CHAPTER 1 - Are You Ready? (Ready As I'll Ever Be)

They met right outside the cave entrance of Mt. Moon, excitement in their systems because this was it- the day they finally took another step forward from training.

Rane had a little bounce in her step despite the fact that it was just dawn, and even Basil had a wide grin on his face. On their heels, Perses and Isis walked quietly beside their trainers, ears twitching and scarlet eyes wide with alert.

"Here we go," Basil declared, eyes the color of the shadowed leaves staring straight into the entrance.

Rane nodded, her curls bouncing. She grabbed the boy's hand, giving him a reassuring squeeze. "Here we go." She echoed, dark chocolate eyes bright with eagerness.

There was no hesitation when they entered.

They knew the route so well that they could've walked in blind. After all, the very place they were heading towards was where their world had opened up to something much, much larger.

It was during the final turn when it happened.

The moving ball- a Rollout attack, they both noted- was heading straight towards them. It was too fast to command an attack so by pure muscle memory the duo dove to different sides, their Nidorans mirroring the movements of their trainers.

When they both realized who their assailant was, near identical grins appeared on trainers and Pokemon it was almost uncanny.

The familiar Sandslash unfolded itself from its ball-like shape and turned to face them, a twinkle in its onyx eyes. It poised itself to strike, as though daring the trainers to attack.

A quick look was shared between the thirteen year olds, fire igniting in their eyes and a nod was passed.

"Isis, Disable."

"Perses, Double Kick."

The commands were called out so quickly, but even despite that the Sandslash had opened its mouth and shot a series of spinning stars.

"Poison Sting, Perses," Basil ordered swiftly, watching as his Nidoran promptly countered the Swift attack. Isis caught the Sandslash in an aura of blue light, signaling the success of the Disable attack.

"Double Kick,"

The attack landed, propelling the Sandslash back just barely. The blue light surrounding it wavered for a moment as the Sandslash stood still in utter concentration before its eyes snapped open, immediately ceasing Disable's effects. Isis was thrown off her feet, shaking her head as she righted herself up. Perses was at her front instantly, a protective and wary stance before the Ground-type.

Rane gasped, never seeing this particular technique before.

Basil's eyes narrowed, the gears in his brain running. "Perses-"

He was interrupted by the tapping of Sandslash's foot against the ground, the usual signal that the impromptu battle has come to an end. It gave them a smile of its own, its eyes forming into crescents as it moved to check on Isis.

Perses and Basil moved aside to let the Pokemon through, watching carefully as the Sandslash poked Isis between the eyes gently after deeming her okay. It nodded at the two trainers and the Nidorans, giving them another crescent eyed smile before making itself scarce with a quick Rollout, going towards their destination.

Rane had knelt onto the ground, running a gloved hand over Isis, careful to avoid the poison spikes on its body. She murmured quietly to her female Nidoran, earning a growl of assurance that yes, it was okay.

"Never seen him pull that move out before," Basil said aloud, earning a nod from his female companion. Rane sighed as she stood up, brushing dirt off her jeans. "Master may have taught us her tricks, but she still has a lot more up her sleeve."

"Let's keep moving then. We're almost there."

It was brighter outside than before when they had just entered.

They let their eyes adjust to the difference in lighting and the moment they could see clearly, they began looking around for whatever that had been left behind by their respective Masters.

They didn't take long, easily finding their gifts at the base of the birch tree where they would lounge after a particularly hard day of training.

This secluded spot held a lot of memories for the duo, the very point they had crossed milestones upon milestones in their journeys as apprentices were right here hidden away from prying eyes.

Basil and Rane met here. They underwent one of the toughest training in this spot. They received their starters here. This place was their spot, their sanctuary and escape- and now it was also the starting point of their newest journey.

Two letters, one for each of them written in the familiar handwriting of their respective Master was on the grass, each weighted down by the dark Moon Stone.

