Star Wars: A Twisted Fate
AN: Sorry a little late everyone. I have all the chapters figured out and lined up. Anyway, here's chapter 2, as always please read and review, also if anyone could PLEASE tell me what Count Dooku's first name is I will be eternally grateful because as far as I can find it doesn't exist. Also quick heads up, anyone who read the summary and noticed it said eventual slash i do NOT know how that happened. It was supposed to say 'No slash. Eventual romance' and somehow it combined and glitched on me.
Chapter 2: Through Passion I Gain Knowledge
It's been nearly a month since Anakin's fateful encounter in the Room of a Thousand Fountains. Since then he's very rarely left the Jedi archives except to practice his saber training and attend classes. Classes are a necessity; all he needs is master Billaba hunting him down because he's been too busy trying to learn anything and everything possible. Even Master Jocasta of the archives has learned to leave him... Relatively alone after the one and only time she asked if he needed anything. The result was likely quite comical for the Jedi walking by, seeing Master Jocasta being sent in circles through the archives trying to find specific texts on whatever he was researching that day.
Currently sitting at a table surrounded by datapads and flimsi alike was Anakin, his face a look of either intense annoyance or concentration, onlookers had no idea. Each datapad had something different present on its screen, some contained the history of the Jedi temple and the order, some an overly complicated reformation of the Jedi Anakin could barely understand called the Ruusan Reformation, others the history of the outer rim and the legality of slavery, only one was left nearly thrown across the table at how utterly unhelpful it was. A datapad with information on the sith had nothing in it except warnings to not be tempted to the dark side. That was in no way helpful. He wanted to know what they were and where they came from. How did they work in contrast to the Jedi? One was terrifying all by himself and managed to kill a Jedi Master. What if there are more? Anakin did not mess around when he put his mind to something. The topics surrounding him ranged even further than what most eleven-year-olds would think to be interested in, even among the Jedi.
The datapad currently peaking Anakin's interest held the picture of a terrifying visage. A species covered in tattoos with horns adorning their head in the fashion of a crown. This species was apparently known as the Zabrak. They are known to live on Iridonia and Dathomir. However, those on Dathomir are not full blooded Zabrak and are instead referred to as Dathomirian, a human- Zabrak hybrid carnivorous species. Zabraks have been Jedi before, some notable Jedi being Jedi Master Agen Kolar and Eeth Koth, hailing from Iridonia as well as many other revered Jedi, like Kao Cen Darach, the Master to Satele Shan, who was the Grand Master at the time of the old republic around 300 years after the mandalorian wars. While a number of Zabraks have been Jedi throughout the years, it is very small in comparison to their entire species being force sensitive. Very rarely do they allow members of their species to become Jedi, they are after all a very reclusive and isolationist culture.
One picture flashed through the screen of a darker tan skinned zabrak with horns and hair on the top of its head growing around the horns. Okay, not so bad, Anakin thought, but how come this zabrak looks so... nice compared to the raging death monster back on Tatooine and Naboo? That one was definitely not having hair and was also black and red everywhere. Sure, some have tattoos but don't look quite so terrifying. What? How does that even work? Zabraks and the Dathomirians have two hearts and not one. That's uh... scary. Somehow upon losing one heart they can continue living as through nothing was wrong. Again. Terrifying. So, if Obi-Wan on Naboo had tried to stab him in the heart instead of slicing him in half as he did, he could have still been alive.
Ugh. Rubbing his eyes from staring at the information for as long as he had, Anakin pushed that one aside. Reaching for the next one and by far the most interesting, lightsaber combat. While Master Billaba and the other masters do teach lightsaber combat it is the most basic of instruction. Thereby expecting your eventual Master will refine it and help in your chosen lightsaber style to hopefully one day Master.
The six lightsaber styles taught include:
Form I: Shii-Cho.
Form II: Makashi.
Form III: Soresu.
Form IV: Ataru.
Form V: Shien & Djem So.
Form VI: Niman.
Each form possesses its strengths and weaknesses in defence and offence. Form I: shii-Cho, commonly dubbed the "Way of the Sarlacc" and the "Determination Form". It is the first form taught to Jedi initiates and they are required to know this form competently enough to pass their initiate trials. Focusing on the very basics it teaches initiates the basic knowledge of sword-fighting principles and the blast-deflection skill that is required for practice of all the other forms.
