesture, creating small chaos around Kiryuu and Gillian, but between the two, it was apparent who he aimed that small gesture.
"Heh! So you like that type? I should have guessed…" Kiryuu fixed her glasses with a slight perverted grin.
"What are you speaking about?" and Gillian can only blink confusedly.
"Kiba Yuuto, the Prince of Kuoh Academy…" Kiryuu grinned, giving the info. "I warn you; you will earn many enemies if you try it. Almost all the girls in the school want a piece from him. And every boy seems to dislike him… but fingers crossed! I support your war effort! Kiryuu-sempai is with you!" winking, Aika offered a thumbs up, the light glinting on her teeth.
"Eh!?" the player was still confused, but slowly started to recognize what her guide referred.
"Handsome, gentle… do I need to say more? And as I see it…" she adjusted her "scooter," a devious light flashing through the lenses. "He may have a sizable member."
"Ugh!" the player almost groaned in disgust, she doesn't want to hear it. But at once, her face slightly heated in embarrassment. "I hate this body!"
"Let's continue the trip; there is much to see… we can always ogle boys later. I know a good spot! If you are interested, of course…"
"O-Of course…" she really hated herself, this girl was scary! Making her oblige whatever she said.
And thus, Kiryuu continued the trip, leading the new girl through the school, introducing her a few of her girlfriends.
Scene Change: Meanwhile, in the student council room:
"Hmm, Gillian O'Dyēus…"
Read the name the lean girl in the spectacle, and the girl on her side gave away a painful yelp, grabbing her head with tearful eyes.
"It also gives me a headache, Tsubaki, this name…" Sona Sitri, the heiress of the Sitri clan, and the president of the student council sweated slightly, pushing up her spectacle with style.
"Just bear with it! Get hold on yourself! You are part of the student council!"
"Ye-Yes…" the girl with buxom figure gulped. Having a black hair which reached her ankle entirely, and heterochromatic eyes colored violet and brown, she was a sight to behold. Still, now a painful expression settled on her face.
"Huh! Let's just refer to her as Gillian from now on. What we know about her?"
"She enrolled the school a week ago…"
"Just a week ago?" Sona raised her brow surprised. "Usually our enrolling process takes at least several weeks… Where she learned previous?"
"She was homeschooled…" read the information Tsubaki Shinra, the vice president of the council.
"Perfect grades in almost every subject according to her datasheet. Also, according to the Finance Department, the school received a considerable donation last week…"
"Hmm, I see." Sona hummed, finding this all suspicious. "That means someone bribed her way in…"
"Hmm, I don't know, Kaichō (president), her grades good enough. She would gain entrance anyway."
"Still suspicious, we need to keep our eyes open…"
"What do you mean?" the usually always calm and strict Tsubaki blinked surprised, watching the president of the student council who leaned forward and folded her fingers before her mouth.
"In the recent times more and more reports arrive about strays appearing all around the city, strangely, in the past month, right after the report, these strays disappeared, one day to another, we find their corpses all around the town." Sona sweated, pushing her spectacle on her nose.
"Hmm, I see… but isn't that good? At least, we don't have to deal with them."
"You don't understand, don't you!?" the president squinted her eyes strict, making even the always cold Tsubaki back. "This is devil territory! You as well would be dissatisfied if someone invaded your home, no?"
"We-Well, yes…" she looked at the side uneasily, that would be indeed unpleasant.
"If someone conducts a personal crusade against devils, be they stray or not, we need to know! It is not only about our anonymity in the human realm; it is about our survival!"
It's not just about that! The dead strays they found around the city not simply killed… not simply murdered! They were pulverized! Torn apart by something, something huge! Time to time-sliced apart by such precision even the best swordsman gone mad in envy! There was even example they only found a few gnawed parts or liquefied remains around.
Whoever or whatever doing this, the person or the thing was dangerous not only to the strays but all law-abiding devils as well! Moreover, maybe a whole group was behind all of this! Sona can't risk the chances! If the four great Satan get to know about this! Sona doesn't want to think about the consequences!
"That would mean Nee-sama rush here right away…" immediately, the usually strict girl started to sulk, imagining a "magical girl" appear on the doorstep. Even imagining, it made her bite her thumb with painfull expression.
"Levia-tan-tan-tan here to save the day!~ Did you miss me? Sona-chan!?~"
"Ugh!" she felt nauseous, even thinking about it. "How dreadful…" Sona mumbled with a woeful face.
Looking at her confused queen, the heiress of the Sitri clan collected herself once more, clearing her throat before continuing.
"Khm! I mean! Today just strays, tomorrow maybe…" she pushed her spectacles up, slightly sweating, honestly concerned about the situation. "… Tomorrow maybe us. A person who is capable of dealing with strays this way is dangerous! More so if he/she is unknown. I assume you saw the investigated parts."
"Yes, they were… gruesome." remembering the dead strays she last morning investigated in the park, she shuddered.
"I guess you are right, as always, Kaichō…"
"Umu…" and Sona nodded, satisfied with the understanding of her queen. "Which class this "Gillian" is attending?"
