The King With His Queens chapter 15
"Ahhh!" Moka screeched in utter surprised reacting to my attack "what are you doing?!" I was prying my teeth gnawing on her juicy flesh "I'm devouring my prey~ tasting their flesh" I back away from her watching her try to see what mark I left on her "did you bite me?"
"yep~ I made a love bite on your neck, it's something called a hickey, keito told me about it" she tried to understand what I did looking more and more confused "what happened to you Shiva?" she asked staring in bewilderment of my body "oh this. It's my new look, what do you think?" I opened my arms letting her indulge in it "so is this the real you?"
"how real can I get? Like I can touch myself and all" I felt my body not feeling transparent "I think you can stop touching yourself Shiva" moka walked up to me and held my hands "if that's the case can I touch your body instead?" I responded with an invested glow in my eyes waiting for her answer "ah, you scared me for a second Shiva, I thought I heard you say you want to touch my body"
"I did say that" I responded still holding my investment "do you want a hug is that what you want?"
"well I was hoping on a different type of touching" I showed my disappointment springing my fingers on each other "but what type of touching?" she asked looked more worried then confused "you know maybe squeeze your boobs or feel your soft ass" my response scarred her jumping to hide her parts "I don't think that's decent to do on school grounds"
"well nothing I've done is decent to begin with"
"that's true but that doesn't mean you have to do it"
"but I want to do it" my sudden answer stopped and confused her "I want to touch my girlfriends because I worry you'll all disappear from me"
"but do you need to touch my boobs or butt for that matter?"
"well if you're uneasy about your body then I guess I'll go find keito, she always allows me to play with hers'" I retorted in a childish fashion turning away with crossed arms "why are you acting like this? You're being weird Shiva"
"maybe you're being weird, who doesn't want to touch their loved ones body"
"I don't" her astound blush pulsed a nasty lie "you shouldn't lie to anyone moka, I know how much you want to touch my rippling muscles or the refined abs or my tight butt" my slow erotic speech burned imprints of red blush on her hidden face "hey master maybe I should show you her real self?" the fairy flew around and me smiling "no don't do that"
"What's the harm!" She flew over to moka shining a bright light into her face "No wait don't!"
Then the hunting sound that makes her enemies shrivel in fear, the sound of crying birds echoed the world and bursting light race with the wind. Her Sliver hair flown from her crown down to her hips and her devilled slit red eyes tracked my green glow. The only distraction from her scary eyes is her mature body making me crazy but scared "so you bring me out for your perverted fantasy! Do you have a death wish, Shiva Abaddon" her voice was still as terrifying as I remembered keeping me still in anticipation "I think I should put you in your place for that!" Her slow walk approaching me never made me feel so worried but I did not fear her "I have no regrets in wanting to touch your body, it's only natural"
"oh? so you believe it's okay to be so perverted?"
"woman want men and men want woman it's a regular desire in every species, even vampires want to be sensual with the person they love"
"are you branding want I want? How can you possibly know what I want in a relationship!" she roared her anger sounding threatening "but it's not like you talk about the things you want in a relationship!" my out lash whipped itself at moka not flinching "with the other moka she can be read, she has her desires and needs labelled in secrecy but still goes out to show them" it slapped moka's ever stable mind "but with you it's like fighting a fortress with barbed wire and arrows being shot at me, you make it clear that I'm not wanted even if I made it inside" her stable eyes wavered a bit in conjecture "we're in a relationship even if it's a harem one it still means you need to talk to me about what you want" my anguish leaked off my tone showing my complaint "but to be fair, I haven't really gotten to know you at all, you're barely needed but only when I can't help" my voice rippled a painful burden of overuse making a fair judgement "but that's what I like about you, you're like a hero to a story, showing up at last second to fix all the problems" my eyes rested in a blank state dreaming of promised memories "you remind me of a feeling I used to have when I would think someone would eventually save me from where I rested and you always would despite your cold demeaner" I woke myself up to see into her long staring slits of eyes "because unlike the other moka or my other girlfriends, you're the hero to my story, rescuing me from myself" I curved a smile at her seeing her unwavering eyes.
