The King With His Queens chapter 1
Waking to an early morning, with noisy teens flickering about my eyes were fading in and out seeing my bedroom ceiling with all its plainness. I Looked for more and more details noticing something prominent, my rosary isn't around my neck revealing my demon wings laid out. Keito was here not looking normal either. Her body was the spider see is, her spider legs spurt out and relaxed on me and her mandibles made its appearance has she relaxed on top of me, "you know it's kind of weird seeing her like this, she looks so unhuman and ugly for the words but I can't see anything but beauty from her" I brushed my hand threw her hair feeling her soft skin as well. "hmm~? Good morning honey~ did you just wake up?~"
"yes, I was just admiring your beauty" she nuzzled relax into my chest "aww~ thank you honey, you're looking quite gorgeous yourself with your wings all spread out" she lined her hands along them closing back into my chest "may I ask can you see my rosary anywhere?"
"yes it's over on the wardrobe" she points over to the mess of a wardrobe covered in webs and clothes "okay so if you can get off, I can clicked it back on" in response she coiled her arms around me "aww~ can't you stay like this until we get to school, I'll love the ride there~"
"you're adorable but It's not happening"
"aww~ why is that?" she questioned with a firm smile "every time I'm like this I'm now forced to be disgusted about my body" I studied my hand looking at the sharpen nails "I remember all of it, the pain, the warm blood on my fist but worse I can feel murderous intent flowing into my brain like I'm still there and I can hear the crackling sounds from those I've hurt"
"hey look at me" my dead eyes were pushed to her's staring back at me "I wasn't there to help you or protect you and in so you came out terrified of your own body" she then entangled her hand with mine "but I want you to know, that I'm here now and I'll never leave your side again" her eyes were determined and held a promise "come, let's get dressed and go to school, the others would be waiting" I agreed to her pleasant request thinking of good memories now.
Bright sunlight paired with darken clouds, this was Yōkai's weather twenty-four seven, but it was beautiful to look at, like a symphony of darkness fighting light. Keito hanged off my side waddling with a fresh smile, "so you're planning to do kurumu next then mizore and finishing everything with a vampire, what made you come to your choices?"
"well, kurumu's a succubus she would be as knowledgeable as you, I presume and mizore next because she's passionate, caring and the final lesson I must take before I cross with moka"
"okay just remember to use the techniques I showed you"
"yeah~ I'll make sure"
"oh, hey shiva!"
"speaking of the devil, guess who showed up" Keito points forward to moka skipping over "good morning shiva, good morning Keito" we shared greetings and pleasant looks "moka may I ask, why are you so early here?" Keito was quick to question "I could ask you the same thing? Why are you walking out the boys dorm?" but moka was quick to question too "hehehe~ I'm living with shiva now, the girls dorm can be so cold~ and shiva suggested I stay so he can warm me up" she gripped my arm wearing a nasty smile "it is cold in the girls dorm, maybe I should join as well that wouldn't be a problem shiva?" flustered I couldn't tell if she meant what I was thinking "Oh?~ shiva I think your vampress is more eager then you thought"
"more eager? More eager for what shiva?"
"uhh~ don't worry about it, let's just walk to school" I dodged the question offering my arm "ok, but I have my way on finding out" I really hope she doesn't find out too early. It was a small trip to school, and I've had jealous eyes stare me down, mostly boys though. "greedy bastard as two girls hocked on his arms"
"yeah and what's more, one of them is moka Akashiya, man I thought she was still single thought I had a change" I caught jealous words flying around, bringing pleasure to my eyes "are you enjoying yourself~" Keito didn't let it fly "yes very much, how can I not" I intrigued some ears "I have the people I love wrapped around my arms and I'm attracting eyes of envy, so I'm curious why wouldn't I enjoy this?"
"probably because you were always angered by hard stares" moka responded "that's a good answer as any other but I've changed, I have no reason to care about them anymore"
"good to see you growing up" moka smiled sweetly "yeah in more ways the one~" then Keito instigated the response "what do you mean by that Keito?" moka fell for the trap "a spider doesn't kiss and tell dear vampire~" moka pended on the topic "don't mind her moka, she's just a tease"
"yeah I am~" Keito gave a wink with curvy grin. "I feel like I'm interrupting something?" a playful voice wondered into the scene "hello kurumu, how's it going?"
"I'm doing good, but I notice you are getting a lot of attention today" she pointed to both girls still gently wrapped around my arms "have room for a third~?"
"and forth?" a cold chill breathed on my neck "Oh~ good morning mizore"
"morning shiva~" the snow fairy was already clinging onto my back "you smell different?"
