I don't own anything in the PJO universe.

Time to answer some stuff from the reviews. More directly then I usually do, by the way.

BubblesBella: I'm planning to add a CJ character later, though maybe not in the friend group. Also, as I mentioned in my PM, this is sort of set in a world where PJO and HoO happened but not ToA, KC, or MC. So yeah. Anyways, thanks for reading!

Falconress: I currently have four stories up and going. The PJ One-shots are sort of a side project, whenever I get inspired usually. After the Wars is currently in the works-right now I can't really think of a good way to continue with what I want the story to become, we'll see what happens with that. War of Many or War of Few is my top priority, and I'll keep updating a chapter or two a day, depednign on my schedule. As for PJ and NdA at Goode HS, well….I'm still figuring it out but it won't be a very long one I'm guessing, but once I finish the next two chapters It'll be pretty much done with maybe an update here and there just for yuks. I really do want to finish stuff but first I want to get some ideas out of my head so it'll motivate me (yea I know it's weird). I don't plan on making any more new ones at the moment though! Unless it's a single chapter or two chapters max. Which will never happen because I suck at short stories.

Everyone else: the only P.O.V.s I'm doing in this one are Percy and Nico. Yippee. Must…restrain…self…(Bonus shutout to anyone who can guess which CJ character I'm going to add-hint: they're featured as a P.O.V. in War of Many, War of Few)

Percy's P.O.V.

Finally, the last class of the day, Greek, came around. A huge relief, because here was something I dind't have to study. I mean, it's my life. Literally.

I headed to the room and entered, taking a seat next to Lia and Josh. The classroom was set up in a semicircle of 15 chairs, which was how many students was in this class. All but one was filled by now.

"D'ya guys know who the teacher is this year?" I asked my friends while taking out my notebook. Last year's teacher had retired, so no one knew who was going to teach this year.

Lia shook her head. "Nope. How 'bout you, Josh?"

"Nothing here. Oh hey Percy, that reminds me-how do you know Nico? I know you make friends with a lot of different people but a goth freshman?"

I opened my mouth to answer when the teacher came in and I almost fell out of my seat.

It was Chiron. In his wheelchair, of course.

"What the Hades?" I muttered.

Chiron just winked at me before turning to the class. "Hello, everyone. I am Mr. Brunner, your Greek Language and Mythology 2 teacher for this year. Since we're a small class, why don't we each go around and say our names, favorite Greek god, and favorite myth? After all, this is Greek 2 and by now you should all know the basics." Chiron (or rather, Mr. Brunner) smiled. "I'll go first, of course. I am Mr. Brunner, as I have previously stated-"

The door burst open, and Nico ran in, panting. "Di immortals, what kind of school numbers their classrooms like t-" His eyes grew wide as he suddenly saw Chiron, who gestured for him to take the last open seat. "Good to see you here, Nico. We're just introducing ourselves, just names, favorite god, and favorite myth."

Nico nodded, dumbstruck.

"Now as I was saying, I am Mr. Brunner. My personal favorite…hmm, it's rather hard to pick, so I'll go with a pretty cool god in my opinion, Zeus. Although Apollo is quite interesting as well. My personal favorite myth would have to be that of Odysseus." Chiron gestured to Josh. "You're next."

"Hi I'm Josh, my favorite god is probably Ares, and I like the myth of Odyseus returning from war and coming back to all the suitors." Josh said.

I went next. "Percy, favorite god is Poseidon, favorite myth is anything about Heracles."

"Lia, Aphrodite, Helen of Troy."

"Chris, Hermes The Rebellion Against Zeus." (A/N: yes yes I know I know…no it's not Chris Rodriguez)

"Alexis, Aphrodite, also Helen of Troy."

"Nico, Hades or Hestia, and I don't have a favorite myth."

"Hestia's not a goddess!" Alexis said.

Nico's ears went red. "Yes she is, she's the goddess of the Hearth!"

Chiron nodded. "It is true. Hestia is known as Goddess of the Hearth, and one of the 6 gods and goddess born to Kronos and Gaia. Continue." He motioned to the next student.

"Linus, Hephestus, Archilles and the Styx."

"Quincy, Athena I guess, and I also don't really have a specific one I really like."

And so it went on.

When the last person ("Georgia, Hera (Nico and I gagged at that one), and my favorite myth is about Pandora's Box"), Mr. Brunner told us a bit about himself. Most of which I already knew, but i played along anyways.

"Now, as you know, I am Mr. Brunner, the Greek teacher for the year. Some of you may know who I am, some might not. Either way is fine. In this class we'll be diving further into Greek Mythology and learning the Ancient Greek language. Not the modern Greek language, which is useless when reading Ancient Greek mythology, of course. Percy, Nico, you two will be assisting me with this."