"Hmm, I see, relay a message to our members to keep their eyes open… watch out suspicious activity."
"It will be done…" bowed Tsubaki, acknowledging the order.
"I hope your intentions are clear, Gillian-san…" Sona watched the datasheet, eying the picture of the strange exchange student strict, and the picture stared back at her with a sleepy, bored, uncaring expression.
"I will go and speak with Rias, maybe she knows more about this "newcomer," relay my orders to our members…" Sona stood up, tidying her uniform a little bit.
"As you wish…" and with that, Tsubaki bowed, the heiress of the Sitri clan grabbed the file, finally leaving the student council room.
Scene Change: Gillian's home:
Being the building Gillian and her "brother" bought and furnished was two stories tall, on the second floor the player could install her new living space. Naturally, the first floor served as the place for their business.
"Ugh! Finally home…"
For many, this was a simple café and restaurant, but for her, it was her new home!
Though they still needed the license to serve proper meals like a real restaurant; they were prepared!
It cannot be helped; she wanted to do everything the proper way… even with powers that were able "make fantasy reality"… she rather not relied on her abilities too much, and get addicted to using them.
"Compared to that few square meters I, and many owned back then, this is a whole luxurious suite…"
Indeed! In the apocalyptic world where she came from, only the wealthy owned place this big. As you may suspect, she was not amongst the privileged ones.
"I couldn't go back there… only a bed, and a small bathroom with a sonic shower… I couldn't live there anymore! Not after this!"
With almost twenty billion population, their planet long ago outperformed the number it can comfortably cater with food, living place, water, and every other thing… and they were nowhere near to move colonist to the moon, Mars, or even sustain them long in a space station. Not without the help of Mother Earth.
"Such things sound good, but sustainable they only exist in sci-fi and books…"
"Oho! So you are here! Mistress! How was the first day in the "human" schooling institute?" like always, her dark-skinned servant that resembled her so much stood behind the counter, grinning enthusiastically.
"Horrible, I hate the place…" dragging herself to a seat, she dropped her head. 'Thud!' and the servant right away prepared some coffee and some cake.
"Now! Now! It can't be that bad. I am sure you will get used to it. Don't forget; Lord Azazel entrusted you an important task. We don't want to disappoint our new friends, can't we?"
"He is not my friend…" she just mumbled, face down sulking.
"Still, I remember, once you said, mistress…" the servant offered an even wider smile, making the girl squint her eyes as she looked up. "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Even if he is not your ally now, better keep our eyes on him, no? And who knows, later you might even make him submit…"
"Ah, yes, "submit…" she just mumbled, her mood turning even gloomier.
Honestly, who wants others submission? She wanted nothing to do with world domination and the like. It's just too much hassle, paperwork, and responsibility. She wanted nothing of it!
But thinking back at it, she indeed, she said something similar back then. Long ago, when she participated in a roleplay event.
"This guy remembers the things I said when he was summoned back in the game…"
It was sad, but due to his talent, she used him many times in the past.
Most likely, for her servant, everything happened under the game was real.
"Huh! Maybe you are right…" she can't help but give this to Rorschach. Her servant may be annoying time to time, but useful, and had enough wit not to cause any trouble. Sipping her drink, she started to gnaw on the prepared cake.
"How was our today turnover?"
"The usual…" the servant admitted somewhat sad. "Only a few new people, but most of the regulars came." in the next moment, Gillian sighed. "I will put up a site as soon as possible. Maybe that will increase our reputation."
"Umu, good idea, this "internet" thing indeed fascinating, and handy! Filled with free information! How wondrous! I even found many new recipes! I spent the day to sort out the new ones fit our menu!"
Being this servant only became real after transportation, it had absolute limited knowledge about this world, only knowing the game world as real previous.
For Rorschach, who existed only in the game, perceived it as a real thing, gaining free information this easy was shocking! Absurd! Even unheard!
Even back in the game, information was a precious resource, gathered and sought after with tears and sheer effort!
Information about others and the game world was a treasure, sold, bought, and kept in great secrecy. Who had the knowledge, had the advantage. That's how the game worked!
"Can you prepare some supper? The cake was delicious, still, lacking… I am still somewhat carving something more." she looked at her servant. "Please…" adding in the end with puppy eyes.
Even if he was a servant, she was never a person who was intentionally rude with others — well, stating they deserved proper treatment.
"Ohoho! You don't have to ask me that nicely, my mistress! As your servant! It is my duty, and an absolute joy to look after you!"
Yeah, she looked away sour, she hated when he called her "mistress." It made her remember what she becomes and what she "lost."
"Thank you…" she smiled. Rorschach was annoying time to time, even unbearable, but she can't wish better, more caring servant.
"So, what do you wish to eat?"
"Whatever you think, just make plenty of it!" she pointed at Rorschach with a mischievous grin while forming a gun with her fingers.
"Hmm, I see… then it shall be done! Just like my lady ordered!~"
Her race according to the game lore may be needed not food and drink, but due to certain aspects of the same divine-rarity race, she carved to eat time to time. It was not really out of need, but a feeling of gluttonous longing that rushed through her in every few hours.
