Disclaimer: I don't own Rick's stuff. That's weird.
The second ending...
"Are you sure this is gonna work? I mean, gods don't have DNA..." Percy squinted at the genetic testing kit in his hands.
Nico rolled his eyes skywards. "You got a better plan for finding out if I have any mortal relatives without contacting them or digging for hours through files that aren't in Greek or Latin or using technology?"
"He has a point..." Reyna pointed out.
Annabeth nodded. "True. Let's just hope no mortal viewing this thing can see through the Mist though, that'd get...interesting."
"Let's just do this before Nico chickens out." Percy opened up the kit.
"Solace, I swear to the gods-" Nico started. Will smirked and swabbed his cheeck while he was halfway talking. "HEY!" Nico yelped. Will closed up the envelope and pointedly ignored his boyfriend.
Annabeth took the envelope and ran it down to the mailbox.
"And now, we wait." Percy said when Annabeth came back.
It was two weeks later when the results came back.
Will, Percy, Jason, Annabeth, and Hazel were with Nico in the Poseidon cabin (Will had pointed out that if anything had happened, they needed to contact some Mist-manipulators and Chiron ASAP).
Annabeth's laptop, the one Deadulus had given her (they'd done a little convinng and bargainig to get it back from Tarturus) was in front of them.
"Let's do this." Nico sighed. Annabeth clicked a few times and the results popped up.
"Hmm, it says here that you're 48% Italian, 2% other nationalaties,and...Oh, it also says they want you to resend your test, you apparantly are missing half your DNA. They think it was tampered with."
Nico groaned. "Yeah...no." Will said. "Once was lucky, twice they'll call the police or something."
"What do you even call for this stuff?" Jason wondered.
"The government, who'll think you're an alien." Percy snickered. Annabeth smack him. "Not helping."
"Ok, so what do we do?" Jason asked. "Look, it still shows Nico may be related to a bunch of people..."
Nico looked terrified at the sheer number. "Uh, I'm just...going to...go now...Bye!" He yelled, disappearing into the sahdows and leaving his friends to deal with any potential family that decided to take a trip to 3.14 Farm Road.