Disclaimer: I don't own anything in the Rick Universe
Thanks to Falconress for this idea!
Thalia breathed deeply of the evening air. Being back at Camp Half-Blood, no matter for how long, always gave her new spirit. She touched the trunk of the pine tree that she'd lived for several years in, remembering, before turning back towards the main part of camp.
Taking the long way around, she passed by the camp lake, before pausing and turning back. Had she seen something? Perhaps one of the undersea creatures had stopped by with a message for Percy. They'd been doing that a lot lately. The Huntress knelt down by the edge of the lake and scanned the water. Nothing but some bubbles. But she was sure she'd seen something move...
Suddenly, running footsteps sounded behind her and she felt herself falling into the water, as well as hearing a loud cry of, "Sorry Thalia!" Thalia groaned and started trying to swim upwards.
Glancing down briefly, however, she finally saw what had been making the movements earlier. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, locked at the lips, encased in an air bubble and surrounded by fish. Gagging, she quickly swam to the surface and dragged herself up onto dry ground. A few moments later, a blushing Percy appeared to ask if she was alright and wanted to dry off. She accepted, but the moment he was done, quickly ran off to the Artemis cabin, where she spent the night lying awake and trying not to gag at the sight now imprinted in her mind.
Hope that was good enough :)