"But this is why I carry myself at least a box of food all the time…" Thinking about how handy the in-game item box was in this world, she can't help but grin for a moment.
"But ah! Even if I know what would satiate me for a longer time. I don't really want to do that. It may bring too much attention with itself."
"You know what, after I ate, I will take the store under your hand. You can take the rest of the day and do whatever you want. I will manage until closing time."
"Oh! How generous! Hmm! ~ That's my mistress! Fair as ever! But is it really all right? The [Ring of Sustenance] you bestowed me still in my possession, also, I can go on for a long without rest and sustenance."
The mentioned ring may be a cheap item back in the game, gaining the user vitality. According to the in-game description, making the wearer able to go without food, drink, and sleep for a long time. Here, the effect was exactly the same.
Though Gillian only suspected, but with it, even a simple human could work, fight, or do whatever they wish tireless for weeks — if not more. Their stamina basically never runs out until they wear the ring.
"I am completely sure. Go! Rest! Watch TV. Play games! Or simply go to a walk, whatever you wish! This is your free time! We don't want you to break down due to mental exhaustion."
"Hmmm!~ Then I will make sure to spend it useful!"
'Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!'
Her phone gave away a buzz, and she accepted the call.
"Yeah, who it is?" the call came from an unknown source, but she suspected who it was. Very few knew her number…
"Care to guess?" came the mischievous voice on the other end of the line, evidently enjoying hearing the girl's voice - and with it, annoy her.
"Ah, it is just you…" her mood right away turned gloomy, and her servant started to sweat uneasy. "What do you want this time?"
"Naaah! What's with that tone? Now! Tell me! How was your first day? I can't wait to hear about it!"
"Fuck off…" she canceled the call, right away. And after a few seconds, it started to buzz once more.
"Just ignore it…" without even looking who is calling, she just turned the mobile face-off, even refusing to look at the device.
'Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring…' the landline phone of the café also started to ring.
"Just ignore it…" and she gave the order in her solemn woe.
"But what if?"
"Just ignore it…" she gave the command, and both ignored both mobile, and fixed phone line, she even walking to the landline, and pulling it off from the wall.
On the other side, a specific Fallen General just blinked.
"The customer you are looking for is currently unavailable…" came the robotic female voice from his phone.
Azazel just sighed reluctantly. Trying for minutes, his calls were all ignored.
"Ah, Gillian-chan! Why are you so cruel! I just wanted a small report!~" the man immediately started to sulk, having no idea what more he can do to make the girl like him better.
"Maybe deceiving her was not my best idea…" he can't help but sweat with a bitter smile, yeah, their relationship as possible allies not started from the best ground.
"Hmm, is something wrong? Azazel?" a young man in his twenties asked, with silver-white hair and purple eyes, he indeed looked strange. Seeing his always sleepy expression, Azazel often can't decide if he was simply tired, or bored with the things around him.
"Ah! Nothing! Let's proceed with that meeting! I have experiments to conduct…"
"You and your experiments…" the young man with purple beret snorted. "You should really care about other things. By the way, who do you called? It took painfully long!"
"Just a girl…"
"You waste our time because of a girl? I know breast is important. But our whole kind is at stake here. Be a little more responsible!"
"Ah! Shemhazai! Why can't you understand! This one is special!" waved his finger lecturing, the fallen general, giving a bad feeling to his best friend.
"Care to share who it is?" the named fallen — Shemhazai — raised his brow curiously.
"Fufufu! When the time comes, you will know her…" Azazel answered cryptic, heading towards the meeting room with a strange grin, arms folded behind his back. All of this made his friend watch him strange.
"Ah, you and your gimmicks, Azazel-kun…"
Scene Change: A few days later:
The scene above happened a few days ago.
Even after a few days passed, she can't get used to the fact she had to attend school once more.
"It is irritating…" she mumbled, munching some Dango, neatly prepared and boxed.
You can say many things about her servant — he was annoying, often intrusive, and too insistent when it comes to certain things. Yet, due to his certain racial "fluidity," his toolset was as extensive as he wished to be.
If needed, he was a mage, if needed, he was a warrior if required, he was the perfect cook — copying cooking-related job classes and using them like he was born with the said skill.
"This was one of the reasons I liked to use him…"
Rorschach, who in his base state made to conduct reconnaissance, scouting, assassination, and stealth-based missions was her perfect counterpart. Gillian was not specialized to all of this! Thus, she found him the perfect auxiliary tool in her skillset.
"Huh…" looking up, the clouds moved in a serene motion, making her calm down momentarily. "So beautiful…!" in her world where she only saw such thing in the pictures of the digital archives, it was indeed a miracle to see!
"Now I see… why you adored this so much, Blue Planet-san…" she mumbled, chuckling somewhat remorseful, turning back her attention the machine rested on her lap.
"Huh! But let's get back to work! With this… FUCKING RETARDED SHIT!" she roared, hitting her thigh frustrated.
"Huh!" hearing something akin to a roar, many students looked around confused. "What was that…"
Back with Gillian, she just brushed her hair confused and stressed out.