The second form Makashi is known as the most dueling-centric of the seven forms, developed during an era where engagements with Darksiders and rogue Jedi became an almost routine activity. The sequences of the Makashi style once well-rehearsed, appears as if one is dancing and relaxed. Makashi practitioners often wielded lightsabers that were specialized for such use. The most prominent weapon for this purpose was the curved-hilted lightsaber. These weapons were used because the curved hilt fit better into the palm, granting better blade control and allowing for greater precision and strength.
A form that is dueling centric. That sounded very promising. Making a quick note of that, Anakin was distracted by the face of the Chief Librarian of the archives standing over him.
"Uh... Hello Master Nu. How uhm may I help you?"
"You may help me initiate Skywalker by explaining to me why you have 17 of the archives research data pads strewn about your table and why it is that half of them are simply thrown about my Archive Library."
Ah kriff, now I'm in trouble. Glancing around to all the datapads he realized what she meant there were datapads and flimsi all over his table and... was that four data pads stacked in the shape of a house? How did that even happen?
"Uh... Right. Sorry, Master Nu."
"While I appreciate the apology young Skywalker that does little in answering my question."
Right. Not helpful at all.
"My apologies, Master. I was studying."
"Studying? And pray do tell why exactly you were studying," she reached across the table, her aged hands grasping one of the many datapads on the table.
"The intricacies of the force and meditation techniques?"
"Uhm..." Great, now what, tell her you're literal bantha poodoo at the meditation method Master Billaba taught you? Maybe tell her how Master Dooku said you should stop trying to force the Force to accept your feelings and you took that to another level of finding a new method? Actually, why not?
"I was sort of... uhh... having some difficulty with the meditation technique I was taught by Master Billaba and was told by another Master that I should stop trying that technique."
Master Nu took a moment to stare holes into his head, wondering what master would go around helping random initiates. Averting his eyes away from yet another Master staring holes through his head, Anakin sat silently. He wondered if that was a Jedi Master thing, staring at him so unnervingly while at the same making him wait for the coming admonishment for trying to get around the taught way of meditation.
"Very... admirable, initiate Skywalker." The dumb look on his face must have been a lot more obvious than Anakin thought it was. Since Jocasta Nu gave him quite a strange look and continued on.
"Not many Jedi, let alone initiates take it upon themselves to search and find other forms that suit them better than those originally taught by their instructors. Would you care to tell me what you wish to learn about the most?"
Almost immediately Anakin responded.
"Everything? Everything is quite a lot, I'm sure you are aware."
"Uh..." Great back to stuttering. Great. Go on words. Anakin clearly knew that he couldn't learn everything but...
"Maybe not everything, that would take way too long. But, as much as I can. I want to learn all there is about the force and all the known planets. I want to visit all of them one day!"
"Hmmm... That's a tall order you know? But Jedi do travel across the galaxy, so, you never know young one it may be possible. I believe you have bigger worries though at this time initiate."
"Huh." Anakin had no idea what she was talking about and the look of confusion on his face made it all the more evident.
"Perhaps you should keep track of the time, young one..." A small smirk and laugh left the archive masters mouth as she watched Anakin have a look of realization.
Searching for the chronometer in the mess of data pads across the table, Anakin sprung to his feet upon grabbing it. It read 09:32. Anakin was late for his teachings... again. Master Billaba was going to kill him. Panicking he started to clean everything up as fast as possible. Grabbing his own personal datapad and notes taken on flimsi, he started to stack the archives readings. Before hearing the voice beside him speak up out of nowhere. He nearly jumped at the sudden intrusion of his personal space. Master Nu had reached around him and began to gather the Archives together.
"Oh, don't bother. You're already quite late enough, aren't you? Go on hurry off, I'm sure you'd hate to keep your classmates waiting. I'll clean up your mess this time Skywalker but don't go making a habit of it. Understood?"
Stunned at how helpful Master Nu was being, Anakin nodded along and quickly grabbed his belongings and notes, throwing them into his bag. Kriff organization, he'll take it out later anyway. Quickly thanking Master Nu, Anakin started to run out of the archive library. Before he could though, it seemed Master Nu had a final question for him.
"Oh, one more thing initiate Skywalker."
Skidding to a halt at the exit to the archives Anakin spun around quickly.
"Yes, master Nu?"