"odd question, could of an odd answer" I entice the snow fairy "so~ what would the answer be?" I felt her cold breath wonder around my body "oh aren't you an eager one~" she rewards me with a sugary smile "no but seriously you do smell different, you did shower?"
"yes, I've showered! So, try again" I overreacted with agitation "you know they're going to find out eventually so why not tell them now?"
"weren't you the one who said, a girl doesn't kiss and tell? Why should I tell now?" I asked Keito and her snarl gave off a bad omen "then I'll tell them~"
"oh dear, okay but I'm not going to be here for it so toilet break" I broke from the group huddle but mizore was still on my back "um? Hello mizore"
"we already said hello, did you forget me already?" playing dumb I see "no but tell me, how far are you planning to stay on my back?"
"till you tell me your new smell" so blanked on her answer "just stay with Keito if you want the answer, you'll enjoy yourself here"
"but I want to hear from you" she tightens her hold on me "okay, Keito I'm going to tell mizore myself so just enjoy yourself with the others"
"bye honey~! *chu~*" she blew me a seductive kiss.
"so, when you going to tell me?" mizore question hanging on my back kicking her legs like a child "when you grow up, snow fairy"
"aww~ but I'm old enough~!" she flailed her legs around in a tantrum "okay, okay settle down, I'll tell you just stop rocking about or you'll throw yourself off" she calm down and pressed in "then I'm all ears shiva"
"cool but first, how would you like to be treated not as a harem member but has a girlfriend?"
"well I don't care how I'm treated, I just want to love you and be loved by you so I don't care if I'm treated terribly, just love me that's all" hearing this I was deeply depressed by it "mizore I'm going to be honest with you, that's a terrible way to live" she leaned a bit off me in concern "you shouldn't live your life has a doll for others to control and throw away, not even for me" I was annoyed mizore would throw everything great about her for love "remember I'm the worthless trash who got lucky, so if you ever want out say I'm not going to hold you down or if I'm going too far tell me I'll stop but don't even hesitate to state your opinion I will do what I can to help" she went silent for a bit then her cold breath pierced my ears "look who's reaping what they sow" she played with her lollipop while pressing figures into my check "you said I shouldn't throw my life under the bus for another and here you're forgetting that you have an existence calling yourself worthless trash, which in my opinion is just completely wrong" she went from pressing to pinching my checks, squeezing pain of annoyance "and you know why it's wrong?" I mustered up a shake for 'no' "because to me you've proved that you'll do whatever to save a no body, someone who isn't known to exist" she eased her pinching to trace her arms down my chest "I'm still grateful for that day, the day you sacrificed yourself for me, shows your love I think" her voice calms into something like snow, soft and gentle can't help but fall into it. "I guess I should tell you now?"
"yeah~" the atmosphere was calm with cooling breeze "it such a small thing to be honest, losing your virginity to a spider what's the big deal?"
"that is a big deal! Everyone wants to be your first! What made you choose her?" she went back to harassing my checks "I was wrong about your maturity you couldn't handle the truth"
"don't care, tell me your reasons" the air dropped into low temperatures "first calm yourself, you starting to freeze the ground" she looked down to the icy dirty with frozen leaves "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to"
"it's okay, you reacted a certain way through your emotions I should have been more subtle" I eased her emotions getting the temperature to normal "just keep In mind I didn't want to ruin your first time and I also needed to gain experience, so Keito was my best bet but there's irony in that sentence, she was also a virgin it was awkward just staring at each other blank faced" arms began to clenched around me "I still wished I was your first or at least someone else" this annoyance was intriguing "why so negative to Keito? Sounds like you're holding some problems toward her?"
"I just don't trust her, she's sketchy" I heard general concern in her voice "well learn to let go of that annoyance and trust her, I promise it'll be okay" I tried to peacefully ask her giving a smile with it "mmm~ okay, if you say so"
My piss break ended and so did mizore piggyback ride, now just striding along my side "SHIVA!" I saw a girl launch herself into the sky tackling me to the ground "why didn't you fool around with me like that when you slept over!~" she banged on my chest complaining "we can do it now, please let me show you a better time than her!~"
"Calm down kurumu, you don't need to rush things"
"but I had a good chance and I threw it away and now It's too late to be your first! But now I won't be so patient, we'll do It asap" her eyes glowed with lustful intent "as much as I'm enjoying being straddle, we are in public"
"then let's skip school and go back to my place, I'll gladly serve you till tomorrow" I was starting to lose my cool, surly underestimating her now "Kurumu, let go!" I spoke firmly agitated and aggressively "Shiva?" she responded in worried tone "I know now how painful it must be that you couldn't be the first but I needed to know how to treat everyone respectively"
"even after losing your virginity you still act like a virgin" Kurumu responded such harsh words on her tongue "kurumu, why are you so mean now?"
