I awoke to quite a bit of racket the next day. Tatsuki and Ichigo seemed to be arguing about something, and Orihime was attempting to get the cum covered floor cleaned up. You moved next to Orihime and asked what Ichigo and Tatsuki were going on about. "They're arguing about possible baby names," Orihime sighed, "Ichii-chan and Tacchan took a test this morning and it turns out that we are all pregnant now."

I flush, "Could they all be mine?"

"Not sure," Ichigo sighed offhandedly coming back to sit for breakfast while Tatsuki brought in some toast. My gears were already turning, "Do you think Urahara-san could help us, Ichii-chan," I asked.

"He might," Ichigo replied simply, munching on a slice of toast, smeared with what looked suspiciously like cum. That settled it. Once we were done eating, I told my three pregnant roomates to get dressed, so that we could run an errand, and they complied. The four of us then made our way to the Urahara Shoten. Upon our arrival I knocked on the door and Urahara answered almost immediately, upon seeing us his irritated scowl became an enigmatic smile, "Well... What can I help the four of you kids with," the shopkeeper inquired cheerfully.

"Can you cut the bullshit and let us in," I asked, "This is kind of a sensitive matter."

"Of course, I just finished helping out two others you all might know," Urahara said sliding the front door open. Inside I saw that squad 10 lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto was getting into a gigai like it was a jumpsuit, Nelliel Tu Odelschwank was adjusting a silver bracelet on her wrist, and Yoruichi Shihoin was resting in cat form on her lap. "Hey Matsumoto-Kojousama, how are you," I asked Rangiku pleasantly. Rangiku flushes pink at the formal address, "I'm good, thanks," She said, "Also, I thought I told you to just call me Rangiku-Chan, Anon-Kun." She briefly scowled playfully at me. Sensing an opening Ichigo jumped in, "How do you know Rangiku-chan, Anon-kun," Ichigo asked me.

"I met her when I came by to get supplies the other day, it turns out Rangiku-chan was here with Hitsugaya-Taichosama, to resupply as well," I replied, "Speaking of which, what brings you to the world of the living today, Rangiku-chan?" "Hitsugaya-Taichosama said I could take a few hours off if I escorted Nel-San here today, so here I am. What are you doing here, today, you can't possibly have run low on supplies yet" Rangiku retorted cheerfully.

I briefly glance at the three girls I've managed to seduce before I reply, "We needed Urahara-san's scientific opinion on our strange predicament." The four outsiders give me a quizzical look, and I decided to go into slightly more detail, "It would probably be easier to show you the basis for our predicament." I pulled Orihime and Ichigo to a side room and asked if they were okay with showing Matsumoto, Yoruichi, and Nel their new appendage. Ichigo started to object, but Orihime silenced her with a glance, "Yes, we should see what they each come up with as a possible solution." I returned to the room with the four outsiders and said, "Behold. The entire basis of our issue." I gestured behind the door frame telling Ichigo and Orihime to walk out, nude from the waist down, from the side room where I made my inquiry, cocks swinging as they walked. "How is this possible," Yoruichi exclaimed. You blush and glance away as you reply, "My Bankai, that's how, but that's not even our issue. Our issue is both Hime-chan and Ichii-chan are pregnant, but we aren't sure if they did it to each other as they have a vagina still where the testicles usually are on a man."