"I was just wondering what master decided to grace you with some advice?"
"Right," not seeing the harm in it Anakin answered, "his name was Master Dooku."
"Really? Master Dooku? Hmm. Very well, carry on initiate. You don't want to be much later than you already are."
With that Anakin very nearly ran over a green being shorter than him upon bursting through the slowly opening archive doors. He quickly yelled out an apology without looking back while rushing down the halls of the temple. Disappeared around the corners as he sprinted, hoping to minimize whatever punishment was sure to come for being late once again in the last month.
Back in the archives Master Nu continued to clean up the mess Anakin left behind. setting herself down in Anakin's previously taken seat she began sorting the datapads. Nu however stopped upon seeing a number of the topics on the datapads had a theme behind them. A number held senatorial bills related to the trade confederation and the republic, commonly centred around slavery and the lack of laws in the outer rim. Each article shot down because of costs and the republics unwillingness to compromise any funds from other departments.
One article in particular was written by a supreme chancellor dating back nearly four thousand years. The article while old, held the exact same dilemma currently existing on slavery in the outer Rim. The old chancellor named Vaner Shan was once the most outspoken against slavery. Both of his parents were highly reputable Jedi knights, combining their powers to beat the empire of Darth Malak and help end the Jedi civil war.
While interesting and unusual for an initiate to be research. It was nothing overly worrisome. Jocasta continued her organizations, lost in thought when the chair across from her suddenly screeched back a few feet.
Looking up there was no one pulling the chair. Looking around quickly, her first thought being some initiates decided to have some fun with her she stared at the chair before a bit of green peeked over the top of the table. Leaning left to peak around the tables legs she saw the grand master climbing up to the chair with his cane in hand.
"Master Yoda! Good morning, it's been quite a while since I've seen you here."
The short green master sat upon the chair before continuing up to sit on the tables edge cross legged. His sharp, elongated ears pointing outward as he crossed his legs. Holding his cane between his two tri-fingered hands. His eyes were closed while he spoke.
"Hmmm, been left to clean up another mess, have you? Always rushing, the younger generation is."
"Yes, yes they are Master Yoda. Don't worry I gave this initiate quite the warning that I would not be cleaning up after him the next time he is running late."
" Knowledge this young one seeks? Knowledge of what? Not good enough the classes are with the masters perhaps?" Yoda questioned, staring across at Jocasta inquisitively. A number of younglings and initiates staring up at the diminutive Grand Master as they passed by.
"Oh, I very much doubt that Master Yoda. It appears the young initiate was just having some problems meditating with the commonly taught technique and was advised to search out another method."
"Mmm. Resourceful this youngling is. A name, does this one have?"
"Actually, you're probably quite familiar with this initiate. It's young Anakin Skywalker."
A tornado of thoughts filled Yoda's mind at the temples resident black bantha. The oldest to join the temple in possibly centuries, he was an exception to the age rule put in place long before even Yoda's time. The mere mention of young Skywalker had the force fill Yoda. An odd feeling of... approval filled Yoda's being, a rather unknown and new feeling. Since Skywalker's admittance to the temple, it has felt far more active, like a once cloudy day had suddenly been lifted and the sun and moon's light had finally been released from captivity.
Yoda's refusal to allow knight Kenobi to train the boy was hopefully the right choice. He was far too young and inexperienced to properly train one so young and so inexperienced all the same as the master. Finally opening his wide green eyes Yoda peered across the table at the organized chaos that once was one finger slowly moving as a datapad was pulled the air towards his awaiting fingers.
"Deep into his studies of both the republic and the older Jedi meditation techniques, it seems young Skywalker is." Squinting down to the datapad master Yoda admired the intricacies of this new initiates drive to be a Jedi.
"A master, he will need soon enough."
"Well I wouldn't worry about him finding one anytime soon. It sounded like a master was already giving him some very useful advice with regards to his training."
"A Master? Know which master this is do you?"
"Yes, of course. I'm actually more surprised you don't. The master is your old apprentice after all, Dooku advised young Anakin."
Upon that bit of information, Yoda's face was quick to grimace, his wrinkly forehead scrunched together even more. Master Nu noticing this and questioned the Grand Master.
"Hmm... trouble you not, I will. Seen my wayward apprentice in some time I have not. Gone from the temple for weeks now, he has been. Know where he travels too, I do not."
