Star Wars: A Twisted Fate
AN: Hello everyone, welcome to my first fan fiction I will be taking some liberties in how the Jedi hierarchy operates and the plot after episode 1 as well as Anakin's personality because let's face it he's an ex-slave who's only ever known the desert planet of Tatooine In my universe Episode 1 happened just like it did in the movie with one change, Obi-Wan was granted the rank of knight but still deemed ill prepared to train Anakin. Instead he is sent to the regular Jedi initiates at the temple to be trained as other initiates until either Obi-Wan is ready or another master wishes to take him. Only other heads up, I plan to screw the timeline of star wars like crazy. Post episode 1 everything will change. I will include the clone wars and the movies in here though so don't worry. The story also picks up 6 months after the end of Phantom menace. Enjoy! Please read and review... and be gentle?
Summary: A twist of fate occurs around Anakin's beginning years as a Jedi initiate. How will it change his fate to have a new master? A new drive to be better and become the best that he could fate will befall the galaxy with Anakin Skywalker leading the charge? What's this feeling he has that something is hiding and waiting for him beyond the known. Eventual romance. NO SLASH.
Chapter 1: Will to Grow
Anakin couldn't believe it. How could he have been deceived in such a way? Being a Jedi wasn't space battles and saving the galaxy. It was torture, plain and simple torture. Force, what he would give to escape this wretched room and be back on Naboo flying around or well, doing anything but, this torture. He felt like he was going to pass out from sheer boredom.
"Initiate Skywalker! Are you going to pay attention to the lesson or would you rather take a moment to collect yourself as a proper padawan in training should?"
Anakin looked up from his desk, just now realizing he was nearly passed out in the middle of his lessons again. A whole crowd of twenty to thirty other initiates staring at him in wonder and annoyance on his lack of attention to the class. Oh god they were all staring at him again. Now what? What should he say?
"uhm... I'm sorry master Billaba. My mind was elsewhere."
"Well then perhaps you could enlighten the class on what we were discussing since you feel you know the subject well enough to not pay attention... No?Then pay attention for the rest of class at the very least."
"Yes master." Anakin sighed, trying his hardest to sound sincere that he wanted to pay attention. He really did want to pay attention and do good. He wanted to make master Qui-Gon proud but learning about the policies and politics of the republic were just so boring. Being a jedi was supposed to be exciting, having a master, learning how to use the force and returning to Tatooine one day to save all the slaves and his mom. That knight from Naboo, Obi-Wan said he would train him no matter what, but then a little old green jedi with pointy ears said that the knight wasn't ready and Anakin had to learn the basics anyway before he could be taken on as a padawan.
Master Billaba just kept talking, though, on and on about policies and how a Jed's responsibility was to act as a guardian of peace and justice, upholding the laws in the republic while adhering to the Jedi code. That's what being peace keepers of the galactic republic meant. But... a thought occurred to Anakin as he put his hand up.
"Initiate Skywalker this is a lecture, questions are advised from being asked until the end."
"I know. I'm sorry master. I had a question about what it means to be a Jedi."
"Very well," Anakin could hear the master's exasperation with him, "what is your question?"
"Well... uhm... I was wondering, you said that Jedi are guardians of peace and justice in the republic but what about outside of the republic? Don't the Jedi help outside of the republic to preserve peace and stop injustice out there?" Anakin desperately hoped he didn't sound as terrified as he felt.
"The Jedi do not act out of our juristiction in the republic, it's that simple, initiate Skywalker. Now as i was saying, the republic as a who-"
"But, I thought the Jedi were supposed to serve the force and it's will? why would Jedi serve the republic instead? What are the Jedi meant to do if the republic goes against the will of the force? A jedi's responsibility should be towards the innocent and protect those in need not just obeying and upholding laws in the republic. What about all the crime happening in the outer rim?"
"Initiate Skywalker! That is quite enough."
"But there are people suffering in the outer rim and outside the republic! They matter just as mu-"
"That is enough! Your outbursts in the class will not be tolerated. You may take yourself and your data pad to the room of a thousand fountains and meditate on your outbursts. Think of the proper ways a Jedi must conduct themselves and remember the Jedi code. There is no emotion, there is peace. Students remember the Jedi code always, as it will keep you on the path of the light."
Ten standard years old and Anakin is already being thought of as rebellious and being kicked out of class. Grabbing his datapad and pushing his padawan braid off his shoulder he huffed and left the class, ignoring the stares from half the class and the look of superiority on Ferus Olin's face. Ferus the prized student of the class, never getting a question wrong and never getting into arguments with the masters. Maybe master Qui-Gon made a mistake.