"Woah Woah Woah, Back up a moment, Anon-Kun, what do you mean by 'Your Bankai'," Rangiku interjected. I proceeded to tell Rangiku, Yoruichi, Kisuke, and Nel about my Bankai ability. "I've never heard of such a zanpakuto," Kisuke mused, "If I wasn't staring at a pair of real cocks on a pair of women who as far as I know were anatomically normal women I wouldn't believe it, even with this proof I'm still kinda skeptical." I flushed as I had a dark thought in the back of my mind that he's challenging me to prove it. Kisuke noticed the change and asks what's wrong, and I try to respond properly, but my mouth refuses to open. Now everyone has their eyes on me as I am visibly struggling with myself. Finally darkness tinges the edge of my vision and I felt something like tears start to leak out of the corner of my eyes. Suddenly I realised that my hand, seemingly on it's own, was stretching out and a sheathed Katana appeared in my hand, it resembled my sealed zanpakuto. Continuing to move on it's own my body draws my blade and without any verbalization it releases shikai. Imediately Tatsuki, Ichigo, and Orihime are on the ground giving in to their lust. As for the others, Nel's undecorated hand was already inside her skirt half of her shredded hoodie outfit, Rangiku was heavily flushed and had a drunken expression, and Yoruichi was sitting in cat form, panting, and tail twitching. Only Kisuke seemed unaroused, in fact, he was staring in horror at your face muttering curses about Tessai being on vacation and something about Vizards. Suddenly, my Tenta-vines sprang forth, seemingly from nowhere and bound Kisuke, as I realized that I now was in Bankai. Then, I noticed that Rangiku was nude and holding Haineko, her zanpakuto, and the usually katana shaped sealed zanpakuto had suddenly become a massive double ended dildo. My eyes flickered over to Yoruichi, who was now in human form, but now she was a Neko with a pair of real cat ears perched on her head in addition to her human ears, and also she had a prehensile Cat tail emerging from right above her ass. Nel didn't change too much, she just looked like a busty, nude, midtwenties looking teal-haired woman with a Ram's skull on her head, panting like the bitch in heat she was becoming. Rangiku walked over to me and released my swollen meat rod from it's cloth prison and plunged down throat deep onto my cock. Next she stuck the zanpakuto turned dildo in her swollen drooling cunt and Yoruichi dropped herself pussy first onto the other end of the haineko dildo, and she stuck her tail into Nel's sopping pussy.

Suddenly I had a harem of six bitches having an orgy in the lobby of the shop. Already I was about to cum down Rangiku's throat, "Rangiku-Chan, I'm going to cum," I said, my voice deeper, hollower, and more echoey than normal. Instead of stopping her deepthroat, she sped up, gagging slightly as my eight inch cock aimed right down into the beginnings of her esophagus at her stomach. Suddenly I began cumming uncontrollably down her throat, causing her belly to swell up as I overfilled her stomach with Semen. She gestured for me to back up and I removed my still stiff cock from her mouth. "Mmm... What a pleasant, filling, tasty meal," Matsumoto gasped as her mouth was freed of cock. "Tacchan I'm jealous." She continued, patting her distended belly, still using her zanpakuto turned dildo with the help of Yoruichi's cunt, meanwhile Nel was screaming in exctasy, as Yoruichi kept pumping her tail into the former Espada's pussy rapidly, and soon the three newly inducted members of my harem of sluts all arched their backs as they violently climaxed. "Hey, what's that moaning," asked Orihime, "it's coming from the front door."

"Hold on. I'll check it out, Hime-chan" Ichigo said Pulling on a pair of bloomers and slipping a t-shirt over her head. Upon opening the door the moaning was revealed to be Ichigo's little middle schooler sisters Yuzu and Karin, rubbing themselves pitifully through their clothes. "Aww... Do my cute little sisters need some help with their desires," Ichigo purred, "Do we need to stick something thick and phallic into your sweet baby pussies."

"Yes Onee-chan," Yuzu cried, "We need to be stuffed with a big fat cock, we don't just need our hymens torn, we need them destroyed."

"Yuzu's Right Onee-chan, I don't know about her, but I can't take the pent-up feeling of not having my brains fucked out of my skull," Karin followed up.

"Alright, then just come with Onee-chan and we'll have you taking phallic objects in all your holes like seasoned sluts in no time," Ichigo promised.

"Don't do this Ichigo, their bodies aren't ready yet," Kisuke cried from his bonds in the corner.

"Oh, quiet you twat," Tatsuki hissed, "we can fix that, can't we Ano-Kun."

"I can make them able to temporarily mature their bodies, but it will stunt their growth," I said with that same blank tone, my zanpakuto speaking for me, "Doing this will result in them never looking any older than they are now, essentially they will become Lolis, is this truly what they want."

