Disclaimer: *owns nothing canon but the plot, OCs, etc.*

*I shouldn't make a new story but I am*

It had been 20 years since the last Great Prophecy had beeen fufilled. The only people who had been there that still atteneded CHB were Chiron, Tyson, Ella, some of the satyrs and nymphs, and were now almost 50 cabins at camp, and shrines and temples were everywhere, thanks to the work of various demigods from both Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood. A new town had been built for the Greeks called New Athens, and now, as well as demigods, there were legacies attending CHB (which provided problems whenever a Greek demigod got in with a Roman demigod).

But overall, most of the sales of the time of the Great Prophecies and all were now just campfire legends.

Chiron had taken to having either himself or one of the Athena campers tell the story of a camp legend from either Roman or Greek (and on rare occasions when they needed a change of atmosphere, Norse or Egyptian mythology), and this night was no exception. But tonight, he wanted to steet the normal camp tales in a very different direction-that of more recent legends. And he had the perfect (hopefully) plan to do it.

So when it was time for the campfire stories to begin, Chiron walked to the center of the aamphiteatre, as he normally did.

"Good evening, everyone. I hope you are enjoying yourselves so far?" Cheers from the assembled demigods. "Wonderful! Now, we have spent several weeks and months on the stories of Heracles, Jason, Harriet Tubman, and the like, but today, we will start looking at more recent heroes. I havehere a small bag with the names of several heroes who emerged during the last, oh, 30-some years, some of who are still alive and that you may know of personally." He directed this mainly at Rachel, who was smiling as if she knew something everyone else didn't (which she did).

"Arlena," he called to the 15-year-old head counselor of the Zeus cabin, "Would you do the honors of choosing the name of the first hero we shall hear the tale of?"

Arlena nodded and went over the Chiron, taking a peice of paper out of the bag. She squinted at it. "Silena Beaureguard." she read.

"Ah yes, Silena." CHiron smiled sadly as Arlena went back to her seat. "Silena was a daughter of Aphrodite-the head counselor of her cabin, actually-who fought in the Second Titan War, on both sides. For a while she worked for Kronos, as a spy in our camp. However, the summer of the Battle of Manhatten, her boyfriend, Charles Beckendorf, son of Hephaestus-also a head counselor-sacrificed himself when he and Percy Jackson blew up a cruise ship full of Krnos' army."

Dad's favorite?" one of the Poseidon campers called out. There were some snickers from the part of the amphiteatre where the Poseidon cabin (as well as the other water-related cabins, such as the Achelous cabin) sat. They all knew that Percy Jackson, two-time hero of Olympus, was Poseidon's favored son and had more power then any of them probably ever would.

Chiron chuckled. "Yes, that same Percy Jackson. In fact,being a son of Poseidon was the only reason he survived that experience...Anyhow, Silena later switched sides and was the one to convince the Ares cabin to fight. Not that they needed convincing, it was rather their head counselor who didn't want to fight. But of vcourse I'm sure you all, expecially Cabin 5, know about Clarisse the Drakon Slayer."

There was some cheering from Cabin 5.

"We'll explore the story of Clarisse later. But as I was saying, Silena brought the Ares cabin into the battle, disguised as Clarisse. She was poisoned by the drakon, which Clarisse later killed out of rage, and the last I heard, she was enjoying life in Elysium with Charles Beckendorf." Chiron finished.

"How do you know about her being in Elysium?" a camper from the Nemesis cabin yelled out.

Chiro smiled mysteriously. "A certainson of Hades who often gives me updates about things like this. Now, it's nearing curfew, and tomorow's a busy day, so you are all dismissed. Good night, everyone!"

Campers started leaving, talking to each other about the night's tale. Chiron smiled to himself. This would be a nice change...

Reviews, please!