Hello all! Here's the start of Book three. It's going to be a roller coaster. Set from Danny's POV. Enjoy! And don't forget to review 😉

Chapter 1- V-Day

"I hate you! And I wish you weren't my mom!... wish you weren't my mom!... my mom!" Bang! His mom dropped before his eyes, blood gushing from her chest. "Wish you weren't my mom… weren't my mom… I hate you! Wish you weren't my mom…".

Danny bolted awake, sweat dripping from his forehead. Same nightmare. Every night. For the last three years. His heart raced as he stared at the white walls in his tiny bedroom. It was so small, his bed touched three of the walls and his night table/dresser touched the bed and the fourth wall. At least he had shelter. He heard long ago that Spencer slept some nights tied to a tree outdoors and other times in a hard cage.

Tears stung at his eyes, but he trained himself not to let them fall, not in front of the camera hanging from his ceiling. He even learned not to look directly at it. He wouldn't give them the satisfaction.

He hung his legs over his bed and reached for the vial of pills next to a bottle of water. He twisted the cap off and poured a little white pill, with the shape of a V in the centre of it, into his hand. All citizens of V-Town were required to take their V-Vitamins immediately when they woke up or they would be whipped. And looking down at the now faded scars on his forearms he learned his lesson. He placed it in his mouth and pushed it against his cheek with his tongue. He chugged the water, pressing the pill against his cheek as he swallowed.

He hopped off his bed, grabbed his black uniform from the drawer, and pushed the door open to the bathroom and exhaled deeply through his nose as he shut the door. The bathroom was only big enough to fit the toilet, the sink, and room to stand. But as he spit the pill into the toilet, he sat down on it and let the tears fall from his eyes. That dingy old bathroom was his favourite place in V-Town as it was one of the only few places that didn't have a camera and he was allowed up to thirty minutes in there until one of the V-Guards would storm in and confront him as to why he was in there so long. It also helped having the tiny window where the sun would beam in and give him fresh air.

He pushed away the tears with the back of his hand and dressed in his uniform. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. The blazing V flame sat on the top left of his collared shirt. He'd changed so much in three years. His blonde hair was more of a sandy brown and he was certain he'd be almost as tall as Drew and Grandpa now. If only they were here… Like Valentin said three years ago, all parents and 90% of the adults were either flushed out or locked up.

Danny stepped out to the courtyard, his fellow high school students walking by like the robots Valentin made them to be. He didn't exactly know who was awake or not. He only knew Jake and Georgie were. Jake had been in the Youth Division for a year before he moved on to the Adult Division. One of the rules of V-Town were that you would come of age at 16 and on V-Day you'd be assigned a job. And Danny had been looking forward to this day for so long. He would be reunited with Jake. And no longer would he have to sit in a classroom learning the history of how Valentin came into power and rescued all the lonely orphans from a destructive world or how all other theologies before his were wrong. Now he would have a job and he hoped more than anything he'd be assigned for the army or the police station, that way he would have access to a weapon. Valentin was building up an army so he could one day conquer other cities and eventually countries one day, though in V-School it was taught that he'd be spreading peace to the world. But if Danny got his hands on a weapon… he'd find other purposes for it.

The town was made up of four divisions. The Children's Division, the Youth Division, the Adult Division, and the High Division (where only people in high authority were allowed access to). But Danny also knew that Valentin lived on Spoon Island and the Marchesis on Kailano Island. Daily, the wall near the water would open and a cargo ship would leave V-Town and export goods back and forth, but other than that, no one would come or go from the town. And Danny hadn't left the Youth Division since last V-day.

And that was the last time he saw Willow and Scout. The teachers lived in the same building as the children and were required to care for them. But he never had the chance to speak to them.

Danny smiled when he saw Georgie, with her short curly brown hair and glasses wearing the same uniform, standing with her eyes closed next to a garden of tulips. It was the only spot in the courtyard with no cameras.

He hastened over to her as he knew if they were there for more than ten minutes a V-Guard would be on them.

"Hey," Danny said.

Georgie slowly opened her eyes and looked at him dreamily. "Oh, hello, Danny." She closed her eyes again and a smile spread across her face.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Sometimes, if I close my eyes… I see things how they were before. I see the pier… Kelly's… my computer… my dad… mom… brothers… my grandparents. With my eyes closed it's as though nothing changed at all."

Danny frowned. He saw his family when he closed his eyes as well, but it only brought him pain. "Are you ready for the choosing?"

She opened her eyes again and nodded. "I'm hoping to get into security so I can work on a computer once more. It's been so long."


The teens marched in four straight lines down the road led by Peter August who waved a V-Town flag. When they arrived at the V-Town Amphitheatre, the adults and children were already seated.

The audience, mostly made of people 25 and younger, with the exception of a few such as Leisl Obrecht, Brad Cooper, and Sasha Gilmore, sang in unison.

Rise, oh rise, Oh Mighty V

We Will Bow and Worship Thee

Filthy Cassadines and Spencers Cease

While the True Cassadines will bring Peace

Peter joined Maxie, James and Malcolm, Valentin, a pregnant Nina, Charlotte, the Marchesi twins with their wives and children, Dr. Cabot, and Michael, Nelle, and now five-year-old Wiley in seats of honour in the centre. Off to the side, Spencer, hair unkempt and his face dirty, clutched tightly to the bars of the cage he was trapped in. Danny spotted Cam, Jake, Emma, and Trina in the front row. The teens were seated behind them, but once Danny started to sit, a V-Guard seized him by the ear and dragged him down to the centre and thrusted him violently into a pool of mud next to Willow, Scout, Rocco, Aiden, Josslyn, and three-year-old Donna while Chase stood on guard. Mud splattered over Danny's face and uniform.

