Alexis paced backed and forth in the PCPD, the edge of her heels digging into the blisters forming on her ankles. Phone pressed tightly to her ear, she pushed her dry tongue to the top of her mouth.
"I am doing everything I can from my end, Alexis. It's not going to be easy, but we will free Sam," Diane's muffled voice said. "Try not to worry, dear."
Alexis laughed. "Easier said than done."
"Go home. There's not much more we can do until tomorrow."
She slipped her cell into her purse and whipped her head around.
"Carly… calm down," Jason muttered into his phone.
Alexis rolled her eyes.
"Donna's what? Where's Sonny? Okay… Okay… I'll be right there."
He'll what?
He lowered his phone. "Can you go check on the kids? Carly needs help with Donna."
She shook her head and glowered at him. "I'm sorry… what?"
"Sonny is with Dev."
"And that is your problem, because?"
He sighed. "Spinelli is doing all he can, I'll touch base with him tomorrow."
"Okay. But your son needs you."
"He's at Monica's. Can you tell him that his mom is working so he doesn't worry?'
"I guess so."
Alexis scooted awkwardly on the couch. The red and white curtains, the bookshelves with all the little antiques (were they collected by Edward or Lila? Or perhaps they were Monica's) and the smells of a pot roast coming from the kitchen reminded her of her Dobson days. Oh, the lengths she would go through to be with her children. If only she could pose as a guard so she could be with Sam in Pentonville. She squinted. Perhaps that's an idea.
"Grandma!" Scout ran into the living room and dove into Alexis' arms. Danny sauntered in behind her.
"Hi, cookie!" She squeezed her in her arms and kissed her honey-smelling hair.
"We took Annabelle the second to the park today." She nestled into Alexis' side. "Danny showed me how to shake a paw!"
"That sounds wonderful." She stroked her long, golden hair. "Hi Danny."
"Hi, Grandma." He slumped on the edge of the couch, gaze lowered to the floor.
Alexis' chest felt heavy as she looked at her grandson.
"Where's Mommy?" Scout asked in a small voice, playing with Alexis' bracelet.
Alexis swallowed hard and met Scout's brown eyes. Sam's eyes. "Mommy has something to do for work."
Scout frowned. "Mommy works a lot."
"But she can't wait to take you and Danny for ice cream as soon as she can."
She smiled widely.
"Scout, why don't you go check on Annabelle the second? I bet she'd love a tummy rub."
"Yeah! I love you, Grandma!"
"I love you too, Cookie."
Scout's long, golden hair flowed behind her as she strolled out of the room.
Alexis slid closer to Danny. "Hey, buddy. Your mom really misses you, and will be home as soon as she ca—"
"I heard Grandma Monica talking to Olivia. Is Mom really in jail?"
Her heart skipped and her hand instinctively reached for Danny's. "I suppose you're old enough to know the truth. She is. But you have to understand that what she did was to protect your dad and she doesn't belong there. We're going to get her out and she'll be home with you soon."
He shrugged. "It doesn't matter… I mean, I don't want her in jail, but…"
"But what?"
"We don't see her much anymore anyway."
"What do you mean?"
"It's just since my dad came back… my real dad… you know I was really excited at first, but now Mom is always sending us here. Like all the time. It's been three weeks since we last saw her. And Dad doesn't come by much either."
"Oh, Danny, I'm sorry. I didn't know."
"I miss my other dad. He was so much fun."
Alexis kicked her laptop from the coffee table, and it fell with a loud clunk to the floor. She lifted one of the white cushions and threw it against the wall just as there was a knock at the door.
She groaned. She didn't want company. All she wanted was a solution. She needed to get her daughter out of prison, and she couldn't get images of Sam sitting alone in a jail cell, or worse, with a terrible cell mate.
It was Julian standing on her porch. The whites of his eyes wide, and out of breath. Then, the tears that stung at her eyes all day, finally broke free. Before she could, he wrapped his arms around her. She knew it wasn't in a romantic way for either of them. It was gentle and comforting. One parent hugging the other. They needed each other. Sam needed them.
"We'll get her out," he said barely above a whisper, not letting go of the embrace.