Today she was awfully lonely. It has been a few days since her wrist had been hurt. Her aura hid the healing wound well, except she couldn't seem to take notes very well with her other hand. Maybe she should work on that more in case something like that happens again. It was okay though. She didn't have school for the next couple of days so she could hopefully rest.

Currently sitting tucked away in the corner of her room, Mob looked terrible. Her school uniform was messy and wrinkled, half of it was off. Her eyes had small dark bags and her skin had a pale glossy tint. A blanket was wrapped around her hiding her from the room. Hands shaking slightly she pulled the blanket tighter. She didn't feel well.

Mob dug a nail into her arm while gazing out from her blanket. Despite having been covered for a while, she felt cold. So very cold. Her room was dark, only slivers of sunlight peeked through the curtain in her room. Mind fuzzy, her eyes traced the dust floating around the room, her aura reached out slightly and pulled the curtains to stop any of the light from coming through. She felt awful.

She slouched deeper into the blanket, ignoring the tense muscles and cramps from being in the same position too long. He leaned slightly to decide her weight between the floor, wall, and dresser. Cheek pressed into cold wood. Maybe she should stay here for awhile longer.

She's not entirely sure how long she's been there anyways. There was no energy to pull from to try and find where her phone was. She wondered if Master had texted her. She had thrown her bag somewhere after she had gotten home from school and had immediately grabbed her blanket and made herself her nest in her corner.

Her eyes closed and she stayed like this for much longer. A pang came from her stomach, making her acknowledge she should probably eat. She hadn't eaten anything since Masters house. It was hard when most of her money went towards her sleeping prescription and mother didn't allow her access to the kitchen. She told father and ritsu that she was in trouble for bad grades and would be getting dinner later. But she never got any.

Mob shivers at the thought of going to the kitchen and being caught by mother. That wouldn't be good at all. She's glad to a degree though, the less she eats, the more her family and ritsu have to eat. Ritsu is a growing boy and needs every bite. She could eat tomorrow when she went to work.

A faint thudding causes Mob to raise her head slowly and stare at the door with half lidded eyes. It sounds like Ritsu is going to his room. It was getting dark outside after all, since the room was getting darker and darker. she wondered if he was hanging out with his friends. Or studying for school? She wondered what it was like.

The footsteps get louder and seem to slow the closer they got. That was strange. Ritsu's footsteps stop in front of her door. Mib sits up more and stared at the door. She didn't have a lock, so she really Hope's Ritsu doesnt come in. He seems to shuffle in place before a light knock comes cutting through the previous silence. "Sis? Are you home?"

She inhaled at his voice. She hasn't spoken to Ritau in a few weeks. Anytime hes home, she's gone, and when they are both home hes normally busy or shes in her room. She misses him. Mob truly misses her brother. Her heart beats faster because shes tempted to stay where she is. Ignoring him, hoping he will leave. The other part of her wants to greet him and ask how hes been. They live together but they couldn't be more far apart. A small voice in the back of her head seems to want to know why he hasn't noticed mom being so cruel? But it's okay, that wasn't his problem. It was her.

"Sis?" He knocked again softly. She grimaced as the door slowly cracked open. Her brother poked his head in and his eyes went from her bed to where she was in the corner. "Are you awake?" He enters the room and closes the door behind him. She hears him fumbling for the light switch. Before she could respond, the light flickers on, dimly lighting her room. Mob frowns and squints at her brother. How rude. "I am now."

Ritsu sheepishly runs a hand through his hair messing up the way his hair kinda spiked to the side. He looked slightly ruffled, and was in his favorite hoodie and sweats and wore when he was at max comfort at home. He took in her appearance for a moment before sighing and grabbing a pillow from her bed and sitting next to her in her corner. He made sure to snatch her phone from the top of the table as well. He squished himself between her and the wall, meaning she had to lean closer to the dresser. She felt instantly comforted by actual warmth from another human body.

They fumbled for a second, getting comfortable. She unraveled herself from her blanket and covers the both and she leaned closer to him. Ritsu loved his sister more than anything. He knows she seems to be struggling with something but he wasn't sure what was going on.

He handed mob her phone and shoved his in his hoodie pocket. "Are you going to tell me what's going on?" He mumbled as she leaned into him and closed her eyes. "I'm just tired Ritsu. I haven't felt too well recently, but I promise it's nothing to concern yourself over."

She felt heaviness seep out of her body as she seemed to relax. A few books across the room started to float across the room at a slow pace. Ritsu kept his gaze on the books and sighed. His bigger sister always kept things to herself. He knew from her actions, she had to be struggling.

When they where younger their communication was ten times worse. He didn't know why she wouldn't come to him about her problems, but he got over himself finally. Now he just offers his support when he can. They dont often see each other. It feels like they live in two separate households. "I feel like I never see you anymore. It's been longer than last since we've been in the same room. Working all the time isn't good you know."

Mobs head fell on his shoulder. Despite him being younger, he still somehow is taller than her. It wasn't fair at all. "Master Reigan says it's good for me to train my powers." He scrunched up his nose and huffed. "The day you realize hes a scam will make me happy. He doesnt know the first thing about powers because he doesnt have any. You know how I feel about him."

She pinched his arm and he winced. That had hurt. "Don't speak bad about Master. Let's change the subject. I don't wish to upset you." She didn't have the energy to correct Ritsu.

"How are your studies? Mom has said you've been doing badly so I haven't seen you at dinner, despite you being home. Is she bringing the food too late? Jave you been eating it all? I'm sure your probably hungry. If you haven't eaten I can make you a sandwich." Ritsu inwardly felt suspicious of his thin she is. Her appearance really doesnt look to good.

Mob felt appreciation towards her brother. Maybe she could eat before work tomorrow after all. "That would be nice" not responding to the rest of the questions. Ritsu rolled his eyes and wiggled out from their corner. He groaned as his back popped. "I dont know how you sit there for so long. It shouldn't be too long though, I'll be back."

Mob nods as he leaves the room and she flicks on the forgotten phone he had handed her. It was awfully late. She hadn't realized just how long she's been there. She shifted a bit and sat up and felt a groan nearly come out. She felt sore. Almost as sore as when mother had thrown her to the floor. She pushed herself up, and wobbled to her bed. She needed a shower. Probably. To ease her muscles from being cramped in one position too long. It's okay though she would shower tomorrow before she went to work.

She felt herself zone out right as the door opened again. Ritsu's had his arms full of snacks. "I've come bearing gifts." Mob felt her mouth salivate. She was incredibly hungry. Hopefully she didn't make herself sick. He played down the sandwich and extra snacks on the bed and sat on the other side. He opened a bag of chips and started to inhale them. Mob shook her head. He was very much a teenage boy. She started slow and nibbled on her sandwich but began stuffing her face as well. Not eating for so long does that.

After they satisfied themselves, Mob leaned back in her bed and groaned. "I've eaten too much. I'm very much full." Ritsu ginned and threw away the trash. "I'm glad you ate. I hope you can join us for dinner soon. I can help you with your studies if you want?"

Mob mulled it over. It's been a long time since she's studied with ritsu. "I think that would be nice." Ritsu and Mob cleaned up evidence of the snacks and he left to his room. She felt much better after his visit. Her stomach was full and she felt like she had more energy. Her body felt lighter. She curled into her bed and slept with little interruption that night.