Hi everyone. So, sadly, this is the last chapter. But the good news is I'm going ahead with a sequel where we'll switch to Sam's POV. Thank you to all who have stuck by me and I hope you'll continue to the sequel. Enjoy!

Chapter 63- Patient 7

Alexis sighed heavily. Her heart ached for Sam. How Helena could watch Sam grow up that way and even enable it, then use her for this sick mind mapping game… this was a new low, even for her. She could see a few tears springing to Sam's eyes, but she was also clenching her jaw and balling her hands into fists.

"How could you do something like that?" Elizabeth asked. "What kind of sick monster are you?"

"Dr. Cabot, continue," Valentin said. "We have a lot of work to do today. I want Natasha to hear it before we move on."

"Yes, so because of the flaw also known as Patient 3, we needed a spare. Patient 5 would be a back-up plan to the Bondsman. He would fulfill the duties required by 1 and 2, should 6 get distracted. The original Patient 5 was Mr. Lucas Spencer Jr. It seemed at first the procedure was a success. He pushed away his loved ones, however, it wore off quickly and too many people figured it out before he could join the mob. With too much public knowledge, we considered him a fail. The second Patient 5 was Richard Lansing. He seemed promising at first due to his obsession of his brother, Patient 1. His sociopathic behavior would be an asset to the cause as long as it were to be kept on the down low. None of our procedure attempts worked, however. He simply seemed too bitter towards 1 and was obsessed with 3 as well. Alas, we erased his memories of the procedures and let him be. Though he was a failed patient, he has proven to be an asset at times in keeping 3 from 6. Which then we decided through hypnosis, to encourage 3 to be attracted to a certain type of sociopathic men."

Elizabeth gawked at him.

"That quickly wore off however, and she had a long-term relationship with Mr. Spencer, which worked out fine for the cause regardless. Until, Mr. Lansing and 4 had sexual relations. Mrs. Cassadine wouldn't stop laughing when she heard of it knowing that it would hurt her stepdaughter, however, it took a big toll on the cause when 3 and 6 conceived another child as a result of it. That's when we really started pushing the procedures. It backfired when 4 and 6 broke-up and 3 and 6 kept sneaking around. It took almost two years of 4 spiraling partly due to her own emotions but also as an affect of our procedures. Then Mrs. Cassadine decided to stage the death of 3 and 6's child, the only one known to the public. She felt that would severe the ties between them and she'd raise the child for the cause.

"Then, we finally found another Patient 5. Mrs. Cassadine discovered 6's twin brother, Mr. Cain, in the Navy. We physically removed him and brought him to Mexico where 4 and 6 were searching for Patient 1's young ones. 6 had been shot twice and we brought him into a private facility with Mr. Cain. That was where I performed the biggest procedure I had ever done. I completely flushed Mr. Cain's, who was now Patient 5's, mind. He was a blank slate and I transferred all of 6's memories post-car accident into him. Mr. Marchesi shot 5 twice in order not to raise suspicion for 6's shooter when we replaced 6 with 5. This proved successful and 5 posed as 6 for a good four months. In that time, he conceived a child with 4."

Sam gasped and looked over at Drew. Jason furrowed his eyebrows and Alexis' mouth dropped slightly.

"Are you saying that I am Danny's father?" Drew asked.

"Indeed," Dr. Cabot said.

Carly sniggered and shook her head.

"Keep going!" Valentin ordered. "Enough about whose child is whose."

Dr. Cabot cleared his throat. "In that time, we believed to have performed stronger procedures on 6 and exchanged him with 5 once more. We couldn't be more wrong though. He was drawn to 3 once again and even after hypnotizing her to fall for Dr. Ewan Keenan, there was a pull, and he was cold towards 4 during her pregnancy. So, we brought 2 and 3 in once more and we did something new and delicate in order to turn 6 against 3. The procedure would involve 3's decision-making process to closer resemble 2's under stress, thereby making 3 switch the DNA results of 4's baby with the hopes she would get caught. But her true self kicked in and she went right to 6 to confess. This concerned us that our plan had failed. However, 6 was angry with her and it turned out in our favour anyway. 4 and 6 reunited with the child. But you see, Mrs. Cassadine and Mr. Faison had a quarrel. She felt he'd been too focused on other matters. Without further hypnosis, 3 had almost failed their plan. Mr. Faison attempted to kill 6 in order to botch the cause. Mrs. Cassadine and Mr. Marchesi made attempts to recover 6.

"Mrs. Cassadine was shot by Mr. Spencer a year later and I thought it was safe to assume the plan was over. But I heard news that her brother-in-law sought out to revive her along with her son and that 5 was there too. Dr. Scorpio revived them, but on the way home 5 was hit by a car and developed amnesia. When finally, Mrs. Cassadine and Mr. Faison made amends, they sought me out and the plan was back in motion. I was introduced to Henrik, Mr. Faison's son, who had been studying hypnosis at the time. We were concerned when 5 developed a relationship with 3… it was something we weren't expecting. Yet, he had a pull towards 4 who was in a relationship with a doctor at the time. Eventually 2 came along and… figured out… that Jake Doe was Mr. Morgan… or at least that's what she thought. The plan seemed to run smoothly when 4 and 5 reunited and we managed to make 3 look bad once again… but 5 seemed to have fallen for 4 which we didn't expect, in a way 6 never did. When young Nikolas poisoned Mrs. Cassadine, I thought our plan would be demised, but Mr. Faison and Mr. Marchesi wanted to follow it through. And young Henrik, who had a close bond with Mrs. Cassadine's stepson Valentin wanted to bring him into the plan and they discovered 6 alive in Russia. We were in a state of panic though when 5 decided to leave the mob and focused his entire being on 4 and their children and started a media company…"

Alexis looked over at Sam. Tears were spilling from her eyes and she was looking over at Drew.

