The Other Potter
Chapter two
Harriet would be lying if she said she didn't at times pity Sirius Black, which was not an emotion she wanted to have in regards to him. However aunt Wallburga was truly a dreadful woman. If they were not so meticulous in keeping track of their family history she would think that she has some harpy blood in her veins with how she screeched.
"If I hear you've done anything to bring more shame on our family boy I swear you'll wish you hadn't been born," the screeching woman bellowed.
Harriet and James had come through the floo with Arcturus, he would be taking them shopping for the last of their school things and Harriet's wand as Charlus was busy at work once again and Dorea had developed a nasty cold. However upon their arrival he had left to speak with Uncle Orion who had appeared and said it was urgent, promising to be back soon he had left the two siblings alone to overhear Wallburgas rant at the Black heir.
"She's been like this ever since he was sorted into Gryffindor," Regulus whispered, he had appeared shortly after Arcturus had left.
James scowled, "why? It's the best house."
Regulus pulled a face, "Blacks are predominantly in Slytherin with a few exceptions going into Ravenclaw"
James frowned still, "so, Potters are all lions but Harry is going to be a snake."
Fighting not to roll her eyes, Harriet turned to her brother, "I'll be wherever the hat puts me."
James gaped in shock and demanded "how do you know about the hat, it's tradition for firsties to be surprised?!"
"Cousin Bella told me when I asked."
James scowled, he and Sirius had been planning on telling them both some outrageous stories about the sorting the night before they left.
Hearing a door slam Harry noted how Sirius walked out of the parlour with no emotion on his face yet his eyes blazing. Seeing them the boy looked embarrassed before he quickly masked it with false cheer. It was times like this, when Sirius pulled out pureblood tricks that she was reminded that all the training Arcturus forced her through, Sirius had also been forced to endure.
"Look what we've got here James, fresh meat."
"Brother for once could you try and act like a responsible pureblood heir?" Regulus asked his voice dry.
Harriet couldn't help but agree, James had been better around her since she got her letter but she knew when they were together they were worse; their energies feeding off each other.
"Pppft, like this family deserves respect," He muttered making Harry frown.
Family was the most important thing, however before she could respond Arcturus appeared, his silver eyes flashing briefly, making Harry think she wasn't the only one who had heard Sirius' comment.
"Why do we have to go with you to Ollivanders? Can't we go to Quality Quidditch Supplies, Please uncle Arcturus?" James whined, something Harriet couldn't believe.
Arcturus Black wasn't somebody you just whined at, ever, just thinking about doing so made her flinch, Uncle Arcturus hadn't been afraid to use curses during her lessons as a child. Just thinking about talking back or whining at the man sent phantom pains through her, but she didn't regret her decision to have lessons with him as she knew her education had prepared her for all aspects of life.
"Yes please grandfather. We won't go anywhere else," Sirius added, pausing in the street to stop and pout up at his grandfather. Honestly, if James wasn't here he probably wouldn't have gone so far but he knew his grandfather wouldn't curse him in public; probably.
The Black Lord withheld his desire to curse at the two brats who had been trying his patience all day. How they could act like common little mudbloods in public was disgraceful, they were the heirs to two of the most influential families in their society. He knew Sirius knew better; he had taught the boy himself once a week alongside Regulus and Harriet, so such behaviour was worse. At least the Potter heir had the excuse of poor schooling as Charlus had refused to allow his heir to be taught by anybody but himself. He had tried to refuse to allow Harriet the lessons as well but Dorea had seen to it that is mind was changed, and with how Harriet's magic was more Black than Potter, the Potter lord was forced to reluctantly allow the girl to go to his lessons.
"I will allow you both to go while I take you siblings to get their wands, however if you so much as take a step out of place or I hear even a whisper about you misbehaving you will regret it," he promised, happy to see his warning caused both boys to still.
James gulped, his father had made him promise to be good and threatened him with punishment yet his had paled in regards to the one just issued. He didn't know how Harriet or Regulus could happily go to lessons under the man, at least Sirius had complained about being forced to go. Lord Black was scary, even his father agreed, sort of, he was wary of the other Lord.
Dropping the two Gryffindors off, the Black Lord stared his walk towards Ollivanders, happy that neither of the younger children felt the need to act up or question his decision in allowing the older two to go.