"Ahhh! How these people can work with this?" Gillian grabbed her head frustrated, messing up her spiky hair.
Currently, she sat on the top of the Kendo club, using her skill to change the vectors of light around her in a way to make herself invisible.
Before her a laptop, with several console and browser window open, she was in the middle of coding.
"How they can work with this? Only sixteen gigabytes of RAM? That's good for nothing… and no tensor technology integrated into the processor? What bullshit! How they can work without AI integrated into the processor to regulate the processes?!"
Now, her world was a stained garbage dump, but at least it had the technology she was so accustomed using.
Arriving there, she had to teach herself how to use most devices once more.
From her perspective, the technology of the twenty-first century was so outdated she only saw similar in videos or taught about them in schools. Hell! She was sure hardware showcased here — and said to be the pinnacle of technology — only kept around in museums back home.
'Crack…' pushing a button, the laptop broke in two, again…
Her eyes twitched as she roared, seeing the messed up keyboard and the split two motherboard, she was on to weep. Literally hours of her work went on the dumpster — again.
It was the twentieth laptop under less than two month!
The last ones broke the same way when she accidentally pushed a button-down using a little bit more strength than needed. No… her finger just slipped, she didn't put any effort behind it! It was completely accidental! Yet, it was not the real reason she replaced them.
"Why this body is so strong?" she wept deep inside, this technology was too fragile for her newfound power.
"Who uses physical keyboard anyway?! Dipshit!" she tossed away the ruins that were her computer, turning her head sulking, slightly pouting. "This is not fair…"
In her world, they mostly used haptic or holographic interfaces, or even using a Neural Nano-Interface — which was basically a human brain augmentation which allows the human brain to function as a supercomputer, complete task in the virtual environment using the said organ — instead of physical contact.
Compared to that, this physical keyboard, mouse, and the like was like she was back in the Stone Age! She can't bear it!
"I don't even know how they landed on the Moon using only 4KB memory… even with 16GB, it is horrible! But this!" she ground her teeth hard. "Unbearable!"
True, the code used to do that was optimized to the utmost limit, she cannot compare an everyday code to that.
"If I just have my hardware and coding environment with me… but no, I have to suffer from this… 2D environment! This shit!" she spat in disgust.
Compared to the virtual 3D environment generated by her brain, it was indeed a big drawback — and a lot slower she might add. Most of the commands and packages she used in her work not yet exist here - or even needed if it comes to that.
Because of this, she even needed to learn how to use this 2D development environment, and the programming languages used in this age.
"But strangely, I was able to learn it under less than a few days… it is weird how fast I learn now, compared to my past self."
"Haaa!" letting her fall on her back, she stared the slowly moving clouds above her.
She was not a bad student previous, picked up things quite easily, but now, this speed became absurd in an entirely new level. "Maybe because of my racial and job classes, or even my [Transcendent Brain] trait... or because of something else?" She had no idea, and this started to bug her!
The passive skill [Transcendent Brain] was an ability increased her processing capacity, which needed to use, calculate, and activate most of her Esper skills. Yet, to have such result here? It was flabbergasting!
"I even have a few ideas how to increase this laptop speed several times over, without even needing to use any of my power or replace the hardware…" indeed, it was disturbing she come up with these ideas, even weirder she had the urge to do so.
"Huh! Why me…!?" grabbing her face, she shook her head frustrated. Having overwhelming powers sometimes was more of a hassle than an advantage. "I just want to live normally!"
But remembering the past days in this school… "Yeah, sometimes it was not that bad…"
The students in this school seemed to be nice until now, as well as the teachers. Aside from the boring lessons, she had a good time. Well, mostly…
"A few things still bugging me…"
For many, surrounded by cute girls who inquired about everything — I mean EVERYTHING! May sounded a good prospect! Unfortunately, in truth, when they ask the same thing the tenth or so time — over and over again — it was freaking annoying!
"Oh! tell us about that thing again!" "Oh! Gillian-chan, can you help me with this!" "Hmm, that looks so tasty! Can I get some?"
"No! Fuck off! That's my food!" she wanted to say often. Hell, the girls of the class were freaking hagglers!
"And when I thought surrounded by cute girls were nice… what I have got myself into!?" She sighed facepalming.
It comes to that, she realized, fantasizing about cute girls were good, surrounded by them… she suffered!
"They are so noisy! I rather spend my breaks up here, where at least I have some calm! If having a girlfriend or something alike means I have to bear with this, I rather remain single! Better said, if I forced to have one, I rather chose one without vocal cords!"
Not speaking about in the last two days, at least ten boys tried to call her on a date. A DATE!?
"What do they think, am I gay!?" then, she realized how she looks. "Dagnabit!"
And she could list further her complains.
"Ah! But I suppose! It can be worse, I mean, it is not that bad as I try to picture it. Maybe I over exaggerate things… maybe…"
She already agreed on Azazel terms, accepted the task — even if the man deceived her — to make the best of it, she should try to enjoy herself a little bit. Also, she was never a "man" who backed up from deals or danced back from her given words. Thus, she can't help but proceed with the task.
