Ties that Bind chapter 17
"So the white hats have arrived and are attacking us Morty" said Darla and she could clearly hear the commotion from outside.
"Yes, and your Angelus and Spike have gone out to confront those cretins and I am going there and it would be good to cut Buffy's throat because I won't lose her to a ruffian like William" replied the Immortal
"While Angelus is my creation but I could not care less what happens to William the Bloody. What is with Buffy Summers of this dimension? I could understand Spike getting so obsessed with Slayers that he wanted to have sex with them but the fact that Angelus or you got all hot and bothered by her in this dimension makes no sense to me" replied Darla with a hint of jealously in her voice.
"Careful Darla it sounds like that you are jealous of her" commented the Immortal and then he drew his sword and it looked sharp but ornate
"Nice sword" replied Darla appreciatively.
"Thanks, and it was a gift from Julius Caesar because I was one of his legionaries before the Wolf, Ram and Hart made me an offer that I could not refuse" said the Immortal with a smile.
"So, if you were cut down the Spikes if things don't go our way, I would be most grateful" offered Darla
"How grateful?" questioned the Immortal
"Remember our assignation in Rome about 1893" smirked Darla
'That was a hot memory" said the Immortal and the two charged into the fray.
The battle raged on and vampires were dusted and Buffy could see Angel, Xander and Cordelia working together while Faith and Connor were fighting back to back against three other vampires.
"Don't zone out now Slayer" said her Spike and then she faced the alternate Angelus.
"Finally, our long-awaited confrontation has arrived Buff" said Angelus
"I sent you to hell in this world and I can do it again" threatened Buffy
"That was an Angelus who had been driven nuts by having a soul but you are facing me and unlike my counterpart I am not obsessed with you. I just want to show you what a real vampire can do" replied Angelus with a sadistic smile on his face.
"I think that you are forgetting mate that she is not alone because she has me" said souled Spike
"Well Billy you must worship Angel because everything he has done you have copied but no matter once the Slayer is gravy then I can sort you out" replied Angelus.
Both Buffy and Spike attacked Angelus with a fury and for Spike it was venting his frustration for the times that Angelus has sex with Drusilla or made him a monster while Buffy still had bad feelings for the fact the Angelus in her dimension had killed her favourite teacher and tortured Giles and had also killed Willow's fish and could now vent without hurting Angel.
Angelus then ducked a punch from Spike and then kicked out catching him in the stomach. Buffy then hit him with a roundhouse punch in the chest and he ducked her next swing and hit her with a right cross to the face.
"You know how do you feel about eternal life Buff? I can make you into one of us and then we can kill the Immortal together" offered Angelus
"I would rather be with Spike then be with you and besides being a vampire would prevent me from going to the beach or looking after my skin" sneered Buffy and Angelus growled in anger.
"Thanks Buffy and shall we destroy him together" said Spike and he hit Angelus in the face with a left hook and he and Buffy proved to be a well-oiled team because they had fought together in Sunnydale. Angelus was soon put on the defensive
"Dru give me a hand" yelled Angelus and Drusilla charged over from her spot and squared up to Spike
"Spike is a bad boy by trying to kill Daddy" said Drusilla
"it is always about the Daddy whether in this dimension or in your one" growled Spike at the alternate version of his sire and ex.
"Well yes and Ms. Edith said you are covered by the nasty Slayer while Daddy isn't" replied Drusilla with a pout. She then scratched Spike on the cheek.
"Ouch you are a crazy bint" cursed Spike
"You need a spanking little dumpling and maybe that will drive thoughts of Slayer out of your head" said Drusilla with an insane smile.
'Well come to Daddy" said Spike and they circled each other before Drusilla jumped on him.
Spike fought back and hit her twice in the stomach before activating the wrist mounted stake and then lunging with them and Drusilla turned to dust.
"Goodbye Dru" mumbled Spike and he had mixed feelings about the whole thing as the insane vampire had been his sire and they killed together but now he was no longer that William the Bloody.
"It looks like Drusilla is dust" said Buffy to Angelus in between punches
"Oh well while she was my greatest creation, I can easily make another and maybe I will start with you" replied Angelus sneeringly.
"I am not that easy to break unlike her" warned Buffy and she kicked out catching him in the face and Angelus had been one of her hardest opponents she had to face because once she was in love with Angel.
"We will see kitten" said Angelus and he continued on fighting and finally Buffy began to get the upper hand and had staked Angelus and he turned to dust.
"Are you alright Buffy" questioned Spike seeing that part of her face was bruised from where Angelus had hit her.
"Yes I should be fine and good work on dusting Drusilla" said
"Well Dead boy it's a fine mess that you made of Los Angeles" said Xander as he ducked a punch from a vampire in a t-shirt and jeans.
"Well Xander I am doing my best to rectify matters" replied Angel with an annoyed expression
"I hope that you and Nina get a chance to be reasonably happy after all this but not too happy because then Buffy and I would have to stake you." said Xander seriously
"Thanks, I think" said Angel and he staked several of his undead brethren.
"Putting personal issues aside for the duration and maybe forever we still have a war to win" said Cordelia and she had scored several more vampires by using the lessons that she had learned from Angel.