Entering the shop Harriet allowed her eyes to sight to open and gasped. It was only due to her occulmency training, that Arcturus had her and Regulus studying furiously, that she didn't gasp out loud, lines of magic stretched everywhere, colours and patterns she had never seen.
Arcturus felt the shift in Harriet's magic and saw the subtle glow in her eyes, they had trained to reduce it and he was pleased to see it was working, in a few years she would be able to use her bloodline gift without anybody being aware.
"Curious and curiouser," came a voice Arcturus knew well.
He didn't care for the wand maker, anybody who knew the components of another's wand was a threat and he didn't appreciate threats to himself or his family. That was the reason he had allowed the other two to go to the Quidditch shop, with them gone it was two less potential threats, a thought that left a bitter feeling within him as family should never be a threat.
"Mr. Ollivander," he greeted coolly.
"Lord Black," the eccentric wand maker replied, unable to repeat the components of his wand due to a vow his father had forced on the wand maker, a vow Arcturus had forced on him for all of his family and would force on him again for the two young magical with him.
"Magical sight is a gift not seen in decades; you're a blessed young witch miss Black."
Harriet nodded her head in appreciation at the compliment, "it's Potter actually," she corrected.
Garrick Ollivander was surprised at that; his family were sensors, they specialised in sensing others magic, which made crafting wands and matching them to magical easier as they could feel magic and feel what would work with people. Therefore he was surprised, the witch in front of him felt like a Black, add to the fact she was with the current Lord Black he had assumed she was another Black cousin.
"I apologise Miss Potter, now then, let's see if we can't find you a wand," he said, feeling her magic and wondering. After trying a few failed attempts, putting out two fires and having to fix the gravity in his store Garrick admitted defeat.
"I have just the wand for you I think," he said, going into the back of the shop and pulling out a box.
Harriet shared a look with her great uncle, the man was expressionless but she liked to think he was as exasperated as her, Regulus however looked amused, his grey eyes glittering; the traitor.
"Here we go," the wand maker said, placing a box on the counter and pushing it towards her.
Taking a step towards the box, she opened it and allowed herself to lift the wand. Unlike the others she had tried this one felt right, pushing a tendril of her magic she couldn't mask her smile as white and green erupted from it and glittered around her, making her glow as they landed.
Arcturus was pleased with the bonding, such a powerful show was a good indication that she would be powerful.
"As I suspected," Garrick muttered to himself, before looking at the still smiling girl. He was torn but still seeing such innocence smiling he couldn't help but feel pleased, the bonding of a magical and their wand was truly a beautiful moment. Harriet however heard the words and wondered.
"Your wand Miss Potter is made from holly wood, 11inches of it, with the tail feather from a phoenix; Nice and supple."
Harriet nodded, her face once more showing nothing of her emotions, "thank you Mr. Ollivander."
Pausing for a moment he continued, "This wand will do great things. The phoenix whose tail the feather came from gave another you see, a twin, the owner of that wand is a great wizard."
Harriet nodded and thought about what she knew in regards to twin wands, not much as wand lore wasn't a particular interest to her, but she believed that her wand and this other would be unable to fight each other?
Arcturus wasn't pleased with the news but hid it; he would have to look into this other wand, it was a liability. Stepping forward he spoke, "she also have a wrist holster and I will have your vow." He didn't need to explain, it was a black family tradition that the wand maker should be used to by now.
Garrick knew it was coming and felt a flash of regret but knew he couldn't deny the man in front of him, not if he wanted to live a long and pain free life. He had promised Albus that if he ever sold this particular wand he would inform him immediately as he knew who Tom Riddle was and whoever had his wands twin would likely be just as influential on their world; just a great and most likely terrible. He couldn't help but wonder if he would come to regret the vow he was about to take. Still he had no choice, so with a nod of his head, he turned to the girl whose future he feared and asked, "what is your full name me dear?"
Harriet, having looked to her uncle for confirmation answered once she saw him nod, "Harriet Lyra Potter."
"I, Garrick Emmis Ollivander, do swear on my magic to never reveal the components of any wand belonging to Harriet Lyra Potter, to tell nobody of the wand or wands I have or will sell to her. I do so swear so on my magic."
Harriet watched as the vow took and a gold band appeared around the man's wrist before disappearing into his skin, looking with her sight open she could see many faint lines around his wrist. Blinking as her eyes back to normal, she wondered about those lines; she had never seen a magical vow before.