"Haaa! It cannot be helped!"
Sitting up, she looked at her ruined laptop, shaking her head. "I still need to finish my work…"
'Snap!' "[Temporal Restoration]!"
Incating her skill, the remains of the broken laptop raised in the air, and like time reversed, the item pieced itself together, restored to its original state.
"Hmm, looks good enough…" she inspected the laptop, turning it on — making sure not to break it once more. "Ah! My work is intact! Getting better with each time!" she grinned with great joy!
Indeed, the first time she tried it, all her data was a melted mess, the kernel completely ruined, corrupted. It seemed this ability needed a specific finesse, concentration, and care to work properly.
"Also, to know what I actually restore was important."
As for what this [Temporal Restoration] did? Well, the effect of this ability depends on the target and the use.
Basically, it restored the target to its previous state. The more power invested, the earlier state can be restored; the more powerful the effect was, the more powerful things it can affect.
Aside from "healing," it can restore durability, items up to particular grade, even resurrect others — naturally, the more data content reversed, or restored, the more power investment needed.
For example, if you wanted to repair a weapon with Divine Class data content, you may even need to sacrifice XP to solve the problem, it was actually cheaper to ask a blacksmith to repair the said item.
"Well, it was a quite balanced ability…" yet, being most players above level 70 used counter measurements against temporal manipulation, it was not really used in combat, maximum for healing. "I even know a few players who specialized in this type of healing. They were quite good…"
Thus, you can assume, in high-level gameplay, it was only a cosmetic ability she learned because she can, and thought it a fun thing.
"I love this ability…" she smirked, the ability worked differently than back in the game. Here, it was more broken, more restraint removed as she comes to know from her experiments. Still, restoring a lifeless thing like a laptop was not the same thing as resurrecting others with this skill, she needed to conduct more experiments with it.
"Just like many of my skills, their effect slightly changed…" conjuring a tiny ball of anti-matter in her palm, she played with it, floated it around, surrounding it with a barrier to protect the "ball of death." from "matter."
She still needed to test it out how far she can go, experiment on what changed, and what's not. But she had plenty of time doing that, no?
"Fortunately, I put up several layers of anti-divination and information barrier around. It may look extreme for others, but you never know…" squeezing the ball, it exploded in her palm.
Releasing a shockwave inside her set barrier, yet, aside of a small smoke coming from her palm, she was completely unaffected. Not a scratch…
"Interestingly, this small ball, not bigger than the head of the pin, could have destroyed this building easily… anti-matter is scary stuff. If not the barrier I set…" indeed, she needs to be careful.
"Hey! Issei! You damn! Let me peek too!" in the next moment; she heard a familiar voice, turning her head in the direction.
"Those guys?" she peeked down, leaning over the edge of the roof.
"I see them! I see them!" Matsuda grinned, pushing away Issei. "Oppai… dreamland!"
"Huh, these guys…" removing her invisibility, she dropped behind them, thanks to her high agility stat not even making a sound as she landed.
"Hmm! Indeed, dreamland…" she mumbled, her [True Seeing Eyes] penetrating the wall easily. "Oppai!"
In the passing days, she had the chance to see them in person; the girl's changing room indeed a dreamland. Yet, the first time in her life, she felt something akin to excitement filling her gullet. "Is this… the excitement coming with peeking? The excitement of hunt!"
She can't help but grin!
"Hello… Oh, what are you doing?" and also, she can't help, but pull this little prank.
"Eiii!" the perverted trio jumped sudden, trembling turned around.
"Maruyama! The perverts are here again!" and it seemed, their momentary scream was enough to be recognized by the girls.
"Don't look!"
"Really! Those bastards! Let's get them!" suddenly, the ground started to tremble. Amongst many screaming and ramble, the school kendo club approached the group with great speed — all carrying shinai (bamboo sword) with themselves.
If you ever saw a girl changing fast, now you can witness it! In a time of need, they were capable of even such acts. Like now, they turned under a moment, grabbed their practice swords, and headed towards the backside of the building.
"Run for your life!"
The three boys ran away, just in time, because in the next moment, the members of the kendo club arrived.
"Where are they?"
"Where are the perverts?!" like hungry hyenas, fuming, the group of female looked around.
"Hey! You! New girl!"
"Me?" Gillian pointed at herself, barely able to withhold her laugh, playing the clueless bystander.
"Yes, you! Where are those perverts?"
"Perverts?" she tilted her head, still playing the clueless.
"Three boys in school uniform, they used to peek on us!" explained the leader of the group.
"An expressionless baldy! A half-pint four-eyes! And a messy hair ape!" added to the description to a different member.
"Fu…!" her mouth trembled, on the verge to burst; these things described that three soo well.
"Khm!" But in the end, she managed to suffocate her urge to laugh. "Hmm, they went that way… as I saw it…" of course, she pointed the opposite direction, still holding her clenched bandaged hand before her mouth, trying to look serious and convincing.
"It is so hard!"
