AN: I do not own Harry Potter, I do not own Digimon.
(Inside the D-Reaper)
The group continued on "This is the craziest place I've ever seen! Even the Digital World made more sense than this but if Mr Mizuno can get us in here, my Dad can get us out, hopefully with all the pieces in the right places" "It's hard to believe that this is all real, that we're actually, going into battle" Dominimon shrugged "It doesn't feel that odd to me but then, I was raised to be a weapon of war so it wouldn't".
Justimon nodded "We fought a war so this is the norm for us" Gryphonmon shrugged "It will never be easy and we'll have nightmares later but we'll find a way to win, we always do" "A little more than a card game right? Did you ever imagine that when all of this started we'd have to save the world?" "How could I? I was too busy calling myself the Digimon Queen" "Then you met Harry and things changed".
"He has a tendency to do that, before I became friends with Harry in the old world, I was a shy, clumsy idiot with no self-confidence, Harry built that up and made me into what I am today" "When I meet Harry everyone bullied me and called me Looney Lovegood because of the way I acted, I had no real friends, then Harry barged his way into my life and turned it around, we'd do anything for our leader, our teacher, our friend and our Brother".
Dominimon shrugged bashfully "I was raised to believe that my life was worthless compared to everyone else's, I was a waste of space and my relatives drilled it into me, then when I was eleven, I was brought to a world of magic, there I met and old man who I thought to be my mentor and a friend who I thought to be the nicest guy ever, the old man was turning me into a martyr and the friend was planning on benefitting from my death".
"We lost a lot of good people in that war, four of which are my parents, Uncle Siri and Uncle Remus, Luna, Daphne and Neville or as you known them Catharine, Daphne and Ryo were also all killed during or just after the war against Tom Riddle, the man who killed my parents, I was murdered by the girl I thought I loved and my best friend so that they could use my death to make themselves rich".
Dominimon looked at them all as thy stayed silent "The Death spoke to me, I had become her Master in my old life, she sent me here and gave me back my family and three of my friends, she gave me a chance to meet all of you, she gave me the chance to fight for what was right on my own terms, not someone else's, I owe that deity everything and one day, I will pay her back, until then, we'll live and we'll fight".
Dominimon looked forwards as the Mother D-Reaper started to speak "Human beings desire destruction, human beings desire annihilation, human beings desire to scare other human beings, human beings cause war, human beings destroy other human beings, Human beings created Digimon to fight battles and load data so that they would grow in strength, Digimon have one purpose, to satisfy the human need for Destruction".
Dominimon growled as the others came closer "But that is not true of us anymore" "Yeah, we're not fighting anyone but you" "You have it all wrong D-Reaper, you haven't felt the strength and happiness of Biomerging, we're good for each other, humans and Digimon, we make each other better, and we're not going to let you stop us" Gallantmon jumped into the air but a massive light shone from the face of the Mother D-Reaper.
A bubbling sound was heard from behind them and MegaGargomon turned around "What is that?" the floor suck and created a massive hole "Forget about that, let's go" Gallantmon and Justimon rushed at the Mother D-Reaper, Sakuyamon, MegaGargomon and Gryphonmon looked at the hole "But there's something there" "Where?" a mass of cables came out of the vortex and formed into a creature which roared.
Dominimon shook his head "Sakuyamon, MegaGargomon, help Gallantmon, leave this thing up to me, Justimon and Gryphonmon, we have a plan ready just in case something went sideways" Justimon rushed back over to them and Gryphonmon nodded "Are you sure?" Dominimon nodded "Yes, go!" Sakuyamon hesitated before nodding "You better come back to me, you haven't even kissed me yet" Dominimon chuckled and nodded.
Sakuyamon and MegaGargomon flew over to help Gallantmon and Dominimon looked at the other two "Okay guys, its time, use the technique" the two nodded "Slide Digivolution: Justimon…Slide Digivolves to…Seraphimon" "Slide Digivolution: Gryphonmon…Slide Digivolves to…Ophanimon" the three others looked back to see the three celestial angel Digimon "What the heck?" "When did they learn to do that?".
"Okay guys, let's come together, Final Excalibur!" "Strike of the Seven Stars!" "Eden's Javelin!" the three attacks collided with the new D-Reaper entity, causing it to recoil and scream as the attacks burned it, Gallantmon rushed up the side of the Mother D-Reaper only for a Jeri head to be made and blast him back down paralysing him "Guilmon" "I'm sorry Takato" "Nooo" 'Do you want to fly, Gallantmon?'.
"Who are you?" 'Do you want to fly; I will give you my wings' "Wings? I could fly?" Grani shot down from the sky "Grani!" 'I can no longer move on my own but Dominimon created a safe place for me to stay, you can have my wings, Gallantmon, I shall be hidden in the safe place until you can create a new body for me, fly Gallantmon, I give this gift to you' "Thank you Grani" Grani's form fused with Gallantmon.
"Slide Digivolution: Gallantmon…Slide Digivolves to…Gallantmon Crimson Mode" the new Gallantmon was crimson red with 10 glistening white angel wings, it had a glowing energy knight's sword in its hand and a glowing energy lance in the other, Dominimon turned around "From two becomes one, the Knight and the Dragon Steed, together, they form the Radiant Crimson Knight of Heavenly Wings, now go, Gallantmon Crimson Mode, save Jeri and defeat that D-Reaper!".
Gallantmon aimed his lance at the fake head of Jeri "Final Justice!" he blasted it emitting a massive burst of golden light as disintegrated the head and confined it to oblivion, Sakuyamon stared in shock "Can that really be Gallantmon?" Gallantmon flew up as the head disintegrated, Dominimon turned back to the other D-Reaper form and cupped his hands Grand Cross!" "Sefirot Crystal!" "Raising Halo!" the three attacks collided with the new D-Reaper and caused it to roar in pain again.