My long speech got her to move, slow step after step towards me, her haunting figure mixed with my illusion of her beauty, she drifted her hands up to me getting no reaction from me but a little jump when she dove into my chest "I don't like expressing my feelings so openly, it showed weakness in the heat of battle which could cost me greatly" her hands tighten around my back feeling sentimental about it "but don't think I'm trying to avoid you because I too want an affectionate relationship, it's just hard to say some times" she rested her ear on my chest listening to the beat of my heart "so don't make me say it again ok" she peaked up sounding threatening "hehehe okay moka, I love you"
"I love you too Shiva" she lowered her head back into my chest keeping ear close.
*distant slow clap* "look at the prized couple hanging around in the public eye" a devilled voice drifted to my disturbed ears "makes you want to sing and dance doesn't it, Shiva Abaddon"
"how the hell are you still alive, Ishigami-sensei" my furious heart sharpen towards the radiant ripples of sarcastic eulogy approaching me "well it was a long process of medical healing and rehabilitation" she scratched the back of her head almost rubbing off her bandana "the emotions you forced into me nearly cost me my life but I pulled through and have a new ambition" her sly curved lips worried me holding moka closer "do you know what's the definition of chaos, Shiva?"
"madness, destruction, a symphony of death" a gave a quick burst of a tampered answer "yes brilliant a symphony, a work of art choregraphed like music by an orchestra, it plays a huge role in the world as it set order and dignifies everything around it" her pleasure towards my answer was shown in a silhouette of a ballet "but without a means of control it demolishes life and forever plagues the beauty life gifts"
"I guess you don't fully understand yet" she ceased her dance with disappointment creasing her brows "life's gift is destruction, think about where the peek of beauty lies, at the end of its life" her ballet took her hands on a slow flight
"the most you care about something is when it's on the brink of its life, leaves in Autumn we sing and dance of it's fall or in battles the best scene is the destruction of one side or fire itself being the most iconic scene of beauty" her curving dance spun her body in a luscious manner "As an artist I must always cease the opportunity to see a true delight glow on a project, so as a former teacher of this school I'm going to help out in my own way" she snapped her figures not activating anything obvious but a sudden pull locking my heart "hey master I need you to look into the mirror again" the little fairies voice called for me to turn but I didn't see the same face, she shown sets of dagger sharp teeth and eyes faded to white. She glowed with an immense light growing brighter going to explode "Moka down!" I pushed moka down and watched the light implode and blow up in a blinding light *BOOM!* it's blast through me launching me away with minor damage but the throbbing in my chest got worst "Shiva!" moka's beating heart pushed her towards my untouched corpse "Shiva are you okay, where does it hurt" she lightly pattered every bone feeling for a bruise "Grrr He Rrrr Here" I responded trying to tell her where feeling the immense pain hold me back "is it here, around your chest?" she noticed me clutching my lungs with ferocity "Shiva let me see your chest"
"Grrr AHHHH" the pain the unbearable pain slowly moved up my throat "Blehhag! *cough* Blehhag! *cough cough*" the pain disappeared by left my entire body in a sore ache "Shiva, what did you just through up?" moka's voice was scarred worried and petrified in stone "what do you mean?"
"just look" she pulled me up and I slowly opened my eyes to see what she was mortified about, a deep puddle of blood lying in the dirt and gravel, the redden colour was weak as it was swallowed by a deeper purple.
"you keep surprising me Shiva, that looked like it hurt quite a lot, you almost lived in the same amount of pain I went through"
"well that's strange"
"what's strange Ririsu mirror?" ishigami asked seeing her timidness "it's like what happened when I revealed his disguise, something scary and weird happened then he was left on the ground" the bewilderment worried all parties "What did you do to shiva!" moka howled in frustration holding her weaken beloved "You better tell me what you've done or I'll rip your throats out!"
"such frightening teeth showing it's anger, the true beauty of Moka Akashiya it's too bad it's wasted on the walking embodiment of a toenail infection"
"You will not insult my beloved while I still live!" my body felt cold like my soul has abandon me leaving me to cling on the ounces of life I have left *bud dump~* "what was that?" the fairy picked up a faint noise "what are you parading on Ririsu?" ishigami didn't let it be unnoticed "there's a sound beating somewhere, it's like a heartbeat or something" *Bud dump*
"there it is again! it sounds really close" I heard their grovel but I felt terrible pain over everything else "Ririsu, what's going on with your mirror?" ishigami focused on the mirror sinking in blank purple and shadowy colours, it groan and gurgle hungrily for it's bottomless appetite to be filled "Hey! Stop! What's going on?" Ririsu mirror started pulling against its owner fighting to move "What are you doing?!"