"because you treat someone who tried to kill you as a first impression with more love than someone who deeply cares about your existence!" Kurumu cracked under pressure showing true feelings "I needed the experience Kurumu! I don't want to ruin yours!"
"EXPERIENCE! I'm a fucking Succubus! I was taught everything before I got into highschool!" she howled in anger forcing me to feel something I haven't felt in a while, fear "Succubi are creature of pure sexual drive! We live to be loved by another! SO, DON'T THINK THAT SPIDER CAN DO IT BETTER THEN ME!" she kept yelling into my face having me pinned down makes everything so much more terrifying. Then a singular drop of water snapped me to realise, kurumu started crying "why can't you ever understand my feelings, why must you be so dense as to choose the spider who could leave you for someone stronger" her heart leaked who emotions like a dam pressuring through my rock skin almost breaking though until I saw Moka behind her placing her hand on her shoulder "come on kurumu, let's get off Shiva and talk about this"
"okay Moka" kurumu slowly got off me but I didn't follow "Shiva do you need help getting up?" I focused more on the person above me, noticing mizore offering her hand but something about it made me queasy. Ignoring it I got up on my own but as a final offering I asked "mizore can I have your hand for a second" she was confused but gave it, but she really shouldn't have.
*Shink!* "Shiva what are you doing?" moka was first to question "there's too much tension here so I'm going to go, mizore keep that thing safe" everyone was confused but when my wings sprouted fear grew slowly "Shiva don't fly away again, let's just talk!" it was too late a gust of wind picked up and I flew into the air "Shiva don't go! It won't fix anything!" *boom!* Shiva left with the crack of the wind being his last known location, plus a rosary for memory.
'ignorance is bliss' referring to being stupid you'll be happier, not in my case, my stupidity doesn't make anyone happier. Even now my ignorance can't help me, running away like a coward at the slightest inconvenience, so now I sit at this cliff range, holding onto the deep memories it carries along its endless breeze.
"isolation, the one thing that should never be enjoyed for the fact no one will save you from the dark thoughts" the wind picked up getting aggressive "and so with no will to hold me down I'll be one with the breeze roaring at the world"
I rose up looking over the edge, waves crashed into the side arguing it's right to exist. The waves bought up great achievements nearly reaching the top, but it's bashed aside by shear birthright of this cliff. I stretched my wings feeling the wind push through like it was going to carry something away making me feel almost weightless. This weightless feeling was relaxing, no pressure laid on me no chains around me and certainly no weight holding me, it was too relaxing as I forgot where I was standing and slipped.
Falling with my eyes closed it was left to my ears to listen, roaring waves clouded most of the sounds echoing in my head but in the faintest specs in the background I heard something "Shiva!" or someone "Shiva NO!" it shocked my eyes opened to see kurumu rocketing down "Wait kurumu what are you doing!?" scared and shocked seeing her falling down with a similar expression. I caught her on the way down and barrelled the way down clipping the water and flew back to the cliff.
Landing safely away from the edge holding a shaking girl, "kurumu what were you th-" *smack!"
"What were you thinking!" she parted from holding my shirt "How could you just throw yourself off a cliff accepting death so calmly! What would I do if you washed up Dead! How do you think I would of felt!" she yelled so much anger it burned into her eyes "tell me Shiva do you think about others when you do anything! do you just swing your deadpan brain on a rope and throw it somewhere hoping for the best!" that anger built up showing itself in insults "do you even have an answer for me shiva!? can you explain why you do the things you do?" her anger was going down replaced with a raspy voice.
"I'm sorry" I mustered to say getting her to listen "I'm sorry for making you worry I didn't want you to find me like this" I didn't look into her eyes ignoring her anger "I don't think at all and I regret them later" I felt pain writing over my face "every time I do something I think is right I'm always wrong, times when I run away from my feelings putting everyone in stress it all hurts me in the ladder" my body clenched up trying to hide away "but worst of all, I rushed into a relationship with everyone because I was scared of losing anyone" then the truth came out "I knew accepting everyone's affection into this stupid harem plan was the wrong move I knew I should of just stayed friends with everyone but my fear controlled my choices and I'm stuck having to look after everyone's feelings when I can't even look after my own" keeping my eyes closed the tears could barely escape crawling around my wrinkly squints, "I don't want to live any more, I'm hurting everyone for as long as I exist"
Then the warmth of a palm crept onto my face, caressing my check "how long has this been eating up at you?" she questioned my teary eyes "why are you in so much pain" she questioned in a depressing tone "why haven't you said anything?"