"Anyone seen my son" called out Angel
"I think that he was with Faith" said Xander
"Good" replied Angel and he could now see his son holding his own with Faith's help against an alternate Spike.
"I am going to rip in you in half maggot and maybe that make Peaches even more of a brooding bastard" growled the alternate Spike
"You wish and were you trying to copy Billy Idol with your look or something" said Connor with a sarcastic smile.
"Actually, Billy Idol got the look from me" replied Spike
"Well you look ridiculous as punk has been over since the seventies" commented Connor
"Good one stud" praised Faith and she kicked alternate Spike in the chest before he lashed out with a right hook aimed at her face but she blocked it with her elbow.
Spike had seen his Drusilla being dusted by the souled wanker wearing his face and was determined to take out the white hats in revenge for his black goddess.
Connor punched Spike in the face and he vamped out.
"I am going to be better than Angelus when I take out my third Slayer" boasted Spike
"You couldn't kill B in this dimension what makes you think that I can kill me" replied Faith and she kicked him in the stomach. Finally, Connor and Faith managed to overwhelm him and Faith dusted him with one lunge to the chest.
"The fight got my juices flowing" said Faith
"Well if you can wait until the end of the fight then we will see what we can do about that" replied Connor with a grin.
"What is happening Liaison when you had promised this would go well" growled the Wolf
"I am not sure my master" replied Wesley
"Well so far we have lost Angelus, Drusilla and Spike" snarled the Ram
"Yes, but we still have the Immortal and Darla and 5 vampires" protested Wesley
"We will manifest to destroy Angel and those cretins" said the Hart
"Is that wise my Lord" asked Wesley hiding a smile.
"Yes, and the vampire with a soul had cost us more than enough in time, monet and resources" growled the Wolf
"If you say so master but we must not count out Angel because there have been times when we got to our lowest point then he will pull out some trick and defeat the enemy" cautioned Wesley
"He has never been up against us before and then we will will tear the Slayer Queen to shreds" said the Ram
Darla charged at Buffy the murderer of her Angelus and they were in a cat fight with punches and both blondes attempted to pull hair and had left scratch marks on faces.
"I am going to send you to join Angelus" threatened Buffy
"You will bleed and then die Slayer" growled Darla now truly enraged.
"Did you know that Angelus was going to turn me into a vampire and maybe I would have replaced you so why are you trying to get revenge for someone like that" questioned Buffy
"Well personally it is a good thing that you had dispatched Angelus because he would be a liability to the Wolf, Ram and Hart because no one can control his lust for destruction" said the Immortal and he tried to attack her with a sword.
"Kill her Morty" said Darla gleefully
"You know when I was in bed with you, I was thinking of Spike" said Buffy cruelly at her Italian lover.
"You and that thug deserve each other because you are both blonde, impulsive and violent" replied the Immortal with an evil look. He attacked her and they were in a vicious struggle and the Immortal had scored several wounds on her arm while Buffy had broken his nose with a well-aimed hook and it was spurting out blood.
"Help me Darla because she has broken my nose" said the Immortal thickly
Darla then smiled to herself and then she stabbed the Immortal in the spine and it was like watching a film of someone ageing all at once before turning into a skeleton.
"Why did you do that?" asked Buffy in shock to the blonde vampire
"No one can have you but me Slayer and I had wanted the Immortal to soften you up before making my move" explained Darla
"Well I have defeated the Master and the occasional gods and sent Angelus sent to hell so what makes you think that you can" snarled Buffy
"I am older than Angelus or Spike and you never beaten me in a fight in this dimension" commented Darla
"Well Angel no longer wants you because he is with someone else and your son Connor is embarrassed by you" sneered Buffy
"Yes, well once I get the Senior Partners to remove Angel's soul then we can sort out our ungrateful offspring" replied Darla
"Well I have more than one thing to say about that" said Buffy now worried by Angelus of her dimension being unleashed by Darla and the Senior Partners. She hit the older vampire in the face and then followed up with a kick and Darla cursed in pain.
"Ouch and you are really pissing me off blondie" said Darla
"The feeling is mutual queen of the dammed" replied Buffy sardonically and she followed up with a roundhouse kick and then she finally lunged with a stake and dusted Darla. She then took a few deep breaths and her Slayer healing had kicked in and most of the wounds from the Immortal were closing and she was feeling better.
"Hey B you dusted Darla and that is a good job girl" praised Faith
"I know we have must have won this round and the alternate Whirlwind is gone" said Buffy
"Don't count out the Senior Partners just yet" cautioned Angel
"Don't be a negative Nancy Peaches and Slayer is right because we have won" said Spike
"Angel is right and it would not make sense for the Senior Partners to let us walk away" said Cordelia
There was a rushing noise and a portal had opened and three beings had stepped through.
"Hello vampires with souls and Slayers prepare to meet your doom" boomed the monsters
"What the hell are you?" asked Spike
"We are the Senior Partners William the Bloody and you and Angelus have given us more than enough troubles" replied the Senior Partners in unison
Please read and review and thanks to Starway Man for his kind reviews and advice.