"Thanks! We girls need to stick together!" one of them said, and the members started to search them once more. Vigorously running and swinging their wooden swords.
"Let's get them!"
"Fufufu… this was funny." Many disadvantages came with her being here, but also, she gained some positive from this little mission. Namely, time to time, she can prank others. And as back in the game, as well as her character backstory explained, she liked pranks.
"Hah!" after getting rid of the stuck laugh, Gillian inspected her mobile; it was almost time. The lessons may be annoying, but at least she can relax a little bit while attending. Thus, she learned to bear with them.
"Huh?" In the next moment, she recognized a figure watching her — in truth; she knew she was here all along. "Ah, the same loli girl I saw with Kiba-kun… I wonder how the guy is doing? He didn't come by since I attend school. Strangely, under breaks, he always disappears in that old school building. Heading there right away…"
"Hello!" waving the petite girl who until now watched her, the bored-looking first-year student gnawed on her chocolate bar, before turning away uninterested and left.
"Eh? Trying to keep an eye on me?" she chuckled, it was an amusing attempt from the devils of the school. A little game she and they played since she first came here.
In all honesty, since she attended the school, they were as subtle as a clown in the middle of the war zone.
They would do a better job if they simply announce they were devils, and from now on, they will watch her, making one of them follow her around all the time.
Well, then at least they would recognize her disappearance in the breaks, and the false solid-illusion clone that is walking around in her stead. It was shameful enough they failed to do so.
"Really? Are they even know the word, subtlety? Or they just want to make themselves look bad intentionally? This is just pathetic! And they think themselves better than humans."
As Azazel described the usual mentality of the supernatural beings… they are smug, usually thinking themselves better than humans.
"My ass…" she snickered on the weak attempt.
Since the second day, she was watched by the devils, not the only ones attended her class, but also the ones belong to the ORC and the student council. The only one she didn't see watch over her was Kiba himself.
"Poor guy…"
Sighing, she shook her head, somehow pitying the guy he had such companions. Suspecting why he didn't do so.
Yet, it was strange… "How they expect to be subtle, they basically vomiting their demonic energies in the air! Even Azazel made sure to hide his presence — somewhat… compared to that, it is like they wear a name table while walking around naked: "Hey! I am a devil!"
She was surprised even simple people not aware of their presence. They didn't even try to hide their nature, only taking human shape, but that's all…
"Ah, whatever… who cares." shrugging, she grabbed her laptop under her hand, heading towards the classroom. At least under this last few days, she became more accustomed to this labyrinth called the school.
'Thud! Thud! Thud!' hiding in the bushes, Issei and his friends peeked around, their heart still racing from the 'massive' strain.
"Is they gone?"
"I think so…"
Motohama and Matsuda sighed in relief, glad they were spared from the beating the members of the kendo club usually reward their antics.
"Man! That was close!"
"What do you think? Why she did it?"
"Why she blow our cover?" Motohama blinked confused. "That's easy! Because…"
"No, not that!" Issei cut his friend, pointing out something strange. "She pointed the other direction when they asked her."
"Ah, that…" indeed it was strange, running away, hiding behind the corner, for a moment they glimpsed that new girl pointed in the opposite direction, sending their pursuers in a different way.
"It was indeed strange… girls usually simply betray us." he meant: telling where they escaped, instead of covering them.
In their eyes, it was a form of betrayal.
'Riiing!' in the next moment, the bell hit the toll, signing it is time to return to their class.
"Oh! Shit! We will be late again!"
"Let's hurry up!"
And with that, the perverted trio left the scene! Trying to reach the class before the teacher arrives.
Scene Change: After school:
"Umm! This day was long!" as usual, Gillian walked home alone, getting rid of the girls accompanied her — meaning, taking a route where they reached their destination, then continuing her way in her solemn solitude — she walked across the bridge.
Time to time glancing back, she felt she was followed by someone, several lecherous gazes aimed against her back.
"Really?" she can't help but chuckle, this was such a weak attempt!
"Let's play a game then…"
And thus, she led her stalkers around and around. And some time passed… and the sun already started to settle.
"Ahh! Isse! I give up!"
"You can't Motohama! We can't!" encouraged his friend, the spiky-haired student.
"My leg ache! I can't bear it anymore!"
"Look, she turns down in that alley!" in the next moment, pointed out the one with spectacle.
"Let's follow her!"
And when they reached the alley… "Eh!?"
"She disappeared!?"
"Where is she?"
"I never listen to you once again, Issei! Such a stupid idea!"
Embarrassed by the scolding, the guy in the middle blushed embarrassed. "Well, at least I tried. It is only fair if we give our thanks after she provided the diversion…"
"Tch! And we needed to waste hours for this? We could have done this in the class! We wasted hours, Issei! HOURS! We could have done anything else! I am going home!" Matsuda shrugged annoyed, walking away with hands in his pocket.
"Well, there is something that he said… tomorrow will be a test! Goodbye, Isse-kun, tomorrow…" and with that, Motohama also left, leaving Issei alone.
"Tomorrow…" Issei waved reluctantly, still confused where she disappeared.