Perses and Isis were in a trance of some sort, staring at what was obviously their evolutionary stone.

"You can look at it, but don't touch it, alright?" Rane gently reminded, earning unconscious nods from both Nidorans. She turned her attention back to Basil, who had picked up his letter and was staring intently on it, as though he could already read its contents.

Rane picked hers up, letting her fingers run across the smooth surface of the paper.

With one final glance of reassurance at each other and a million thoughts running through their minds, they opened their letters.

'Hey Basil,

Welcome to the adventure that's gonna be one hell of a story to tell at the dinner table in a few years.

To start this off, I know that Azalea and I both agree on this: we're proud of you- you've grown up from the angry little kid back at Vermilion City to this amazing person, and you chose this life for yourself. No matter what everyone else says, just know that you have what it takes to pull through.

In a deck of fifty-two playing cards, the King is usually the highest-ranking face card.

Out of so many cards there are only four Kings, one per suite- the chances of you picking a King card from a shuffled deck is 0.018. Now read the previous paragraph again- usually, not always. The other forty-nine cards have their own uses as well, it all depends on how well you play the cards you have on hand.

So there's my conclusion: any card can be a King, as long as the person playing the hand knows how to make use of it.

Your final team has already been chosen in a sense so what you'll be doing is relatively simple: have your pick at the pool and make yourself a king. Six kings for your final team sounds nifty doesn't it, and you're already starting strong.

I know that you might feel like you're on a time limit- but that doesn't mean you can't take time to stop and take in everything around you. You don't have to live life like you're in the fast lane. Take time to slow down and you'll notice things you've never noticed before.

Vermilion City is known as 'the port of exquisite sunsets', though you definitely know that, don't you? Do us a favour, will you? The day before you begin this epic journey, hang around Vermilion Harbor and do some horizon watching.

It's a big, big world out there, Basil.

There are nooks and crannies that we haven't even discovered about in every turn and corner. There are people and Pokemon out there that will change your life. There are choices to be made, decisions to the done to bring you another step closer to achieving your dreams. To sum it all up, there's so much to experience outside of your comfort zone that it borderlines on terrifying and thrilling, but isn't that the best part?

We may not be there constantly throughout this journey of yours and Rane's, but we WILL be there for you no matter what.

Remember, help is always there when you ask for it. Also, remember that sometimes you don't have to do all this alone- it can get terribly lonely out there, kid, and as much as we tell you to enjoy your own company, there's usually a positive outcome when you're with the right people and Pokemon.

Immerse yourself into the city, the people in it and everything else- make trustworthy contacts and build the bridge once you deem it fit. Don't hang around anything or anyone that makes you feel like it's not worth it, and stay close to who keeps you feeling alive.

Always remember that a king still needs supporters to be king.

Moving on, here's a little last minute advice I'll be giving you: you'll learn to pick up a ton of skills throughout your journey, so ask and learn, a lot of people are willing to teach. And whatever that can't be taught you can learn it yourself: observe, always keep an eye out for anything and everything. Remember that the tiniest details can turn the tide in your favour.

Stay sharp, kid.

Just like what Azalea will have said in Rane's letter, it's time to send you off.

Location #1: the sea is vast and deep and doesn't seem like it has an end to it- maybe then you'll see how small you truly are in a world so big- but you can always make a difference no matter how small of a light you are in the darkest of nights.

Your very own legend is about to unfold! A world with dreams and adventures and so much more- go have fun, Basil, you've got this, I believe in you.

Yours truly,


'Hey Rane,

This is it. Your first leap to taking your destiny by its reins and driving it towards where you want to go.

First of all, Wood and I really hope you know how proud we are of you. We pretty much watched you grow up from that terrified little girl back in Viridian City to a brilliant person, and you worked hard to reach where you are now. Regardless of whatever people throw at you, always remember that you've got this.

Did you know that the Queen is the strongest piece in a game of chess?

