I've started working on Chapter 4. Since I don't know how long it will take to finish and upload it, here are some spoilers:

1) Houki will have either Akatsubaki or Akatsuki (look up Wiki or Volume 12) as her Personal IS in the Individual Division Tournament.
2) The Valkyrie Trace System shit won't happen, so the tournament for First Years will be held till the end. Only the Personal IS Unit battles will be described, the other battles will only be touched briefly.
3)Kanzashi will make her appearance.

The entire Individual Division Tournament will take two to three chapters to complete, maybe more.

Another thing. Please don't pressurize me into completing the chapters as I'm working on them in the middle of my Writer's Block with half-baked inspirations. I'll try my best to make them as good as possible. Apologies in advance if you end up disliking the chapters.


This is a callout to Kanzashi fans! I don't have a concrete idea of Kanzashi's IS- no, it won't be the one from Canon, it will be different- which is why, I need your help to come up with an IS for her. Since I don't have one ready for her, I want you guys to come up with one. While I can't guarantee you that I'll use the IS you came up with, I can however take your ideas/armaments into consideration. I will most probably mix the ideas you guys gave me to come up with one. Of course, her IS will be manufactured by Kuromochi Machinery Development, so it will be a 3rd Gen Prototype IS.

If you guys are interested in helping me with this matter, then please contact me in Discord using my Discord ID: Hikori Takeo#3025.

Now, assuming you agreed to help me with building an IS for Kanzashi, and on the off-chance have already made an IS for her, send me it in Discord in the form below:

Name: (Preferably something Japanese, English will do)
Core: (It will be between 002 to 467)
Pilot: Kanzashi Sarashiki
Generation: 3rd
Height: (Between 8'3" to 9'2")

Thank you!