Chapter 1: A Serendipitous Encounter

Rosy cheeks, blue tinted black hair, deep amethyst eyes sprinkled with gold and azure blue, supple red lips.

She was a sight to behold.

It was during mid-winter when I first caught sight of her. The snow was soft on my skin, the chilling bite that it left behind as the small drops melted on my heated flesh was refreshing. But still, it was neither her dark, pulled-up hair, nor the regal kimono she wore that captured my attention. No, it was her striking eyes that caught the breath in my lungs.

She stood there head tilted back, eyes trained upward onto the pelting snow before turning so fast I half expected her to get whiplash.

Her indifferent gaze was unnerving, especially towards one such as me, but instead of putting her in her place I, instead opted towards a more calm interaction. "Do you play?" I asked her.

A few moments passed. And silence.

Her face scrunched up in a most amusing way as she tried to read my ever impassive face. Truthfully, her wooden instrument was something my mind barely registered as I took in the sight of her. And just as I was about to turn and leave, she uttered something so softly that I may not have been able to hear lest I was not the demon I was.

"Yes" was the quiet reply, but I heard the slight inflection in her tone that indicated it to be a question.

A small-almost imperceptible upturn of the corners of my lips was my initial response. But after receiving nothing but a blank stare full of questions that I did not deem yet important to answer, I uttered three words.

"Play for me" It was a statement, a demand and answer all in one.

She in turn raised a delicately groomed brow, it was endearing, surely not the reaction she wanted to elicit from me, but it was what she received nonetheless.

I am after all a Lord first and foremost, before I am a male. It is how I've been taught and bred. She will get nothing more than what is necessary.

A/N: It seems that my muse has been quite awake recently, and though I am glad for the change of pace, I wonder how long it will last.