Arcturus nodded in satisfaction as the vow took place. With that done, Garrick turned then to the other child in the shop, the boy had watched everything in silence.
"And a wand for you, young sir?" he asked
Regulus stepped forward, "Black," he said, "Regulus Arcturus Black."
"Well then Mr. Black let's get you your wand,"
Getting his wand was quicker than Harriet's, Regulus was pleased to note; he didn't want to be her for much longer as the old wand maker was just as creepy as Cissa had described.
Finding James and Sirius being scolded by a young red headed witch wasn't surprising to Harriet, where they found them however was. She wasn't surprised they had snuck off but letting themselves get caught and in such a compromising position was foolish.
"I can't believe you tried to sneak past the goblins!" the red head hissed, "haven't you read the poem on the doors?"
Hearing this Harriet flinched, crossing the goblins wasn't a joke and if the tightening around uncle Arcturus's eyes was any indication he wasn't impressed either. Goblins, although looked down on by most were respected by the upper classes. They were intelligent enough to realise that they controlled their money and money was, Harriet would admit, important. She didn't like to think of herself a spoilt but she knew they were rich, her and her family would never have anything but the best.
James noticed them first and paled dramatically, knowing they were screwed, if only Lily Flower hadn't caught them, they would have been able to get back to the shop and hopefully their families would have never found out about their little adventure; Not knowing both of their parents had been sent a 1000 galleon fine for their stunt. Elbowing Sirius, who was arguing back at Evans, to get his attention, he gulped when he saw the anger on uncle Arcturus's face.
Sirius, seeing they had been caught, cut himself off mid argument. Unlike James who would probably be just scolded and have some of his privileges revoked by his parents, Sirius had real reason to fear being caught, and from the look in grandfathers eyes his punishment wasn't going to be pretty.
Lily noticing both boys were distracted and looked pale turned around to see who they were staring at. The older man behind her was handsome in a cold way; he was clearly related to Sirius as they shared many of the same characteristics, silver eyes, black curly hair and aristocratic features. Unlike Sirius however his face was hard, like it was made of marble and he had an aura that made her want to step back, he didn't give off her fellow Gryffindors easy going attitude, no this man was scary.
Next to him were two children who looked about her age; the boy looked just like Sirius however his features were slightly softer and he had a smaller build. She remembered Sirius saying he had a brother and assumed this was him; she couldn't recall his name though. The girl however she wasn't sure about, she looked like she was related to Sirius but she couldn't recall him mentioning a sister or another female cousin; she could remember him complaining about his older cousins. She was beautiful like all of the Blacks were; reminding Lily of the china doll her grandmother had brought her back from France once. Long black curls which fell to the middle of her back, porcelain skin and emerald green eyes which stood out on her delicate face.
"grandfather-" Sirius started only to cut himself off when Arcturus raised a hand to silence him.
"You will not explain yourselves here. You will follow me back to the leaky cauldron and once were back at castle black you will explain yourselves," he said his voice like ice making it hard for Harriet to maintain her blank mask.
Seeing them both flinch Harriet took a breath and hoped her brother appreciated what she was about to do, "uncle Arcturus, I know that their behaviour has been appalling and unfit for the heirs of our families but I know my father would rather be the one to punish James."
Turing to look at the girl by his side he was honestly surprised she had spoken, Harriet was truly more of a Black than a Potter, she never spoke up against him or questioned him as she had been taught not to.
James, seeing his sister defending him was torn, he was shocked she would defend him and try to get him out of punishment from their uncle but he couldn't just abandon Sirius; he wasn't a coward. Sirius however was relieved his best friend would get away and when he saw James about to argue back he shot him a look and shook his head faintly.
Arcturus had missed their interaction as he had been looking at Harriet, but conceded; he knew Charlus wouldn't punish the boy appropriately but he also acknowledged that if he did then the Potter lord would no doubt kick up a fuss. He was a light sycophant and had raised his heir to be a weak willed blood traitor. Arcturus knew that is he wanted to continue to be in Harriet's life without Charlus complaining too much he would have to let this go.
"Very well," he conceded.
Harriet didn't let her faint relief show. She didn't fear her uncle; she knew his punishments were for her own good but she knew her brother wouldn't see it that way, nor would their father.
"Sirius, Regulus, we are leaving. James you will go with your sister through the floo and return home immediately," He ordered, ignoring the mudblood next to them. Without waiting Arcturus took a hold of each of his grandsons by the shoulder and apparated back to Castle Black, he knew he could trust Harriet to return home.
