Disclaimer: I am not Rick and do not own his stuff.


also wow, I updated! That...that didn't take forever at all-

In a big city, anything could happen. Taxis on sidewalks? Normal. Empire State Building turning blue for no reason? Probably some event. Monster Donuts appearing out of thin air? Unsurprising.

So teenagers running down the streets of The Bronx chasing a black poodle was totally normal.

What wasn't normal was the giant squirrel the poodle was chasing. The giant, angry, definitely-not-friendly squirrel.

Percy ignored all the onlookers' strange looks and kept running after his pet and the monster. He didn't know how long he'd been chasing it but that squirrel was not killable and was definitely not nice. "So, which mythology group?" He panted to Annabeth.

The blonde's hair was completely undone and she looked only slightly less exhausted then Percy. "Not Greek or Roman."

"Not helpful."

"Shut up, Seaweed Brain."

"What did Sadie say?"

"Not Egyptian. They can't help, Brooklynn's a little far from where we are."

"So Norse?"

Annabeth huffed. "Percy, why would the giant squirrel that lives in that giant tree connecting the Nine Worlds be in New York, away from its job?"

"Of destroying the world. He can just terrorize people, good for heart attacks."


"Ok, ok! Let's just assume this is that Raghwani-Ratatouille, no- ugh,whatever his name is! How do we call up Magmus and his friends to wrangle this thing, we aren't qualified!"

The squirrel did not like the name "ratatouille" and stopped briefly to bite a table in half before running off again. Mrs. O'Leary followed closely. The demigods came close behind the dog.


"My phone's dead, Seaweed Brain. We established that after it died on Sadie's call."

"IMs won't work, no rainbows and we're on the run." Percy pointed out.

"Well then how about we let Mrs. O'Leary keep chasing this thing and either both of us or one of us can go call up Magnus with a payphone. Oh there's one! Go call him, Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth shoved a quarter in his hand and pushed him towards the payphone. "Call Mrs. O'Leary when you're done!"

Percy found himself running to the nearest payphone while his girlfriend went after the rogue squirrel. Frantically he somehow managed to dial up one Magnus Chase.

The phone rang. And kept ringing.

And ringing.

"Please answer..." Percy muttered, eyeing what was definitely a monster about a block away.

No answer came.

"Ugh, he's probably dead..." Percy groaned, slamming the phone back. "Right, now wha-"

He froze as he felt heavy breathing down his back. Turning around, he came face to face with a very devilish oversized marsupial.

He did the logical thing: Scream, shove a sword at its throat, and recreate the battle with the Namien Lion while your oversized dog barks and tries to help.

Annabeth was nowhere in sight.

"If you killed my girlfriend..." Percy growled as he tried to stab the crazy thing again, not caring about the New Yorkers passing by. "I swear to the gods-"

"Oye, Jackson! Over here, lead it here!"

Percy jumped off the squirrel and ran towards the sound of Alex Fierro's voice. Turning the corner, he saw Alex with a group of other people he guessed were Enharjars or Valkyries.

"We'll take it from here! Thanks for the stalling!" A redhead yelled as the Squirrel of Doom rushed out and the Norse demigods start working to lead it towards the nearest entrance to the World Tree.

Percy grabbed Mrs. O'Leary and moved back, watching until the squirrel was lost from sight and sound. "That. Was way too close."

"I agree." Annabeth said, nearly getting stabbed by Percy's surprise reflexes. "Hey, don't stab your girlfriend."

"Sorry Wise Girl." He put away Riptide and pulled her in for a kiss. "I'm just glad you're alright."

"Why wouldn't I be? I was the one calling up Alex. Turns out Magnus is running around with an elf and a dwarf at the moment so Alex and her friends from Valhalla took the job. That's why I didn't show up until now, I was busy bringing them here. So, wanna go grab some burgers?"

"Thought you'd never ask."