"I'm not doing anything! the mirror is pulling itself away from me" the mirror pulled without weight ignoring any attempt to hold it "it's reacting to something, like a magnet I can't pull it away"
"it's the blood puddle" ishigami mentioned "it's reacting to the blood puddle, they're pulling each other together" the gallon of blood was more sludge then liquid rolling closer to the mirror "Master help me I can't let go of the mirror!" the fairy yelled out unable to remove her hands stuck on the mirror "Master please, help me I'm scared!" she called out in horror feeling the warm blood pool consume her tiny body, Ishigami watched without a single thought to intervene *bud dump* how she's never changed.
The puddle reacted negatively towards the mirror sparking hatred with boiling bubbles bursting with hungry desires. Something inside thrashed around banging the surface of the blood breaking it to be free, then a pair of hands sharpen and gooey climbed out and pulled up a large figure of a shadowless void and it rose with nightmare sprouting wings flinging the blood off its enormous size "guess who" it's voice echoing horrors along it's gritting smile while it's fearful purple glowing eyes pierced my body. It pulled the rest of it's body up with its lingering tree trunk legs holding itself up towering over sunlight like a mountain "He's here, he actually showed up" ishigami spoke aloud over her achievement "Milord my excitement for your reveal is immeasurable" she rushed over dropping to her knees for him "so you're the one who released me from imprisonment?"
"yes, I went through so much trouble and pain to bring you out but it doesn't matter now because you outweigh every bad thing that has happened" she kept herself lowered before his devilled grin as his stern dead eyes watched me "rise on your feet, ishigami-sensei"
"please call me Hitomi, you don't need to address me with formality" she stood on her feet keeping her head lowered "remove your bandana" he commanded with a strong threatening tone to which so slowly obeyed unwrapping her headwear flowing out her braids. His purple coated hands drifted up to her face reaching behind her head, separating her braids opening to me showing her fatal damage "it seems my counter half did a serious number on you"
"yes he did, he spilt my occipital lobe I was lucky enough to not have my vision completely destroyed and the doctors say it was a miracle I didn't sustain any other major damages" he caressed her explosive shaped scar playing with her pain "it seems like it hurts quite a lot Hitomi?"
"yes it does, but the gratitude and joy I feel seeing you burns everything else away" she rubbed his arms resting hers along his waist "I remembered the first time seeing you, when you were brought out to destroy those filthy half-breeds, words couldn't explain my excitement and amorosity seeing such a beautiful creation of destruction I was like a little girl falling in love" her voice was erotic and sounding young "I was originally going to kill your replacer seeing how that was how you came out when he was fighting the outcast Ayashi but you're here and that's means we can continue where you left off" the demon stopped threading her hair to hold her hips "I want to help you achieve your ultimate goal, I want to help you destroy this school and erupt chaos as it's king" ishigami sang out her passion tranced in the moment "well I'll need a body of a tormented soul to accomplish my goal"
"mine is always at your disposal"
"no, the original will be perfect bring it for me" he pointed towards me looking down on my limped body forcing weight on my soul but I still got up to face him. "Moka I'm going to need you to find help, find my sisters or our friends, but I'll be holding him off for a while"
"are you insane? you can't possibly fight him and live" moka yelled at her complaint"and that is why I can't have you take him on!" I responded just as sharp "you forget I know what happens through the devil's eyes, I saw the terror in yours when your life was close to an end, what do you think I feel knowing that was me Moka, what do you think I'll feel if I'm the cause of your death again!" I wailed my anguish holding a fierce glare towards my duplicate but I quickly looked back to see her red eyes glare harder gripping my hand "I'm not leaving you, I'm not going to let waste your life anymore, we're doing this together" she wasn't planning on letting go constricting her stand "Don't just stand there you Morons!" *boom!* Ishigami yelled out thrashing her hair where we stood and when the dust cleared she was met with strong winds pushing her back, Moka unsealed kicked away the serpents attack "together, at full strength"
"couldn't have proposed it any other way" she helped me up glowing with radiant beautiful chaotic power as we faced off our demons.