TW: Alcoholism
Episode XII - Happy New Year, I Guess
New Years was supposed to be a joyous affair for families. Waking up early to watch the sunrise, deep clean the house to start the new year with a clean slate. Ayano and her family never had to clean, even on the holiday until this year.
Otou-Sama thought the best way to start the year anew was for everyone to deep clean their area of the compound. There were complaints, saying, "We have maids now. Why should we have to clean?"
Her father stomped on their words. "They have families of their own and shouldn't have to work on a holiday. This is a new year and a new start for the Kannagi's."
For a second, Ayano agreed with the opposing family members. Then she remembered what happened in the past few months. She should also officially start fresh and new. The New Year was perfect for the transformation.
It was on December 31st, for the first time in her life, she cleaned her bedroom. Who knew that working a vacuum would be so difficult. Ayano lost count on how many times she got tangled up and tripped. What felt like hours, she was finally finished, sweating, and smiled with pride. Her bedroom was sparkling.
Her proud smile was wiped away when the sunrise came. It was New Year's Day, something that should be a celebration with a happy family, was anything but.
In their best kimonos, the Kannagi's traveled to their family shrine with fire symbols and the crimson dragon statue of the Spirit King of Fire. Her father rang the bell, and everyone threw in their coins and made their wishes. Ayano wished for strength and wisdom. She saw the looks on most of her family's faces.
Some were somber. Some were angry. Ren caught on too. In the enormous dining hall, there was a quiet heaviness. Everyone was nibbling on the beautiful assortments of Osechi Ryori, colorful New Year dishes in special red and black bento-like boxes, jubako. The burnt offerings to their Spirit King tickled the Heiress's nose.
Ayano carefully chewed her sticky mochi, watching her little cousins play with their new toys. Her and Ren already opened their lucky bags and received their gift money.
Kazuma and Amane sent her gifts from her favorite bakery and money in a cute envelope. Ren found a Nike sweatsuit in his lucky bag from a sporting goods store along with a thick envelope.
Otou-Sama received a new kimono in his bag and an envelope from the couple.
Across from her was Cousin Tomoko in a black kimono with a white obi, opposite of her own kimono and obi of cheerful colors: aquamarine and white with purple and golden flowers. Her older cousin kept guzzling down sake like a fish.
Ayano wished she had the right words for her. Cousin Tomoko has lost everybody in her family. The Ogami's didn't have many members. She was the last one and seen as "past her prime" since she was over forty. But as a widow with no heir, all of the Ogami funds belonged to her. Therefore, she was still seen as marriageable, not breedable, but still somewhat useful.
Ayano saw mostly second sons, young and older, visiting her door with gifts. Cousin Tomoko threw her empty bottles at them.
The most persistent person was someone who she never suspected.
Cousin Shinichirou.
He sat beside her, pouring another cup of sake for her. Cousin Tomoko blushed and giggled. Ayano didn't know if it was the alcohol or Cousin Shinichirou's lame dad jokes.
Ayano couldn't for the life of her understand how and why those two connected. Cousin Shinichirou was the Head of his Branch and had his own funds. When voicing the "place" of women, he was the loudest saying the typical sexist nonsense. She could only guess he wanted Cousin Tomoko for her money and being a traditional woman. But Cousin Tomoko wanted nothing to do with anybody since Cousin Takeya's death. Maybe she was lonely? Maybe both of them were lonely? Sad souls just gravitate towards each other, Ayano surmised.
Ayano didn't trust Cousin Shinichirou. She didn't trust Cousin Tomoko by herself with him. She could destroy herself further with him.
Cousin Takeya was dead. Misao was in a nunnery forever. The least Ayano could do was watch over their mother.
The Heiress sighed, crewing on another piece of mochi. Already stepping into the new year, not even the Head of the family yet and her head was swarming with worries.
I'm back! I'm sorry I was gone for too long! I was focusing on writing other stories I have planned out! Watch out for them (when I get to them hopefully).