Lily was shocked at what had just happened never had she seen Sirius black look anything but cocky and confident but in front of that man he had been subdued and even afraid. She wasn't sure how she felt about that, especially as children shouldn't fear their families.
"Why did you do that?" James asked his sister in anger; he couldn't believe she had thrown Sirius under the knight bus like that.
Harriet not like the tone, especially after she had just put herself out for him allowed her annoyance to show, "because you're my brother and I doubt you wanted to be punished by uncle. Be grateful I helped you."
"I never asked you to help me; Sirius is going to think I'm a coward."
Lily not sure, but still not wanting James to shout at his sister, stepped forward then and interrupted, "Sirius didn't seem to mind, she was just trying to help you Potter."
James, who had forgotten that Lily was there, turned suddenly, his irritation fading in the face of his crush, "but Lily Flower..."
Harriet rolled her eyes internally but allowed her face to go back to being passive; her brother was a fool. She wouldn't help him again if this was how he acted. She had been forced to listen to him rant about his precious lily all summer and was honestly not that impressed by the girl. She was pretty in a plain way, her hair was a nice shade of red, darker than the dreadful ginger of the Weasleys or Pewetts but that was it, her eyes were a dull green and her features pleasing. She wasn't the great beauty James had made her out to be in Harry's opinion.
Lily however ignored James and turned to his sister whose name she still didn't know, sticking out her hand she introduced herself, "hello, I'm Lily Evans. It's nice to meet you."
James pouted at being ignored by Lily and hoped Harriet didn't do or say anything cruel to her. He knew his sister spent a lot of time with the Blacks and knew very well that they didn't like muggleborns; however he hoped his sister didn't share their prejudice.
Harriet shook the hand and internally sneered, ladies didn't do that. "Pleasure," she replied demurely, "my name is Harriet Potter."
James narrowed his eyes, that wasn't rude but it wasn't as happy as he would have liked.
Lily however wasn't bothered and smiled at the girl. "Are you coming to Hogwarts this year?" she asked.
Lily's smile faltered slightly at the curt answer, Harriet wasn't being rude but her attitude clearly said she wasn't interested. This girl was nothing like James, which was good as he was annoying. Still, she could at least smile, lily thought as she looked at the small girl in front of her.
Harriet seeing James getting worked up again signed internally, and allowed a small falsely polite smile to show on her face, "It was lovely to meet you Miss Evans, but we need to go home. Uncle Arcturus will not be happy to learn we've dawdled and our parents are going to be angry enough at James without adding to it."
Lily nodded, smiling brightly again, maybe the girl wasn't so bad. She had noted how most of the 'purebloods' acted a little stuffy, if Harriet had grown up with them then all she needed was to meet more people, "you to Harriet."
Walking towards her brother she allowed her mask to fall back on and tugged him once towards the leaky cauldron.
Harriet was at first shocked by how angry their father was, that was until she found out about the fine. 1000 galleons was a lot of money, they could afford it yes, but still she had never see her father that angry.
"...and the goblins are furious." He heard her father continue, "one day you will be Lord Potter. It is important to foster good dealings James, you need allies especially in today's dark times; you can't afford to go butchering our relationship with the goblins now. You need to think...!"
Harriet nodded along, for once she agreed with her father completely. Seeing a green flash coming from the floo, Harriet quickly closed the small hole she had made in the wards to her father's office that allowed her overhear James being scolded. Looking up, she was shocked to see Albus Dumbledore appear. She hadn't known her father had allowed him access to their wards; to do so was a show of great trust. Charlus hadn't allowed anybody access before as far as she knew, not ever family and she wasn't sure how she felt about this new development.
When Albus appeared in the Potter manor he was surprised to see the youngest Potter sitting with an advanced rune book open on her lap. The girl always seemed to disappear when he was around, "Hello Harriet," he greeted.
Harriet sneered internally, she didn't like the headmaster; he was always so improper, using given names without permission and hiding behind a false kind mask. "Headmaster," she greeted back politely.