"I'm sure he will return soon Master Yoda." Jocasta tried to alleviate the Grand Master's concerns, but, how do you ease someone's worry when they have been around for nearly 900 years and have experienced more than you ever could in many lifetimes.
Lifting his cane up Yoda hopped off the table and onto the duratseel floor with a soft thunk. Stopping abruptly, he lifted his empty hand up, causing the stacks of datapads and loose flimsi to fly off the table and return to their respective places in the archive. Ignoring the semi-shocked look on Master Nu's face the diminutive master continued, tapping his cane as he went. With a short "may the force be with you" to Master Nu, Yoda left muttering to himself that he must meditate on the events surrounding young Skywalker and his wayward apprentice.
Anakin was left sprinting through the halls of the Jedi temple, unknowingly getting faster and faster as he went. The force heeding his call unconsciously. Twisting and turning through the temples many corridors, honestly who designed this place? It was like a maze. He neared the entrance to the classroom of his initiate creche. Gathering himself once again, Anakin straightened his robes and tunic, his datapads straightened into a neat pile, he opened the door just as class was beginning.
Master Billaba was as usual standing at the front and centre of the class preparing for the coming lectures of the day. The initiates scattered throughout the room with their own individual desks, two years older than him Ferus Olin as usual sat front and centre his usual group of friends sitting beside him, the bright blue skinned Duros, Yu Natare and a human male on his left. A darker skinned girl wearing pale blue jedi robes and long hair braided behind her. They were all the same, never talking to him unless they had to or outright mocking his progress as a Jedi.
Slipping into his seat at the very back corner of the room, Master Billaba began her usual sermon on the Jedi...only something felt different this time.
"... concluding the section of the archives on the sith and the dangers of the dark side we will be returning to our lightsaber combat training. Gather your belongings initiates and head down to the dulling room. Today a Jedi Master is returning from a mission in the Cularin system and such will assist you in your lightsaber combat as well as facilitate training sabers for you all to continue to practice with."
Master Billaba had never had him so excited in months. Finally! Something interesting. Once more gathering his belongings Anakin headed outside the classroom. He was the last to leave and leading the back of the pack of initiates. Listening in on a few of the conversations Anakin learned some of the initiates thought they would get to build their own lightsaber today while others were excited to meet the Jedi Master.
Anakin took no part in the gossip. Not that he didn't wish to take part and talk with them and make friends, kriff he even had friends on Tatooine when he was a slave. These kids though... they all had their own groups and had no interest in talking to the odd ball who started training years after they did. They mocked him for getting special treatment and mocked him for not getting any special treatment for being the 'chosen one', claiming he clearly wasn't worth the effort, whatever that means. There was no way to win with them.
The group of initiates took the longest way possible to get to the duelling area, at least that's what it felt like to Anakin. In the centre of the room was the hairiest person Anakin had ever seen with a bright yellow lightsaber flowing around them. Taking a closer look Anakin realized they weren't just an incredibly hairy person but was in fact a wookie from Kashyyk. In fairness Anakin had never met a wookie before, they would hate Tatooine after all. The course and rough sand would get everywhere.
The newly identified Jedi Master twirled his blade in the centre of the room. Wearing brown combat styled pants and a darker brown vest undone the vest flowed like the wind itself during a Tatooine storm with every swing. The lightsaber flowing around and upwards as if bisecting an opponent, quickly being followed by spinning around and appearing to block invisible foes. The wookie then pulled a feat Anakin did not think possible and rolled across the floor mats twirling his lightsaber outwards taking off another imaginary enemies feet before launching into the air high above their heads while throwing the lightsaber and having it return upon his landing, immediately taking a defensive stance with the lightsaber held with two hands directly parallel to his hairy chest. As the Jedi Master shut off his lightsaber Anakin realized his eyes were pure white, a great contrast to his light brown fur.
Somehow still looking directly at the large group of initiates the wookie began a lecture, the class completely captivated. A protocol droid following suit for the initiates not fluent in Shyriiwook. Each growl and howl was accompanied by an explanation from the protocol droid.
"Each of you are going to be assigned a partner for today and each pair of you will get a turn practicing your lightsaber skills and duelling ability against another lightsaber welding enemy. Remember though, this is just a friendly practice duel to evaluate your own skills and improvements. I, Master Kirlocca here will be choosing the partners. You will use a provided training saber as many of you will receive your own self constructed lightsaber once you have a master of your own. Master Kirlocca will be here for the next two weeks to help assist you in any way you need in your lightsaber lessons. Now let us begin initiates..."