"because I'm always terrified" I replied blankly "I've been so scared of everyone and everything that I force what others want to happened" I replied in a depressed tone "please don't say you want to die, because I don't want to be alone in this world"
"please don't say that, you won't be alone"
"Of course I will! If you're not in this world then there's no choice I will die as well"
"no kurumu don't"
"if I must jump off a cliff for you to continue to accept my feelings then that is what I must do" she was serious giving a firm stare like she wrote her answer with her eyes "I won't allow you to jump any cliffs, you will not die for my sake"
"but there's isn't any other reason not to if you're gone" she yelled straight at me "please understand that I'll do what ever it takes to make sure I'm by your side, don't think death will stop me" she had such a cold dead tongue being my fault "I've never had a special relationship with anyone" I became to speak "I didn't know how to reacted anymore so I had to assume no one loved me because I'm too monstrous" my sadden tone was unappealing and worried kurumu "all my life I've been rejected, avoided and repented from everything, so I don't understand why you love such a monster"
"please stop" she replied in a sad tone "please don't ever think like that again, you are no less of a monster then me or anyone else in this school" she entangled her hand with mine staring daggers in me "shiva my love for you won't ever change, if you want to end this harem I'll help because there's nothing worse to me than seeing you in pain" her eyes didn't lie, she showed real remorse for me "but you always wanted this" I held her hand on my check feeling it's touch "you asked and pushed forward constantly just for me to accepted you and I finally did, so going back will just hurt you"
"it won't hurt that much, I'll still get to see you and get to be your girlfriend all over again"
"but I don't want to be alone" I finally spoke up "going back might not mean losing you but It'll mean I'll be alone again and I hate be alone, the cold days feel like they never end and I'll once again fear that birth of light once more"
"so what's going to happen now?" she asked sweetly "I don't know, going back is a better options but I'm too scared to leave this warmth of your hand" I replied in an exhausted tone "so may I ask you not to ever leave me alone?" I asked in a broken tone seeing the shifting face of worries vs relaxment "are you sure?"
"yes, the dark is a very terrifying place for me" she contemplated over and over again seeing the panging eyes flick back and forth "then I guess we're destined to stay together"
"I like that summary, and I promise to pay you back tonight for my idiocy" at the slight mention of the subtle phrase she was left annoyed.
"you say tonight?" she asked anguish "tonight I am yours and I promise to deliver" I struck a firm response "you sound like a succubus with that promise"
"hehe you can say that is the idea" I've set mood enticing the vixen "I'll be careful demon boy, my teachers are some of the most sexual succubi that have ever lived" she spoke truth giving me a taste with a leg grind and chest press "you are good at this, I regret not choosing you first"
"why didn't you choose me to begin with?"
"I just didn't want to ruin your first time, I knew Keito wanted it more badly than anyone else and if I was terrible with her then she could teach me but when I found out she was an unexperienced virgin I just feel stupid"
"so Keito was a virgin this entire time? I knew that body was for show" she proclaimed in pride "you should see what she can do with her ass it was amazing" I replied finding humour taunting her "now I know you're lying, there's no way she can have a better body then me"
"it's not a competition my dear succubus"
"but it's always a competition when you're the prize, we have to fight for your attention"
"you guys fight? that makes me very sad" I pulled a frown for effect "don't play dumb, you look stupid" she spoke in dead firm tone without hesitation "I know but It does make me sad you guys fight for first place when you are all winners"
"will see if that stays when tonight rolls around" she spoke with a promising tone "so the friend idea is rejected?" I asked to receive a unhappy face, "I know it's not wise to keep you in a relationship where you're hurting yourself but I can't help but love you all the way, so yes I don't want to be friends, I like being your girlfriend Shiva because I love you"
"don't confess your love so easily, you'll make me look bad" she saw genuine honesty giving a little blush "come on why don't you try it, three little letters might get over your fears"
"that sounds stupid" I responded bluntly "then why don't I role play as you and jump off the cliff"
"No, no don't you dare go anywhere closer to that death zone" I grabbed her arms and spun her back to the clearing "then let's say the words together"
"okay" I gave in to her pressure "ready?" she asks to which I nodded "three, two one"
"I love you" we echoed those little annoying words "there we go, don't you feel better?"