Albus didn't know what to think about the youngest Potter. He and Charlus had been allies for years, the man was a good and dependable light wizard, even Dorea, who Albus was initially wary of proved to be agreeable; the dark-neutral witch never spoke out against the light. The only time she had ever gone against his wishes was in regards to this girl. He had suggested to Charlus that limiting the time that his family spent with the Blacks would be for the best, an idea Charlus supported, however the girl had refused and Dorea had supported her. Eventually Charlus had given in, allowing his daughter to attend lessons with Arcturus Black but keeping James with him; his son hadn't cared about the Black family outside of Sirius. Yes, this girl was different from her family, he knew as soon as Charlus said she resonated with the Black family magic that he would have to keep an eye on her, to stop her going dark.
"That's a very advanced book for such a young child," he commented, recognising the book as one recommended as supplementary reading for student taking the Ancient rune OWLs.
Harriet nodded, "I enjoy runes and uncle Arcturus recommended this book to me after Bellatrix commented on it last year."
Albus wasn't pleased at the obvious amount of affection the girl felt towards those mentioned, but seeing how advanced the book was he had an idea.
"Yes Arcturus always had high expectations, you shouldn't worry if you can't yet understand or meet them all."
Making sure here expression didn't change, Harriet fought to stop her eyes rolling, "he expects the best from his family."
"His family, yes, Miss Potter."
The slight dig didn't bother Harriet, she has happy to be a Potter. She might not act like her family or follow all of their beliefs but they were her family and she loved them, even James. She knew her father loved her, even though he was often too busy to show it much. He did his best and made sure they were happy and healthy. She never for a moment doubted his love for her.
"I actually found the book quite easy to understand. As long as you know the basic concepts surrounding each topic then the book is actually rather simple."
Albus wasn't surprised that she didn't rise to the bait; he was surprised however that she claimed to find the book easy. He hadn't read it but for a newly turned 11 year old to say such a thing was farfetched. However before he could continue his subtle interrogation of the girl the door opened.
"Albus I thought I felt the wards let you in," came Charlus potters jovial voice as he entered the den which Albus had flooed into. Seeing his daughter there as well, Charlus could admit he was surprised but happy; she could do with more good influences in her life. "Ah, Harry dear, I trust you've been polite to the headmaster?" he teased his youngest.
Harriet, seeing her father's open smile and happiness allowed a small smile to appear on her face, "of course father."
Laughing, he reached out to ruffle her hair, something he knew she hated, "please tell me you managed to get all of you school supplies before James decided to play up?" he asked.
"Yes uncle made sure me and Regulus got everything we could possibly need."
Pulling a slight face at the reminder of who had taken them shopping but refused to allow that to bother him and smiled once again at his daughter, "good, good, and are you excited to be going to Hogwarts little one?"
"Yes father."
"Excellent. Now remember I've got tomorrow off so we can celebrate you getting you letter, I missed out on going with you today but tomorrow I'm all yours and we can do whatever you want. It will just be me and you; James is grounded after this latest stunt and your mother is still feeling unwell."
"Okay father," Harriet replied, giving him another small smile. She was shocked that James was actually being punished, usually he would be scolded and that was it, father must be extremely angry to actually punish him. Still the news was welcome as she thought what James and Sirius had done was idiotic and deserving of punishment. Think about what to do she decided that she wanted to go to back into Diagon alley look at getting her own owl or perhaps a kneazle kitten. Uncle had said that both she and Regulus would have to ask their parents for permission before buying one earlier.
Seeing Harriett and her father interact made some of Albus's fears retract, her girl was respectful to her father and looked like she loved him. He also wasn't surprised hearing that James had been caught up in some mischief; he and his friends had been trouble makers and pranksters throughout the school year.
"What has James been getting up to?" he asked jovially.
Charlus sighed, "I'm surprised you haven't heard yet," he said with exasperation, he honestly didn't know what his son had been thinking... "He and Sirius thought it would be a good idea to try and sneak into Gringotts."
Hearing this Albus struggled not to gape, he was surprised the goblins had let them go at all if they'd been caught doing something so ridiculous, still no harm done, "boys will be boys," he said, winking at Harriet jovially.
Harriet hid her disgust at the man's dismissal and at the use of those words, she hated that phrase. Making sure she didn't let her distain show, she nodded to her headmaster and said her goodbyes, leaving them to their business.
Harriet was pleased with how her day had gone, her father had been up early to take her out for breakfast at her favourite tea shop and even allowed her to get both an owl and a kneazle kitten when he had seen her so torn over which she wanted, now she was sitting in Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour waiting for her father to get back with her Sundae.
