Day 7: Easier
"Some people make your laugh a little louder, your smile a little brighter, and your life a little better."
– Anonymous
"The Painted Lady and The Blue Spirit were spotted again at Lake Yun Sho. If you know anything about this situation, please contact the Caldera City Patrol. The award is ten pounds of gold.'" Sokka read aloud. After finishing, he whistled. "Well, damn. Whatever these people did sure pissed off the Fire Lord. This is enough money to buy us a house and still have money left over!"
Katara was picking at her nails, absentmindedly. "Uh huh."
Toph smirked. "They seem pretty hardcore. I like it."
Aang rolled his eyes. "You like anything involving violence."
She punched the palm of her hand. "Damn right I do!"
Zuko caught Katara's eye as the group argued about who was the strongest among the two. He pulled her to the side and made sure no one was listening in. "Do you still have the map of the lower districts? I think we nailed the other two last night."
Katara looked in her satchel for the worn parchment and scanned the closest district. "Yeah, we did. We could still get to the infirmary outside in Chi Sang Village. It would only take us about ten minutes from here."
Zuko sighed. "Maybe we ought to be more careful about not getting caught. They already have wanted posters for us, as you already know."
Katara turned away. She made a vow to herself that she'd never turn her back on those that needed her. This was no different. Of course she had to be careful. But what's the point of being a healer if she isn't healing anyone?
Zuko placed a comforting hand on her arm. "Katara, I'm not telling you to stop. I just want us to be more careful. I want to help these people as much as I can also. If I'm to be Fire Lord, these people will always be my responsibility."
She turned back around and hugged him. "You'll be an amazing Fire Lord, Zuko."
He blushed. "Thanks, I hope so."
It was midnight and everyone had fallen asleep hours ago. Everyone except Zuko and Katara, that is.
Katara put the last of the dark red paint on her face before she spotted Zuko in the clearing. He had his black outfit on, while sharpening his dual blades. He stopped when she approached, admiring her clothes. "I think you look slightly more terrifying than me."
Katara arched her eyebrow in question. "What makes me more terrifying than you, Silent Mask Man?"
He chuckled a bit at that. It was an inside joke they had—one that involved Zuko accidentally scaring the hell out of an old woman. Toph thought it would be a great idea for Zuko to scare the woman with his Blue Spirit mask, it didn't go well.
"Maybe it's not necessarily about how you look, but what you can do." He stood up and faced her. "Your abilities…" She knew what he meant without him even saying it.
She'd used it before on a gang leader in town that, more or less, liked kidnapping and messing with women. Katara had bent his blood and nearly killed him. He deserved it, she kept telling herself. But it still hasn't shaken the fear from Zuko.
She looked down. "I know."
Zuko lifted her chin. "Hey, it's okay. I don't hold it against you. You did what you had to. I'm not judging."
"But aren't you scared of me? Sometimes, even I'm scared of me."
Zuko shrugged. "I was at first, but not anymore. I trust you. I'm just glad I'm not on your bad side anymore."
Katara gave him a half-smile. "Me too."
They ran all throughout town in a thick mist. It hung over them like a huge cloud, ready to devour them. It was also a great cover and sort of made them look like actual unworldly spirits.
Nights like these made Katara feel unchained and just free. When she was with Zuko, he was her partner, her friend, and possibly much more. Though she kept the latter to herself. He just made things so much easier and less complicated. He didn't live in a cut-out black and white box, he lived in shades of grey and that made her feel reassured for some reason.
Zuko felt the very same about Katara. The only downfall was that they were both unbelievably stubborn. When they had nights like these, he felt like he could fly. He could just be without worrying if anyone approved or not. Nothing and no one could stop them—they were damn near invincible.
They made their way to the infirmary and slowly crept to the side of the building. Zuko walked in first, then after a moment, he gestured for Katara to do the same. What she saw nearly stopped her heart.
The infirmary was the size of a small cabin. Sick children littered the floor like scattered leaves. Many parents were with their kids, but some were alone, starved and wore fearful expressions. Katara felt tears pool in her eyes. Zuko squeezed her arm in reassurance and Katara blinked the tears away. She slowly walked to the child near the doorway and bended the water from her water pouch.
The little girl gasped. "Are you the Painted Lady?" Katara nodded and let the water coat her hands.
She softly sat them on the injured girl. Apparently, she had a broken rib with bruises covering her legs. Katara closed her eyes and let the water heal.
After a moment, the girl sighed in relief. "Thank you." Katara shook her head and smiled at her. She put on her 'godly lady voice'—as Zuko called it. "No, thank you."
As Katara healed the sick and injured, Zuko passed around stolen food and water, which was greatly received.
Another reason Zuko loved their night expeditions was because he finally felt important—like he was actually doing something to help those in need. He knew it was his responsibility to undo the damage his family inflicted, not only to the rest of the world, but to his own country as well.
As Katara and Zuko left the small town to return to the others, they realized that there was so much to be done to restore the peace that was robbed from the world.
When they reached the river near the others, Zuko took his mask off and sighed. Katara glanced at him in worry, "What's wrong?"
He sat on a nearby log, Katara followed him. "Once I'm Fire Lord, I have to restore all of this," He gestured to the vast river, "and maintain peace." He held his face in his hands. "I've done so many bad things, Katara. How the hell am I gonna do this?"
Katara took his hands in hers. "Together. We're gonna do it together. I'll help you. I'll become a bridge between the Water Tribes and the Fire Nation, help you with protocols—whatever needs to be done, I'll help you." She kissed his scarred skin, causing him to stare at her with wide eyes.
"Why would you do all of this for someone who represent everything you lost? You should hate the Fire Nation."
Katara bit her lip and stared at the river thoughtfully. "You're right. You're absolutely right. I should. I should be doing everything I can to destroy your home, the way the Fire Nation soldiers destroyed mine."
Zuko has a feeling she wasn't done, so he kept quiet.
"But I don't. Believe me Zuko, I used to be that person who hated anything and everything about the Fire Nation. I hated the people, the culture, everything. I knew someone like that." She briefly thought of Jet, the boy consumed with absolute hatred for the nation of Zuko's birth. "He was obsessed with destroying the Fire Nation. I saw what it did to him and I told myself that I didn't want to be that way. On our first expedition a few weeks ago, I saw the poverty in this country for the first time. They were suffering like everyone else and that's when I just knew that I needed to do whatever it takes to help people in any way I can. I'll never turn my back on anyone, their race be damned."
Zuko gave her a small smile. "So we're really in this together, huh?"
She gave him a sly smile. "Sorry, you can't get rid of me that easily."
Zuko thought of a world where Katara didn't exist—where he was stuck trying to figure out everything on his own. He couldn't. It's like she was always there, making things seem so easy.
He grinned. "I wouldn't dream of it."