Chapter 6- Diamond Walk
Lucky rested his hands on Emily's waist while she placed hers on his shoulders. They swayed back and forth awkwardly to the music.
"So, it's uh… a nice dance," Lucky said.
She nodded. "Yeah, I've only ever danced at the nurse's ball before."
As she glanced over his shoulder, she noticed an older redhead staring at her as she danced with Patrick Drake.
"Uh, Lucky… do you know who that redhead is?" she asked him.
He glanced behind him. "No, but I saw her walking through the halls with Jax the other day. She must be new."
"She keeps watching me… I noticed her looking at AJ and the twins earlier too."
If any guy got his hands on Sam, Julian would kill them. Literally kill them. When he entered the gymnasium, he glanced around the room. There was no sign of Sam amongst all the nervous-looking teens, but he spotted Nikolas, dancing awkwardly with a young girl.
"Where's Sam?" he asked when he walked over to his nephew.
"Oh, uh, Uncle…" Nikolas stepped back from the girl as though he was caught doing something he shouldn't. "Sam… she just stepped out."
"By herself?"
"With a young man," Nikolas said.
Julian clenched his jaw.
"Sonny!" Carly kissed him when she walked into Kelly's, Jason trailing behind her carrying Michael. "This is my best friend, Jason. The one I was telling you about."
Sonny shook his hand. "Nice to meet you. Carly said you're looking for employment."
Jason scrunched his face and turned to Carly.
"Yes," Carly cut in. "He really needs a job because he's bored in his spare time."
"Well, I have my studies, yours and AJ's homework, plus taking care of—"
"Like I said, he wants a job," Carly interrupted Jason. "He needs money."
"My family has a lot of mon—"
"And besides, I think it will strengthen our relationship." She gazed at Sonny.
Sonny smiled. "Well, with some training I think we could figure something out."
They turned when the door opened, and AJ and Sarah walked in. Carly immediately looped her arm through Sonny's.
AJ crossed his arms. "Getting Jason to watch Michael again?"
"I was just introducing Jason to my new man." Carly beamed. "You see, I've moved on from boys."
"Whatever…" AJ took Michael from Jason. "You better get your lawyer ready. Grandfather and I met with ours today. You haven't got a chance against the Quartermaines."
Sonny held his head high. "Don't speak to a lady that way."
"That's okay, Sonny." Carly patted his chest. "AJ hasn't got a chance against you." She turned back to AJ. "You see, Sonny is much more powerful and rich than even Edward is."
AJ's face went white. "You're lying."
"AJ, don't let her get to you," Sarah said. "You're much more responsible and a better parent than she is. Besides, you have me."
Carly rolled her eyes. "I think the judge will go with the more mature couple. Plus, Sonny has a son of his own, so he has lots of experience. Once they know we're dating and Sonny is Michael's new daddy, we'll get custody for sure."
Sonny cleared his throat. "I said I can help you with the lawyer and such. We won't be presenting ourselves as a couple in the courts or bringing Dante into this."
AJ smirked.
Carly turned to Sonny. "Why not?"
"I'll explain later."
"Come on, Michael, let's get you home," AJ said. "Jason, you coming?"
Jason nodded and followed them out.
Carly set her hands on her hips. "What do you mean, we won't present ourselves as a couple?"
He sighed. "I'm married. I told you that."
"AJ will use that against you and my wife can't find out about us."
"Ugh, fine."
"I'm thinking of trying out for the school team," Sam told Drew as they walked along the baseball diamond.
"Did you play a lot in Boston?" Drew asked.
She nodded. "Ever since I was little. My dad would even let me stay up late sometimes to practice. Then Mom would holler at us saying it was past my bedtime."
Drew chuckled. "I've played a bit too. But I've always been more into football."
"Dad wants to get Lucas into football, but Mom freaks out anytime he brings it up. She wants us in safer sports." She rolled her eyes.
"Is Lucas your brother?"
"Yeah, the annoying punk that he is."
"Have any more siblings?"
"Mom's pregnant," Sam said. "Apparently we're not enough for them."
"Or they love you guys so much they want more of you. Depends how you look at it."
Sam shrugged. "Maybe. What about you?"
"AJ's the oldest and makes sure we know it. Always goes on how he's in the direct line to Grandfather's inheritance. But Em has reminded him a few times that cousin Ned is older." He chuckled. "Em is the youngest. All of us are very protective of her. Often times she's the voice of reason in our household. Jason and I are twins. He's smart but very passive. People walk all over him, especially AJ and Carly. They tell him to jump, and he'll jump. It'll be interesting to see whose side he takes since AJ and Carly split. My bet is on Carly with the way she harps at him. I wish he'd just put his foot down and put his needs first for once. He almost failed a class once when AJ and Carly were piling their homework on him. Mom and Dad almost had a fit. They can't stand Carly. Unfortunately, Michael connects us all. Love him but hate that he connects us to Carly."
"And you're not as passive?"
"I don't think I am," Drew said. "I don't let anyone control me. Grandfather and Carly have tried to, but they haven't succeeded. I don't let Carly pull my strings. If I did, she'd probably say what job I have, who I can date. Even if Jason started dating someone, I'm certain Carly would come first. It's actually scary to think of what Jason's future will be like if this continues."
They whipped around. "Dad… what are you doing here?"
When he reached them, he set his hands on his hips. "Sam, we're going home."
"Why? Mom said I could have two hours. It's only been over an hour!"
"You're too young for dances."
"That's absurd!"
"And I don't want you out alone with this boy," Dad said.
Drew cleared his throat. "Sir, I assure you we were just talking and walking together."
"How old are you?"
Dad scoffed. "And trying to hit on a fourteen-year-old!"
"Dad…" Sam said through gritted teeth. "You're embarrassing me… we were just talking. He wasn't hitting on me. Besides, you're three years older than Mom!"
"That's different. Come on, we're going home. Nikolas is in the car."
"It's okay, Sam," Drew said. "I'll see you at school." He smiled and walked back to the building.
Sam glared at her father. "I hate you!"
"Just take me back to Wyndemere!"
"Not while Helena is there."
Sam groaned. "I don't care. I want Uncle Stefan to adopt me. Heck, I would even take Franco for a father over you!" She stomped away towards the parking lot.