"We went into overdrive with procedures on 6. We really pushed the hypnosis so he would accept orders from 1 and 2. Then, he escaped. We were worried it was too soon. He went right to 1 which worked, however, he wanted to go right to 3 and their second born and was furious when he discovered Franco Baldwin in a relationship with her. We managed to bring them both in as well as 1 and 2. We really pushed the procedures, and it especially seemed to work for 2. She became more controlling than ever and it seemed to progress as time went on. 6 received orders and followed through with them. He seemed to forget about his son and would spend minimal time with him. When 4 chose to stay with 5, we brought 4 in for another procedure. But we were shocked to learn that Mr. Faison had been killed by 6. Henrik then took over the hypnosis. All he had to do was trigger 4's emotions for wanting to feel saved by 6 again. And alas, she and 5 broke up. She eventually reunited with 6 and the cause went full speed ahead."

"And when the twin experiment became public knowledge," Peter said. "It only covered up our plan. Even better, when David Henry Archer had Dr. Cabot transfer Drew's memories to Franco Baldwin… it just distracted everyone more."

"Now, Natasha," Valentin said. "We need to talk about your meddling. All along you've tried keeping 4 and 6 apart and most recently you've kept the children away from the cause as well. And not just your grandchildren, but 2's grandson as well."

"Wiley is my grandson," Alexis corrected.

"You liar!" Carly shouted. "Not that I believe all this nonsense but he's right about your meddling!"

"You know, I think it's time now," Valentin said, keeping his eyes locked with Alexis'. "Go ahead, Dr. Cabot."

Dr. Cabot slipped on a pair of latex gloves and reached for a syringe and a small vial from Alexis' bedside table. He pressed the needle into the vial and Alexis watched as a clear liquid flowed into the syringe.

"What is that?" Alexis asked.

"Boss, let me do it," Morgan said.

"1 and 2 are reserved for you, Morgan," Valentin said, pulling on a pair of gloves. Then he extend his hand to Dr. Cabot. "I'll take care of Natasha."

Dr. Cabot handed him the syringe.

"Why not simply release tis beautifool womano into my carrre?" Salvatore suggested.

Ignoring him, Valentin stepped closer to Alexis. Her heart sped up.

"Answer the question!" Sam insisted. "What is that?"

"This…" Valentin grinned. "Is pentobarbital. It is a short-acting barbiturate and when used in high doses it causes death by respiratory arrest."

"No!" Sam shouted, pulling and kicking through her restraints. "Get away from her!"

Alexis swallowed hard.

"Valentin, let's discuss this," Sonny said.

"Maybe you can use Alexis," Drew said. "Use her instead of killing her."

"Please, don't!" Sam cried.

Valentin's face went tense and his nostrils flared. He lifted the syringe.

Alexis took in a deep breath. "Sam, I never wanted you to move out. I found out things and I was being threatened…"

"I know…" Sam said. "I heard you say you had to keep me safe when you came into my room that night… I knew something was up…"

"Tell Danny, Scout, and Wiley Grandma loves them… And your father, your sisters, your brothers… I love them too…"

"Stop it!" Sam said.

"And I love you…"

Valentin raised the syringe above his head and Alexis squeezed her eyes shut, then he jabbed it hard through her left coat pocket to her chest…

"NOOOO!" Sam yelled.

Alexis opened her eyes. The needle was sticking through the pocket of her spring jacket.

"What the hell!?" Valentin ripped the pocket right off her jacket. The material from the pocket was hanging between the syringe and the rough side of a purple seahorse sponge.

Sam let out a deep breath and Alexis winked at her.

Valentin held the sponge in front of Alexis' face. Some fluid dripped from the sponge"What the hell is this!?"

"That…" Alexis smiled. "That is my special sponge."

"Special sponge?" Valentin groaned. "How can a sponge be special?"

"It just saved my life didn't it? Now, if you don't mind… I'd appreciate it if you squeezed out that poison and sanitized it for me. Like I said, it's a very special sponge."

Valentin hurled the sponge and syringe at the wall, and it dropped to the floor.

"I'm afraid that's the last of the pentobarbital," Dr. Cabot said. "I'll have to order some more."

"You know what…" Valentin said. "Maybe 5 is onto something. The better revenge would be to use her instead of kill her."

"Use her, how?" Peter asked.

"You still have her memory map on hand?" Valentin asked Dr. Cabot.

"Whose memory map?" Alexis asked.

Dr. Cabot nodded and pulled out a flash drive from his pocket. "Indeed."

"Then we now have Patient 7," Valentin said. "Do it. Imprint her memory on Natasha."

"Wait… wait…" Sam said. "Imprint someone's memory? What does that mean?"

"It means," Valentin said, grinning. "That her memory will be wiped, and she'll believe she's someone else."

Dr. Cabot began loading up his laptop.

Elizabeth gasped. "Like Franco…"

"And me," Drew said.

Alexis felt her chest sink.

"No! You can't do that!" Sam shouted.

"Who will I think I am?" Alexis asked.

Valentin laughed. "Nothing for you to worry about Natasha."

Dr. Cabot placed a black device around Alexis' head.

"No! No! Please stop! Please…." Sam cried out. "She won't remember me… she won't remember her family…"

Dr. Cabot prepared another syringe.

"I will remember you, Sam…" Alexis said. "I will… they said there was a flaw."

"No…" Sam repeated.

Dr. Cabot pushed the needle into Alexis' IV. Alexis felt her eyes grow heavy as Sam's continued to cry out, "No! Mom… No…". And soon, everything went black.