Scout looked so grown up since Danny last saw her. She was now seven years old and her golden hair was in braids. "Dan—"

"Shh…" Willow pressed her index finger to her lips.

Danny sat up and looked at Willow and Scout, then turned his attention to those in the seats of honour. He controlled himself from clenching his jaw and groaning as he looked at the Marchesis, the whole lot of them. Francesco with his wife and two sons, the oldest about Danny's age. Alessandro with his wife, and three children, the oldest boy and girl about his age as well, and the younger one… but he turned back to the girl. The smirk on her face and her brown eyes looking him up and down. Her long brown hair tied back, but she kept looking at Danny.

Valentin rose from his centre seat and held a microphone to his mouth as everyone cheered wildly. "Welcome all to V-Day. The most special holiday of the year."

Most special holiday? Danny thought. The only holiday celebrated now. Christmas, Hannukah, Easter, Thanksgiving, New Years, Fourth of July were all outlawed.

"Yes," Valentin continued. "The day that marks the three-year anniversary of the start of V-Town. The anniversary of the day your parents abandoned you and I took you in as my own." He turned to Danny and the others next to him, then at Spencer. "As you've learned in your classes, there are two families that have tried to prevent the peace and joy you have now. The Spencers and the dirty Cassadines. They have tried in the past to stop the true Cassadine line from providing the freedom you now have. But they are still children of V-Town and as true citizens we will provide them with peace, but the lines must end there to prevent future division in this town."

Danny balled his hand into a fist.

"Now, unfortunately," Valentin said. "As I mentioned two years ago, Dr. Cabot informed me that he can no longer do Renewing of the mind classes for anyone under 25 years of age." He clenched his jaw. "Due to the side effects it was giving, he believes it is detrimental to the developing mind and will only have good effects on the fully developed brain. But we still have other classes and workshops to help keep your mind focused. Today is an exciting day as the adults will receive new jobs and the 16-year-olds will join the work force. And for the first time ever, in a few weeks' time, those 18 years and up will be paired with the opposite sex and will conceive a child that will be dedicated to V-Town."

Danny looked over and noticed Cam's face pale, and next to him Willow's eyes grew wide.

"This does not include however the dirty Cassadines or the Spencers. As I mentioned before, their lines end now. I would like to announce though, the betrothal of my daughter Charlotte to Matteo Marchesi when Charlotte turns 16."

Charlotte's cheeks turned pink.

"So, to start, would Emma Drake step forward please," Valentin said.

Emma stepped down and walked over to Valentin.

Nina walked over carrying a sac and gently squeezed Valentin's arm.

Valentin reached inside and pulled out a piece of paper. "V-Town Army. Congratulations."

Emma kept a straight face, but when she turned from Valentin, tears fell from her eyes and she looked horror struck. Then she took her seat.

He called up several more names, then called up Trina. He drew a piece of paper and said, "The Almighty V's personal assistant. Congratulations."

"Georgie Spinelli." Georgie stepped forward and Valentin called out, "Camera Surveillance."

Georgie turned to Danny and smiled before returning to her seat.

"Cameron Quartermaine."

Danny always found it strange that Valentin always used the big family names even if it wasn't their legal last name.

Cam stepped forward and Valentin reached into the sac.

While Valentin's back was turned, Willow gently nudged Danny and slipped a folded piece of paper into his hand. "Hide it…" she whispered. "Read it when you're alone with no camera… please."

Valentin said, "Lamplighter."

Cameron's shoulders sunk and he returned to his seat.

With all the drones, the cameras, Danny didn't understand why they returned to old fashioned streetlights. He tucked the folded piece of paper into his pocket, avoiding looking at Willow so it wouldn't bring attention.

"Jacob Quartermaine."

Jake walked up to Valentin and he said, "Police force."

Jake returned to his seat and Valentin called out dozens of more names before turning to the Dirty Cassadines and the Spencers. "Josslyn Spencer."

Josslyn stepped forward, covered in mud, and Valentin read, "School teacher. Kindergarten."

Josslyn returned to the pool of mud and Valentin called, "Willow Cassadine."

Willow stepped forward and Valentin said. "School teacher. Grade 2. Looks like you're staying put."

Willow returned next to Danny as Valentin said, "Daniel Cassadine."

Danny slowly walked forward kept thinking, Army or Police. Army or Police.

Valentin reached inside the sac, but Alessandro's daughter stepped forward in a skirt and short heels.

"Let me draw this one," she said.

Valentin raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

She smiled. "Oh, Mighty V, I am the daughter of one of your messengers, and you assigned me to control the ships. Certainly, you want to show your loyal children and followers how united you are to the Marchesi family."

He stared at her for a few seconds then said, "Very well." He turned to the crowd. "Loyal followers… Angelica Marchesi." He stepped aside.

Angelica reached inside the sac and grinned at Danny, eyeing him up and down. Then she pulled out a piece of paper and read, "Cargo Ship." Her eyebrows bounced up and down, then she lifted his hand and gently placed the paper in his palm. She massaged his hand for a few seconds and his stomach started fluttering. Then she returned to her seat, holding her head high in the air.

Danny sat down beside Willow again and as Valentin continued to talk about why Spencer wouldn't have a job due to being Stavros' grandson and being from the dirtiest of dirty Cassadine line. Danny looked at his job assignment paper and read it. Youth Kitchen.