I would love to see a monster hunter story that has your hunter going through and hunting every monster in every game, including any form changes. it would be awesome to see what you all would do with that.

monster hunter games - English

monster hunter - monster hunter freedom - monster hunter freedom 2 - monster hunter freedom unite - monster hunter 3 tri - monster hunter 3 ultimate - monster hunter 4 ultimate - monster hunter generations - monster hunter world - monster hunter dynamic hunting - monster hunter stories


monster hunter - monster hunter G - monster hunter portable - monster hunter 2 dos - monster hunter portable 2nd - monster hunter portable 2G - monster hunter 3 tri - monster hunter portable 3rd - monster hunter 3 tri G - monster hunter 4 - monster hunter 4 G - monster hunter X - monster hunter double XX - monster hunter world - monster hunter frontier - monster hunter frontier forward - monster hunter frontier G - monster hunter frontier G genuine - monster hunter frontier Z - monster hunter frontier Z zenith - monster hunter massive hunting - monster hunter explorer


monster hunter online

i left out some of the games because they were just repeats of different games when i checked or they weren't real monster hunter games, though some of them i listed are still repeats of other games

monster types

base monster - subspecies - rare species - lone species - origin species - burst species - zenith species - variant - deviant - extreme individuals - HC monsters - supremacy species

aflictions to monsters

frenzy(apex) - hyper state - tempered state - black blight - abnormal state

minor monsters

monster hunter frontier forward.2 - poison flash bug/

Wyvern Rex


Gaia dragon

monster hunter orage - manga

please do include any of the stories in the games and other media created by the monster hunter franchise that you think would fit into your own story