She can move any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Also in a game of chess, when a pawn from your side is moved all the way to the other end, you get to promote your pawn and guess what? By far the most common type of piece a pawn is promoted into is a queen because of the relative power she holds.

Sure you can promote your pawn into any other position, but we want the best for our team, no?

And that's what you'll be doing.

While there are eight pawns on your side of the chessboard, we're changing the rules up a little to fit to your adventure. Six pawns into six queens, and you'll be the very queen leading them right to it.

You've made it this far, and you'll only be going further, this time with a team by your side.

Viridian City is known to be the 'City of Evergreen', it's also the gateway to the Pokemon League. It's the nearest town to Pallet Town, the town of pure white beginnings. Viridian City holds a promising start for many people, the mere aura it holds is one of persistence, just like the forest around it. So give the place a go, see it with eyes that will see it differently the next time you come around.

This world is huge, Rane, larger than I could ever hope to tell you.

You'll find chinks and niches that no one else has even found out about yet with every move you make. You'll meet people and Pokemon that will take your life on one hell of a ride. You'll make choices and decisions that will either bring you forward, backward or even make you wonder off the path you wanted to take- and that's okay, it really is. Long story short, you'll encounter so many things that can happen under this sky that will either be so out of your mind or the most sensible thing on earth- either way, that exhilaration you'll feel, isn't that the best part?

We may not be able to accompany you on this journey of yours and Basil's, but this doesn't mean we aren't there for you. We always will be, no matter what. Help is always here when you ask for it, remember this. And also remember that you're not alone in this- there are days where you may feel like you're all alone and no one understands you, but we promise you Rane, that you can find a silver lining in a lot of things, you just need to look.

So go and dive into this adventure and everything it holds in it, follow what you feel is right for your soul, and stay close to what and who keeps you feeling alive.

A queen can rule with or without anyone, but that doesn't mean she has to do it alone.

Everyone wants to be the strongest piece in the game, it's our nature, it's in our blood. But that doesn't mean you can't take the strongest down. Every single piece in the game is important, no matter how small of a significance they may appear to be. I've taught you to never underestimate anyone because anyone can be a game changer.

Of all people to tell you this, I think I have a right to do so: learn to trust others. You're still young, there's so much you haven't experienced and there will be a lot that you won't get to if you don't put your trust in other people. I know it's tough, but trust me, it might be the best thing you'll choose to do yet.

And now, like what Wood will say in Basil's letter, it's time for you to go.

Location #1: a sanctuary for those hunted to near extinction; a home that we can only substitute with our best abilities.

Your very own legend is about to unfold! A world with dreams and adventures and so much more- go have fun, Rane, I know that you can do this.

Yours sincerely,


Their backpacks were filled with the normal traveling and Pokemon Trainer essentials in allocated pouches: first aid kit and the medicines of varying potions. A TM case. A Berry case.

And of course, five empty specially customized PokeBalls gifted to them by their Masters. There were extra PokeBalls for just-in-cases but both of them agreed that those five were the important ones that would be holding their teams.

There was also a special gift from their Masters- the extremely rare PokeDex, though modified again once more by a teammate of Wood and Azalea. As the rarity of the PokeDex was evident, the physical aspect of it took a turn to look more like a game console than anything.

Long story short, in Wood's words: it was basically a laptop shrunken for easier portability.

As both the apprentices set down their own letters, their gazes met in an instant, both shining with excitement. Their smiles were a reflection of each other, wide and beaming.

"Where does yours lead to?" Basil managed to ask before Rane could get the words out of her mouth.

"To quote Master's words, 'sanctuary for those hunted to near extinction; a home that we can only substitute with our best abilities'."

Basil nodded slowly, seeming to zone out for a moment as he thought about the words. Unsurprisingly, it only took him a few seconds to figure out the location. His dark green eyes met Rane's, questioning.

"Fuchsia's Safari Zone," Rane announced, earning a smug nod from the boy who had guessed correctly. "What does yours say?"