"not really" I responded obviously "then let's try again, I love you
"aw~ come on darling, I love you~" her determination was making me feel squishy "I love love love love! You~" she buried herself into my chest getting a childish giggle from me "okay enough of you~" I halted her wrapping my arms around her neck which followed by a slow ball room dance starring into our eyes "I feel like I should apologise for today's charade, It was horrible of me to avoid everyone especially you"
"don't, I lashed out at you calling you horrible names that weren't true"
"it's okay" I started to turn around slowly swaying "but is it really okay? how do you know if it's fine because I feel terrible"
"do you want to know how I know?" she nodded listening on "because I love you" my response took her breath with little blushes appearing on her cheeks "I love you so much that I'm willing to make the first step" her breath was literally taken away as I crossed lips with her's.
The control moved back and forth as she would press forward just for me to press back. Her succubus nature held a lot of ground starting French kissing making our tongues fight battles. I wasn't a fan, but she did enticed me, She would throw it around like a washing machine creating a distraction having her arms trace my body. I didn't let myself be overdone so I made my presence known and took this fight to the floor.
parting lips she looked at me with lustful and caring eyes "you need to relax succubus, we haven't reached your room yet" I replied with lingering breath, she giggled at the response "sorry but after your first step I wanted to make sure you stick to it"
"I promise to keep this up, but only for tonight"
"sure you are" she replied with a hypnotic eyes, "fuck it" I was hooked on her looks, her taste, her general sensation was riveting, then the hairs on my back stood up alarming me of a cold feeling going down my back "good evening shiva-kun" the cold voice echoed its greeting daring me to look. I Pulled away and saw two little feet in purpled striped stocking running upwards to a simple stock smile with flowing purple hair "kurumu I thought the deal was to bring shiva in so we all can consult him?"
"change of plans, I'm going to be consulting him tonight in private" kurumu took this intrusion lightly just daggling from me "so its tonight. Then there's nothing stopping me from taking him now?" then mizore licked her lollipop in a sexual manner which set her off. Kurumu rose slowly from underneath me to stand face to face with mizore, "No" was her simple answer standing fierce "kurumu-chan have you forgotten that this is a harem relationship?"
"I have not but I won't let you take him until I've had my long waited turn" I didn't know kurumu had a protective side, makes me nervous "why don't we ask the person who is the centre of the situation, see what he thinks?"
"I agree see what he has to say" I was brought into their arguments from my relaxing time "so Shiva-sama tell her that popsicles aren't allowed to intervene"
"you should tell hot air balloons to relax a little and share like it's agreed" it became a show down between them, it'll take only one push to make it a fight. "you both sound like the waves, loud and bitter you crash against this hill without any reason then you must" I answered standing near the edge again "kurumu you agreed to keep this harem relationship going so it's fair game for mizore to book before you" I stared at the waves feeling this relaxing feeling again "but mizore I don't think it was nice to tease her like that, she had quiet the nightmare a moment ago" the wind blew in my nose brushing up my senses "shiva you're not planning on jumping again?" I heard kurumu's worried tone call me up but dragged someone else here as well.
"kurumu what do you mean again?" I noticed mizore shift closer planning to do something familiar "before you got here shiva jumped off this cliff a nearly died again"
"What! You're not suicidal are you shiva?" she panicked moving a lot closer "I haven't been suicidal for a long time mizore but I technically fell off the cliff, lost my balance" their faces were not eased still wavering on the scared spectrum "we should get back, if everyone is looking for me then we should let them feel safe"
"but are you okay?" Mizore questioned shakily "Mizore, I've never been more happier in my life then right now" I gave her a simple but sweet smile cooling her worried thoughts. "then I guess you'll be wanting this back" she reached and pulled a silvery cross out of her pocket, signalling me to realise something "you know, this is the first time I've forgotten I was in my demon form" I scanned my hands and saw the black tipped nails and purpled lines tracing my skin, mizore approached placing it in my hands and I had a brief second of memory before I clicked it back on.
I felt my strength take down my energy as my knees almost gave in "can one of you remind me not to be out of my human form for long because this took a lot out of me"
"I don't know if I can do that, Keito told me what you did when that thing came off" kurumu picked up my one side while saying that into my ears "well I guess I'll tell you about the experience after I'm done" mizore teased picking up my other side "don't you dare, I can't handle having two people cram it down my throat" kurumu took defence making accidental innuendo "I'm up for a threesome" I gave an alternative getting some seconds of questioning until they decided "No" they responded on par to each other.