Master Kirlocca quickly went around to the initiates choosing the necessary pairs until there was only two left, and just Anakin's luck it was him and Ferus 'the great' Olin. This is going to be kriffing great Anakin thought. Regardless of his amazing failure of a duel against Ferus last time around, he would not be losing this time. His practice and training the last few months wouldn't go to waste.
The duels winner was decided on by who got the first hit in, since if it was a real duel you would very likely be dead if a lightsaber hit you or in far too much pain to continue. Because of this, initiates weren't permitted to use real lightsabers, in olden Jedi times it supposedly resulted in a number of deaths or lost limbs. As a result, all initiates were now given a yellow shoto training lightsaber. They worked similarly to regular lightsabers in that they were literal swords of light. The only real differences being shoto lightsabers were shorter than traditional lightsabers. Traditional lightsabers being an average 3 feet in length, while the shoto counterparts were ordinarily around 2 ft in length or shorter. That and well... if you got hit by one it wouldn't take your arm off, merely burn it a bit or sting a little. Anakin's learned this the hard way many times during training.
The crowd of initiates were all given their training sabers, and all separated to their duelling circles, Anakin following close behind Ferus.
"So, we gonna do this or what Anakin? If you want, I could go easier on you if you want a bit more of a fair fight, you are still new after all?" Ferus questioned Anakin with a smile from across the ten feet wide duelling area.
Ugh, last time they had practiced together Anakin had only been at the temple for a week and had lost spectacularly in barely under a minute. It was supposedly too much for Master Billaba to hold him away from the rest of the class when he had only held a lightsaber once before. After being flattened on his back that quickly, he was told it was 'remarkable' he lasted that long at all.
Anakin wasn't having Ferus' condensation or pity, "Yeah, that won't be needed Ferus. I'll win this time around."
Ferus just looked at him incredulously, "Alright. Good luck then kid. May the force be with us."
"May the force be with us," Anakin stated.
Both initiates were now standing across from one another, Ferus igniting his saber calmly, its brilliant yellow glow illuminating his face parallel to his body. A direct contrast to Anakin, igniting his lightsaber in a flourish of yellow he stared down Ferus, blade pointed towards the ground in an imitation of the makashi style he read so much about. Thirteen-year-old Ferus had a couple inches on Anakin, his body having just barely entered puberty while Anakin was still a shrimp in comparison.
They stared each other down while a number of duels had already ended, neither initiate daring to make the first make. Anakin could feel the force flow into him once again, filling him up as though a piece of him was missing. It always felt like this when he tried to fully immerse himself in the force. It prepared him, guiding him into the coming duel. But someone had to move eventually. Anakin darted forward his blade flying up to Ferus' side, only to be quickly deflected upwards. Hoping to end the match quickly Ferus parried upwards as Anakin tried to slam his blade down both yellow blades clashing in a deadlock.
Ferus was however stronger than Anakin, pushing him down to one knee. Anakin was forced to let go of the deadlock, using the force to spin on the floor, he came back up beside Ferus in an underhanded slash up. It was quickly avoided as he jumped back, but to Ferus' dismay it only put Anakin on the offensive. Quick strikes and slashes eroding Ferus' defences.
He was left barely blocking Anakin's strikes as he was bombarded with attacks, each strike getting stronger with the force, pushing him to back further and further away. Right up until he parried the blade and pushed Anakin back. Both initiates now taking the brief pause to breath. Unbeknownst to them, their clashes quickly gained a crowd. Initiates stared in awe of Anakin after not even a year of Jedi training being able to put the top student on the defensive. Kirlocca staring at Anakin as his offence became more deliberate. Murmurs beginning about the gathered crowd as they felt the clashing force energies.
"Hey, isn't that kid fighting Ferus the one who used to be a slave?" One initiate asked.
"Yeah... maybe I mean he's pretty short too though maybe they forgot to feed him?"
"Ha. how long has he been a Jedi anyway? There's no way he's beating Ferus after only a few months." Remarked in awe as they watched the duel that most expected ot take seconds go on for minutes now
"Who knows. I heard the masters all think he could be the chosen one."
