Chapter 2: Danger in Purity
He came to me when the snow fell, and the white winds blew, and I couldn't help but immerse myself in its chill.
My breath was pale against the numbing air, I blinked thoughtfully as the frost patiently kissed my face. I was captivated by the soft, dusty illusions of light that sat heavy on my eyelashes. I adored the snow, with its white clingy bite, more-so when it was falling.
White is a beautiful color.
White is the quietness between dusk and dawn, the peaceful expression of purity, innocence, virtuosity.
White exists as the perfect culmination of equality, a blank slate, whole.
White is angelic in its composition. It is divine, ethereal, soulful.
White is a beautiful color.
But to me, white has always been dangerous.
It was a fact that I had come to understand through living in a time where the Innocent were far and few, and nature was my only reprieve.
The sudden burst of heat was what alerted me to his position, the soft sounds of his feet barely touching the freshest layer of snow. The sharp bite of his demonic power, grating against my own.
A shiver ran down my back.
The winter air was not its cause.
A/N: It has been a while...