Sitting, Charlus presented his daughter with a sundae that matched his own, triple chocolate which caramel sauce and hazelnuts. He had been surprised when she told him her favourite ice-cream; which matched his own, something which made him sad as he should know such basic things about his child, "your ice cream my lady," he said with a flourish.
Shaking her head at her father's antics, Harry began to eat her treat, savouring the rich and creamy dessert.
"So have you got names for you two new friends?" Charlus asked as they ate.
"I'm going to call her Nike," she said indicating to the white and grey owl who was watching them from her new cage, "and this little lady Bia," she said, picking up the kneazle kitten who had slowly crawled out of her basket and into her lap.
Charlus nodded at the names, "two goddesses," he said with a grin, "think that might give them complexes?" he asked.
Looking at the kitten now fully snuggled into her Harriet smiled, "I think they'll live up to them."
Seeing his daughters smiling face Charlus agreed, it wasn't often his little girl smiled, especially in public, and he hated it. Oh he knew she was often happy, he could read through her masks just as easily as he could read Dorea's, still that his daughter even wore such a mask near constantly infuriated him.
Harriet watched as James and Sirius ran off as soon as they entered the train, their actions not surprising her but still she had hoped they would at least help them to find a compartment before abandoning both her and Regulus. Still the two Gryffindors hadn't seen one another since their adventure at Gringotts so they had a lot to catch up on apparently.
Regulus watched them go with relief, he didn't want to be surrounded by their idiocy or be forced to listen to Sirius's whining for another moment, "come on Lyra, let's go and find somewhere to sit."
Finding an empty compartment wasn't too hard, and the cousins soon fell into a comfortable silence, both having pulled out a book to keep them occupied. They quiet was soon disturbed however by the soft meow of Bia, who had woken up and clearly didn't appreciate being in a travel container.
With a sign Harriet, closed her book, using a spell Cissa taught her to mark her page, before opening the container.
Regulus watched her with warm eyes; he had a soft spot for animals but knew his mother would never allow anything but owls in their house.
"So this is the infamous Bia," he said, having heard about the kitten from Harriet over the summer.
Picking her up Harriet settled the kitten on the bench next to her and allowed the kitten to investigate, "this is her," Harriet confirmed.
Regulus looked at the kitten; she was small for a kneazle and looked deceptively innocent playfully bouncing on the sofa. He could hardly believe that she had apparently spent the summer trying to skin the Potter heir and hunting him around their manor.
Reaching out tentatively he waited for the kitten to but his hand before he risked scratching her head, "she doesn't seem too bad," he commented
Harriet laughed lightly, "she's not; it's just James that she hates. A feeling I know you can understand,"
Chuckling at the now purring kitten Regulus withdrew his hand, "what did your precious brother do to earn her wrath?"
"He called her a mangy cat and stood on her tail, the latter I think was an accident but Bia was named apply and hasn't forgiven him."
With that they returned to their books and sat once again in comfortable silence, until their compartment door opened and a pale blonde boy appeared, like theirs, his robes were unmarked showing he was a fellow first year. Harriet had a vague sense of recognition as she looked at him.
"Hello," he greeted his voice controlled but lacking confidence, "may I join you?" he asked
Nodding Harriet indicated for him to sit, while Regulus verbally agreed, "of course."
Once he was settled the boy looked less nervous and introduced himself, "hello, my name is Bartemius Crouch Jr. Heir to the noble house of Crouch."
The name jogged her memory and Harriet realised she had seen the boy before at the ministry with his father and at a few other social events she had attended. She didn't think they had ever formally met though.
Regulus took the offered hand and shook it once, "greetings heir crouch, my name is Regulus Black, Second son of Lord Orion Black of the ancient and noble house of Black. This is my cousin, Harriet Lyra Potter, daughter of Lord Charlus Potter and Dorea Potter nee Black."
Crouch turned and took her hand pressing a kiss to the air above it, "it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Potter,"
"You as well heir crouch,"
"Please just call me Barty," he requested, "I would like for us to be on friendly terms,"
The request was sudden and Harriet saw Regulus looked unsure; they had been raised to be cautious about whom they associated with, but Crouch could be a good ally. He was a pureblood heir and from what she could remember about him, he was an only child and had seemed like he was somebody she would get on with, not loud and obnoxious like most of the children that her father had made her and James interact with growing up.