"'The sea is vast and deep and doesn't seem like it has an end to it- maybe then you'll see how small you truly are in a world so big- but you can always make a difference no matter how small of a light you are in the darkest of nights'." Basil readout, rolling his eyes. "Very vague, but I do have a clue."

Rane raised an eyebrow, urging him to elaborate.

Basil chuckled at her impatience, but even he was feeling the adrenaline to kick start this adventure.

"Judging from what Master wrote, I'd say Vermilion's lighthouse."

Rane nodded slowly, "Back to our own cities, huh." She mused, a bittersweet smile gracing her features. "For one final farewell?"

Basil shook his head.

"It's not going to be farewell- it's a see you later; we'll have to go back eventually, we both know that."

The girl sighed, running her thumb over the contents of the letter.

"I know. And we're gonna go back stronger too."

Basil nodded, bending down to pat Perses' on the head as Rane did the same.

"Damn right we are."

They planned their journey together for the rest of the day, doing a final check on anything and everything in the same clearing they received their letters well into the night.

"Let's camp out here," Basil suggested, leaning on his palms as he glanced up at the pink and purple hues of the sky.

"I was going to suggest the same thing." Rane giggled, laying down onto the grass, their Nidorans at their feet resting after their brief training session. "It's a memorable way to start this journey."

"It's settled then. I'll go get firewood," Basil said as he stood up, stretching his body and brushing the dirt off his jeans before moving into the tree line.

Rane called out for Basil before he fully disappeared though, asking if he wanted help since there wasn't much for her to do. He waved her off, telling her to just stay still and that he could handle it fine.

Most of the time there was something to do, something to busy herself with- but in this case, where everything was clear and settled all Rane could do was pick up a fallen leaf from the birch tree before an idea struck her.

By the time Basil returned, Rane had already found a suitable leaf and had done everything necessary to press it into her personal sketchbook. With a quick search through her Dex she scribbled the words 'new beginnings, regeneration, hope, new dawns, & the promise of what is to come' beside where the leaf would be. Upon looking at the newest entry, she added on a quick 'Day 0- Mt Moon, our usual spot. Off to face new adventures!'

When she heard her partner approach, she shyly showed him her work. He grinned as he took in her words, noting how symbolic it really was to start where they were given their Nidorans right under this tree.

It was almost as if Perses read his thoughts. The tiny fuchsia coloured Pokemon nudged the boy's calf affectionately, careful to avoid contact between its horn and his trainer's skin.

Basil smiled at the gesture, dropping the kindling and stones on the ground before bending to pat the Nidoran.

Once they had their standard Trainer meal and had cleaned up, they unanimously decided to end the day.

As they settled into their sleeping bags with their respective Nidorans curled up near them, Basil's voice cut through Rane's thought. "Wanna do one last run through of the plan?"

Rane giggled, nodding along to Basil's unmasked excitement. "We head to Pewter tomorrow morning," She repeated her words from the afternoon like a mantra.

"We cross over Viridian Forest into the city," Basil continued.

"I do my thing, and then we backtrack through Viridian Forest back to Pewter."

"We take Diglett's Tunnel all the way to Vermilion City and I'll do what I have to do."

"If everything goes according to plan, we'll head straight to Fuchsia City's Safari Zone." Rane ended on a high note, almost bursting with giddiness.

"That's it for now I suppose- we've gone through the plan so well I don't think we've missed anything out."

As their own thoughts ran in their minds they fell into a long stretch of silence that hung between them, though it was anything but uncomfortable for the duo after years of being close friends. Basil broke the silence first, though Rane had seemed to be expecting it, her hazel eyes almost luminescent from the moonlight.

"This is really happening, right? This isn't just some dream. Are we ready for this?"

She grinned so wide Basil thought the sun had come up.

"It's happening and you know we're ready- we're going on the adventure of our lives, and it's going to be even better than anything we can ever dream of."