Unknown to him, the mentioned person stood on the roof, bending the light around her to be invisible, watching down on to him.
"Hah, poor guy. But it cannot be helped. I don't like to be followed around…" it was fine asking personally, but to follow around like some stalker? She hated to be followed around! It gave her creeps!
"Creepy… huh?"
Glancing around, she raised her hand, and like when someone flicked a coin using their thumb.
Immediately, a crimson bat dropped from the air, crashing on the ground.
"Sorry little guy. Your master is an idiot sending you alone… hopefully, you will recover."
It was a quite grotesque creature, just a sphere and two wingspans, cannot be called proper bat. Still, she felt herself miserable doing this.
"Sorry, but I hate when they follow me… stupid devils and supernatural shits…" and with that, she disappeared from the scene, flashing away like Goku, using something alike of [Instant Transmission].
Maybe unknown to her, but a crimson teleportation circle appeared in the next moment, revealing a beautiful red-haired girl.
"Who the hell did this!? Who dare…!?" her eyes twitching, she was definitely furious someone hurt her dearest familiar. Biting her lower lip so hard it shed her crimson life essence.
Looking the innocent creature in the verge of pass out, she can't help but unintentionally activate her power of destruction. A dark aura with red outline surrounded her body.
"Ri-Rias-sama…" in the next moment, the bat spoke in a sweet voice of a female, looking at her master, eyes filled with tear and pain. Immediately, Rias regained her senses, deactivating her power.
"A-Are you alright!?" This was a stupid question, Rias herself also realized immediately.
"I am sorry… I don't know what happened… One moment I followed the target, the next…" the bat familiar looked away, eyes still teary, full with repentance.
"Shh… It is okay…" Raising her familiar with great care, she inspected the creature.
One of the wings almost completely torn off by something of high speed. But aside from that, only the damage caused by the fall was evident. Still, who dare to hurt her dear servants… they will pay!
"Everything will be all right." she hugged the bat closer, pressing it to her heart.
She had no idea who did this in real, but she has a high suspicion about the real culprit. And she had questions! Oh! She wants to "speak" with the responsible person in private!
Scene Change: Later that night:
"Ufufufu…! Mittelt is hungry!"
A small angel flew across the air, following her prey… or more like… hoping some entertainment.
"Stupid Raynere, why Mittelt needs to do this?"
The little fallen fumed, she wanted to search some fun, or at least a male to entertain herself, even some food to snack on would satisfy her urges! Yet, she had a task for tonight. Namely!
"Follow a boring human… how amateurish!?" It is for hundreds of years she was forced to do such a humiliating task.
"Ahhh! How far little Mittelt has fallen…" she was still unable to realize why she joined her fellow fallen sister in this ridiculous undertaking. She only knows she wanted some fun… and that's all. That was her real reason for joining.
"Ahhh…" the gothic Lolita, flying with her dark wings yawned, completely bored by this task.
She was sure; if her fellow fallen would have seen her now, doing this ridiculous task, they would laugh her around.
"I can't bear it…"
Landing on the rooftop, she watched the target.
"…She just runs around and around… this is so boring…"
She is following the "human" around since last day, taking short breaks in the task. "After all, Raynere can't expect me following her around all day… that would be ridiculous. Yes?"
This was boring enough, and she had better things to do! Anyway, what Raynere seen in this human? According to her best knowledge, Lord Azazel bestowed Raynere with the task to trace another human. Not this one! This one only came to their attention recently, feeling something akin to a glimpse of power emanating from her.
"Just human trash…" she shrugged in disgust.
A boring boy and this is a boring girl she just follows around. Isn't it would be easier to kill both and get done with the task? They just humans? Why do they care about them so much?
"Dammit! I just kill her! And get done with it!" overwhelmed by her sheer boredom and her instinct to kill, the small fallen gathered her corrupted holy power in her hand, a pink spear materialized immediately.
"Just die!" but before she could release her attack.
"What are you doing here…?"
"Huh…" she turned her head around, seeing the same human behind her, still doing her jogging, doing her exercise in one place, left and right she moved her leg. It was almost like she is jumping… staring her with her sleepy, bored look.
"What the…!?"
"Geez! You fallen are really creeping me out! First that old bastard Azazel, then you following me around… really, aren't you have better things to do? You are all creeps!"
"Wow! You are a gothic Lolita! So cool!" the mismatched eyes of the girl before her sparkled in adoration as she flashed, Mittelt can't even following her target's movement. She was before her under less than a moment.
"So cute!~ So cute!~ So cute!~"
Leaning closer with folded hand, the small fallen was honestly, disturbed, and embarrassed at once. "Tell… don't you want to work in my café as a maid? I will pay you handsomely! Please! Please! Please!~"
"Wha…!? Ugh!" Mittelt trembled, she had a horrible premonition.
"I will give you payment! Well, surely more than that old man. I bet he doesn't even pay you!"
"How do you know!? What? Damn bastard, you dare to say his name!?" fuming, filled with rage, the petite girl with blonde hair, can't believe what she just heard. To a human mongrel say Lord Azazel name? Unacceptable!