"C'mon, there's no way the chosen one would be a slave."
They continued to gossip until a low growl interrupted them. The group of initiates turning around to stare at the imposing Jedi master Kirlocca. His guttural growls warning them of their gossiping.
"Pay attention initiates. The Jedi order may give you leniency as children but you are nonetheless Jedi. Gossiping and rumours will not be tolerated. learn from every fight you observe."
"Yes master." The group reacted nearly in sync to being reprimanded.
"Master, why did they stop?"
Anakin and Ferus were both in their ready positions once more, sweat shimmering on their foreheads. Anakin's grip tightened on his training saber once more, fully intending to win this time. Breathing in a deeply he stepped forward and... stopped dead in his tracks. Ferus Olin had turned his lightsaber off in front of him.
"What're you doing?" Anakin was so confused; this was a practice match why was he turning off his saber?
"I forfeit."
The gathered crowd gasped in shock over this statement. Ferus hadn't lost once since being a Jedi trainee and he was forfeiting now.
"What?! Why? We were practicing. The match isn't even over."
"Don't worry Anakin, you still won. You've definitely improved since our first match. Congratulations, we should practice more often."
"But... Ferus, why are you forfeiting? We could be still duelling there was no winner."
"I know my limits. I don't see why we should continue when you have seen your progress and my own skills have been assessed just as well. You did amazing, congratulations once more on the win." With that Ferus put his hand out intent on shaking Anakin's hand.
Anakin could feel all the eyes on him. This was supposed to be his win; his way to show all his initiates he wasn't weak. But they all still saw him as someone in need of pity, still called him a slave, still losing to Ferus Olin. Refusing to make a fool of himself, he shook Ferus' hand, regardless of his inner turmoil over his loss.
After that the class was separated once more, the talk of the day now finalized as the match that had occurred between Ferus and Anakin. The individual initiates were all given a training remote droid to practice with under the supervision of Kirlocca. The remotes flying the air as initiates deflected the blasts away from themselves. Anakin meanwhile did this with ease. The force flowing through him, warning him of the imminent shots fired at him.
Each blast was countered with an effortless flick, to the point Anakin was getting bored. This came almost too easily. Watching Master Kirlocca as he wandered the training room, he had an idea, using the force Anakin quickly lifted three more remotes into the air, turning them on with a series of resounding 'dings'. The four remotes now spinning around him at much faster speeds as a grin made its way onto Anakin's face.
Now this was fun! Three of the remotes let out a blast at once. Twisting to one side Anakin let one breeze past his shoulder, angling his lightsaber to counter the other two they rebounded back to the droids barely missing them as they floated away. With the force guiding him he twirled the saber behind him, catching the other remotes attack and spinning back around towards another. It very quickly became less of a struggle as he grew accustomed to the four droids.
Master Kirlocca glanced at the many initiates. Some struggling against the remote droids while others covered their eyes while deflecting the blasts being shot at them. Each initiate progressing at their own speed. Kirlocca admired the perseverance of children. They all tried their best to one day be a Jedi, becoming a part of something greater to preserve peace in the galaxy. With initiates like these there was hope.
Turning around, Kirlocca was left speechless. There, in their own space was an initiate of such notoriety it was impossible to not know who they believed chosen one was. Now, Kirlocca was not one to hold much faith in tales of prophecy or superstition but seeing this made him reconsider. He could not see like most beings. Being born blind had that effect, instead he saw through the force, making shapes and images out of the living and nonliving aspects of the galaxy. When he turned around however and saw young Skywalker it was as if he was staring into a sun. Anakin Skywalker was a bright presence unlike any he had felt before, a beacon in the force.
That was not what amazed him though, few initiates had ever shown such drive, such passion for being a Jedi. There he was breezing and dancing around, twisting his saber at unthinkable angles. The four remote droids never once got a hit in on him. When they got within inches of hitting him his blade would collide with them once more and his presence became even brighter, undoubtably proud of his accomplishments.
Kirlocca had heard the tale of the chosen one as had every Jedi master by now but seeing how far he had progressed in not even a year was still astounding. Nevertheless, it was time for their practice to end today. Calling out to the group of initiates they all began to turn off their training remotes, all but Anakin Skywalker.
Dancing through the lasers fired at him, Anakin had never felt so alive.