Traveling through the pristine halls of the Jedi temple Anakin made his way to the massive doors leading to the Jedi's green house, known as the room of a thousand fountains. The whole way to the doors, Masters and padawans alike gawked at him as he passed. Some of them openly whispering while others merely stared in curiosity at the being Qui-Gon believed to be the chosen one. As coveted and stoic as the Jedi were, even they could not help but gawk at the being believed to be their saviour, the one to vanquish the Sith, bringing balance to the force. Anakin tried to ignore it, tried to hide and shy away. He's never had this much attention before, slaves weren't meant to draw attention. They were meant to stay silent and unnoticed. Six months ago Obi-Wan said to not let it get to him, he'll get used to it, he said. he couldn't help it though, walking through these halls felt like torture worse than anything Watto had ever dished out. He constantly wondered what being the chosen one meant. What did balance of the force even mean? He tried asking master Billaba about the prophecy he hears about every time he wanders the halls, but, he always gets the same response, "only the grandmaster of the Jedi order and anyone he deems ready is allowed to bear the burden of knowing the prophecy. Chosen one or not I doubt an initiate will be granted knowledge masters are not privy to."
Opening the doors to the gardens Anakin stopped and stared in wonder. He'd been in here many times already. Let's face it he'll probably get sent here again and but wow all the water and green, he doubted he'd ever get used to seeing this no matter how many times he visited the gardens. It was beautiful. Mom would have loved it, to see water and touch all these plants. Learning about the force the last six months have opened a sense anakin always knew was there but could never properly grasp and now that he can its like everything is connected.
The universe calls to him in ways no one would understand. All these plants, all these living organisms the feelings from them. They called to him in ways the temple never did. Tatooine felt like exactly what it was in contrast, a desert, a useless sand ball devoid of this light that made him want nothing more than to never leave these gardens. The light called to him, plants thanking him through the force for returning. Not literally. Plants weren't conscious obviously. It was just a feeling. That's what Anakin loved about the force, it wasn't technical for him, unlike the force forsaken classes on politics and laws he was forced to take at the Temple. The force was natural, always answering his call and his questions.
Finishing his mini monologue to himself that the plants really did miss him, he continued onward, a bench already in mind deep in the garden. The massive doors close behind him that could have fit ten people standing on top of each other. What Jedi was big enough they needed to make those doors so big? Anakin did not want to meet them anytime soon. How Jedi could be as small as Yoda and as large as whatever the doors were made for made Anakin falter in his steps a bit. The galaxy really was incredible. Master Yoda would probably still lecture a being 40 times his own height and come out making them nervous and sweat in his presence. Giggling a little at the thought of the grandmaster doing just that he neared his destination.
Pushing aside a pile of grainy branches belonging to a wroshyr tree, Anakin gazed at his destination. A waterfall the size of a space shuttle was falling into a small lake below it surrounding itself with rocks covered in dense clumps of green and so many different kinds of flowers and trees, the colours blurred together. Anakin's senses lit up like a Cantina at night all this life everyone. It was beautiful. The falls crashed down to the rocks below reminded Anakin of a ship taking off it was so loud. At the edge of the lake a circular clearing was laid out with a bench at its centre. Small and laden with bits of ferrocrete underneath it Anakin took a seat on the bench, placing his training saber at his side, Anakin crossed his legs and began to feel the force flow.
Feeling the force flow around him, Anakin felt almost home, comforted in a way. It flowed around, through him, and into him. Never once abandoning him. the force reminded him of his mother kindly caressing her hands through his sandy hair. The course, rough substance always clumped in his hair on Tatooine. Shmi Skywalker the kind mother that she was always consoled him and cheered him up whether it was sand everywhere or Watto being extra cruel some days. The force felt just like that. It loved him like a long lost parent would a child. Anakin doubted what his mother said was true, that the force created him. It felt too vast, too amazing. Why would it bother with him. He's just Anakin Skywalker the ex slave and Jedi initiate.
Imagining his own force presence curling into the ever expansive energy like a baby would towards it's mother he relaxed into it. As amazing as it felt the force pulled more for him. Trying to pull at his feelings, to wash away his worries and pain like long needed fresh air first felt on Naboo all those months ago. Anakin held on though. Refusing to let go, because letting go of his worries, his pain and his past meant letting go of everything. Anakin wouldn't let go, no, he couldn't let go. Letting go meant letting go of his past, of his mother, master Qui-Gon and all he did for him. The freedom of leaving Tatooine, of running towards the sparkling ship out in the vast desert, the sudden fear of nearly dying to that red and black monster that attacked master Qui-Gon and later ended his life. He needed these feelings. They meant he was alive. That fear after nearly dying to that monster meant he survived, he could still make master Qui-Gon proud.
The force did not like his rejection though. Like an illusion in the desert sands it slowly faded into the distance. Still there and by his side but, a pale candle in comparison to the flame it felt like moments ago. Groaning once again in frustration at his own weakness he uncrossed his legs. Running his hands through his face and pushing his hair back he opened his eyes and...
"Ahhhhh!" He screamed.
A tall older man was towering over him a few feet in away from him staring holes into his head. He was dressed in all brown coloured silk with a brown cloak hooked around his shoulders and a black belt like wrapping around his waste area. Anakin looked up, staring up at his wrinkled face. He had a neatly trimmed grey beard reminiscent of Qui-Gon's own but more well kept, regal in a way Anakin couldn't quite understand. A widows peak of silver adorned his head, his hair appearing to be slicked back.
