Tw for mentions of Drugging, whipping (not graphic)

Previously on DWSOM: Lyra took a deep breath, tilted her chin, and gave a savage grin. "Hello Braun" she purred.

Rumplestiltskin had seen many a messed-up situations in his time as a Dark One. (Hell, he was the cause of at least 80 percent of it.), But having his Soulmate look at him and think he was someone else, an enemy at that, was a new kind of hell.

"Stars" he said, trying to reach her through whatever horrors she was currently fighting.

He knew better then to try and touch her, knew she'd lash out if he made a move. He was the same way after Zelena. So, he stayed where he was.

The Diner bell broke the silence as Ricoshey walked in, eyes locked on Lyra.

"Hello Mistress." he greeted her, hands shoved in his pockets.

She glanced between him and her son.

"I told you to stay away." she told him, eyes still locked on Rumple.

"But where would the fun in that be?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe being able to breathe?" she said sarcastically.

Ricoshey hummed non-committally

"What's going on with her?' Bae asked

"She thinks she never escaped our master and is now in one of his tests."

"What Test?"

"He would punish her for some perceived slight. Sometimes he whipped her, sometimes he beat her, and sometimes-

sometimes he'd drug her so that she would think that he was you. She hated that worst of all. Tricked into thinking she had you back only to grieve anew when she would wake up."

Ric could still hear her devastated sobs the last time this happened, shortly before the real Rumplestiltskin took her.

He shook of the memory and glanced at Bae and Rumple. "I need one of you to punch me."

"Wait why?"

"It's easiest to snap her out of it if she has to heal someone. Don't ask me how but it is."

"Probably because of me. As a lad, Stars did have to patch me up a time or two." Rumplestitlskin grinned sheepishly.

"Alright, so who wants to do it?"

Emma stood up "I will. Still haven't gotten over you trying to burn us."

"No offence Miss, but you don't look like you-

Emma cuts him off with a swift right hook and a kick to his privates for good measure

Baelfire muttered "Coulda told you that wasn't the brightest idea." while wincing in sympathy.

Ric let out a soft groan, lifted his head up. His nose dripped fresh blood and was slightly crooked.

"'Phat ould o".

Suddenly he could feel a gentle breeze bringing linen napkins to him

"Ricoshey WHY are you bleeding? Never mind, just put that over your nose and pinch it."

Ric obeyed.

Lyra counted to 30 and said "Come over here sweetheart. Let me have a look."

Ric came over to the golden dome.

"Let me see"

Ric pulled down the napkin.

"It's going to swell. I need to find you some ice. Rubes could you..." Lyra blinked" Wait why is there a shied? What happened? Actually, Ice first, explanation after."