"Skywalker!" was the echoing roar that knocked him out of whatever trance he was in while deflecting the shots.
His trance lost he faltered as the remotes fired once more, one shot hitting his hand, knocking the practice saber out of his hand, stinging sensation rushing up his arm. The droids were not programmed to stop when a lightsaber was turned off. Master Kirlocca rushed over with the force and turned them all off instantly. The last one getting a final shot out as Anakin panicked, not realizing that the blast would be barely hurt but only thinking there was a shot aiming right at him. Raising his hand Anakin only thought of not getting hit and cursed his own lack of attention for losing focus.
Eyes closed Anakin waited for the sting in his left to match his right, but there was no stinging, no pain, nothing just the sound of a crash as the droid fell to the floor slightly smoking and turned off. Bewildered Anakin looked around the room at the leaving initiates and the Master. The Jedi master quickly called to another initiate to take him to the medical wing and check his right hand for any injury. It wasn't likely but a precaution all the same.
Upon Anakin and the rest of the initiates leaving the training area, master Kirlocca was once more left alone only this time with a slightly smoking remote droid. Smelling the smoke, he recalled exactly what happened.
His inattention had led to the boy getting ahead of his own training and turning on multiple remote droids. The feeling of panic and the rush of the force was unmistakable. None of the initiates witnessed the mix up, but Kirlocca felt it. The low powered blast sent out, the boys needless panic, the resulting rush of the force. Then the unmistakable sound of the plasma launching back at the little remote.
There was no doubt. That boy in his panic had somehow turned the shot aimed at him right back around and into the droid's own optics sensor. For an initiate that was truly unseen before. Completely untrained and an emotional reaction which would have to be pushed aside. Perhaps that should be included in his little report on the initiates practice today.
Ah well, checking his chronometer Kirlocca began walking out towards another classroom of initiates. He would be doing this all day it seems. Master Yoda certainly knew how to put him to work.
"I told you I'm fine." Anakin whined while sitting in the healer's wing.
The hospital beds were uncomfortable, feeling as though he was sitting on his old pod racer. White curtains surrounded the bed as he sat on the edge. Why was he sent here? He had no idea. He was fine. Sure, his right wrist was a little red but kriff it was his own fault. He should've paid more attention to what was around him.
"Yes, well just because you say so does not make it so, little one. I've had many Jedi come in here to tell me they're fine when they are missing fingers or have a virus, they're too proud to take meds for."
The nurse was not a Jedi, that much was obvious. She was way too open in her annoyance of his insistence that being here was not needed. She kind of reminded him of his mother. The nurse was dressed in a white lab coat, a grey woolly shirt underneath and black pants, her greying blond hair in a mess of two buns on either side of her head. The resemblance while there was truly present in her aging face and eyes filled with such kindness.
"Fine. Whatever you say, you're the doctor."
"Yes, I am. which is why I am telling you congratulations young one, you are fine, little red from the stinging of the plasma but it'll fade in a day."
"But... What? You just..."
"Apparently you have a friend coming to visit you and he asked me to make sure you stayed in one place until he arrived. I guess he knows your dislike of the healers wing."
Blushing a bit at being called out, Anakin couldn't help but wonder what friend was coming to visit. It's not like any of his classmates talked to him. For Bantha poodoo, not even the classmate who took him down to the healer's wing said anything to him the whole way here. It could be the older Master Dooku, but Anakin didn't expect to see him until the annual initiate duelling tournament.
The nurse gathered her burn ointment and stood up to leave as the door curtains were pushed aside by a pair of hands.
"Ah, here your friend is," she pointed out while sneaking past him and into the rest of the healer are, shoes clicking away as she went.
There, standing in the curtained off room was Obi-Wan Kenobi. Standing up quickly Anakin rushed into him, a smile across his face as he said hello, immediately rushing into a plethora of questions about his last mission, where he was sent, what happened, did anything exciting happen. His questions were heard throughout the healers as nurses traveled past the reunion taking place.
AN: Okay so... oops. Clearly this was more than two weeks, closer to three. Let's just say my goal is two weeks but with life and college and YouTube time can be tough to find. Just so everyone knows I do have this story planned out and a number of the chapters planned out already. I had a hell of a time finding where to end this chapter though. I will work on finding a beta for my story and catching any mistakes I can. As always thanks for reading. Please read, review, like, and follow.