Disclaimer: I don't own the Ricky-verse. I just mess with it.

Night 11 came, and the story of that night was...

Well, the Head of the Hermes Cabin pulled out the name, "Percy Jackson", if that tells you anything.

Chiron decided to just summarize the story, after seeing the paper, since everyone (well, almost everyone) knew the story of Percy. And if they didn't, they soon would.

"Percy Jackson, two-time Hero of Olympus, one of the Seven, survivor of Tarturus, son of Poseidon. I daresay that most everyone here knows several tales about him, seeing as he did so much in so little time, six years to be exact." Chiron began.

"He is the son of Sally Jackson-Blofis, who could see through the Mist, and Poseidon, god of the sea. Poseidon, in siring Percy, broken the Pact of the Big Three, as Zeus did," thunder rumbled overhead as usual, though eveyrone ignored it.

"As a toddler, Percy was able to strangle a snake that crawled into his crib. Later, his mother married an incredibly obnoxious man-who happens to be a statue in a museum at the moment, thanks to Medusa's head-to protect Percy from monsters. At 12, Percy journeyed here to Camp, and fought and killed the Minotaur with his bare hands. Something that, I should add, isn't advised, although stabbing a monster with its own horn was quite an effective move." Chiron added, hoping no one would get ideas. Particularly Percy's half-siblings, who looked quite keen on trying it for themselves.

"He, Annabeth Chase, and satyr Grover Underwood journeyed to find and return Zeus' Master Bolt, as well as Hades' Helm of Darkness, that summer. The next year, he, Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson the Cyclops, who I"m sure you're all familliar with, journeyed alongside Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares, to find and bring back the Golden Fleece. Well, actually I should say Grover had already gotten there first, but was captured." Chiron corrected himself.

"I had to pose as a bride!" Grover called out. Some campers snickered at the thought.

"That quest, as you all very well know, was sucessful in healing Thalia's Pine, as well as ejecting Thalia herself from the tree, which was unintended but worked out anyhow. Later that winter, she became a Hunter of Artemis, in order to avoid turning sixteen and setting off the First Great Prophecy, after goign on the quest to save Artemis and Annabeth. But that, of course, is a different story and I am getting off track. Percy snuck onto the quest-as if he didn't have anything better to do-and held up the sky so Artemis could battle Atlas."

Calls of "Cool!" and "Woah!" came from some of the campers. Chiron smiled grimly.

"Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Tyson, and Rachel went into the Labyrinth, and upon return to Camp, found themselves fighting in the Battle of the Labyrinth. And then, the next summer, participated in the Battle of Manhattan, during which Percy fought Kronos, in the body of ond Luke Castellon, one-on-one, with both being protected by the Curse of Archilles. Percy was gifted a single wish from the gods, which he used to make Camp Half-Blood what it is today, a Camp with over 40 cabins and counting." Chiron finished hte first part, amidst cheers. He took a drink of water before continueing.

"But that is not all. He and Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, Roman form of Zeus, were swapped in October, as Gaea was rising and Hera had plans. 8 months later, Percy was woken up, found his way to Camp Jupiter, went on yet anohter quest, became Praetor, then went off with the Seven to the Ancient Lands. After freeing Nico di Angelo from his bronze jar and reuniting with Annabeth after she found the Athena Parthenos, he and Annabeth fell into Tarturus, thanks to Arachne and her revenge. They survived, and with the help of a Titan and a Giant-one, Iaptus, had his memory wiper by Percy some time back and the other, Damasen, was unable to oppose Ares. Both he and Iaptus died so that Percy and Annabeth could return to the world of the living." Chiron said, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"The Seven defeated the other Giants,and returned to Cmap Half-Blood in time to put Gaea into eternal slumber, with Leo using the Physician's Curse to revive himself after dying so that he could save Calypso." Swoons from the Aphrodite cabin were heard.

"What happened with Percy after the war?" someone asked.

"Percy? Oh, he got mixed up in Norse and Egyptian dealings, assisted Apollo a good bit, and went to collage in New Rome to study marine biology-although I can't say the teachers were able to teach much when their student knew more then they did." Chiron chuckled. "He now resides in New Rome with Annabeth as his wife, along with their children"

The campers cheered. They loved anything about Percy Jackson (particularly Cabins 3 and 14, Cabin 10 just liked Percabeth). Chiron let them do so for several minutes before dismissing everyone. He needed to go get some more water-he was glad he didn't have to say all of Percy's quests and titles and go into detail about his quests.

The sumary was more then enough for one night.