"Of course Barty," Harriet agreed with a slight smile, sending Regulus a look which said he had better play nice, "if you would also call me Harriet or Lyra, all of my Black cousins call me by my second name," she explained.
The blonde looked relieved even more so when Regulus agreed that he could also use his given name.
"So Barty, what are you looking forwards to the most about starting Hogwarts?" Harriet asked
"The library I think," The blonde replied, "our family library is good but I've heard that Hogwarts library is one of the best in the UK."
Harriet appreciated his answer, "yes, our cousins have said that it is quite impressive," she agreed, though they said it had nothing on the Black or even Potter family libraries.
"What about the two of you?"
Regulus hummed in though, "I look forward to getting to know our peers and I suppose I'm looking forward to studying Charms."
Harriet smiled at that, and admitted "I can't wait for Ancient Runes."
"Isn't that a third year class?" Barty asked.
"Yes, but Runes and Arithmancy are my favourite subjects."
Barty nodded in understanding, he had studied a few runes so he could understand her opinion, "have the two of you put any thought into what house you'll be sorted into?"
The cousins shared a look; they had discussed this over the summer.
"Slytherin I would think," Regulus said, had Sirius not gone to Gryffindor he would have probably been a 50/50 split between the snake pit and ravens tower but now he knew anything but Slytherin would be unacceptable.
"Ravenclaw," Harriet said, like Regulus it would be between Slytherin and Ravenclaw for her, and she wouldn't mind either house but she knew that her father and brother wouldn't let it go if she went into the snake pit.
Barty looked pleased, "I'm torn between those two for myself as well. My father was a Slytherin and my mother a Ravenclaw; either of the two would suit me I think,"
Harriet agreed with his self assessment and with that the three settled in for the long journey.
Walking into the Great Hall Harriet couldn't help but let her sight open, never had she seen enchantments like this, even at Castle Black. The wards and spells all worked in harmony, seemingly sentient as they flowed and adjusted without input.
Seeing the awed look on his cousin's face, Regulus discreetly pinched her to gain her attention.
Rubbing the now sore spot on her arm Harriet fought not to pout, "Was that necessary cousin?" she asked.
"You looked like a mindless mudblood," Regulus replied coolly, humour dancing in his silver eyes.
"Rude," she snipped back; ignoring the gasp somebody had released hearing the casual use of the word mudblood.
Mudblood really was a foul word and Harriet didn't tend to use it as often muggleborns were innocent in their dismissal of pureblood custom and didn't understand that they were being rude. She would also be skinned alive if she ever dared to utter it at home or near her father or brother, though her mother would probably just look at her with disappointment. The term was usually used to as a derogatory way to describe muggleborns, who in theory, due to their lack of family magic and characteristics, weakened pureblood family magic's when combined- muddying the magic. This however isn't always true as there had been some powerful half-blood's born, still the term stuck as the minority wasn't enough to beak the pattern of muggleborns diluting power. It also didn't help that almost all muggleborns don't celebrate and give back to magic during the solstices, instead celebrating muggle religious holidays and weakening magic by denouncing the old ways. It was because of the muggle influence which the light magic users championed that magic was weakening and that the distinction between light and dark magic was happening.
Being told to line up Harriet stood behind Barty and in front of Regulus; their attempt at keeping others away from her was appreciated.
Out of the three Regulus was unsurprisingly called first seeing as his last name was Black, it was a few moments after the sorting hat was placed on his head that it called, "Slytherin!".
Next up was Barty, his sorting took longer but eventually the hat shouted, "Ravenclaw!"
By the time it was her turn Harriet had seen somebody enter each house and was ready for her turn, walking up to the stall she sat down and waited.
What a curious mind you have little Potter
Hearing the voice in her head Harriet stilled before relaxing, remembering what Bella had said about the hat and how it worked; For a moment pure panic had taken her, as like all magically raised children she knew voices that suddenly appear in your head were not good things.
Mmm not much like the usual Potters, no, not like them at all. The hat mused. What to do with you...
Harriet thought about her life and what she wanted, Ravenclaw please, she asked.
Ravenclaw Mmmm, but Slytherin would suit you so well
Harriet though about her family and asked again
Mmmm I see, then it better be "Ravenclaw!" the hat shouted, much to Harriet's relief.
Standing once the hat was taken off Harriet approached her new house table and sat down with a now smirking Barty. Looking up she saw James nod at her and couldn't regret her choice.