"Mittelt will punish you! Damn worm!"
And the Lolita with blue eyes threw her holy spear, aiming not to kill her victim, but to injure her, she wants to torture this mongrel! Even saying their beloved leader's name was a grave insult.
"That's not nice… you Fallen are not nice people. Well, I just call Azazel-kun then." Taking out her phone, her target ignored the barely 145cm tall girl attempt to kill, and the fallen lost it! Releasing her light spear, pouring all her wrath in her attack!
"DIE!" and in the next moment…
"What?! Impossible!"
"Damn old man! Pick up the phone…" patting her leg on the ground impatient, Gillian held her mobile to her ear, on her face a frustrated expression.
Mittelt was flabbergasted seeing the thing playing out before her eyes, barely a few centimeters from the girl, Mittelt's holy spear floated, completely harmless.
"Impossible! It cannot be!" frustrated, the small fallen can't take it anymore. "Damn! Die!" again and again, she created new spears, throwing it against her opponent, over and over again, but the effect was the same!
"Huff! Huff! Huff!" and in the end, she collapsed on her knees, exhausted. "What the… hell, are you?"
Around her opponent, a whole array of holy spears floated, forming a sphere of holy spears.
Mittelt tried from above, from the sides, tried to hold the spear and push it physically against the enemy, skewer her in the process! Yet, she just ignored them. Even when she did her best, some invisible force pushed her back, almost like her own power worked against her!
"Damn! Stupid Azazel! How he gets the nerve to cancel my call?" then, remembering the last few days, Gillian started to sulk. "Ah, that's what I get for last time, eh, Az-kun? Well, I deserved it…" she just starched her head somewhat embarrassed.
"What the hell are you…?!"
"Oh…" just now Gillian looked up, recognizing the array of light spears around her. "Oh, sorry, for a moment I spaced out. It is a nice wall you created here!" she pointed the ball of holy spears formed around her, grinning like she would be proud of the small girl.
"Impossible, those spears should have disappeared already…" Just now, Mittelt realized what happened, and her gullet started to fill with the dread of recognition.
Holy spears created by the power of an angel, or fallen disappear not long after their creator throws them, yet, now, a whole array of them floated around the target - they intended to destroy.
"Hmm, I wonder why you are here. Aren't this is devil territory?" snapping her finger, the pink spears moved, forming a neat spear wall near Gillian, doing so to see the fallen better. "I mean, Az-kun said it might cause war if you come here… so, why are you here? Is he sent you to give me a message?"
"You have no right…!" fearful, Mittelt watched her spears, trembling, still tried to look cool, yet, what she spotted just now started to freeze her blood, filling her with fear of her life.
From pink, her spears slowly started to take up a different color, their shape distorting heavily. Now, they were constructed from pure, primordial light, surrounded by chaotic dark matter as an outline.
Their size also grow, grew in an absurd margin! Turning into pure energy ball the size of the same building they stood! Taking into a plasma-like state, resembling not to spear anymore! Melting, they turned into a cloud of plasma of white and black chaotic energy.
"Darkness and light!? Impossible! That two…" No… Darkness and light were opposing elements! This shouldn't happen! This cannot be!
The light spears of angels and the fallen were leeching in nature. It not only heavily damaged the enemy but also leeched away their powers. And they did not disappear until they have a source to leech on! All of this effect affected devils in a much higher margin.
For a devil hit by it not only meant searing pain, but their demonic power drained greatly.
"Then that means…" her eyes widened immediately, realizing a possible explanation, she gulped deep. Her legs are trembling, in the verge to urine.
More and more, after it reached maximum size, the cloud shrunk, becoming more refined and clear with each moment and painting the picture of a cosmic cloud of dark and light energy. Excluding and fixing any "errors" present in its energy matrix continuously.
"Ugh!" in the next moment, Mittelt's skin started to blister, the radiation and heat emitted the ever-shrinking and refining cloud was too much for her. Indeed, this plasma-stated thing was on to ignite the chain reaction and became a miniature sun. Given time, it surely reaches the critical mass to start the process.
The whole roof basically started to melt and around them.
"Sush! How bothersome…" in the next moment, Gillian waved her hand lazily, and the ever-shrinking cloud of plasma banished from the air. Disappeared, like it was never here.
Just in time, because the small fallen started to feel she would turn to dust at any moment. A few more seconds and she was sure she would have burned to ash from inside out.
"What are…?"
"Ah! I just take you with me! You can explain to your boss personally what you are doing here…"
"What!? No… wait!" 'Thud!' and with that, Mittelt's world went dark, losing her consciousness. Something hit her nape hard.
What awaits her? You will know in the next chapter!
Well, that's for now! I hope it was enjoyable!
Tell me your opinion!
As you see, I changed two things in the story…
One: One of her eyes is red, the other is blue.
Second… Her name is Gillian, not Gabi or Ghost.
Well, that's all; hopefully, it is not illusion breaking! :P
If you have questions, send a PM or write a review!
Good day! Goodnight! Sail safe! Have a nice day!
The next chapter comes when it is ready!