Hi everyone, I'm back with a sequel. We are now in Sam's POV. Still lots of drama to come. Be sure to check out Book 1 or you may be confused. Please let me know what you think, reviews keep me motivated! Enjoy!

Chapter 1- Evil Re-born

No. This couldn't be happening. Over a decade of her life wasted and used to keep Jason and Elizabeth apart. She felt angry. She felt confused. She felt… embarrassed. Only good thing was finding out Drew was Danny's father. She spent so much of her time wanting to have a child with Jason, but Danny deserved better. He deserved a dad who would make that effort with him. To put him and Scout first.

But her focus right now was on Mom… lying there, as if she were only sleeping. Sam struggled against the restraints. "No! You monsters! Bring her back!"

"It's too late," Valentin said. "Mother dearest is long gone now. I think this is much better than death."

"Nooo…" Sam's eyes stung from crying so hard.

"When can we do it, boss?" Morgan asked.

"Now," Valentin said.

"I am-a de bos-s-a," Salvatore interrupted. "I give de orders-a. We cano do it now-a."

Valentin rolled his eyes. "The papers are already drawn on the table between 1 and 2."

Morgan glared at his parents and seized the papers from the bedside table. "1… you need to sign this."

Sonny stared at him. "What is it?"

"It signs everything over to me," Morgan said.

"Don't do it, Sonny," Drew said.

"What's the matter… Dad…" Morgan gritted his teeth. "Planned to leave everything to your golden son instead?"

"Do it, Sonny," Carly said. "We can trust Morgan. Then he'll get us out of here."

"I'm not so sure about that, Carly," Jason said.

"I'm sorry, son," Sonny said. "But you deserve better."

"Henrik," Valentin interrupted. "I think it's time for another round of hypnosis on 1. You know what to do."

Peter stepped forward and lifted a black device and placed it over Sonny's head. Unlike Mom's, Sonny's had several lenses in front of his face as though he were getting his eyes examined. Sonny flinched as Peter flipped a pair of lenses in front of his eyes. "1, focus on the images. Focus on the images of your son. You will bow to him. You will sign everything over to him. Your finances, your business, your properties… your allegiance will be to Morgan, but no one will know of this. You will still be the acting Counterfeit Leader." Peter lifted the device from Sonny's head.

"Now, 1, would you like to sign these papers?" Valentin asked.

Sonny nodded. "Yes."

"No, Sonny don't!" Drew said.

"Sonny, listen to me," Jason said. "You've been hypnotised."

But Sonny reached for the papers and pen and signed it immediately. Morgan grinned.

Sam let out a deep breath and looked over at Mom… still lying unconscious.

"Very good," Valentin said. "Dr. Cabot. Erase 1 and 2's memories of today's events. 2 is on the right path and doesn't seem to need another procedure done."

Dr. Cabot lifted a device without the lenses and placed it over Sonny's head and placed another over Carly's. Then he placed a syringe into each of their IVs, likely a sedative. He hooked up his laptop and Sonny and Carly closed their eyes.

"Do you honestly believe you're going to get away with this?" Drew asked. "Stop now and leave town. We'll turn a blind eye. Just stop this."

Valentin laughed, then turned to Peter. "Henrik, onto Patient 3. We need to push her closer to Mr. Lansing. I think another round of hypnosis will do the trick."

Sam looked over at Elizabeth's panic-stricken eyes.

"Leave her alone," Jason spoke up, tugging on his restraints.

But Peter lifted Sonny's first device onto Elizabeth's head, but switched the lenses. "Patient 3, focus on the images of Mr. Lansing. You will continue in your relationship with him and you will marry him."


Sam whipped her head around and gasped at Nikolas' voice. He wobbled in limping and attempted to tackle Morgan to the ground, but part of his body was limp as if he'd been doped up on something and he dropped to the floor.

Valentin groaned. "I see you escaped from the next room. Morgan, bound him."

Morgan reached inside his pockets and pulled out some rope. He tied some around Nikolas' mouth and wrists.

Valentin nodded at Peter. "I think that is our cue to leave. Dr. Cabot, I trust you and Salvatore can continue without us?"

Dr. Cabot nodded. "Indeed."

Peter helped Morgan drag Nikolas out of the room with Valentin trailing behind.

Dr. Cabot lifted the device from Elizabeth's head and Dr. Cabot replaced it with a lense-free device. Then he drugged her IV. She slowly closed her eyes and her body went limp. "Now onto 4…" He lifted the device from Elizabeth and placed it over Sam's head. He walked over to his laptop.

Sam's eyes moved from her unconscious mom to Drew, heart racing fast. Then, Salvatore walked over to her. "'el-lo, beautifool-a. Poihaps before de procedoore…" He placed a hand on her thigh causing her to twitch. "We cano 'ave a quick one."

"No, get away from her!" She heard Drew shout.

He leaned forward pressing his cigar-smelling lips to hers. "No!" Sam yelled.

Bang! Marchesi dropped onto Sam's lap, blood gushing from the back of his head. She looked up and her dad was pointing a gun in her direction. Jordan, Dante, and Chase were gathered around him.

"There's Cabot," Jordan said. "Arrest him, Chase."

Chase darted over to Cabot and cuffed him. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law…"

Cabot grinned. "I'll just escape again."

Julian seized Marchesi off of Sam and threw him onto the floor. He kicked him several times.

"Julian, stop it!" Jordan dropped beside Marchesi.

Julian looked between Alexis and Sam, then started ripping off Sam's restraints.

"No, go to Mom…" Sam said.

"She'd want me to free you first." He continued removing her restraints, then darted over to Alexis with Sam.

Sam glanced over at the others. Dante was removing Drew's restraints.

"What happened?" Julian asked, pulling a restraint off her mom's left wrist.

Tears spilled down Sam's cheeks. "They wiped Mom's memories and gave her new ones. But they didn't say whose."

Paramedics rushed in with four stretchers for Sonny, Carly, Elizabeth, and Mom.


"Sam, you need to get checked out too," Julian said as they watched through the little window into Mom's room.

"No, I'm fine. I want to make sure Mom is okay," Sam said.

"Even Jason and Drew are getting checked out."

"No, you need to stay the hell away from my mom!" Cameron said through gritted teeth as he and Ric turned a corner.

Ric pressed him against the wall. "I am warning you, Cameron. You keep coming between me and your mom, you'll regret it."

"Hey!" Julian called over to him. "Leave the kid alone."

Ric straightened out Cameron's shirt and smiled a little. "I'm sorry, just under a little stress. I'm worried about Elizabeth."

The door to Mom's room opened and Finn stepped out.

"How is she?" Sam asked.

"She's awake now, but…" Finn said. "She thinks she's someone else."

Sam sighed.

"You can see her, but be warned… it's not pretty," Finn continued. "I'll go contact Andre Maddox. But without Alexis' consent, we may not be able to correct it."

Finn took off down the hallway. Sam looked up at her dad with wide eyes.

He nodded at her and opened the door. "Let's go see her."

They walked inside and she was staring at the wall. She turned to them and grinned. "Well, helloo, Samantha."

Julian scrunched his face. "Lex?"

"Who are you?" Sam asked.

"Don't you recognize me?" She studied her fingernails. "I discovered a way for me to live on. To carry on the Cassadine legacy since Nikolas failed me."

Sam clenched her jaw. "Helena…"