Dominimon growled "We're not doing enough damage" a few familiar voices came from below "So, how about we help?" Dominimon looked down as the four Digimon Sovereign flew up past the D-Reaper and landed nearby, Dominimon looked at them before looking at the other two celestial angels "We're going to have to use it" "It's not ready, we haven't tested it" "If we don't we die" Ophanimon sighed "Damn it fine".
Dominimon looked at the sovereign "Stand back, this might cause some backlash" he flew up with the other two celestial angels "The final technique, Dominimon" "Ophanimon" "Seraphimon" "DNA Digivolve to…" "WHAT? WHAT IS THIS POWER?" "Zerachielimon" this new angel Digimon had six armoured angel wings, it wore a blue Domino mask with a golden cross ono the front of it, like the others, it had a flaming sword in one had with angel wings for a hilt.
In its other was Ophanimon's shield, it had long black hair flowing from behind its mask, it had massive blue armour down the top half of its body and a robe covering the rest, it glowed with an ethereal light before floating in the air above the D-Reaper which moved away from it, it tried to use its scythe attacks only for them to be erased by Zerachielimon's pure aura "This ends today D-Reaper" he looked at the four Sovereign.
"Are you ready for our gift, Digimon Sovereign?" "Give it to us, oh Celestial King Zerachielimon" Zerachielimon aimed his sword at the four Sovereign "We give you the power, Celestial Power Up! You can now DNA Digivolve using you four as the pieces, become the final Digimon Sovereign, the Digimon Sovereign King, Fanglongmon" the four Sovereign looked at each other before shrugging "Azulongmon" "Ebonwumon" "Baihumon" "Zhuqiaomon" "DNA Digivolve to…Fanglongmon".
In the place of the four Sovereign, there was now a massive Golden Dragon with red orbs implanted throughout his body, Zerachielimon nodded "You can now change back and transform at will, Fanglongmon, now, let's us destroy this thing" Fanglongmon nodded and both flew at it "Oukai!" the ground below Fanglongmon ripped up and started a hurricane that tore into the D-Reaper as Zerachielimon flew up into the air.
"Celestial God's Judgement!" he spun his sword around a few times before slashing down as it glowed, a wave of energy flew off of the sword and crashed into the D-Reaper, disintegrating it instantly, Zerachielimon breathed in and out heavily before De-Digivolving into Dominimon, Ophanimon and Seraphimon, Dominimon looked at the other D-Reaper and flew over "Slide Digivolution: Dominimon…Slide Digivolves to…Lucemon Chaos Mode".
Lucemon looked back at Fanglongmon "Go back to the Digital World, we can handle things from here" Fanglongmon nodded and flew down the vortex and back into the Digital world before De-Digivolving again, Lucemon flew up the D-Reaper as he saw MegaGargomon go into the vortex and start spinning, Lucemon shot up to where Gallantmon Crimson Mode was fighting, he cupped his hands "Grand Cross!" the enemies all around Gallantmon exploded into nothingness.
Gallantmon looked at him "Lucemon" "I'm here to help, now, watch this manoeuvre" he raised his hands "I call upon the most powerful light magic of all" Ophanimon and Seraphimon turned to him and gave him a portion of their energy "Thanks guys, Expecto Patronum!" a giant glowing white Dominimon flew from his hands and drove through everything it touched, destroying the agents as they appeared and damaging the Mother D-Reaper "Let's go" the two flew up following it.
"We're coming Jeri" "Negative, subject Gallantmon" a smaller agent flew out of the D-Reaper and blasted Gallantmon, Lucemon grabbed it and tossed it to the side "You're fight is with me, Ultimate Sacrifice!" the agent got trapped in a ball of energy which exploded, the agent disintegrated instantly, Gallantmon and Lucemon continued onwards towards the cracked Kernel sphere, they finally made it and saw it filling with chaos liquid, Lucemon waved his arms "Evanesco!" the liquid disappeared and Gallantmon grabbed Jeri and Calumon.
Lucemon jumped up "Slide Digivolution: Lucemon Chaos Mode…Slide Digivolves to…Dominimon" Dominimon placed his hand on Jeri "Purifying Wave!" they heard a screech as a darkness flew out of Jeri's body and vanished, Dominimon nodded and looked at Gallantmon "Let's go" Gallantmon nodded "Right" they flew out of the Kernel sphere and down towards the others, destroying anything that got in their way, they then noticed the ground seemingly being sucked into the vortex, the saw the massive D-Reaper going as well, as soon it as it was Dominimon flew over to the hole "Slide Digivolution: Dominimon…Slide Digivolves to…Lucemon Chaos Mode" he held out his hands "Accio MegaGargomon!".
When nothing came up Lucemon growled and held out his hands again "Accio Henry and Terriermon!" the two flew out of the vortex and Harry caught them both as Seraphimon and Ophanimon caught Renamon and Rika and Takato and Guilmon as they De-Digivolved, they rushed through the mass, after creating a hole in it and watched as the D-Reaper vanished forever, they sighed "It's finally over".
Lucemon frowned as he felt his instincts tell him that there was something wrong and to be prepared 'I'll just ransack the library and kitchen tonight and pack it all into an extendable bag, just in case' they flew over to the park and everyone De-Digivolved back into the human and Digimon partners and cheered as they had finally won "Right, party later, let's get back to our parents" the others nodded and the group rushed away.
AN: Okay, being honest, I did create the OC Digimon, Zerachielimon, that was my creation and I was upset about the fact that a series finally showed all four Sovereign Digimon but never showed their DNA Digivolution so I brought him in.