"Why us?" Nico asked.

Chiron gave him a look. "Because the two of you have been taking my private classes for the last four years, and if neither of you can read Greek by now….Actually, that reminds me, why aren't the two of you in Advanced Greek?"

I shrugged. "Um…good question. I actually don't know."

Chiro nodded. "I'll have to look into that. Anyways, we shall start with the learning of some of the minor gods. For instance, Nico mentioned Hestia, goddess of the hearth. Does anyone here besides Percy and Nico know her story?"

Quincy raised his hand, and started telling the story perfectly as always as the rest of us listened.


Nico's P.O.V.

After class, since Percy had swim team and I had to ride back with him (no shadow traveling, Will's orders), I decided to approach Chiron.

"Oh hello, Nico. So, your father finally insisted on sending you to a proper highschool?" he asked, rearranging textbooks.

I nodded. "Yes he did. I'm staying at Percy's. So, who's the-um, you know." I didn't say demigod out loud, just in case someone was listening.

"Ah, so you caught me in the act." Chiron chuckled. I'd managed to figure out that if he was teaching at a school, there were unclaimed demigods around. "Well, take a guess."


Chiron looked surprised. "Actually, it's a girl by the name of Kylie Charleson. She's in your homeroom. Although you mentioned Quincy...What makes you think that?"

"Looks like a Cabin 6 camper, acts like Annabeth but less social, has that aura around him…"

"Ah. I..see. Hmm…Is Percy aware?"

I nodded. "I think so, but I'm betting he's not completely sure yet."

"Interesting. Hmm, how about this: You keep and eye on Kylie, I'll talk to Percy and have him keep tabs on Quincy. If they are what we think they are…"

"Head to Camp immediately. No problem." I nodded.

"Good. Well then, Nico, I shall see you tomorrow. Oh and don't slack on the homework, just because you know it doesn't mean I'm letting you off." He reminded as he rolled through the door.

I bade him goodbye before walking to the front of the school to wait.


I'd almost fallen asleep from boredom (and disposed of a very annoying minor monster) when Percy finally came out, joking around with one of his friends, Aaron I think his name was. "Yo Nico, sunburnt yet?" Percy teased.

I glared. "Ha ha, very funny. Can we go now?"

"Dude, you have a chauffeur."

"Which Hazel decided to nab, along with Dakota and Leila. Without my permission, may I add."

"Great. Now are you coming or not?" Oercy called, already heading to the car, where Aaron was slidding into the front seat. I groaned and shuffled over, collapsing in the back. Percy got in, turned the radio to some ocean-related music, and started talking stuff with Aaron.

Judging by the fact Aaron wasn't questioning my being in the car, I guessed that Percy had told him I had to ride to and fro with him.

I was hoping that Percy would drop Aaron off somewhere, but of course they were heading back to the apartment. Great. There went my afternoon of peace and quiet and the eating of Aunt Sally's delicious cookies.

Percy unlocked the front door when we arrived. "Hey Mom, we're back! Oh and I brought a friend!"

Aunt Sally came out from the kitchen. "Hello Percy, Nico. Oh, hello Aaron! It's lovely to see you again! Dinner's almost ready, you boys can lounge around the living room or something while I finish, alright?" She smiled, ruffling my hair and hugging Percy.

"No problem, Mom! Hey Aaron, want to check out the new Undersea merch I picked up at the mall last week?" Percy asked. Aaron just grinned back. "Totally, dude!" They started down the hall to what was currently our shared bedroom.

I groaned and followed. To make sure they didn't touch my stuff.

While the two swim jocks talked about Hades knows what, I started doing the Greek homework. It was easy. Name the 12 Olympians. Name 3 minor gods. Basics, in short.

Suddenly, Aaron seemed to notice something. "Hey wait…." He frowned, looking around the room. "Percy, when did you start sharing a room?"

"Since Nico decided to show up unannounced this morning." Percy sighed.

I rolled my eyes. "I got here at midnight, Fishhead. And I did announce it. I told your mom last week."

"Yeah, well, she didn't tell me!"

"Probably because you'd have strangled me if you knew."

"True. But that doesn't mean I'll strangle you now."

Aaron held up his hands. "Woah, guys. Take it easy. So, are you guys related or something, because otherwise that'd be weird…"

"Our dads are brothers." Percy explained. Unhelpfully.

"We're cousins. And I practically already lived here part time before this, so I figured I'd just move in permanently." I cleared up Aaron's confused look. To some extent.

Luckily, Aunt Sally called us for dinner before certain things got revealed.

That's chapter 2! Hope you enjoyed, and feel free to leave a review with ideas, criticisms, anything reasonable goes!