"We'll do anything to have sex right now, right Karin," Yuzu cried desperately. Karin could only nod as she was so deep in heat she was barely conscious.

"Then your desire is mine to fulfill," I replied Robotically. Yuzu cheered and dragged Karin inside with her, letting Ichigo close the door. By the time Ichigo had returned Yuzu had already stripped Karin, and was slipping her own shirt off. Knowing what was about to happen and having masculine urges of her own Ichigo's cock slowly started hardening till she finally had to strip again to prevent it from tearing a hole in her bloomers. By now Yuzu was stripped as well, and she got up close to her big sister's twitching cock and started playing with it. "Wow, Onee-chan you have such a big, awesome dick." Suddenly she seemed to age a few years in several seconds, until she had the same tall busty figure as her big sister. "I think I want this to be the cock that starts my life as a grown woman." Ichigo smiled happily as her sister said this, and she replied to Yuzu, "I'd love to be the one who deflowers you, baby sis, Come sit on Nee-chan's lap." Yuzu knelt down and slowly started to lower herself onto Ichigo's lap facing her big sister, Ichigo's cock laying upright against Yuzu's Tummy, slowly but surely, Ichigo lifted her sister up in sitting position, and after prodding her little sister's opening slid the tip in ever so slightly. "C'mon, Onee-chan I can take more than just the tip," Yuzu whined, instinctively gyrating her hips. Ichigo hesitated momentarily before saying, "Okay I'm going in further, my brave little sis." Slowly Ichigo started to lower her sister, before much more of her length could be pushed in, Yuzu gasped, her eyes tearing up, "You okay sis," Ichigo asked as blood trickled down her length, "Yeah, I'm good," Yuzu replied, "Just shove me down more and I'll be fine." Ichigo did as she was told and before long Ichigo's entire massive member was sheathed safely inside Yuzu, "If it's okay with you I am going to start moving now," Ichigo said. Wrapping her arms around her sister she lifted and lowered Yuzu on her stiff prick. "Oh, Onee-chan, oh, your cock... It feels shhoooo guuud," Yuzu moaned, and eventually the middle schooler was bouncing on her sister's rod on her own. Meanwhile, Karin had been lying ass in the air barely conscious but also aged, and I walked up behind Karin and roughly jabbed my cock into her pussy, shredding her hymen, and waking her up, screaming with pain. As the pain subsided, Karin began to gyrate on my cock, wordlessly begging me to fuck her. Slowly I slid out and roughly jammed my cock back in, illiciting moans from Karin. As I worked my way up to speed, something changed. Slowly, almost unnoticeably, Karin's pussy began to feel tighter, and it felt as if I was slowly but surely able to penetrate deeper. Through the haze of overwhelming lust, I saw that Yuzu and Karin, were back to their normal shapes, except for the tits which had stayed at around a d-cup. The sexual intuition given by my zanpakuto told me that their bodies were still in an 'adult' state, it was just that the Lolization drawback was set and complete. Knowing I was now fucking the brains out of a Loli, and driven nearly insane with lust, I went even crazier, my tip now penetrating her womb with every thrust. "Ohh... Ohmy... Ohmigoooood," gasped Karin as I repeatedly thrust my tip through her cervix. Soon, Karin was arching backward, eyes rolling as she spasmed with pleasure. Seeing this little cutie take dick like a pro, I decided to reward her, burying myself up to the hilt I let loose my biggest orgasm yet, planting a massive load in her womb that ended up distending Karin's tummy till she looked like she was full term pregnant, with cum still spraying out around my cock. As the haze slowly started to clear I saw Ichigo finish into Yuzu in a similar fashion. As we all cleaned up Yoruichi carried the now unconscious Kisuke into a back room. When she returned she called the attention of the entire group, "Well now we have a solution to Anon-kun's problem, We just make sure that he doesn't touch Yuzu and if she gets pregnant from just intercourse with Orihime and Ichigo, it means that they are having each other's child."

"Yayyy," Yuzu Cheered, "I get to have either Onee-chan or Hime-Neechan's child."