"You're doing it wrong boy." He nearly spat at Anakin.
Anakin's face flushed in response. "I... I know that. I can tell it's not meditating isn't working."
The look he got in response made Anakin nearly wish he could be back on Tatooine surrounded by sand. Nearly. He wasn't that intimidated, yet.
"It is not that meditating does not work, it is that you do not know what you are doing. You fight against the force like a kinwrath pup fighting for a scrap. I would expect that an initiate of your age would have a better grasp of the living force."
All Anakin could do was look down in shame at this older mans blunt statements. He was not wrong. While his progress has been remarked as incredible in comparison to many other initiates he is still very far behind in his understandings of the very basics of being a Jedi that most initiates learn in their early years. It wasn't't his fault though, "I've only been a training for the last six months."
"What!?" Startling Anakin once again with his outburst, the older Jedi stared at Anakin unnerving him with his lack of blinking.
"What is your name boy?"
"What", ignoring the suddeness of the question,"Ana... Anakin sir. Anakin Skywalker."
Somehow nearly instantly the look of annoyance at Anakin quickly changed through a handful of emotions Anakin could barely keep up. Shock, sadness, pain, and lastly a look of curiosity as he began to move closer, taking a seat beside the now utterly confused Anakin.
"Um... did you need anything from me mas..."
"You're the boy Qui-Gon brought to the temple with him? His last mission and act as a Jedi master correct?"
"Uhmm... yes sir. I guess that's true."
"You guess? My boy if you have any intention of being a proper Jedi you will have to be far more sure of yourself, you understand?"
Straightening up in his seat, hands in his lap he said as confidently as a ten year old in his situation could, "yes sir. I understand."
"Good. Now you're meditating wrong. I can feel your frustrations and your emotions not being released. Why?"
"I don't want to... release them I mean. They are me. I don't want to stop having feelings or forget my feelings towards people. How can I be a Jedi and protect people if I can't feel what they feel or understand them. We'd be nothing more than droids wouldn't we?"
Fearing for the same response he got from his teacher during his class today he looked up wards.
"You're quite foolish aren't you? The force does not take away your feelings or force you to let go. You must learn to let go on your own. Clearly you are incapable of such a task at this stage. So stop."
"What? But, I don't want to stop being trainng to be a Jedi. Master qui-Gon brought me here for a reason. I want to make him proud."
"Really? Well then boy, perhaps you need to learn to listen as well."
"What? But.."
"Did I say you should stop training to be a Jedi? No. Pay attention. Stop trying to make the force accept your own feelings when you are only going to refuse immediately after."
"But... a Jedi has to release their emotions... don't they?"
"Do you truly believe that every Jedi releases all of their emotions constantly at every failure or accomplishment? The Jedi as I'm sure you'll figure out eventually are arrogant in their own right. Look at where we are Skywalker. This massive tower, unlimited funds from the republic, this lushious green house with plants from across the galaxy. Do you think that Jedi feel no sense of entitlement? Learn and do so properly. Do not compare yourself to your peers, compare yourself to those above you. Set a goal and become that. Become a Jedi like you claim you want to be."
Anakin has never heard anyone, let alone a Jedi talk in such a way. To be encouraged so much, only his mother and Qui-Gon had ever beleived in him so much. But... Still...
"Even if I wanted to and never stopped trying I still need a master."
The older man began to stand up and dusted himself off. He abruptly stopped at the edge of the clearing about to leave behind the thick grainy trees of Kashyyk. Right before he did though...
"Tell you what, Skywalker, every year there is a tournament held for all the initiates to demonstrate their abilities and preform in front of the masters. Thats how initiates become well known on most occasions and are chosen by a master. Impress me during the coming tournament. Do not waste away your potential. Being a Jedi takes time and commitment. Become the top of your class in every way and I will make you my padawan. You have five months Skywalker." Anakin could hear the sly smile playing across the older mans face as he finished his proposition to him, "I look forward to seeing what you are truly capable of in the future."
A huge smile burst onto Anakin's face brighter than the Tatooine suns. He was going to have a master. He would be the top student. He'd show Ferus and the rest of that class what Anakin Skywalker was capable of. Soon he'll be trained by... OH NO.
"Wait master! I don't know your name! How will I find you again?"
"Me? My name is Count Dooku and it will be my pleasure to train you young Skywalker. Do not disappoint my expectations."
With that final expectation floating in the air the newly identified Count disappeared behind the trees in the vast green house, leaving Anakin more compelled than ever to bury himself in his Jedi training. Hopefully he'll be able to make both the late master Qui-Gon and Count Dooku proud.
AN: Thank you for reading. Please read and review. Means a LOT. Following chapters will be longer and should be up every two weeks... ish. Hope you enjoyed Follow and favourite.